1)Tarporley & District U3A

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at Tarporley Community Centre on 26th May 2016 at 10 a.m.

Present: 104 voting Members

Apologies: Catherine and John Leahy, Martyn and Meri Abram, Lesley Stone, Pat Lavender

1. Welcome and Declaration of Voting Members Present

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting of Tarporley & District U3A and confirmed that sufficient voting Members were present representing a quorum under the terms of the Constitution.

2. Apologies for Absence

The Secretary recorded that 6 apologies had been received.

3. Minutes of AGM May 2015

The Minutes of the 2015 AGM were agreed as a true record of the meeting. Proposed : Bob Howard Seconded : David Carter

4. Chairman’s Report

Bill Harrison, Chairman, gave the following report: We have had an excellent year since our last AGM, with a number of memorable moments shared with a lot of our membership. Our interest groups have grown in number and developed, also the monthly trips have been well supported and continue to thrive, culminating in a super trip to Italy. I would like to convey our thanks to all the unsung Convenors without whom there would be no Interest Groups, also to the outgoing Committee, all of whom are returning as part of the new committee. Unfortunately Beverley Taylor, our Interest Groups Co-ordinator has an injury and is unable to attend today and give a report.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Edward Baskerville, Treasurer, presented a copy of the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2016 and gave the following overview:-

Alan Mulligan, our financial advisor, reviewed the figures and has signed a copy of the Accounts as a true statement of the affairs of Tarporley and District U3A. The Accounts consist of three funds :- 1). General Fund, which receives all subscriptions, and pays out all expenses such as Direct Mail Service, hire of the hall etc. It generated a surplus of £1512. 2). The Social Fund:- This fund consists of the money paid in for trips and payments out in connection with trips that have taken place before the year end. It generated a surplus of £2074. 3).The Interest Groups Fund. This receives money in and out in connection with the Interest Groups such as receipts from members and payments out for hire of the Community Centre. This fluctuates with small surpluses and deficits continually. The total of the three funds is £9,763 represented on the balance sheet at 31 March 2016 by £12,500 approximately in the bank account reduced by a significant amount of pre-payments for subscriptions paid in advance to 31st August and for trips in April and later.

6. Proposal for Examiner of Accounts for 2015/2016 A request that Mr Mulligan be asked to examine next year’s accounts was proposed by Elizabeth Baskerville, seconded by John Smith and carried.

7. Election of Executive Committee

12 nominees (Appendix A) had been properly proposed and seconded. There being no contested nominations, the membership voted in favour of the 12 nominees forming the Executive Committee. Specific roles would be decided at the first Committee Meeting.

8. Any Other Business

Committee Member Leila Potter proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman which was unanimously endorsed.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded at 10.30 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Elizabeth Carter (Secretary)

Agreed on behalf of the Membership by the Executive Committee Chairman

Signed ……………………………….. Date ……………………………………… APPENDIX A


Name of Nominee Officer Role Proposed By Seconded By

William Harrison Chairman Anne Carter Ann Platt

Linda Harrison Non Officer Ann Platt Anne Carter

George Edward Officer -Treasurer James Truett Audrey Wraith Baskerville

Anita Langford Non Officer Steve Langford Ann Platt

Leila Potter Non Officer V Pennington S Ballantyne

Beverley Taylor Non Officer Theresa Smith Sue Pugh

Jean Parker Non Officer Barbara Barber Janet Linsell

Peter Rimmer Non Officer Ann Tindall Jill Hardy

David Carter Officer – Vice Chair John D Smith Valerie Barnes

Liz Carter Officer – Secretary John D Smith Valerie Barnes

Brian Blake Non Officer Molly Young Barbara Barker

Gwyn Jones Non Officer Elizabeth Baskerville Joy Nelson