Grad Council Minutes

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Grad Council Minutes


Attendees: Carol De Filippo, Tom Trabold, Andreas Savakis, Jim Perkins, Stephanie Ludi, Deanna Jacobs, Linda Underhill, John McCluskey, Joe Hornak, Don Wilson, Christine Shank, Hector Flores, KshitijLuthria (graduate senator)

Two topics on the agenda: 1. S/U Grades and Internships

Proposed Policy Change to D05.0 II B(above) was discussed and 2 amendments were made to the proposal during GC discussions – substituting alpha system for “A”, “B” and so on, and changing the percent of a program degree credits from 10 to 15%:

During discussion GC examined a listing of Internship use across colleges and observations gleaned by college representatives. Currently none offer S/U grading. KGCOE – has 1 required internship, A, F, I with variable credit up to 4 credit hours but would use S/U. Accommodating this possibility was motivation for changing from 10 to 15% credit limit.

Alpha system was suggested as a language change to simplify the reading of the policy so it is consistent with +/- grading scheme.

GC Noted – this policy makes no requirement to have internship graded as S/U.

Friendly amendments are reflected in bold below (compare with policy presented above): Satisfactory(graduate) – A satisfactory grade at the graduate level may only apply to seminar, cooperative work experience, and internship courses where programs have determined that a traditional alpha systemletter grade is inappropriate…..No more than 15% of a program’s degree credits may be “S” graded courses. The college’s Curriculum Committee must approve the use of an “S” grade in a course.

As amended the GC Approvedthe change 13-0. 2. Advanced Certificates – credits in advanced certificates for other degrees. Question raised by Linda Tolan, CAST: Since Advanced Cert. can be used towards a Master’s or Ph. D., Could one get a certificate with a subset of courses as part of an existing Masters?

GC suggested that this might be a problem of ordering? That since the certificate is subsumed by the Master’s degree it has little meaning and is a distinction without a difference.

Background: Advanced Cert. – 4/5 courses in specific area. Master’s degree – can you extract the 4 courses from it for Advanced Cert.?

The question was raised whether: “Is this analogous to MS on way to Phd?”

Current policy was consulted:

R.I.T. Policy D12:


A. Satisfactorily meet program requirements of the college. All grades must be recorded and any outstanding Incomplete (“I”) grades must be resolved. B. A program cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (a "B" average).

The committee will take this question under consideration, but the current policy appears to leave the decision on how to handle Certificates achieved in the context of the M.A. up to the program.

Process Note: Joe mentioned compiling GC changes for unitary submission to senate as a package of “changes approved by the Graduate Council” rather than piecemeal submissions.

Meeting Adjourned. The following Handout was attached to an email to GC members prior to the meeting:

Regarding the first topic, here is the list of graduate programs which have internships.

Acad Catalo Course Group Subject g ID Course Title Credits CAST HRDE 780 103751 Internship 3.00 CAST SERQ 780 200092 Internship 3.00 CHST HLTH 780 100231 Internship 3.00 CIAS CCER 698 200389 Ceramics Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CIAS CGLS 698 200704 Glass Graduate Internship 1.00 - 6.00 Metals and Jewelry Design Graduate CIAS CMTJ 698 200762 Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CIAS CWFD 698 200763 Furniture Design Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CIAS FNAS 698 110591 Fine Arts Studio Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CIAS IDDE 698 100081 Industrial Design Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CIAS PHGR 698 112702 Photography Internship 1.00 - 3.00

CIAS SOFA 698 111249 Film And Video Graduate Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CIAS VCDE 698 102016 Visual Communication Design Internship 1.00 - 6.00 CLA SPSY 750 113405 Internship 3.00 GIS ISUS 877 200942 Research Internship 0.00 KGCOE MCEE 777 102215 Master of Engineering Internship 1.00 - 4.00 KGCOE MCSE 877 200764 Internship 0.00 KGCOE MECE 777 102191 Graduate Internship 3.00

Of these programs, there are only two which require internships. These are in bold in the above table. There is one (MECE-777) which is preferred for PT students, but not required. The course sequences are as follows.

Microelectronics manufacturing engineering, ME degree, typical course sequence First Year MCEE-601 Microelectronic Fabrication 3 MCEE-605 Lithography Materials and Processes 3 MCEE-603 Thin Films 3 Graduate Electives 6 MCEE-795 Microelectronics Research Methods 1 MCEE-732 Evaluation of Microelectronic Manufacturing 3 MCEE-602 VLS Process Modeling 3 MCEE-615 Nanolithography Systems 3 MCEE-795 Microelectronics Research Methods 1 MCEE-777 Microelectronic Engineering Internship 4 Total Semester Credit Hours 30 School psychology, MS degree, typical course sequence First Year SPSY-640 Statistics 3 SPSY-630 Academic Assessment 3 SPSY-620 Interpersonal Intervention Skills 3 SPSY-610 Advanced Developmental Psychology 3 SPSY-600 Field Experience I: Professional School Psychology Foundations 3 SPSY-632 Social-Emotional Assessment 3 SPSY-721 Academic Intervention 3 SPSY-631 Cognitive Assessment 3 SPSY-650 Applied Behavior Analysis 3 SPSY-601 Field Experience II: Professional School Psychology Foundations 3 Second Year SPSY-730 Comprehensive Assessment Integration 3 SPSY-722 Advanced Counseling 3 SPSY-720 Advanced Consultation 3 SPSY-710 Developmental Psychopathology 3 SPSY-701 Advanced Practicum I: Issues in Diversity 3 SPSY-641 Research Methods 3 SPSY-723 Systems and Organizational Interventions 3 SPSY-611 Biopsychology 3 SPSY-603 Ethical and Legal Issues 3 SPSY-702 Advanced Practicum II: Issues in Diversity 3 Third Year SPSY-750 Internship 6 Total Semester Credit Hours 66

Mechanical engineering, ME degree, typical course sequence MECE-601 Math I For Engineers 3 MECE-602 Math II For Engineers 3 Focus Area Courses 9 Electives 12 Choose one of the following: 3 MECE-730 Design Project Leadership* MECE-777 Internship† MECE-792 Project‡ MECE-701 Research Methods§ MECE-795 Graduate Seminar Total Semester Credit Hours 30 * Design Project Leadership (MECE-730) is intended for students enrolled in the accelerated BS/MEng program. † Internship (MECE-777) is intended for part-time students. ‡ Project (MECE-792) is intended for students enrolled full time in the ME program. § Research Methods (MECE-701) is intended for students planning to transition to the MS degree.

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