Queries in COLLECT When Uploading Your CFR Return
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Queries in COLLECT when uploading your CFR Return
Notes added in FMS6 to explain queries do not transfer to the corresponding fields within COLLECT. Therefore you must re-enter these explanation notes in COLLECT in order to submit a complete CFR Report.
When the CFR Report is uploaded to COLLECT any queries and/or errors will be identified in the ‘Errors’ table in either the ‘Q’ or the ‘E’ column accordingly. The number displayed indicates the number of queries or errors to be validated.
Clicking on the ‘All Errors’ button will divert you to a screen where the query/error description is displayed. Each field has a ‘pencil’ icon displayed. Click on this and then click on ‘add notes’ to enter an explanation for the query raised.
Remember, until all queries and errors are validated or corrected your return is considered incomplete and cannot be accepted by the LA or the DFE. All returns are checked individually. Where a school has omitted to provide an explanation, or has submitted a ‘Preliminary’ rather than a ‘Final’ Report, you will be contacted by a member of School Funding Team to discuss the action you need to take.
There are many queries that may be raised by COLLECT, however some of the most frequently raised queries are listed on page 2 with explanation on what the query means and the action you should take.
Where explanations are provided, the LA will check to ensure the explanation given is reasonable and valid. Where it is deemed otherwise the LA will contact the school to discuss a revision to the explanation before approving the report.
Guidance Notes on how to upload and process your return on COLLECT are available on the the Bradford Schools Online page .
Should you need help please call Dawn Haigh on 01274 385700.
1 Query as it appears in COLLECT Expanded Information Action Capital Income should not normally be zero This query will appear if the Capital Income Where you have nil income recorded against CI01 you need to provide and must include all VA school capital income. (CI01) is recorded as nil. E Learning explanation why. Reasons for having a nil figure may be: E-Learning credits is a capital grant and must Credits/Harnessing Technology Grants are Your Capital is dealt with by the Diocese also be recorded here. no longer issued so it is possible for a school You chose not to draw down (claim) any of your Devolved Formula to have nil income recorded against I01. Capital (DFC) allocation in 2011-12. Enter the explanation which best describes why your school has no Capital Income in CI01.
Year-on-year income is outside expected range There has been a significant change in the The query demonstrates the formula the DFE applies to arrive at this income per pupil between 2010-11 and 2011- conclusion. The final figure in the paragraph (shown here in bold) indicates the Jan 2010 pupils = 189.50 12. percentage change. In this case it is a negative which indicates the income has Jan 2011 pupils = 181.00 reduced in 2011-12 compared to 2010-11. The DfE requires explanation as to Jan 2012 pupils = 185.25 why the income has changed so significantly. Reasons for the change (reduction) in the current year may be: 2011-12 Income (I01 to I17) = £1026307.31 2011-12 FY pupils = ((5/12) x Jan11 pupils) + Reduced funding from the LA ((7/12) x Jan12 pupils) = 183.479166 Reduction in grants received School no longer holds funds on behalf of other schools or funds held 2010-11 Income (I01 to I17) = £1123056.43 have been extracted as per DfE guidelines 2010-11 FY pupils = ((5/12) x Jan10 pupils) + ((7/12) x Jan11 pupils) = 184.541666 If the percentage figure is positive (i.e. no minus sign) this indicates the income per pupil has increased between years. Reasons for the change (increase) in 2011-12 Income / 2011-12 FY pupils = 5593.59 the current year may be: 2010-11 Income / 2010-11 FY pupils = 6085.65 Percentage change = (5593.59-6085.65) / Increased funding from the LA 6085.65 = -8.09% Increase in Grants received School now holds funds on behalf of other schools
Enter the explanation which best describes why your income per pupil has changed.
Query as it appears in COLLECT Expanded Information Action Year-on-year expenditure is outside expected There has been a significant change in the The query demonstrates the formula the DFE applies to arrive at this range expenditure per pupil between 2010-11 and conclusion. The final figure in the paragraph (shown here in bold) indicates the 2011-12 percentage change. In this case it is a negative which indicates the Jan 2010 pupils = 189.50 expenditure has reduced in 2011-12 compared to 2010-11. The DfE requires Jan 2011 pupils = 181.00 explanation as to why the expenditure has changed so significantly. Reasons Jan 2012 pupils = 185.25 for the change (decrease) in the current year may be:
2011-12 Expenditure (E01 to E30) = Increased expenditure in previous year for ‘one off’ schemes to utilise £1006028.00 excess/high surplus balances 2011-12 FY pupils = ((5/12) x Jan11 pupils) + School is purposely reducing overall spend to safeguard future year ((7/12) x Jan12 pupils) = 183.479166 outturns (i.e. to avoid deficit) School no longer holds funds on behalf of other schools or expenditure 2010-11 Expenditure (E01 to E30) = has been extracted as per DfE guidelines £1089970.83 2010-11 FY pupils = ((5/12) x Jan10 pupils) + If the percentage figure is positive (i.e. no minus sign) this indicates the ((7/12) x Jan11 pupils) = 184.541666 expenditure per pupil has increased between years. Reasons for the change (increase) in the current year may be: 2011-12 Expenditure / 2011-12 FY pupils = 2 5483.06 2010-11 Expenditure / 2010-11 FY pupils = Increased funding/grant allocations has enabled school to spend more 5906.37 School carried out a program of upgrades/refurbishment to Percentage change = (5483.06-5906.37) / equipment/buildings 5906.37 = -7.17% School carried out schemes to utilise excess surplus balances School now holds funds on behalf of other schools
Enter the explanation which best describes why your expenditure per pupil has changed. Your closing pupil focused revenue balance COLLECT stores the information on the Should this query appear when you upload your CFR Return, contact Dawn from 2010-11 (B01+B02) should equal your previous CFR return and compares the Haigh in the School Funding Team for advice. 2011-12 opening pupil focused revenue balance closing balance of the last return to the latest (OB01) return. COLLECT expects these figures to be the same Exam fees should be zero for primary schools, This should only appear for Primary and If the entry is correct and the school has spent on exam fees or equivalent you but there may be an amount for all-through Nursery Schools. COLLECT does not expect should enter an explanation on what exams/fees/services have been schools Primary or Nursery schools to record purchased. expenditure for exam fees. If your school has email, please enter your All schools must provide an email address on This query is raised if the school has omitted to include an email address in the preferred email address the CFR Report School Information ‘School Details’ screen within the CFR in FMS6. This query can be avoided by completing this field in FMS6 prior to finalising and exporting. If you have not done so then you should enter your email address in COLLECT.