COMPETENCY: Emotional Development

GOAL: Manage feelings

MATERIALS NEEDED: Feelings Cube (handout)

GRADE LEVEL: 2nd GROUP SIZE: ClassTIME: 30 minutes

PROCEDURE: We talk about feelings and how everyone has different feelings. We also discuss that there are no wrong feelings and everyone has a right to feel however they wish. We just have to remember to share our feelings with words not actions. I let the students tell me some feeling words that they already know. You can list them on the board or use a feelings chart to talk about feelings. I then tell the students that I want them to sit in a circle. I show them the cube and we discuss the feeling pictures on the cube and what they mean. The students will get to take a turn tossing the cube into the middle of the circle, which ever feeling word pops up, is the one that they get to tell a time they felt: happy, sad, mad, etc. At the beginning of the activity we discuss how the same feeling word may mean different things to different people and that’s okay. If you want to draw in math you can let the students predict which feeling word will turn up the most. If you elect to do the prediction, you can keep a tally of the tosses as they are made.

Arlene Carnes