Members of the Cabinet
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To: All Members of the County Council From Legal, Member & All Chief Officers Statutory Services
All Chief Officers Ask for Elaine Shell Ext. 25565 Minicom 26611 My Ref. ES/CAB210311 Your Ref. CABINET 21 MARCH 2011
D A Ashley, P J Bibby (attending for F Button), R I N Gordon (Chairman), D E Lloyd, S J Pile, J M Pitman, R M Roberts, R H Smith, R A C Thake
Other Members Present:
R H Beeching, T L F Douris, D J Hewitt, J Lloyd, S N P Newton, P A Ruffles, S J Taylor, C J White
Upon consideration of the agenda for the Cabinet meeting on 21 March 2011 as circulated, copy annexed, executive decisions were reached and are recorded below:
Note: No conflicts of interest were declared by any member of the Cabinet in relation to the matters on which decisions were made at this meeting.
The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 1 March 2011 were confirmed as a correct record.
Before commencing with the business for this meeting, the Chairman made the following statement:-
“In considering the matters before us we need to be mindful of and have due regard to the Council's statutory obligations with regards to the public sector equality duties. This will include paying close attention to the equality impact assessments produced by
110321 cabinet minutes 1 officers. The relevant equality obligations are set out in the papers today at items 3 and 7.
The public sector equality duties are particularly relevant today in relation to items 3 and 7. Members should reflect on these duties in their discussion on these items.”
1. (A) Cabinet approved the School Transport Policy proposals, effective from September 2012, as follows:-
Proposal 1.1 Introduce a statutory only policy and stop funding for all discretionary home to school transport arrangements from 1 September 2012 for existing and new pupils Proposal 2.1 End all current discretionary free transport to faith schools, including: Stop funding places on E-Routes to faith schools, where the majority of demand is from children who do not have a statutory entitlement to transport. Discontinue the phasing out arrangement relating to siblings agreed in July 2006. Stop free transport for children up to the age of 11, attending faith primary schools, where they qualify for free school meals. Proposal 2.2 Introduce for new applicants, eligibility for transport would be based on distance from home to the nearest qualifying school, regardless of whether the school is in Hertfordshire or outside the county boundary. Proposal 2.4 Introduce for new applicants, eligibility for transport would be based on distance from home to the nearest qualifying school, regardless of whether the school is a faith school Proposal 2.5 Re-assess walking routes on safety grounds from 1 April 2011, and where applicable undertake minor works to make them safe. The reassessment would be undertaken using ‘Safer routes to school – a protocol for the assessment of the safety of proposed home to school routes’. Where routes have become safe due to improvements, entitlement to transport would be ended for those currently receiving free transport. Proposal 2.6 End free assisted places with effect from September 2012 Proposal 2.7 Provide transport only in exceptional circumstances back to the existing school, where pupils move to a new address in Hertfordshire and attend a Hertfordshire school. Eligibility for transport would only be for those in years 10 or 11 who have completed at least one term in year 10 at their existing school. This would apply only to pupils living further from their existing school than the statutory walking distances. Proposal 2.8 In the case of Children Looked After by the county council (who legally have priority for admission to all schools) assess them against the statutory published school transport policy. Those with exceptional needs would be considered on an individual basis. Proposal 2.9 Where a disability prevents a parent/carer from accompanying their child to school, consider the child’s needs and have due regard to the requirement to make reasonable adjustments under the Equalities Act 2010 on an individual basis. Where eligible, the family would receive the appropriate support in order to enable the child to access the school within the statutory walking distance. This would be for both short and long term arrangements. Proposal 2.10 Assess the entitlement of children with special educational needs and disabilities or mobility difficulties against the statutory home to school transport policy except where the child’s Statement of Special educational Needs (“the Statement”) expressly states that transport should be provided regardless of distance: the only school named in Part four of the Statement is more than the statutory walking distance For others with special educational needs, mobility difficulties (including temporary medical conditions) entitlement to transport will be considered on an individual basis and regularly reviewed following an assessment of the child’s ability to walk to school, having regard to the child’s special educational needs, disability and/or mobility problems where relevant, and taking into account any exceptional circumstances. Proposal 2.11 Introduce common pick up points and drop off points for pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs, where it is deemed to be reasonable and safe to do so. 110321 cabinet minutes 2 Proposal 2.12 Introduce independent travel training (ITT) for individual pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs where appropriate, to support and encourage pupils to become self reliant travellers, at the right time and to foster independence as they reach adulthood. Once pupils have successfully completed their training, it is proposed that they would no longer have an entitlement to personalised transport, e.g. a taxi. Proposal 2.13 Consider transport arrangements on an individual basis to alternative destinations at the end of the school day only where it supports the need for the disabled child to attend respite care (short breaks) as identified through assessment and taking into account any additional cost. (NB this does not include transport to childminders or alternative destinations). Proposal 2.14 Extend the current training provided to passenger assistants to include supporting difficult behaviour needs. Passenger assistants would continue to be provided in the following circumstances: 1. On all primary school runs organised by the county council; 2. To Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) Schools and Schools for Physically Impaired both on buses and taxis 3. Larger vehicles travelling to Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD) schools and Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) schools. In other circumstances, individual cases will be assessed according to their individual needs. Proposal 2.15 Introduce the following criteria where pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs require a residential placement following assessment. For Termly boarders: The county council will provide assistance for travel to and from home to residential school at the beginning and end of each term and half term. For 52 week residential placements: the county council will provide assistance for travel to and from home to residential school for eight visits throughout the year Proposal 2.16 Offer a mileage allowance to parents/carers of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities who are entitled to transport, and are able in certain circumstances to provide transport in their own specialist vehicles. Proposal 2.17 Where appropriate, offer parents of children with Special Educational Needs and disability who are entitled to transport the choice of an escort to walk pupils a short distance to school. Proposal 2.18 Offer parents a standard mileage allowance, where appropriate, in lieu of transport arrangements for pupils entitled to transport Proposal 2.19 Offer a bike and cycling package (helmet/luggage carrier etc) in lieu of transport to eligible pupils who have a statutory entitlement to school transport. This would be subject to the outcome of a pilot. Proposal 2.20 Introduce full cost recovery charging for the sale of any spare seats on routes running to schools for pupils not eligible for free transport. These charges would be introduced over a two year period. (Proceed with Proposal 2.20 as consulted upon, but to include pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, so that they too can purchase any spare seats (where vehicles are run by the County Council), where the child is attending a school of preference rather than to the nearest school which the County Council identifies can meet their needs). Proposal 3 Views are sought on the following aspects, in order to inform any future consultation about the School Bus Network. (Note: Proposals regarding the funding of discretionary transport will be considered by Cabinet on 4 April 2011) Proposal 4 Retention of the SaverCard Concessionary Scheme for use on public buses with an introduction of a minimum charge of £20 per year. Introduce annual minimum charging of £20 per year for statutory age pupils. This charge to be introduced for new applicant, for cards to be used with effect from 1 September 2012. The current charge is £10 which covers Hertfordshire students of 11 – 15 years of ages. (There will be a separate proposal for charging for 16-19 year olds included in a separate 16/19 transport consultation).
1. (B) Cabinet agreed not to proceed with Proposal 2.3
2. Cabinet authorised the Director Children, Schools & Families, in consultation with the Executive Member for Education & Skills, to develop a framework and process for consideration of exceptional individual cases and the priority relating to the sale of spare seats as referred to in Proposal 2.20.
Reasons for the decision
Following detailed analysis of the impact of the comprehensive spending review, the Council needs to make savings of £214million by 2014/15. Given the current financial context, a revised school transport strategy is necessary; it is anticipated that the proposals consulted upon in relation to home to school transport would realise savings of £5 – 6 million for the County Council. 110321 cabinet minutes 3 Consultation on the proposed changes to the home to school transport policy for statutory school age pupils commenced on 18 October 2010 and concluded on 27 January 2011. The results of this consultation were considered by the Highways & Transport Cabinet Panel and Education Cabinet Panel on 8 February 2011. As a result of their deliberations the Panels commissioned additional work and this was considered by both Cabinet Panels at a joint meeting on 15 March. Proposal 2.8 was also considered by the Children’s Services & Corporate Parenting Cabinet Panel on 9 March 2011.
The Panels’ recommendations to Cabinet incorporated revisions to the original proposals and were made in light of the feedback to the consultation, the concerns raised in the petitions received on this issue, the further work commissioned of officers, and the equalities impact assessment undertaken on the proposals.
In reaching its decisions, Cabinet considered the feedback from the consultation, the Council’s statutory equalities obligations and other relevant legal considerations, and the discussion and recommendations of the Highways & Transport, Education & Skills, and Children’s Services & Corporate Parenting Cabinet Panels.
The decisions reached by Cabinet will deliver a revised school transport strategy which achieves the savings the Council needs and which reflects the new emerging educational framework set out in the Government’s recent Schools White Paper and impending Education Bill.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet agreed that:-
(i) the Director Children, Schools & Families be authorised to publish statutory notices to enlarge the premises of the following schools by the size and date identified below:-
School name Area Date of Expansion Increase expansion by form of in 1 September entry (f.e.) admission number Brookland Junior Turnford 2014 1 f.e. 30 Brookland Infant and Nursery Turnford 2011 1 f.e. 30 Beechfield Watford 2012 1 f.e. 30 Cassiobury JM Watford 2013 1 f.e. 30
110321 cabinet minutes 4 Cassiobury Infant & Nursery Watford 2012 1 f.e. 30 Cherry Tree Primary Watford 2011 1 f.e. 30 Creswick Primary Welwyn and Nursery Garden City 2011 1 f.e. 30 Cheshunt Downfield Primary East 2011 0.5 f.e 15 Fairlands Primary Stevenage and Nursery North 2012 1 f.e. 30 Hemel Hammond Primary Hempstead 2011 1 f.e. 30 Highover JMI & Nursery Hitchin 2012 1 f.e. 30 Holywell Primary Watford 2012 1 f.e. 30 Hurst Drive Waltham Primary Cross 2011 0.5 f.e 15 Oak View Primary & Nursery Hatfield 2011 1 f.e. 30 Summerswood Primary Borehamwood 2012 1 f.e. 30 Abbots Tanners Wood JMI Langley 2012 0.5 f.e 15 Hemel Tudor Primary Hempstead 2011 1 f.e. 30 and that, if there are no objections, the Director Children, Schools & Families be authorised to determine the proposals.
(ii) the Director Children, Schools & Families should not publish statutory notices for the permanent enlargement of the premises of the following schools at this stage, pending resolution of outstanding issues or alternative strategies being formulated;
School name Area Date of Expansion Increase in expansion by form of admission 1 September entry (f.e.) number Abel Smith Hertford 2012 1 f.e. 30 Greenway First & Nursery Berkhamsted 2012 1 f.e. 30 Martins Wood Stevenage Primary North 2011 1 f.e. 30 Westfield First Berkhamsted 2011 1 f.e. 30
(iii) the following temporary expansions should be progressed as indicated:-
School name Area Year of expansion Expansion Increase in (from 1 September) by form of admission entry (f.e.) number Abbots Abbots Langley Langley 2012 1 f.e. 30 Waltham Burleigh Cross 2012 1 f.e. 30 De Havilland Hatfield 2012 & 2013 1 f.e. 30 Martins Wood Stevenage 2011 1 f.e. 30 Morgans Hertford 2012 1 f.e. 30 110321 cabinet minutes 5 Town Borehamwoo Parkside d 2011 1 f.e. 30 Prae Wood St Albans 2011 1 f.e. 30 Russel (The) Chorleywood 2011 1 f.e. 30 Welwyn Swallow Dell Garden City 2012 1 f.e 30 Croxley Yorke Mead Green 2011 1 f.e. 30 Westfield First Berkahmsted 2011 1 f.e. 30
(iv) the establishment of a Free School in St. Albans by the St Albans Free School group be supported, and the allocation of University of Herts Law School site to the group be agreed, subject to reaching suitable agreements round the terms of any transfer of interests in land and subject to the approval by DfE of the proposal by that body to establish a Free School; and that the Director Resources & Performance be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for Education & Skills and for Resources & Economic Wellbeing, to authorise disposal of an interest in land for the new school purpose and to approve the terms for any such transfer;
(v) the establishment of an independent Hertfordshire Free Schools Trust be supported, and that the Chief Legal Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council shall nominate a County Councillor trustee to that (or any other) free school trust, where appropriate to do so;
(vi) the allocation of the former New Briars school site to the Hertfordshire Free Schools trust be approved in principle, subject to the approval by DfE of the proposal by that body to establish a Free School; and also subject to reaching suitable agreements round the terms of any transfer of interests in land if not determined by the Secretary of State; and that the Director Resources & Performance be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Members for Education & Skills and for Resources & Economic Wellbeing, to agree disposal of an interest in land for the new school purpose and to approve the terms for any such transfer;
(vii) the projects listed in paragraph 7. 4 of the report, as well as a contingency fund identified in paragraph 7.6 of the report, be included in the capital programme in order that the expansion of existing schools and the provision of additional schools to meet a rising demand for school places can be implemented; and
(viii) the overall position of the school expansions programme, as contained in paragraph 7.6 of the report, be noted.
Reasons for the decision
The rising demand for primary school places was considered by Cabinet in December 2009. Since then feasibility work has been undertaken on all schools
110321 cabinet minutes 6 in the localities identified at that time to assess their potential for physical expansion. Consultation on specific proposals arising from this work commenced on 10 January and concluded on 21 February 2011. In reaching its decisions Cabinet considered the responses received to this consultation.
The decisions reached by Cabinet reflect current and projected demand for school places on both a permanent and a temporary basis; where expansions have been agreed, additional school places will now be made available as close as possible to the demand for them and this will improve access to school places to all sectors of the communities in which those schools being expanded are located. Decisions on the permanent expansion of schools where there are outstanding issues have been deferred until they have been resolved.
In addition to school expansions, Cabinet has acted on the need for new provision in the form of new schools in central St Albans and in Hatfield, approving the establishment of a Free School in St Albans and the allocation of the former New Briars school for the provision of a further Free School in Hatfield; these decisions will help address the significant demand for additional places in these parts of the County.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
1. Cabinet agreed to recommend to the County Council:-
(i) that there be no changes to the County Council’ s coordinated schemes or the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2012/13, with the exception of the amendments to the 6th form arrangements of five schools detailed in Section 4 of the consultation document, as attached as Appendix 1 of the report;
(ii) the amendments to published admission numbers as outlined (in bold) in Appendices 3 and 4 of the report; and
(iii) the publication of notices where the published admission number (PAN) is lower than the indicated admission number (IAN), together with the supporting reason for determining a lower PAN, as contained in Appendix 5 of the report.
2. Cabinet noted the conversion of Monks Walk (Welwyn Garden City), Roundwood Park and Sir John Lawes (Harpenden) to Trust status in
110321 cabinet minutes 7 January 2011.
Reasons for the decision
At its meeting in November 2010 Cabinet agreed to proceed with statutory consultation on proposals for admission arrangements for nursery, primary, junior, middle and secondary schools and the co-ordinated schemes for admission to schools for 2012/13.
The results of that consultation were considered by Cabinet at this meeting; Cabinet’s decisions will enable the County Council to consider and agree its admission arrangements and rules for community and voluntary-controlled schools, and the schemes of co-ordination for admission 2012/13.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
6. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S PLAN 2011/12 (Forward Plan ref: A006/11)
Cabinet agreed to recommend that the County Council approves the Children and Young People’s Plan 2011/12 as attached as the Appendix to the report.
Reasons for the decision
The Children and Young People’s Plan is the key strategic document for all partners delivering services to children and young people and their families in Hertfordshire. A focussed and concise document, the Plan identifies key priorities for improving outcomes for children and young people in the County; and was produced following discussions with, and feedback from, stakeholders and the Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership.
Cabinet’s decision will enable the County Council to consider the proposed Children and Young People’s Plan for 2011/12 for approval.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
110321 cabinet minutes 8 1. agreed the proposals for making the savings set out in the report and the appendices;
2. authorised the Director Health & Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Care & Health, to determine the best way forward in relation to the key elements of a successful small grants process; and
3. agreed that a tender be issued for the provision of an Intake Service for the Information Advice and Advocacy Service and that the Director Health & Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Care & Health, be authorised to award a contract pursuant to that tender.
Reasons for the decision
The proposals before Cabinet were the result of the Prevention and Wellbeing/Community and Voluntary Services Review conducted between October and December 2010. The review sought to both negotiate the maximum possible savings from providers in a way which would not overly destabilise projects or organisations which are supporting the County Council’s key strategic aims; and to modernise the sector’s infrastructure through reducing duplication, and improving the co-ordination and sharing of resources.
In reaching its decisions Cabinet considered the feedback from the consultation, the recommendations of the Adult Care & Health Cabinet Panel, the Council’s statutory obligations in relation to its equalities duties and other relevant legal obligations, and the action plan and resources in place to mitigate any negative impact of the proposals.
The decisions made by Cabinet will achieve savings of £1.25million in 2011/12 and a further £1.25million in 2012/13 in the Council’s current spend on prevention and wellbeing, whilst preserving a sustainable, efficient and vibrant sector. The decision is in line with government policy, which is looking to refocus the sector from receiving grants to social enterprise, and the Council hopes that this major culture change will encourage organisations to create new relationships and approaches which will better respond to the implications of the Liberating the NHS and the Public Health White papers.
110321 cabinet minutes 9 Any alternative options considered and rejected
1. Cabinet agreed that the Council and its partners proceed with the establishment of a shadow health and wellbeing board with initial membership as proposed in the report.
2. Cabinet authorised the Director Health & Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Care & Health, to agree the terms of reference of the Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board.
Reasons for the decision
The proposals in the Health and Social Care Bill requires the Council and its partners to build on the progress that has been made, to engage emerging GP consortia, to consider to what extent and in what way joint working and/or integration should be taken forward, and to successfully transfer public health functions to the County Council.
Cabinet’s decision will enable the County Council to consider the establishment of a shadow health and wellbeing board; the proposals for which will provide a the Council with a forum to develop the functions and future form of the Board, and to discuss matters of joint interest and those on which joint action or decision is required.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet approved the Hertfordshire Elderly and Disabled Concessionary Travel Scheme as proposed in the report, namely:-
(i) that all day travel provision be continued;
(ii) that the provision of companion passes for the severely disabled be continued; and
110321 cabinet minutes 10 (iii) that there be no other enhancements funded by the County Council.
Reasons for the decision
The decision to move responsibility for concessionary schemes to upper tier authorities was confirmed by the Department for Transport in December 2009; there will be no district and borough council involvement in the elderly and disabled concessionary travel scheme post 31 March 2011.
Cabinet decision confirms the terms of the concessionary scheme when the County Council becomes responsible for its administration and management on 1 April 2011.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
10. LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2011-2031 (Forward Plan ref: A009/11)
1. Cabinet agreed to recommend to County Council that the Council approves Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan 3, as attached to the report, for publication and submission to the Department for Transport by 1 April 2011.
2. Cabinet agreed to recommend to County Council that the Council approves the removal of the A414 Harlow to M11 link road scheme from the County Council’s land search list.
Reasons for the decision
The publication of the third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) is a statutory requirement under the Transport Act 2000.
The LTP3 comprises three volumes; volume 1 ‘The Strategy’, sets out the transport issues facing the County, the goals and challenges to be addressed and the types of interventions by which the County Council will seek to achieve them; volume 2 ‘Policy Document’ sets out the County’s strategic transport policies; and volume 3 ‘Implementation Plan’ sets out the specific interventions, schemes and measures to be implemented within the short term and a longer term list of more major proposals.
Cabinet decision enables the County Council to consider and approve an LTP3 for Hertfordshire for submission to the Department for Transport by 1 April 2011, as required by legislation.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
110321 cabinet minutes 11 None.
11. HIGHWAY INTEGRATED WORKS PROGRAMME 2011/12 AND FORWARD WORKS PROGRAMME 2012/13 TO 2015/16 (Forward Plan ref: A008/11)
(i) adopted the draft Integrated Works Programme, as proposed in the report, as Hertfordshire Highways’ works programme for 2011/12; and
(ii) adopted the Forward Works Programme, as proposed in the report, as the basis for development of future years’ works programmes.
Reasons for the decision
The IWP and FWP have been developed over the course of the last year as part of the annual process, in line with the Council’s Transport Asset Management Plan and Local Transport Plan, to deliver key targets for the maintenance and improvement of the County’s highway network; Cabinet’s decision enables the proposed works to proceed.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
(i) approved the introduction of Highway Locality Budgets (HLBs) pilots in the Borough Council areas of Broxbourne and Dacorum from April 2011;
(ii) agreed that each Highway Locality Budget comprise £90,000 per County Councillor in each of the pilot areas from highway budgets; comprising £15,000 from HJMP discretionary budget (for schemes or work that could have been funded from that budget) and £75,000 from highway maintenance budgets (for Super Cat2 work); and
(iii) agreed that review arrangements be developed and carried out to learn from the pilots and to determine whether the initiative should be extended to other areas of the County for the year commencing April 2012.
110321 cabinet minutes 12 Reasons for the decision
The Highway Locality Budget project is one of several comprising the Hertfordshire Local Programme. Cabinet’s decision will enable highway locality budget pilots to be conducted in the borough council areas of Broxbourne and Dacorum, providing individual county council members in those areas with the opportunity to make recommendations to highways officers in relation to local highway and street scene spending options.
Evaluation of the pilots will be undertaken in September 2011 to determine whether the initiative should be extended across the County in the future.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet :-
(i) approved the allocation to the Roman Fields budget of £1,000,000 from Independent Placements on a permanent basis;
(ii) noted the additional Invest to Save project in relation to container provision for Household Waste Recycling Centres of £300,000 from slippage on the Waste Infrastructure Grant and noted the ongoing savings in future years.
Reasons for the decision
Roman Field Special Educational Needs Provision is taking children who would otherwise have been placed out-of-county, resulting in an underspend in the out- of-county budget. However, there is a projected overspend of £1,000,000 in the Roman Fields budget. Cabinet’s decision to vire this amount from Independent Placements on a permanent basis will cover costs associated with this on-going service change.
Cabinet’s decision in relation to (ii) will enable the Council to make an investment in the purchase of waste containers throughout the County’s network of Household Waste Recycling Centres and will result in an on-going financial saving to the Council of £330,000 per annum.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
110321 cabinet minutes 13 PART II ‘CLOSED’ AGENDA
That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Cabinet approved the release of £0.5m from the Invest to Transform Fund for the purposes outlined in the report.
(Note: The above minute is the same as the separate Part II minute).
Reasons for the decision
As set out in the report.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
110321 cabinet minutes 14