The Healing Codes 07.31.20081

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The Healing Codes 07.31.20081

The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 1 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: Good evening. This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC, and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is July 31, 20008. Everything on this call is being recorded.

The recording is available as a download from our website:

The calls are designed to provide support, encouragement, assistance, clarity and an opportunity for you to tell us about your successes or your struggles if you want a little bit of help with it. We also use this as an opportunity to create Custom Codes if you are so inclined. I make an attempt to broaden any questions to expand it to people on the call from just one person’s situation to more encompassing issues. Also to increase value for somebody who is listening to this as a recording.

(The recording is cutting out a lot.)

This opportunity for you to ask a question, I would think, extends your energy, opens you up. You help yourself and other people on this call, perhaps, and even people listening at a later date. We really encourage you to think in terms of your questions and participation giving to yourself as well as those other folks.

I say Custom Coaching that is included with Healing Codes packages is probably the greatest support that we provide. I encourage you to look at that. There’s a Healing Codes Clients only area on the website. That is for clients only. If you’re not a client please respect that boundary. It requires a user name and password. User name: healingcodes Password: 12days

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not, just let them go flying by.

Rather than going into any detail right off the bat, I have things I like to talk about. Since I know where the mute button is I get the chance to make those decisions. Let me just open the floor. If you’ve got a question we’ll get right into that. The *1 is the mute switch. Everybody joins the call in a mute mode. To speak please hit *1 to be heard.

Participant: (Todd) It’s been a while since we’ve talked and a lot of things have happened. Recently I got a new homeopathic remedy. It opened up something that I think has been buried for a very long time. I came to a deep realization of an issue I think I’ve had since childhood. It was so deep that I actually stayed home from work one day just after it happened to try to get it all out and get it on paper so that I could have my head clear. I had that come up. There has been some stuff going on with my wife as you know. I’m torn between which would be the bigger issue that I need to deal with now, The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 2 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello my fear about her issues that are going on or the other issue that I came up with since childhood. That is I’ve come to the realization that I have a very deep, deep fear of being physically taken away.

Tom Costello: I’d say that is the one to go for. Let me just say this, Todd, without getting into a lot of detail. Your wife has a physical condition and is ill. Just by virtue of your closeness and how loving and loved she feels with you and I presume the same is true for you, that connection says that if you worry she’s going to receive that. If you are able to make other choices with your mental and emotional focus; know that beyond this physical condition is the potential and the source of healing, she’s going to get that message; those vibrations, those transmissions.

It’s incumbent upon all of us when we are dealing certainly with children and animals because they don’t have filters. They’re not going to be as effective at blocking which is … bad. Anything you can do to make other choices about the appearances of illness and the truth that all things can be healed. The Source of Healing (capital “S”, capital “H”) is what you guys need to focus on. That’s just a side bar.

Participant: That’s very good. I think with recent events I really needed to hear that. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Childhood fear about being taken away physically. Without going into any more detail about that we’ll go right to a Custom Code. It is a topic worthy of discussion because when we are born, “I’m connected to my source, my mother, and then taken away.” On a physical level that’s the first experience we have with that.

Participant: I didn’t think of that. My mind was on something else. Go on.

Tom Costello: I don’t know about your birth situation, but oftentimes I hear people speak to a birth situation where they were premature or it was a complicated birth. They went into an incubator. There is very little physical contact in a case like that. “Hello! A minute ago I was really involved in things. I was intimately connected to mother. Now all the sudden I’m in a plastic case.” If there is any merit to any of that, you want to develop a new point of view on that.

(Tom tests for Custom Code)

Let me just say when there is a “thing”, a boogie man in the closet, something we don’t understand, how to repair an automobile motor, something we’re afraid of, something we can’t comprehend, anything, we make contact with it in our mind, observing it, thinking about it. Initially there tends to be some discomfort, “I don’t know the answer. I don’t know how to do this. It’s too complicated. Too many moving parts. Too many….”

Just relax and persist. As you maintain contact with that situation no matter what it happens to be it will start to change. Your relationship with it will start to change and that energy will flow back. You can gain insights that way. If you want to know more The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 3 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello about any one subject you can put your attention on it and just hold that in a relaxed fashion. Your antennae will start to ….. As you put your attention, as you say your prayer/request and do this Code at first there may be anxiety. Just persist. There may be a little anxiety. Just persist. All of a sudden the curtain lifts. The veil shifts. Some point of view occurs to you.

(Tom gives Custom Code) Use that with regular Healing Codes, Q Codes, LT3.

Participant: We’ve been using LT3 for just about everything now. It’s hard to go back to the others once you’ve done that.

Tom Costello: Good. Consider that any way you want. I happen to be looking at a light bulb and a lamp on a desk in front of me. What we are doing, folks, is we are upping our vibration. We are increasing our vibration. It would be like reaching over and turning the lamp brighter so the shadows of fears and doubts can’t exist.

It really is us… illness is a shadow. Fears and doubts are shadows. Belief in our lack and …. By turning up the light, using this connection to your Source, your Creator…. Beliefs, those erroneous beliefs……

Participant: Okay. Thanks Tom.

Tom Costello: Anybody else have a question? Let me remind you. When you come into the call you come in the mute position. Press *1 to un-mute the telephone. To mute, hit *1 again. If you’re interested in talking, in getting a Custom Code or telling us your great successes or anything related to The Healing Codes you can do anything you want to do.

Most of you are muted. That’s okay.

Participant: (Beth Ann) I’d like to report a success with the Code you gave me last week to help my sister prepare to have a wonderful healing with the surgeries she’s going to have on August 11. I had only done it two times when I saw two changes in my sister that were, I thought, significant. She doesn’t even know I’m doing this stuff and releasing it to her. One change is she has wanted to move for over a year and she’s got an idea of what her dream house is like. She actually hired a realtor this week, or told a realtor she wants to work with him. She went and saw her dream house. I’m seeing that as a shift. That’s actually being more optimistic about what will happen in life. She’s been in a lot of pain for the last two years and has really been pretty negative. I was so thrilled to see that she was taking this step.

The other shift I saw was equally significant but it’s something I’d rather not describe on the telephone. Both of those things could well have been linked to The Healing Codes. Thank you. I’m going to continue to do these for her. I’m looking forward to a fabulous healing. The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 4 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Tom Costello: That’s terrific. I was going to ask you about not telling her that.

Participant: Well, I’ll test about it. It just doesn’t feel very good right now to be telling her about it. She knows I do this stuff. She doesn’t think very highly about it. I’ll test and do the right thing. Thank you for reminding me of my options.

Tom Costello: People look at this and go, “This is too weird for me.” It’s another for us to say, “Get past the weirdness, Dear Sister, I’m doing what I believe to be a loving act. I’m trying to give love to you. Feel free to avoid it like you are playing dodge ball.” The idea of saying to your sister, “I love you and this is how ….” Hmmm. It doesn’t sound like she’d want to run over and punch you in the nose.

Participant: Right.

Tom Costello: You have the means to make the best decision.

Participant: Yes. Also, I would like a Code. I think I know how to broaden this for a larger audience than just myself. I would like a Code regarding eliminating negative memories regarding a profession I was in for about 25-30 years. I’ve been fascinated by those conversations that Alex and Ben do where they get rid of everybody in the room’s negative memory. I’m wondering if there is a general Code to be used or if I should ask for a Custom Code for my particular area of memories that I would like to eliminate? Is this Code you’re going to give me something I could use generally for myself?

Tom Costello: You put a whole bunch of stuff in there, Beth Ann. I don’t recognize what you’re referring to when you talk about Alex and Ben.

Participant: I heard him talk in either the teleseminars or the recorded material that is on the internet about being in a presentation and almost everybody gets rid of their horrible memory, whatever they have. It just dissipates over the course of the presentation. Then one person or two people or a few people took another twenty minutes or so extra.

Tom Costello: If you’re referring to the time we went to Ixtapa, Mexico, there were about 140 people total. Those were one-on-one Custom Codes.

Participant: Okay. All right. I thought there was one perfect Code for all memory removal or whatever.

Tom Costello: I was in one room. Alex was in a hallway. We were just creating Custom Code after Custom Code.

Participant: I see. Thank you. Do you want any information about the types of memories I want to eliminate?

Tom Costello: Perhaps. Let me say this. What we want to do with a memory, we want to change it. We don’t want to really eliminate it. You don’t want a 25-year gap in your The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 5 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello memory. Now, the memory you’re talking about, or memories are those that you are resisting. “That made me feel bad. I was upset. That bothered me. That gave me bad feelings. I didn’t like that.” Now, if you could see those memories as, “Those episodes strengthened me. They taught me compassion, patience, how I tend to get frustrated”, on and on. When they become valuable to you, you can stop resisting them because you would have gotten a pearl out of the oyster and then you can move on.

If you can find the blessing, if you can find the value in that set of experiences that at this moment you think you want to get rid of, you mean heal, healing what is “not good”, but now I see the value in it. We all have those. We’re all going to be able to relate to that situation. We remember the 100 negative things. If we could make those positive there could be 1000 positive things related to those 25 years.

(Tom tests for Code)

Most of us growing up as kids, in some of our readings came across the word “alchemy”. Everybody was searching for the formula that could change base metal (tin or lead) into gold, something valuable. We are, in fact, alchemists. We take a memory and say, “That’s not valuable.” Oh yeah? Wait a minute. Say the prayer/request. Do The Healing Codes. Put your attention on that. Look for, open up to, become receptive to the value there and have it come into your awareness. “I did it! I took something that was base, of very little value, and I made it very valuable … through the magic of my ….” There you have it.

(Tom gives Custom Code) That’s really what you are doing. You are changing something that you really don’t perceive the value of into something you can really get a value out of.

Participant: Wonderful. I like that idea a lot. Thank you so much.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome, Beth Ann. As a reminder, when you come into the call you come in as being muted. If you want to un-mute, hit *1. To mute again, hit *1 again. If you have an interest in a Code, a situation or making a comment, give a success story or talk about The Healing Codes, hit *1 and deal with it.

Participant: (Margaret) I would like a Custom Code for myself and for my family. There is a lot of negative energy I guess. I don’t really know how to explain the emotion I feel a lot of the time. I don’t know if there is one word to describe it. There is some fear. There is definitely anxiety. There is just not knowing…. A lot of my family members – they sort of know of what I’m doing, but are similar to the other caller they think it’s weird and are not wanting to know more about it. I do Codes all the time for them. I do try when they’re in a mode that I can talk to them a little bit I try to throw out information. Most of my family members are moody and everything will be fine one minute and then you just don’t know. I don’t ever know. It can be wonderful one minute and a little while later, poof, it’s just totally different. It’s daylight to dark different. Something can come up in conversation. The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 6 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

I have sons who when they are upset and venting I tend to be patient and listen and try to be supportive, listening, understanding and trying to help. Lo and behold, sometimes I become the target after they have vented about whatever it is they’re upset about. I just need a Code not just so much for me knowing how to handle it, but for them and some of this junk to leave and for their pictures to change or something.

Tom Costello: Let me just deal with a couple of points first, Margaret. You remind me of this reality. Beth Ann dealt with it, too. Not everybody in our family…. (it breaks up) Not everyone in our family is ready to explore to the same degree. Not everybody is Lewis and Clark. Somebody in the family will explore new territory. Say that’s you…. That’s okay. You’re just the explorer.

The second thing is, …. Balancing…..the thing that will help us …. Is give … to whatever our version of …. Get the sense, and I like this from the stuff….. Within me is the connection. He’s not up in the clouds. ….. Focus on that connection. It’s very easy for me to …. When I forget to focus on that it’s easy to get out of balance and it’s easy to stay out of balance. Whoa, wait a minute….

When we connect to the Source of All Things…. Then from that place we can make decisions on …. We all have lots of pictures, lots of upsetting events in our daily lives. They get triggered and for the average person it’s very difficult for them to get back in balance. ….. It’s almost like I’m talking about the piano. The piano went out of tune. “Do you have a hammer? Do you have a saw? Do you have a drill? I need to get it back into tune.” Hello!!! You don’t use those things to get a piano back in tune. For us to get back in tune….

The only reason for somebody to get upset is if they…. “What you said a minute ago hurt my feelings, made me feel diminished and so on.” Some early memory got activated. It has nothing to do with…. But that is what this triggered. People with those kinds of ….. age of 4 years old having their…… You can balance sufficiently so that when they have a temper tantrum you recognize….. person, I don’t care if they are 8 years old or 80 years old, when they have a temper tantrum, they become…… They processed information as threatening.

Your job, frankly I think, as a woman…. Power to bring stability to a situation that you might not have credit for, you don’t recognize you have credit for. If you do we don’t have sense enough to reflect that back to you. You can bring stability….. just by being stable…. Better because they use you as a role model. Even if they have static and go, “Oh, Mom, it’s your fault.” You don’t have to take that in. It’s just noise….

The first order of business for you (this is true for everybody actually, but it’s true for you, Margaret) is for you to center yourself. From that … role model. The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 7 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: So even when something just comes out of the blue directly me after they’ve been on a rant about something else, or someone else then I just center myself and not be phased by it.

Tom Costello: Did you ever play dodge ball when you were a little girl?

Participant: Yeah. Okay.

Tom Costello: Now comes the lightening bolt out of somebody. You just move your head a little bit and it goes whizzing by. Most of that stuff is indiscriminate. Anybody who is around is the target. They’re throwing this anger at people. It is mainly frustration and lack of belief in their own capabilities that is frustrating them. “I’m full of static. I want to throw it at you. Now I feel better.”

You centering is the first priority. ….

(Tom tests for and gives a Code. Margaret repeats one position reversed.)

Do you have anything in our materials that talks about reversed polarity?

Participant: Actually I wrote it down correctly, but I read it back to you wrong. The reason I did that is because I’m accustomed to doing it the other way first, or thinking of them as Left then Right. I wrote it down correctly but read it back to you wrong.

Tom Costello: Second step…..

You’re going to want to do this. Do you work?

Participant: At the present time I’m not working. I’m trying to start a home-based business. I work on that, but I’m at home.

Tom Costello: I’d encourage you to do 6 minutes, four times a day. Spread it throughout the day to stay in balance. That balance will literally connect you to creativity, confidence, courage, effectiveness and a whole bunch of other good stuff.

Participant: Wonderful. I need all those things.

Tom Costello: That could be helpful to a gal starting a business.

Participant: Thank you so much, Tom.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome. A reminder that when you come into the call you come in muted. *1 is a toggle to change the mute condition.

Participant: (Gail) I’d like to appreciate you and the Codes the last week relative to being willing to open up and flourish. That has brought about huge shifts. My saying The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 8 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello “no” to areas that I realize had me not fully self-expressed and when given the opportunity to be much more truthful in self-expression, to the point where I need another Code about healing grief around a past childhood memory that has taken quite a while to heal. I realize a part of me has been waiting for my deceased parents to give me the care I wanted. It was way down in there and I was resistant to caring for myself on my own. Much to my surprise because I’ve been doing it for years, but also sabotaging it. That has healed and all the sudden the apathy for creating a new future for me again has been transformed into a desire and passion. That resulted with the flourishing Custom Code to realize I have had amazing teachers and amazing experiences over the past 20 years especially in the area of kinesiology and I have been repressing my expression of those.

All of a sudden in reading Bruce Lipton’s book and one of my teachers is Rob Williams who is a colleague of Bruce’s, a huge amount of courage has come back. I would like a Custom Code to bring forth courage, confidence or full self-expression relative to what I’ve been given to teach. I want to combine that with what I’ve learned. It’s easy for me to teach what others have taught, but to stand on my own and teach what I’ve been given causes a huge energy ball in my gut. I guess it’s fear. Maybe it is a combination of fear and excitement. I want that to turn into focused passion that is more or less unstoppable and done especially in the way you just worked with this last person; balance, creativity, confidence, etc.

Tom Costello: I would like to quibble about the phrase, “return of courage, confidence…” It’s there. It doesn’t have to return. Now just say if it’s there, hmmm, it’s like a person being in a plastic bag in the middle of the ocean. “I want the water to come back.” The water is there. You just need to clear whatever “protective shield” you’ve got going on, belief, whatever rain coat, whatever barrier, you want to remove that.

Participant: Right.

Tom Costello: For you to express yourself…. If I were to write that I would write, “Expressing myself. Expressing my Self”. One of those is lower case “s” and the other Self is upper case “S”. You’re not really only expressing Gail, your earthly experience. You are expressing higher power…. You are a conduit of that. You are a megaphone of that. You are a focal point of that.

Participant: Absolutely. There may be some unworthiness in there.

Tom Costello: The only place unworthiness can come from is you thinking about self. The stuff “You’re not tall enough. You’re not young enough. You’re not old enough. You’re not…. Enough.” You are too much that color and not enough…. All of it is nonsense.

You go, “I want to know who and what I am ….”

Participant: Tom, I’m missing a lot of what you’re saying and I really want to hear it. Shoot. The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 9 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: I’m recording this two different ways. This recording, with clarity will be on the website. Hold on a second while I test.

(Tom tests and gives Custom Code)

Here’s what you are trying to do. You’re trying to be permeable. That means energy can pass through it. This wall, this barrier, this field is “making me safe.” No, it’s not. It’s a prison. Ah, I want to make it permeable. I want this energy I’m desiring that is all around me in nature to flood over me; to me and through me.

Participant: Thank you so much.

Tom Costello: Reminder, when you come into the call you come in muted. The way to mute and un-mute is with the *1.

If you have a situation or need a Code….

Participant: (Char) I wonder how Paula is doing. Did she come to the call?

Tom Costello: I don’t see her on the call.

Participant: I wonder because she was in my mind and heart all week. I wonder how her circumstances came out.

Tom Costello: Good question. That’s very thoughtful of you.

Participant: (Paula) It’s nice that your heart heard me crying out. I am having a difficult time. I was trying to collect my thoughts to talk to Tom about why I’m having such a difficult time with being organized. I know I need to do something but too many things got dumped on my lap at the same time. Last week right after the call when I was trying to deal with that other thing I found out that my insurance is being changed. I had to squeeze a million things in a short amount of time. I had to make calls to doctors and for prescriptions and get tests and get an MRI of my head and neck because I’m having more migraines. I just didn’t get everything done. I didn’t get a chance to even get organized. I had to pick up a computer so I could type out some letters after I listened to a tape about that lawsuit that I’m going to have and get ready for the deposition.

It got to be so much. I want to ask you, Tom, about reversed polarity. You mentioned that a little bit earlier. Lourana speaks of that. In the few weeks when you weren’t on the call she mentioned it. I went on a website and read it a little bit. I got the book “Indigo” and read a little section in there about reversed polarity. I’m wondering if that could be – they recommended six months of herbs and a consultation with the man that came up with that concept. I don’t know if that could help. The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 10 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello In my mind The Healing Codes are pretty much the end all and be all. I’m waiting for all these changes. Some things are just not shaking loose. I thought reversed polarity. Someone told me years ago to tap in a reversed circle on my chest all day long, before I eat, before I take my supplements, before I go to sleep, when I wake up. Anybody who has gone through a lot of crises can get their polarity knocked out. But when you go through one right after another sometimes it stuck in the reverse. Do I have to go through spending a whole ton of money again for six months getting these supplements or is it an investment?

I wanted to know what you thought about it and what you know about it. Sometimes I know I need to be doing stuff and I can’t seem to. I’m looking at it reversed. I try to do this and I do that. I had a lot I had to do in a week’s time. I ran out of time. Some other things I had issues about. My question is about the reversed polarity. Could you tell me what you know about it and if the herbs are a way to go with that?

Tom Costello: The first order of business is to define it for other people. Reversed polarity is referred to by other people as “psychological reversal.” It is based upon the idea that electrical and … physical sense, our bodies are like those car batteries that you have to add water to on a regular basis. Dehydration is a big problem. From my understanding, and this is from the early 90’s, polarity always …..

Reversed polarity is a nutrition, hydration, rest and emotional situation. When we have trauma, upset or allergies, those kinds of things can effect polarity. Toxic smells, heavy perfumes, all types of things like that can stick with us. I’d like you to think of a battery. A battery, if you can think of a wet-cell battery like a car battery, you’ve got a positive terminal and a negative terminal. They don’t mean good or bad. It’s just good ways to label. It could have been X and Z. However, under normal circumstances the had of the human being, that upper portion of the body is the positive terminal, plus sigh. The feet are the negative or the minus sigh. Again that’s not a question of good or bad. It’s just labels.

When people are reversed it flips. The minus sign is at the top. The plus sign is at the feet. It…. Clumsier, more accident prone, lack of hand/eye coordination, fumbling for words, on and on and on. Correcting polarity, there are a bunch of ways to do that. One of the great books in this field is written by a woman named, Donna Eden, like the “garden of Eden”. It’s called “Energy Medicine”. There are a whole bunch of things in there… For people who are dyslexic, for people who stutter, for people who get reversed because of work stresses and so on… it is recommended to anybody and everybody.

The guy you’re speaking about…. In California, is an herbalist. He’s one of the first guys, maybe the second guy I’ve heard talk about this concept. He uses herbs. For auto- immune disease you pretty much figure, according to him and it would make sense to me, auto-immune disease…… body doesn’t know who the enemy is. That’s a reversal. If you watch your diet, you are rested, you eat decent food and you are hydrated and make some effort to put your mental focus on the light rather than cursing the darkness…. The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 11 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Your mental diet is…. Then it is easier to balanced to stay corrected from a polarity standpoint.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) they use a couple techniques. The most common…. Fingertips from one hand tap each side of your…..tap on that multiple times through the day. If you’re driving a car you can tap on the steering wheel as you drive. All that stuff has a…. inner focus, help you center and correct your polarity. If your polarity is correct to start with you don’t mess it up. If you need help it helps. If you don’t need the help ….

I would say your mental diet is an important aspect…. Bring yourself a different story. Bring yourself what it is you want to create instead of exactly what you are experiencing….. Those calamities, those problems, those traumas …. Just reinforce more of the same. Tell yourself a different story.

Participant: I was just wondering if those things, so many of them in a short amount of time was something that showed I was reversed. Even if I don’t even think about them I don’t know why I’m not making my break through. Lourana was saying maybe it’s because I’m reversed. When I’m looking it up it said people who are reversed have insomnia, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, migraines. Those are the things I have. I’m thinking about that combination of things.

Tom Costello: What more information do you need, Paula?

Participant: I was wondering if you can do The Healing Codes to take care of that reversal or do you have to do that herbal thing? What are some of the ways to … Do you have to do the tapping throughout the day on an ongoing basis? Can you just stay corrected?

Tom Costello: If you’ve got a whole bunch of things wrong with your body and your thinking….

Participant: Reversed polarity.

Tom Costello: Yes, but it’s like if you eat one meal when you’re five years old and never have to eat again or do you have to replenish food intake over the course of your life like on the average maybe 3 meals a day? You replenish your energy. If you get upside down … a person who is chronically reversed is going to take some time to regain your balance. You’re going to have to tap as much as you’re going to have to tap. If you can afford to do the herbs, do the herbs. They’re not going to do you any harm.

If you tap 10 times a day…. Hold on… I just tapped 10 times. That took maybe 4 seconds. Do you think you have 40 seconds in a 24-hour period that can help change your life? The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 12 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: I wasn’t sure about how much to tap and where to tap. I know about tapping on the karate chop. I didn’t know if you need to tap… it sounded like just tap constantly, not 10 seconds. Ten seconds is not such a big deal to me. That’s doable. But that’s why I thought I’d ask you.

Tom Costello: I said 4 seconds. I said 10 times. I timed it in my own mind. It took 4 seconds so it’s not a big deal. Use your karate chop. Okay?

Participant: You’re coming in and out and I’m not sure when you’re done.

Tom Costello: I would tap on my karate chop. If you can afford the herbs why don’t you try them?

Participant: Could I get a Custom Code? I’m having a hard time following up on the situation with this deposition. I’m having a hard time following up on the situation with this deposition. Like I said I had to go get a used computer from my friend so I could type this up. I’ve had to find the tape. I have a couple things delivered to my house, orders of stuff and it’s like too many things are happening in a short amount of time and I’m overwhelmed and just …. I can’t stay focused on what I need to be doing. I’m overwhelmed and I feel like I don’t know what to do. I forget what I’m supposed to be doing.

Tom Costello: Okay. Hold on. Can you hear me? (Tom gives Custom Code)

Participant: I got that. Would it be a good idea to do the karate chop before I do The Healing Codes to make it ….

Tom Costello: Yes it would.

Participant: Thank you so much. I appreciate Char’s concern, too.

Tom Costello: You’re going to want to focus on making things easier rather than making things more complicated. Make things easier. Make things more fun. Make things more effective. Thanks, Paula.

This is a reminder. You come into the call muted. Hit *1 to speak and be heard.

One of the thoughts I had for this evening is that most of us want to be able to maintain. We want to be resilient enough that we can stretch and grow, but not so much that we …. Become unstable. I think it’s probably, looking at your individual situations, what thoughts feed your sense of peace and calm? If you want to be peaceful and calm what would you think about in order to produce that set of feelings? What thought would you choose in order to produce a sense of peace and calm? If you don’t know that answer you need to search and explore practice thinking about different things and seeing what produces those feelings. Think about X, see what it produces. Think about A, see what it produces. Think about B and what it produces. You’re looking for those thoughts that The Healing Codes 07.31.2008 13 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello produce a sense of ….. You’re also going to want to look and see if you can identify where your sense of …… how you would feel safe. –confident, comfortable, creative. Where do you get that? If you want to feel those feelings what do you put your attention on? If you don’t know the answer to that you’re going to want to explore just like a minute I said that you are searching for these thoughts that can ….calm, so you could identify calm. If I focus on this….. personal power, a sense…. All is right with the world. That’s nice to know how to push that button. As you explore those areas of trying to determine what thoughts will produce your sense of peace…, what thoughts will produce….., you’ll discover what thoughts produce negative feelings. I think of L, or M, or N, or O or P, those things are not conducive to my peace. You can change your relationship with each of those concepts doing a Healing Code after a prayer/request. Just focus on that as an observer just to see what it is about. Focus and see what it is about. In that way it will become clear to you what is disturbing of our peace. You’ll have the ability at the same time to shift it, to heal it, to change the relationship of whatever that ….was.

…list of things that are disturbing to our peace decreases….things that produce a sense of ….increases; the list of things that activate our feeling of power, that all is right for the world increase.

All kinds of good things occur. That’s really what we’re seeking. Overall if I would say that’s an increase of awareness. Feel good….. used to make us feel uncomfortable…. Much more open to life, so much more open. It’s a good idea to me.

We’re at 40 minutes after the hour. I invite you again ……*1 which will un-mute you.

Participant: (Gail) Thank you so much. I am so grateful.

Participant: (Todd) Thanks, Tom.

Tom Costello: Thanks so much. The recording without all the brakes will be on the website tomorrow. We’ll see if we can’t get this conference line fixed or replaced. Thank you folks. God Bless you.

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