Crosswalk for Student Success Plan: SSSP, Student Equity, and Basic Skills

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Crosswalk for Student Success Plan: SSSP, Student Equity, and Basic Skills

Crosswalk for Student Success Plan: SSSP, Student Equity, and Basic Skills

Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Kathleen Kathleen Moberg Fran Lozano Mary Ann Randy Brown Mary Ann Randy Brown Carina Eduardo Eduardo Marla Dresch Sherrean Carr Annette Moberg Eduardo Cervantes Sanidad Sydney La Rose Sanidad Cisneros Cervantes Cervantes (Hope Jukl) Gutierrez Program Karen Warren Carina Cisneros Lead/ (Doug Achterman) Contact

To To close achievement Faculty and In 2015- An HSI grant (2015- To align adult To increase To To graduate To transfer under- Strengthening To improve the To assist increase gaps in access and staff 16, the 20) to improve learning Noncredit encourage and/or transfer represented Hispanic quality and students California success in development to program completion rates programs and student access the eligible first students to major STEM increase the receiving or communi underrepresented improve provides through focusing on bring adult and success enrollment, generation, low in STEM based Students: quantity of eligible to ty college student groups, as curriculum, $60,000,00 distance education, schools under through the retention and income , discipline comprehensiv career technical receive CalFresh student identified in local instruction, 0 in civic engagement, the CC districts. provision of transfer of disadvantaged e Support, education benefits by access student equity plans. student Proposition and strengthening To increase core students college students Guided provided by our supporting their and Research based focus services, and 98 funds to learning programs adult student matriculation disadvantage Pathways, system; courses, ability to afford success on identifying gaps in program improve such as acceleration access and services with d by Renewed programs, costs associated through student success practices in the the and integration of success. the goal of language, Learning pathways, with community the especially for targeted areas of basic progressio academic support. providing social, credentials(licen college, provision student groups skills and n rate of students with economic sure), successfully of core through the provision English as a basic skills the support and certificates, complete matricula of specialized Second students services educational degrees classes, tion support/services. Language from necessary to circumstance increase work services (ESL) remedial assist them in s, and to readiness, and with the programs. education achieving their facilitate the obtain goal of to college education goal successful employment that providing level and identified completion of leads to self- Purpose students instruction. course of their goals sufficiency with the student. and support Students need objectives in services a plan. college. necessar y to assist them in achieving their educatio n goal and identified course of student. Students need a plan. Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Focus Core Closing achievement Funds shall be Progressiv Increasing student Within the Core Services Core Services: Services Overall Goals: Ongoing Overall Goals: Services: gaps in 5 success expended ely engagement and areas of for Noncredit Services:  Proactiv  Proactive 1. Increa categorical indicators/goals: for: increasing success through: courses for students: funds to support Improve skills for  Orienta - Academic e/intrusive /intrusive se adequate • Access shares of immigrants, CTE programs the unemployed tion  Program and  Training in best  Orientation and counseling counseling support of students High School and build new and low wage • Course Completion curriculum practices for DE Assessment supportive  Educati  Education Hispanic & enrolled at Equivalency,  programs. workers through.  Assess • ESL and Basic planning and  Service Learning counseling on planning planning to underserved Skills Completion development the college Short-term  Counseling, to complete complete within ment  Civic Engagement STEM Increase • Degree and  Student who: Vocational, Advising, - Follow-up within 4 4 academic For community curriculum students CalFresh Certificate assessment a. Succes (Pre) and Other and academic years colleges to  Couns development Education Devel participation Completion  Advisement sfully Apprenticeships educational years  Student 2. become an eling  Increasing Planning while waiving the •Transfer and complet , and Programs planning  Student Success op STEM essential Advisin accelerated for AWD Services Guided catalysts to work rule for counseling e a Program Success Conferences g, and offerings Follow-Up - Pathways California’s CalFresh services college-  Articulate Conferences  Priority services Orientation (transfer economic participants so Other  Supplemental level  Developing programs,  Summe registration - Textbook and recovery and they can focus Educati instruction English Learning align r Bridge  STEM assistance articulation jobs creation at on their on and tutoring or Commons consortium Program Book loans mathe systems, and model with the local, education. Plannin  Articulation  Scholars Academy - Priority  Priority  laptop matics create SJSU) regional and g registration Registration loans Provide  Instructional course, pathways; state levels  TRIO 3. Renew supportive Service materials and or both, - Transfer  MESA  Address Grants STEM services to s equipment within a assistance STEM days at identified Teaching populations  Any other sequen  Transfer UCs gaps; - Educational and identified in the  Follow- purpose ce of support  MESA-  Accelerate materials Learning Gavilan College Up for directly related three or services Cisco progress and Opportuniti Equity Plan as to the fewer  Academ Mentorship At-Risk supplies es for well as students enhancement courses  Provide ic Tutoring Program Student Faculty and who may not be of basic skills, after professional and  Academic s Students eligible for other ESL enrollm Development supplemental Tutoring categorical instruction, ent in a  Leverage instruction  AEWS programs (i.e. and related commu existing  Cultural ( MESA version Timed out student nity structures and of SI) CalWORKs, programs. college. Community  Leverage  Peer Students b. Earn an existing Building Leaders activities enrolled less industry systems  Summer than full time,  Laptop - STEM Career Non-Credit and relevant Academy students). college Calculator  Milestone certifica loans celebrations te or  Worksh and family degree ops workshops within  Peer two Leaders years.  Mileston c. significa e ntly celebrations greater and family share of workshops entering student s achievin g the goal listed in (a) above within a shorter time period than before the implem entation of the plan. Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant • New Campus based To improve Basic Hispanic-serving Students All Noncredit  CA  First  Low Income Hispanic/low CTE students Students who matric research as to the outcomes of Skills institution grant enrolled in the students resident or Generation  First Generation income/first are receiving or ulating extent of student students who student in designed to improve program areas AB540  Low Income  Students from generation eligible to studen equity by gender and enter college English overall transfer rates listed above in Eligible  Underreprese the lowest STEM receive CalFresh ts for each of the needing at least and Math by increasing local Adult  Qualify for nted minority eligibility context students (SNAP) benefits, • All following categories of one course in success in online Education BOG groups to transfer living in Santa studen students: ESL or basic courses, accelerating programs and waiver A ( Latino, African Clara and San ts • Current or former skills, with students from basic the Gavilan or B American Benito Counties needin foster youth particular skills through College  Full-time ,American and are timed g an • Student with emphasis on gateway transfer- noncredit enrollment Indian) out of educat disabilities students level courses, and program (12 units  Must be STEM CalWORKs, low ion • Low-income transitioning enhancing student or more) majors in a income, Latinos, plan students into college engagement in  Not have calculus based former Foster • • Veterans (from high college, community, completed pathway major Youth and/or • Students in the school, and career more than  Eligible for meet one of the Undeci following ethnic immigration, exploration. 70 algebra or above populations ded racial categories: workforce, degree- identified in the studen American Indian or incarceration, applicable Gavilan College ts Alaska Native, etc.) units Equity Plan. • Asian, Black or  Facing an African American, education Probat Hispanic or Latino, al ion Native Hawaiian or disadvant studen other Pacific age such ts Islander, White, as: • Basic some other race, Students to  Basic skills more than one race. Skills be Serve studen placement ts  Graduated • At-Risk H.S. with student GPA s below 2.5  Non H.S Graduate  First generation college student  Member of underrepr esented group as identified by college equity goals  Primary language spoken at home is/was non- English Defined Students Yes – first Education majors; Adult Ed and No Current or Cohorts are Cohorts defined Co-horts enrolled in ESL time students in noncredit former foster defined by the by the year they and pre-transfer students acceleration, service students in the youth year that the joined. level English assessing learning, and areas of ESL, student joined and Math; into BS learning commons. HSE, Short- the program. recently to math term Reporting and include students and/or vocational , Pre- date are at first transfer English; apprenticeship measured by level course first time cohort groups. students seeking CTE certificates or degrees Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant SB 1456 SB 860 (Budget Act), AB 194 Communit Title V AB 86/AB 104 SB 1456 & Title V Department of Chancellor's Office, HISPANIC- SECTION 1. & Title V (New and (original); SB y Colleges Student Education TRIO MESA RFA SERVING Part 54.5 Student revised) 852 (revised) Basic Success Task SSS regulations, INSTITUTIONS (commencing Success Skills and Force and Title OMB Circular, PROGRAM with Section Task Student V (revised and Program Force Outcomes new) EDGAR, and (84.031C) 88820) is added Mandates/ and Title Transform HEOA to Division 7 of Requirement V ation Title 3 of the s (revised Program Education Code: and new) Part 54.5. STRONG WORKFORCE PROGRAM Admissio None None None None Non-assistance ns students Assessm receiving ent/MM CalFresh benefits Orientati on and reside in Abbrev Santa Clara or Student Ed Plan San Benito Mandates/ Comp Ed counties. Requirement Plan Students must s Follow be enrolled in Up permissible Intention classes (including al GED, ESL, CTE, Interventi ons Work Experience, and Adult Basic Education). Plan Descripti Disproportionate CCCCO Basic Increase Increase overall Partners, Description of Identification Coordination is 8 grant objectives SJSU--Degree In development: Employment & Content/ on of Impact (DI) Study: Skills Cohort placement completion and governance core services, of core centered on completed with 57 Pathways to include Training (E&T) Coordinatio core Goals, Activities & Tracker Tool of transfer rates plan, related services completing the activities regional planning, services, Required students in organizational research and provided, n Budget based on Dl. TRIO set encompassing the Acceleration— partnerships and assessment & related coordination gateway Coordination with chart; fiscal technology, number of Required coordination research with Student English Basic Skills Initiative, management; match, policies, students outcomes 13 MESA model BST Grant, Title activities, to assignment into with categorical or and Equity and and Math, STEM III, Student Description of professional anticipated to components V Grant support the FS, initial and campus programs: technolo SSSP plans. Provide Equity plan, & past year development, be served, Transfer increase in ongoing EOPS/Care, DSPS, gy, proactive related campus achievement prerequisites program Graduation CUNY—ASAP quantity and eligibility, client CalWORKs, MESA, match, integrated programs and challenges and budget. organization Persistence Study quality of CTE tracking, Middle College High policies, student in each of the al chart and School, Puente Required Academic programs. issuance of professio support objective areas; narrative of Project, SSSP, BSI, coordination Standing supportive nal services, plan for program foster youth and with: Students served services, develop and subsequent accomplishm veterans' programs, CalFresh ment, develop year activity;  Student ents for BFAP and BSI prerequi two- and past year Equity plan. previous eligibility Non Credit: no specific sites and three- expenditures by  Separate year, determination authorization budget. course program area credit plan including: and E&T sequences and objective; and allocation registration, Require - Number of for proposed use of d students collaboration completion subsequent coordina served with SCC & SBC. of college year tion with: - Program level expenditures by Objectives  Stude English or program area achieved nt math and objective; Equity regional - Outreach plan Basic assessment Efforts  Non Skills plan and - Student Credit: Initiative, student data Success separ Title V, tracking - Overall ate STEM III, Program plan Local high Evaluation and schools Advisory allocat committee ion involvemen t - Student awards Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Counseli Counseling, High Service learning; Activities related Activities related - Program Counseling There are 57 total Intake, ng and Supplemental School acceleration; transfer to seamless to seamless Orientation Academic activities listed in assessment, Retention Instruction, Project, academy; DE transitions, transitions, s Support the MESA grant. orientation, ed- : Professional Acceleratio training acceleration, acceleration, grants plan - Counseling Outreach Development n, Social professional professional transfer support development, Educationa at HS Early Alert and development, development, socio-cultural career l Planning Onboardi Emotional leveraging leveraging programing exploration, job ng Learning, community community - Progress readiness activities SI, Peer systems systems. Report services, Advisem Mentoring, - Probation supportive ent Access to Workshops services such as Follow up Books, textbook Activities - Priority Worksho Profession Registratio vouchers, ps al n days transportation Assessm Developm assistance, Transfer ent of ent - rental, utility and underser Application car repair ved Assistance assistance, and students University resource like those Visits referrals. not getting BOG

CCCAppl Eureka Only as used in None Smart books for Improvement of Implementation SARS Blumen Argos SARS y Go2Knowledge Early Alert faculty in DE training technology of degree works ARGOS Database SARS Banner Grad capabilities at with Noncredit MIS/Banner Argos Access databas Guru sites and student SARS MIS/Banner Banner development of Access Cranium and training on database Café tech tools for Banner SARS instructors Technology Go2Orie ntation EAB Navigate Higher Educ Profile Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Plan Who Who signs off on plan: Who signs off Who signs o Acti Allocations, Who signs off Who signs Project Director Project Director  CEO/C U.S. Department Approval signs off o Local on plan: off on vity Director Budget and on the plan: off on the VP Student BO of Agriculture on the Board approval  Chief plan: Annual Plan are • No local board plan: Services College President Food and plan: required Executive  A o Chi approved by approval · EOPS  BOT Nutrition Service appointed required, but Director/Ass o o Stud Officer ctivity ef Instructional Chief Business Consortium presented to oc. Dean California No local ent Equity (President) Director Officer Office  CCCC designee CCCD Board Community board Coordinator O approv  C o Aca as a courtesy · EOPS Colleges Chief  Academic al o hief demic Senate • SSSP Supervisin Foundation Senate require Student Services Busines President Coordinator g d, but Officer President s Officer • Chief Student Administra Santa Clara & presen o Chief  College Services Officer tor/ Vice San Benito ted to Instructional Officer  Chief Superintendent/Pre • Chief President Counties CCCD o Acad Business sident Instructional of Student Services VPAS Board emic Senate Officer Officer as a • Academic President Program courte Senate College o Colle Coordinator/Sup sy President President ge President ervisor o • College SSSP President Coordi • District nator Chancellor o Who signs off Chief on SSSP Studen budget: t • SSSP Servic Coordinator es • SSSP Officer Supervising o Administrator or Chief CSSO Instruc • District tional Business Officer Manager o • College Academi President c • District Senate Chancellor Presid ent o College Presid ent o District Chanc ellor Who signs off on SSSP budget : o SSSP Coordi nator o SSSP Superv ising Admini strator or CSSO o District Busine ss Manag er o College Presid ent o District Chanc ellor

2014 2014 2019 Quarterly Annually through 2016-17 2014 2017 January 31, Invoices October January 1, 2015 June 30,2019 – Final 2020, Plan/Allocations October 17, November 2017 17, 2014 grant ends (3 Report By Jan. 31 due 2014 30, 2017 January, April, 2015 year July 2019 August 15, EOPS & July, & October 2015 TBD implementation 2016; 2015 CARE TBD but per CA TBD but Program E&T Plan probably Educational Budget due: probably Plan June (annually) around Code) UNK around Annual Plan Program Novembe November 1, Contract & MOU Deadlines r 1, 2015 2020 201 Plans due at June 30, 2020 – same time each year September (2 reporting year cycle) concludes (4 year reporting period per CA Educational Code

Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Veronica Doug Mary Ann Randy Brown, Adult Ed Randy Brown Advisory CTE Dean, Annette Martinez Achterman, Sanidad Karen Warren, Doug principals, (dean), Victor Committee Director CE and Gutierrez Rosa Randy Brown, Fran Achterman, Sydney Randy Brown; DeReza Workforce, Sharbon Eduardo Lozano, LaRose, Megan Mary Ann (assessment includes Associate Dean Ozzy Zamora eau Cervantes, Christina Wong, Leah Halper, Sanidad as specialist), representatio of Non Credit, Kathleen Carina Salvin, Scott Sandler facilitator Blanca Melchor n from college CTE Faculty, Olga Rodriguez Moberg Cisneros, Elena and Mariana personnel, Director of Karen Daniel Fuentes, Dachkova, Pereyra EOPS Financial Aid Carina Cisneros Warren Jessica Hooper, Kimberly (counselors) students, Candice Kyle Hull, Smith, local/feeder Committee Whitney Fran Lozano, Jessica high schools, Membershi Stacey Veronica Hooper, community p Porteur Martinez, Jen Nari, and business Kathleen Leslie sector, and Moberg, Tenney, four -year colleges Jennifer Nari, Vania Vania Parakati, Parakati, Scott Sandler, Daniel Mary Ann Fuentes Sanidad, Leslie Tenney, Karen Warren Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiiatve SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Allocation Year 1 New Formula:  100% Up to $2.6 million for 5 Regional ase of 5% of Base of Unemployment 50% Formula (2014-  40% Annual FTES FTES from $1,500,000 years (2015-2020 funding formula the total $50,000 of rate, proportion reimbursement 15)  25% High Need basic skills for three variables, allocated for the total of CTE FTES, for direct Formula: Students (based on courses year equally noncredit SSSP allocated for Projected job supportive EOPS Preexisti number eligible for  Minimum weighted: divided by 113 openings, services billed Plus: ng Pell Grant) amount a  Educati colleges Successful quarterly Dollars per criteria:  10% Educational college will onal (whichever is - workforce student 44.4% 2.4 X Attainment of receive is Attainment greater) outcomes(2017- served reimbursement new Residential Zip Code $90,000 (No High Plus: 18) credit . for indirect  5% Participation annually School - Dollars for students Diploma) 35% college services/costs Rate billed quarterly plus 1.0  Employ unduplicat effort  18% Poverty Rate as well as X ment ed head above the  2% 15% raw eligible matches continui (Unemployed count Unemployment Rate minimum ng Adults) students . district Base Funding Year 2   Adult 60% core contributio (2015- Population services 15 n $60,000 General 16) -18 years and percent - District Fund Formula: older initial contributio $30,000 Equity  6  Povert orientation n of 15% 0% y of the Stud (Household) . college’s 15% initial average ents  Adult Serv assessmen EOPS Literacy (7th allocation ed at t Grade for the the . Education past three Coll 30% Level) noncredit fiscal ege: years  ESL SEP - 95%  I (the ability to . guarantee nitial speak 20% English) counseling/ of prior Orie year’s ntati advising 20 percent initial on - allocation follow-up 10% before and other  I penalties services nitial Upcoming Asse changes to ssm EOPS ent - allocation 10% formula 2yr  A phase in: bbre 2018-19 viate - Base of d $150,000 SEP - 95% for - students 10% served in  C prior, prior ouns year (2016- eling 17) / - 5% for Advi college sing- effort 15% - 95%  C guarantee omp of prior rehe year’s initial nsiv allocation e before SEP penalties - - Student 35% cap: same  P cap as in rogr 2017-18 ess 2019-20 prob - $150,000 ation base Serv - 90% for ices students - served in 15% prior, prior  O year ther - 5% for Serv college ices effort - 5% - 5% for  4 growth 0% - 95% Colle guarantee ge's of prior Pote year’s initial ntial allocation Popu before lation penalties of Student cap Stud based on ents number of to students Rece funded in ive 2017-18 Servi ces: Undu plicat ed Credi t Stud ent Head coun t (aca demi c year = sum mer, fall, winte r, sprin g) plus Base Fund ing Floor $35K or 10% (whic heve r is great er)

Kathleen Kathleen Moberg Fran Lozano (?) Mary Ann Randy Brown Mary Ann Randy Brown Carina Eduardo Eduardo Dean CTE Annette Moberg Eduardo Cervantes Sanidad Sanidad Cisneros Cervantes Cervantes Gutierrez Budget Manager

Examples of • SSSP • Outreach All expenditures • Office Supplemental Textbook  Program and  Plan  Program planning - EOPS Allowable Direct • Student Services must relate to supplies and funding to Vouchers curriculum and  Curriculum personnel Expenditure or/Coo and Student planning and budget development the areas and postage support CTE Transportation s rdinato Services development as  Academic support objectives of the • Publications - Office programs (gas cards/bus r and categorical  Student submitt services grant, be and outreach supplies  Use tokens) staff programs approved by materials Ancillary assessment ed.  Professional · reasonable • Office • Research and consortium • In-state travel (supplies, tools,  Advisement  High learning Instruction standard suppli evaluation members , and and training materials) and School  Assessment al supplies  Focus on SW es and • Hiring student assess be present in • Computer Rental, Utility & counseling  Distance · Textbooks outcomes postag equity program services ment the (approved) hardware Vehicle Repair e coordinator education training Annual Plan and software · Outreach  Supplement TB Testing for  Supplementa and • • Support student and support and materials not supplant required classes l instruction boot equity planning  Civic engagement equipment Drug screening and tutoring camps) · In-state Public process events and • Food and for required  Articulation  Basic travel and ations • Professional activities beverages training for classes  Instructional Skills and development  Instructional • Counseling, EOPS Parking Permits materials counsel outrea • Adapting academic or materials and advising and purposes Material Fees ch and equipment Planning or career-related  Supple other student · Food and materi equipment educational Administration programs or mental  Publicity and beverages als Any other planning Evaluation courses Instructi outreach • In- purpose directly services · Service • Instructional on  Conferences state support services related to the • Follow-up Counselin Provision  Textboo  Food and travel • In-state travel enhancement of services g, advising Office Supplies ks beverages and • Other direct student basic skills, ESL • Orientation and other Marketing trainin support instruction, and  Peer services student Staff salaries g related student mentors • Assessment educationa who work • programs.  Instructi for placement l planning directly with FS onal • Research, services (Supervisor, Comp Progra admissions · Orientation Office Assistant, uter m and transfer services Intern, Program hardw Speciali functions · Outreach Specialist, & are st for directly and Counselor) and pre- related to transfer Match salaries softwa transfer fundable functions not paid out of re and English SSSP FS but work equip  Social - Any other with FS ment and programs program(i.e. • Food emotion and Associate Dean, and al services VPSS, CTE bevera learning which are Counselor, ges training over, Contract Ed •  Acceler above, and ation in addition Couns to the eling, costs advisin which are g and the other district's studen responsibili t ty educat ional planni ng servic es •

Follow -up servic es •

Orient ation servic es •

Asses sment for place ment • Resear ch, admissi ons and transfer function s directly related to fundabl e SSSP service s Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant Examples of • • Construction • Supplanting Any Unrelated expenses Un-allowed or • Construction - College Supplanting Equipment Unallowable • Gifts current expenditur need prior • Gifts administrati district Expenditure Constr • Stipends for district es that do approval: • Stipends for ve support expenditures Food for s uction students expenditures not directly  Construction students costs (e.g., students • Gifts • Computer, office for relate to (prior • Office staff of the • supplies and matriculation identified approval) furniture business Registration fees activities office, furniture and  Other staff • Other staff Stipen • Other assessment bookstore, Vehicles salaries and salaries and ds for services, reproductio administrative, benefits benefits studen faculty, or staff basic skills, • Political or n, staff at Grants to ts salaries or benefits ESL  Political or professional the dean students • Office • Political or instruction, professional dues, salary level Supportive furnitu professional dues, and related dues, membership and above). services to re memberships or student memberships s or - Indirect ineligible • Other contributions programs , or contributions costs (e.g., courses staff  Rental of off- contributions • Rental of off- heat, lights, salarie  Unrelated campus power, campus space Supplanting in s and • Legal and audit travel costs space janitorial service) general benefi expenses  Vehicles • Legal and ts • Indirect costs (prior audit - Political or • • Unrelated travel approval) expenses professional costs • Indirect costs association  Clothing (for dues and/or Politic • Vehicles individual, no; • Unrelated al or • Clothing travel costs contribution for classroom s. profes • Courses (faculty use, yes) • Vehicles sional salaries) • Clothing - Furniture  Entertainmen dues, • Unrelated research • Courses (chairs, t costs memb Supplanting • Admissions desks, ership  Fines and and Records bookshelve s or penalties Office (not s etc.) contrib  Out of state related to - Constructio utions travel (prior SSSP n, • Rental approval) services) remodeling, renovation, of off-  Supplanting • Supplanting or vehicles. camp in general us - Travel costs space other than • Legal travel costs and of EOPS audit staff and expen students for ses EOPS • activities or functions Indirec - Supplanting t costs •

Unrela ted travel costs •

Vehicl es •

Clothi ng •

Cours es •

Admis sions and Recor ds Office (not relate d to SSSP servic es) • Supplanti ng Credit: NA NA NA NA NA Non-credit at 15% match NA NA Equity, General Starting 1:1 of the Fund, non- 14-15 college’s federal dollars, revised average donations, to EOPS personnel who 2:1. allocation for work with FS 13-14 the prior and are not paid funds three fiscal with federal remain years dollars Match at 3:1 (prior backfill to matricul ation can be counted as match) 2 year 2 year cycle August September 30 Year 1-Dec 1 FY after June 30th – Must bill cycle 2019 2017 original funding close of each quarterly (federal Year 2-Dec year FY fiscal year). Spending 2018 Reimbursement Year 3-Dec funding rolls over Deadlines 2019 into next year. Data and Accountability- Dec 2018 Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant NA NA NA Success Increase in success Increases in Number of Facilitate Increase CTE Increase and and completion rates enrollment, completed the quantity: CTE retention, persistenc overall and closing student educational enrollment, e; equity gap in transfer transitions/ plans, successful Improve quality: completion, improved rates for Hispanic completion, orientations, completion skills gains, and graduation placement students increased assessments, of student completion, rates for scores; certification and and support goals and transfer, impacted retention or income services. employment objectives in rates, student Goal/Metric college. employment in populations Increase the field of while enrollment, study, earnings, increasing their median change retention in earnings, employability. and proportion of transfer. students who attained living wages Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant


Strategic Plan

Educational Master Plan Vision 2025

District Strategic Plan

Institutional Set Standards (IEPI/SS)

Guided Pathways Strong Fresh Basic Skills Non Credit SSS Initiative SSSP Student Equity BSTG Title V Coop AEBG EOPS MESA HSI STEM Workforce Success Initiative SSSP (TRiO) (CTE) Grant

Outcomes Assessmen t (Required)

Research Plan (where data needs to come from)

Cohort Tracking?

Campus Org Coding

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