On Average, How Many Days Per Month Is the Employee Absent

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On Average, How Many Days Per Month Is the Employee Absent

Management Review

Name ______

Position ______

Date Range Of Review ______

Name of Reviewer ______

Goals Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #1 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #2 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #3 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #4 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Attendance On average, how many days per month is the person present  Every work day at work?  All except 1 –2 days  All except 3 or more days On average, how many days per month does the person arrive  Always at work as scheduled?  Most of the time  Some of the time  Frequently late Appearance Describe the person’s work area.  Extremely neat and organized  Somewhat neat and organized  Needs improvement Time Management How does the person appear to manage personal business on  Never seen conducting personal business company time?  Seldom seen conducting personal business  Frequently seen conducting personal business  More than four hours In general, how well does the person appear to manage  Very well his/her time?  Fairly well 1 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010  Needs improvement Does the person appear to return their phone calls in a timely  Very Well manner?  Fairly well  Needs improvement  Not Applicable. Attitude Does the person display a good attitude and disposition when  Displays a good attitude and disposition. working closely with co-workers?  Usually displays a good attitude and disposition.  Does not display a good attitude and disposition. Does the person display the willingness to help co-worker’s  All the time when assistance is needed?  Most off the time  When required  Rarely Is the person willing to make suggestions to help solve  Excellent. problems?  Above average.  Average.  Below Average.  Not applicable. Is the person a self starter?  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Does the person receive complaints from customers?  Never  Seldom  Frequently  Not applicable Does the person receive compliments from customers?  Frequently  Seldom  Never  Not applicable Conflict Resolution Encourages open communication  Frequently  Seldom  Never Confronts difficult situations  Frequently  Seldom  Never Maintains objectivity  Frequently  Seldom  Never Keeps emotions under control  Frequently  Seldom  Never Uses negotiation skills to resolve conflicts  Frequently  Seldom  Never

2 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Adaptability Adapts to changes in the work environment  Frequently  Seldom  Never Manages competing demands  Frequently  Seldom  Never Accepts criticism and feed back  Frequently  Seldom  Never Changes approach or method to best fit the situation  Frequently  Seldom  Never Demonstrates the ability to reason through problems to  Frequently get a good answer  Seldom  Never Professional Knowledge Improves industry knowledge  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Improves technical knowledge  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average.

3 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 File Integrity Audit Does the person maintain computer records up to agency  Excellent. standards?  Above average.  Average.  Below average. What is the level of accuracy and clarity in the person’s oral  Excellent. communications?  Above average.  Average.  Below average.  Not Applicable. What is the level of accuracy and clarity in the person’s written  Excellent. communications?  Above average.  Average.  Below average.  Not Applicable. What is the level of accuracy and clarity in the person’s  Excellent. computer records?  Above average.  Average.  Below average.  Not Applicable. Does the person, when marketing new accounts use creativity  All the time. and their knowledge to place the business with the best program for the insured?  Most of the time.  When required.  Rarely.  Not Applicable.

Production Activities  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Revenue  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Customer Count  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Policy Count  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average.

4 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Individual Self-Review

Name ______

Position ______

Date Range Of Review ______

Attendance On average, how many days per month is the person absent?  Zero days per month.  One to two days per month.  Three or more days per month. On average, how many days per month is the person late?  Zero to one day.  Two days.  Three days.  Four days.  More than Four days. Appearance Person complies with agency dress code  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below Average. Person keeps a neat work area  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below Average. Time Management On average, how many hours per month does the person  Zero to one hour. conduct personal business on company time?  One to two hours.  Two to three hours.  Three to tour hours.  More than four hours In general, how well does the person manage his/her time?  The person manages his/her time very well.  The person manages his/her time well.  The person manages his/her time adequately.  The person manages his/her time poorly Does the person return his/her phone calls in a timely manner?  Returns phone calls in a timely manner.  Returns most phone calls in a timely manner.  Returns some phone calls in a timely manner.  Does not return phone calls in a timely manner.  Not Applicable.

5 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Attitude Does the person display a good attitude and disposition when  Displays a good attitude and disposition. working closely with co-workers?  Usually displays a good attitude and disposition.  Does not display a good attitude and disposition. Does the person display the willingness to help co-worker’s  All the time when assistance is needed?  Most off the time  When required  Rarely Is the person willing to make suggestions to help solve  Excellent. problems?  Above average.  Average.  Below Average.  Not applicable. Is the person a self starter?  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. How many customers have complained about the person since  None. his/her last review?  One to two.  Three to five.  More than five.  Not Applicable. Conflict Resolution Encourages open communication  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Confronts difficult situations  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Maintains objectivity  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Keeps emotions under control  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Uses negotiation skills to resolve conflicts  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average

6 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Adaptability Adapts to changes in the work environment  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Manages competing demands  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Accepts criticism and feed back  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Changes approach or method to best fit the situation  Excellent  Above average  Average  Below average Demonstrates the ability to reason through problems to  Excellent. get a good answer  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Goals Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #1 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #2 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #3 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.  Not Applicable. Did the person achieve the objectives of Goal #4 of the last  Completely. review?  Mostly.  Partly.  Not at all.

7 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010  Not Applicable.

Professional Knowledge Improves industry knowledge  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average. Improves technical knowledge  Excellent.  Above average.  Average.  Below average.

8 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Quarterly Goals

Goal #1

Goal #2

Goal #3

Goal #4

Goal #5

9 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 File Integrity Audit

Customer ______Producer ______

Policy # ______Clerical ______

Policy Type ______Date Written ______

Basic Customer Information

 Name and address not complete. The proper name and address is necessary for form letters and mass mailings

 Customer not coded for specific level of service. In today’s price-conscious world, not everyone is interested in high levels of personal service. Also, the level of service often depends on account profitability.

 Complete contact information not found. In today’s complex world, customers will usually have multiple contact numbers

 Dates of birth not entered. Dates of birth can be useful for marketing life and health products, as well as birthday cards


 No standard proposal found in the file. It is important to use a standard proposal for proper E&O protection and to ensure the consistency of the agency’s image

 If proposal found, no indication that it is based on information provided by the customer or prospect

 If proposal found, no indication that no coverage was bound until confirmed by the agency

 If proposal found, no indication of coverage checklist. Since the number on reason for E&O claims is the failure to provide adequate coverage, the best way to protect the agency is through the use of a coverage checklist

 If proposal found, no indication that the proposal included a specified list of named insureds

 If proposal found, no indication that additional coverages and limits were offered

 If proposal found, no indication that changes made between the time the proposal is presented and the coverage was bound were documented If proposal found, no indication agency procedures were communicated to the insured or prospect

 If proposal found, no indication of the rating status of non-admitted carriers

10 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Applications And Policies

 Copy of signed app not found in the file.

 No indication the policy was checked for accuracy

 Policy numbers in database do not match policy

 Eff/Exp dates in database do not match policy

 Coverages and limits on policy do not match database

 Copy of policy not in the file

 No suspense for follow-up on policy from company

 No coverage checklist. For years, E&O classes have taught the importance of coverage checklists to reduce the

number one cause of E&O claims - failure to provide adequate coverage

 No criteria checklist. The purpose of the criteria checklist is to ensure the customer meets or exceeds established parameters for agency profitability

 No indication customer was notified in writing that the policy issued was identical to that applied for, modified or declined

 No indication of method used to determine property value

 No indication non-standard forms were reviewed for coverage limitations and reported to the insured

 If claims made policy, no indication policy was reviewed for options and limitations

 If agency bill policy, no invoice found in file

 If PIP, Med Pay, UM/UIM, etc not written, signed rejections not found in file

 No indication a copy of a binder was sent to the insured

 No indication a non-binding coverage disclaimer was signed by the insured if the binder was delayed beyond the effective date or if not able to bind coverage

Excess & Surplus Lines

 If policy written with Surplus Lines Broker, no indication of written authority from broker

 If policy written with Surplus Lines Broker, no indication that business was first attempted to be placed with admitted carrier

 If policy written with Surplus Lines Broker, no indication that customer was asked to sign authorization

 If policy written with Surplus Lines Broker, no indication of stamping fees 11 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Endorsements

 No copy of standard change request form found in file

 No indication customer was sent a confirmation copy of change requests

 No indication customer was asked to sign authorization for deletion or reduction of coverage

 No indication of suspense created to follow-up on change requests

 Coverages requested on change request do not match database

New Business/Renewals

 No letter documenting items purchased, not purchased, not covered or recommended

 No indication customer was contacted prior to renewal to discuss changes

 No indication of a procedure’s checklist found in file

 No indication of customer being notified prior to renewal of changes in premium

Communication Issues

 No indication of account development activities found in file

 No indication of phone calls being documented

 No indication form letters were used

 Suspense items appear to be overdue

 No indication of documenting recommendations or refusal of recommended changes to coverage


 No indication customer was notified of cancellation

 No indication database was updated with cancellation or reinstatement information

 Return premiums not sent to insured on a prompt basis

 No indication additional interests were notified of cancellation

 No indication of an exit interview

12 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010 Production Analysis

Activities # Total Activities # Total Open # Change Requests # Claims # Certificates # Phone Calls # Binders # Cancellations # Cross Selling Production Total Revenue Total Premium # Policies # Customers

13 Advanced Automation, Inc. Copyright 2010

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