Ducky S Abusers out on Bail

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Ducky S Abusers out on Bail


** PUPS Act Reintroduced ** Ducky’s Abusers Out on Bail ** Make SeaWorld Safety Hearing Public ** Bob Parsons: Elephant Killer ** DNA Cracks Cat Abuse Case ** Underwater Testing Safety Disputed ** Reaction to WV Cruelty/Kidnapping Case ** 2011 Environmental Film Winners

– Support the PUPS Act –

On March 1, federal lawmakers reintroduced the Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety Act. H.R. 835, known as the PUPS Act. This bill would allow oversight of abusive puppy mills nationwide. Because of the poor care provided to animals by breeders, unsuspecting buyers often find themselves spending time and money to care for sickly puppies they have made a part of their lives. This outrage continues in part because a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) currently allows large, commercial breeders who sell puppies online or directly to the public to escape licensing and regulation. The PUPS Act would close this loophole. A 2010 Department of Agriculture (USDA) report found that USDA inspectors failed to cite or properly document inhumane treatment of animals and brought little to no enforcement actions against violators.

PUPS would also mandate that dogs used for breeding have some relief from constant confinement and isolation. Unless a vet determines a dog should be exempt for medical reasons, breeders would be required to give dogs at least one hour of exercise a day in a safe, clean and spacious area. Dogs used for breeding would no longer have to spend every day of their lives in small cages and deprived of socialization and human interaction. For more information on the PUPS Act, see the Humane Society Legislative Fund press release at

So far, PUPS has gained the support of 85 legislators in the House of Representatives. You can check out whether your House Representative is a cosponsor of the PUPS Act at Just click on Cosponsors. If you do not see your lawmaker in the list, ask him to become a cosponsor and support this legislation.

You can send and personalize a quick on-line message through the ASPCA advocacy center. Just visit

-- A Dog Named Ducky –

On March 27 a small dog was left on the side of a road in Corriganville, Maryland. Several volunteers from around the area searched relentlessly for the little terrier that they affectionately named Ducky. Ducky stayed in the area for several days. Finally, on the morning of April 3, Ducky was found sleeping on the front porch of, Beth Warren, who called animal control. Ducky was taken to a local vet where he

1 | P a g e is currently undergoing the 10-day vet exam to ensure his health and safety. Then will be transferred to the Ark of Hope animal rescue for adoption. A vet fund has been established to help cover costs.

While the search was on for ducky, law enforcement officials were also conducting an investigation. Ricky Adams of Cumberland and Frederick Lease of Mt Savage both face animal cruelty charges. The men were arrested and are now out on bail. Ducky has his own Facebook page where you can check on his progress and how to support any action for justice. Check it out on: also covered the story. You can hear an interview with Beth Warren who was instrumental in getting Ducky the help he needed at

-- Latest From Sea World --

A few days ago, Tilikum, the whale that caused the death of Sea World trainer Dawn Brancheau, began performing again. The Brancheau family defended the decision to put Tilikum back in the show. As reported by CBS News:

“Brancheau's sister, Darlyne Klages said, ‘We -- just like Dawn, she loved and cared for Tilikum the best that she could. And we want that for Tilikum, also. So that's up to SeaWorld to decide what to do. If that's best for Tilikum, that's what we would want also. …’ ”

When asked if she was concerned about other SeaWorld trainers, she added, "But we're certainly not safety experts. And we really do leave that up to SeaWorld to who is ever handling this. We know that that's important to SeaWorld, also. So we're pretty confident that they're going to take that into consideration and that obviously trainer safety is important, but that they're not going to do anything to put their trainers in peril." See the full news story at

On March 31, the National Humane Education Society reported that Sea World Orlando is petitioning for a hearing on the findings of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration regarding the investigation into the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau by the orca Tilikum. Sea World is requesting the hearing be closed and all documents sealed.

What is Sea World Orlando afraid the public might learn through such a hearing? Are there other incidents that will be discussed that have been kept from the public? Has Sea World been jeopardizing not just its trainers but possibly the paying public? What would we learn about the training of orcas that might turn us off from supporting such animal entertainment?

If the proceedings are closed and the results sealed, the public will not have the knowledge they need to determine if Sea World Orlando’s protective programs for trainers are adequate nor will they be able to assess the welfare of captive orcas.

2 | P a g e You can sign the petition to SeaWorld asking that them to stop pushing for closed hearings by going to opt_new=t&opt_fb=f .

Or you can also leave a message at the Secretary of Labor, Hilda L. Solis Facebook page:

-- Boycott Go Daddy –

In a video blog [] he posted on March 14, Go Daddy Founder and CEO Bob Parsons shoots and kills an elephant while he’s on vacation in Africa. He calls it one of the most rewarding things he does every year. But for many people, Parsons’ 2011 vacation is as gruesome and brutal as it gets. Parsons guns down a bull elephant and then poses beside the carcass. Parsons justifies his hunting by insisting that he is helping farmers. He seems to think his behavior is somehow heroic. But the fact is more humane ways accomplish the same goal.

Conservationists and farmers have been working together to create harmless elephant-shooing devices (not shooting, shooing), such as chili-infused string fences, beehives on poles, and people standing guard to bang bamboo sticks, ring cowbells and shine spotlights on the elephants when they approach the crops at night. Instead of spending thousands of dollars to kill an elephant once a year, Parsons should donate that money to organizations that promote humane methods all year round.

Bob Parsons, the CEO of (a major Internet domain-hosting company), has killed at least one elephant and a leopard for his personal enjoyment. Both HSUS and PETA closed their Go Daddy accounts and urge everyone to follow suit.

You can let Bob Parsons know what you think of his 2011 vacation. Please sign the petition against Bob Parsons that you will find at [] and take a moment to send an e- mail to Bob Parsons letting him know that you won't use's services until he stops shooting animals via PETA at

– DNA Brings Posthumous Justice –

This month animal abusers were convicted of cruelty based on indisputable evidence. The New York Times City Room blog reported that “it was the first time animal DNA had been used to win cruelty convictions in New York City. And the convictions, returned on March 8 in separate trials, are two of [only a handful of successfully prosecuted cases] … though the existence of DNA evidence has encouraged many defendants to plead guilty.” For more on this see the March 22 story at

– Navy Implicated in Dolphin Deaths –

An underwater blast from a Navy training exercise off San Diego's coast on March 4 may be to blame for the death of at least three long-beaked common dolphins. The National Marine Fisheries Service plans to take another look at the Navy's pending request to disturb marine mammals between Imperial Beach and Coronado, where it conducts amphibious and special warfare training. The Navy's application to

3 | P a g e disturb marine mammals where it conducts amphibious and special warfare training, which has been in the works for years, says it does not anticipate any dolphin deaths. But following the March 4 incident, the National Marine Fisheries Service opened an enforcement case to determine whether the Navy violated the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, which is designed to safeguard dolphins, whales and similar creatures. Environmentalists have called on the Navy to suspend activities involved in the deaths and conduct a transparent investigation. For more details, go to

– Fur*thermore on WVA Abuser –

Last week the Bulletin covered the horrific case of a young man in West Virginia who killed 29 dogs while the woman he was holding against her will watched and waited for him to kill her too. It is terrible to think of what happened, but we cannot turn away and pretend it did not happen. The National Humane Education Society blog post by Ginnie Maurer challenges us not just to face the cruelty, but to make sure we do something about it.

[A] a compassionate society, we have to envision all the horrors that can befall those who cannot speak, let alone care, for themselves. And then, we must take action when one of our own violates the standards of our community.”

Read all of Ginnie's thoughtful article at

-- 2011 Environmental Film Winners --

The top film makers are Josh Rachlis for “An Inconvenient Ruth” and Ben Zolno for “Plastic State of Mind.” Josh and Ben will split the $1,000 prize from the Sierra Club. Check out the winners:

Plastic State of Mind

An Inconvenient Ruth

Other finalists were:


The Energetic Energy-Saver

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