%DUUUHMHFWVNH\ÀQGLQJ Trump’s drug importation House Intelligence in report on plan faces resistance report says Trump Russia probe in US, Canada abused power PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 5 Volume 21, Issue 41 December 4-10, 2019 Las Vegas lasvegastribune.com

“ITRIBUNE may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” — Voltaire Higher taxes will not solve education woes By Thomas Mitchell teachers’ union is launching a peti- It’s never enough. tion campaign that would ask voters Despite lawmakers funding statewide to increase taxes by $1 three percent teacher raises in billion a year for public education. this year’s legislative session and The Clark County Education lawmakers increasing taxes by Association told the news media $750 million a year in 2015 to fund LWKDVQRW\HWGHFLGHGVSHFLÀFDOO\ public education, the Clark County whose ox it intends to gore, but its members have voted to increase their union dues to fund a $2 million petition drive. My Point “We believe that there (are) rev- enue streams out there that can be of View increased to the tune of generating By Rolando Larraz $1 billion more for public educa- My Thanksgiving eve at the tion a year on top of what we’re Southwest Medical Emergency currently funding,” the Las Vegas Care was a nightmare. The begin- newspaper quoted John Vellardita, QLQJZDVMXVWÀQHD\RXQJODG\ executive director of the union, as by the name of Jackie was very saying. “We believe that whatever SOHDVDQWYHU\HIÀFLHQWDQGYHU\ Teachers protest at a Las Vegas high school earlier this year. (See Education Woes, Page 5) professional. I would have sworn she was from Cabo because she was like my friend Kelly, but then Denise Mraz no longer part in came one of those fake doctors with no name tag, pretending to be a real doctor without the knowledge of even how to spell the word Dr., of the Las Vegas Tribune the version that only has two letters. By Rolando Larraz our name is the Las Vegas Tribune, behalf of the Las Vegas Tribune is I had a fever of 103 and I had Las Vegas Tribune not the Nevada Independent or any Don Snook, who has been part of been told that at my young age a Denise Mraz, who for the last RWKHUQRQSURÀWFRUSRUDWLRQWU\LQJ the Las Vegas Tribune for the last fever of 103 is very dangerous and twelve weeks has so graciously to exploit its readership. forty years, has always been very risky, so I told the fake Dr. that I donated her well-written columns Not only that, but Las Vegas proud of his last name and most needed some type of medication, a to this publication, is no longer part Tribune IS NOT FOR SALE and everyone in Las Vegas knows him shot or anything that could reduce of the contributing team for the Las NEVER WILL BE FOR SALE. personally. my fever. Vegas Tribune. We have learned of an individual On Monday, December 2, 2019, She told me that she was going As she knew from day one, and calling himself Don, last name un- while at the Las Vegas Tribune of- to prescribe something and I could as we always made it very clear to known, trying to sell the Las Vegas ÀFHZHUHTXHVWHGWKDW'HQLVH0UD] pick it up at my pharmacy. Well, it those who offer their writing and Tribune for “cash only” and that is return the newspaper-issued Media was midnight, my pharmacy closed other contributions to the publica- not true. That is a scam and that Pass and she turned around, got three hours earlier at nine p.m. and tion, we cannot afford to pay for guy named Don, along with Denise, into her car and left, almost hitting would not open until 10 a.m. the IUHHODQFHZULWHUVZHDUHQRWD may have been trying to scam the an incoming vehicle entering the next day—but the next day was (c) corporation collecting astro- Las Vegas community. newspaper’s parking lot. Thanksgiving and they were closed nomical amounts of money in the The only Don legally authorized The Media Pass that Denise on Thanksgiving Day. IRUPRIFRQWULEXWLRQVIURPFDVLQRV This press pass is no longer valid. to exercise any legal transaction on (See Denise Mraz, Page 4) I told the fake doctor that I needed something, anything, to reduce my high fever, and she told me — yes, she had the audacity to What’s lurking around UNLV tell me — that “anything” she could By Wetonia Bridges-Houlihan when your child is ready to leave give me to reduce my fever would Las Vegas Tribune the nest, you feel a sort of gratitude cost her money. You have sheltered them, praised that you both made it to this point. Excuuuse me, lady! No, you are them, disciplined them and hope- But are they truly ready for what wrong, my medicine does not cost fully groomed them to be respon- life throws at them? you PRQH\,ZRUNHGVL[W\\HDUVRI sible members of society. Now it’s After all the research, the cam- my life to earn this medical care. time to cut the apron strings, and pus tours, the academic programs, I came here on a Pan American allow them to become the respected the college has been chosen, But Airline with a clean bill of health, adults we worked so hard molding. aside from all of that, do you a visa and a passport with an airline Off to college they go! really know what resides around SODQHWLFNHWDQGDEDQNDFFRXQW, It’s quite an accomplishment not the college campus you send your did not swim the ocean and I did not only for the child, but for the parent utmost prized possession to? We cross over (or jump over) the wall. as well. Remember, our children have spent our entire being, as Well, I left the prescription that DUHDUHÁHFWLRQRIRXUSDUHQWLQJVR (See UNLV Neighborhood, Page 3) the fake doctor prescribed for me at the pharmacy and I assume the whole package is still there, but I Kirstin Lobato’s federal lawsuit claims murder am not planning to go get it, much less pay for all the medicines that she forced on me. frame-up by Metro and two former-detectives I know my friend Ed Uehling By Hans Sherrer arrested the 18-year-old Lobato on a new trial was ordered, based on will be upset with me because I did Justice Denied (justicedenied.org) July 20, 2001, and she was charged new forensic evidence establishing not mention the fake doctor’s name, Special for the Las Vegas Tribune ZLWKÀUVWGHJUHHPXUGHU Bailey died at a time when the but that doctor is so cheap she does .LUVWLQ%ODLVH/REDWRKDVÀOHG Lobato served more than 15 prosecution conceded she was at not even have a name tag — most a federal civil rights lawsuit in Las years in prison for Bailey’s homi- her home in Panaca, 170 miles from places give their employees a name Vegas against the Metropolitan cide before her release on January Las Vegas. The Clark County DA tag, but this fake doctor either does Police Department and former 3, 2018. declined to retry her and the charges not have a name or the Southwest Detectives Thomas Thowsen and Lobato was convicted in 2002 were dismissed. Medical Emergency Care does not James LaRochelle. Her suit alleges of murder, but the Nevada Supreme /REDWR·VODZVXLWÀOHGLQ86 want to spend money on giving the Thowsen and LaRochelle were Court overturned her convictions District Court in Las Vegas alleges: fake doctor a name tag. complying with standard Metro in 2004. She was convicted of the “As a result of egregious mis- Then, the fake doctor sent yet practices when they conspired lesser charge of manslaughter after conduct by the Defendants [Metro, another fake person (nurse?) to to frame her for the July 8, 2001 her retrial in 2006. Thowsen and LaRochelle], Plaintiff give me the release papers, a runner homicide of Duran Bailey in Las Her 2006 convictions were Kirstin Blaise Lobato was wrong- in a nurse’s uniform (also with no Vegas. Thowsen and LaRochelle KIRSTIN LOBATO overturned in December 2017 and (See Lobato Lawsuit, Page 7) name tag), perhaps Cuban like me, but with an awful attitude typical of one of those “angry” countries, The Trouble with Judges and Judging Them and that person threw the release By Chuck Muth Fortunately, in Nevada, we get papers in my face. Part three of a series to elect our judges. Unfortunately, When I asked to speak to the On Tuesday, U.S. District Court there isn’t a whole lot of useful RIÀFHPDQDJHUDQRWKHUQXUVHZLWK Judge Michael Simon struck down information out there to help voters no name tag pretending to be the President Trump’s executive order make informed decisions in judicial manager wanted to know what the “requiring legal immigrants to races. problem was. show proof of health insurance Fortunately, the Las Vegas Re- I told the supposed manager before being issued a visa by the view-Journal has recognized this what the problem was and I also State Department.” problem and recently published a pointed out how dirty the floor Judge Simon, you won’t be series of “ratings” for our judges. was and how broke the chair I was surprised to learn, is an “Obama Unfortunately, the rating system (See My Point of View, Page 2) judge.” (See Judging Judges, Page 3) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 %DUUUHMHFWVNH\ÀQGLQJLQUHSRUWRQ5XVVLDSUREH By Justine Coleman ter told the newspaper that Barr Barr could not order Horowitz to The Hill believes information from other alter his report because the inspec- Attorney General William Barr agencies such as the CIA could tor general operates independently LVUHMHFWLQJDNH\ÀQGLQJLQWKH-XV- FKDQJH+RURZLW]·VÀQGLQJWKDWWKH from the department. tice Department inspector general’s investigation was warranted. 7KH+LOOUHDFKHGRXWWRWKH-XV- report on the Russia probe, The The Post noted it was unclear tice Department and FBI for com- Washington Post reported Monday. how Barr will voice his disagree- ment. Both declined to comment People familiar with the matter PHQWZLWKWKHUHSRUW·VÀQGLQJ7KH to the Post. told The Post that Barr said he does department typically includes a Horowitz reportedly criticizes QRWDJUHHZLWKWKHUHSRUW·VÀQGLQJ formal letter response in inspector some FBI employees and sur- that the FBI had enough intelligence general reports, but Barr could also veillance tactics in his report but to initiate an investigation into the speak out publicly. does not agree with the president’s 7UXPSFDPSDLJQLQ-XO\ Trump has said the inspector depiction of the investigation as a The long-awaited report from general report would prove that witch hunt. -XVWLFH'HSDUWPHQW,QVSHFWRU*HQ- LQWHOOLJHQFHRIÀFHUVXQGHUIRUPHU eral Michael Horowitz is expected President Obama were “spying” 7KH-XVWLFH'HSDUWPHQWLVUXQ- to be made public in a week. But a on his campaign and abusing their ning its own criminal investigation, draft is being discussed behind the power to prevent him from being led by U.S. Attorney -RKQ'XUKDP, scenes, and the attorney general president. into the FBI probe. Barr has been reportedly is not persuaded that WKH)%,LQYHVWLJDWLRQZDVMXVWLÀHG QHVVHVDQGRIÀFHVLQYHVWLJDWHGE\ Democrats have criticized Barr involved in that investigation by The draft report is now being Horowitz. for what they see as him operating traveling to other countries and finalized and shown to the wit- People familiar with the mat- as the president’s personal attorney. asking for assistance. TRIBUNE My Point of View VOL. 21, NO. 41 (Continued from Page 1) employees? them the right to mistreat people at dealers are called? Providers. Of sitting in was and he told me that With such an attitude of their their pleasure. drugs. FOUNDER he would take note of all those medical personnel, imagine for What can we expect? Remember My name is Rolando Larraz, and Rolando Larraz issues and then showed me where just a second what would happen the good old times when, with great as always, I approved this column. PUBLISHER the door was. if Senator Elizabeth Warren has her respect, we called medical doctors Rolando Larraz is Editor in AND Funny that none of those people wish for socialist medicine for all. — doctors? Chief of the Las Vegas Tribune. EDITOR IN CHIEF have name tags when name tags Dozens of people will die daily in After spending hundreds of His column appears weekly in this Rolando Larraz are so important to identify the the name of communism. thousands of dollars on their ed- newspaper. To contact Rolando employees. Are they privileged em- Those people are under the be- ucation, now they are no longer Larraz, email him at: Rlarraz@ GENERAL MANAGER ployees or is the management team lief that because they found a job doctors, but providers. lasvegastribune.com or at 702- Perly Viasmensky afraid to upset those big-mouthed with a medical association it gives Isn’t that the same thing drug 272-4634.

MANAGING EDITOR Maramis Choufani





Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: 716 South 10th Street 716 South 10th Street (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (702) 262-0703 (702) 262-0703 Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 America, the Sanctuary ,I$PHULFDLVVREDGZK\DUHVRPDQ\ÀJKWLQJWRJHWKHUH" By Wetonia Bridges-Houlihan Las Vegas Tribune 6DQFWXDU\³ZHKHDUWKHZRUG on a daily basis, but what does ´VDQFWXDU\µWUXO\PHDQ"$FFRUGLQJ WR0HUULDP:HEVWHU·V'LFWLRQDU\ the noun was used in 14th-century GLDORJXHPHDQLQJ$FRQVHFUDWHG place, such as a church or place of worship. In today’s world, the word sanc- HIGH ON POLITICS WXDU\KROGVDZKROHQHZPHDQLQJ ,WFDPHDERXWDFWXDOO\QRWORQJ DJRLQWKHVZKHQOHDGHUVRI “Go to the mattresses” YDULRXVFKXUFKHVGHFLGHGWRWUDIÀF and “save” the Central Americans If you thought 2016 was bad, just wait for 2020 VHHNLQJUHIXJHDQGDV\OXPFRPLQJ By Wetonia Bridges-Houlihan threats, protests outside homes, and IURP*XDWHPDODDQG(O6DOYDGRU FDUHRIEXWLI\RXWDNHDGHHSHU Can we truly know for sure? Or Las Vegas Tribune LQGHSHQGHQWMRXUQDOLVWVDUHEHLQJ IURPSHUVHFXWLRQE\WKH86JRY- ORRN\RXZLOOÀQGVRPHWKLQJYHU\ is Hispanic considered the “new “Go to the mattresses”... it’s the EHDWHQZKLOHWU\LQJWRSURGXFHQHZV HUQPHQWFODLPLQJWKHLUFKXUFKDV DODUPLQJ:HQRWRQO\WDNHWKHLP- ZKLWHµ:KLOHZRUNLQJLQ/DV9H- quote that lets you know, “Look LQUHDOWLPHIRU´:HWKHSHRSOHµ a sanctuary... later to be known as PLJUDQWLQEXWZHDOVRWDNHLQWKH JDVZHKDGWRXSGDWHRXUV\VWHPVWR out! It’s time to do battle and pre- $OVRFROOHJHVWXGHQWVDUHEHLQJ WKH6DQFWXDU\7ULDOV GLVHDVHVDQGGLVRUGHUVWKH\EULQJ (05(OHFWURQLF0HGLFDO5HFRUGV pare for war.” manhandled, food and drinks are 7KH6DIH6SDFH$JHQGDKDG DORQJZLWKWKHP7KH&HQWHUVIRU $WWKDWWLPH,QRWLFHGVRPHWKLQJ This needs to be the motto of EHLQJWKURZQRQWKHPH[KLELWVDUH arrived. From that point on, it’s Disease Control and Prevention that made me wonder. Hispanics our Republican Party from here on EHLQJGHVWUR\HGDQGIUHHVSHHFKLV EHHQDJURZLQJPRYHPHQW

“If capitalism is evil and socialism is the answer, *HWÀUVWPRQWKER[ why isn’t the caravan heading for Venezuela?” UHQW)5((ZLWKDQ\ — Charlie Kirk, TPUSA 8+DXOWUXFNUHQWDO December 4-10, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5 House Intelligence report says Trump abused power By Olivia Beavers ed that obstruction of Congress was and Mike Lillis one of the articles of impeachment The Hill lodged against President Nixon, 'HPRFUDWVRQWKH+RXVH,Q ZKRZDVIRUFHGWRUHVLJQLQ telligence Committee on Tuesday and suggested Trump will face a XQYHLOHGWKHPXFKDZDLWHGÀQGLQJV similar charge. of their weeks-long impeachment ´,WZRXOGEHKDUGWRLPDJLQHD investigation, laying out in blow- stronger or more complete case of by-blow detail the basis for their obstruction than that demonstrated allegations that President Trump by the President since the inquiry DEXVHGWKHSRZHURIKLVRIÀFH began,” they wrote, noting a dozen The 300-page report does not RUVR7UXPSRIÀFLDOVZKRGLGQRW recommend specific articles of comply with subpoenas seeking impeachment — leaving those de- testimony and documents. cisions to the Judiciary Committee 6FKLIILQWKHUHSRUWDOVRFODLPHG — but it paints a damning portrait that while they expect the Ukraine- of Trump’s dealings with Ukraine 86UHODWLRQVKLSZLOOKHDORYHU and all but asserts that those actions time, “the damage to our system ZDUUDQWKLVUHPRYDOIURPRIÀFH of checks and balances, and to the Most of the narrative outlined in balance of power within our three the report was previously known, branches of government, will be revealed during weeks of interviews long-lasting and potentially irre- with more than a dozen administra- vocable if the President’s ability WLRQRIÀFLDOVZLWKDZLQGRZLQWR to stonewall Congress goes un- checked.” Trump’s dealings with Kyiv. The Democrats’ report is the But the sweeping summary also responsible for withholding the mil- has described Trump’s pressure of a moment when ‘cunning, ambi- result of an extensive, if fast-mov- uncovers some tantalizing new itary aid to Ukraine which became campaign as “bribery” — one of tious, and unprincipled men will be ing, investigation that featured details surrounding the Ukrainian central to the impeachment inquiry. the Constitution’s few named im- enabled to subvert the power of the interviews with 17 top diplomats affair, including extensive phone The Democrats claimed the call peachable offenses. And while the people and to usurp for themselves DQGQDWLRQDOVHFXULW\RIÀFLDOVZLWK communications between some of records reveal further coordination ,QWHOOLJHQFH&RPPLWWHHUHSRUWGLG the reins of government, destroying insights into Trump’s handling of the key players in the saga. between the president and his asso- not adopt that term, it detailed that afterwards the very engines which IRUHLJQSROLF\LQ.\LY7KH,QWHO 0RVWGUDPDWLFDOO\,QWHOOLJHQFH ciates, who worked together to oust charge in everything but name. KDYHOLIWHGWKHPWRXQMXVWGRPLQ ligence Committee, led by Rep. &KDLUPDQ$GDP6FKLII '&DOLI  WKHWRS86GLSORPDWWR8NUDLQH “The President was withhold- ion,’” the report reads. $GDP6FKLII '&DOLI ZLOOPHHW and then subsequently pressure LQJRIÀFLDOVDFWVZKLOHVROLFLWLQJ The Democrats’ investigation released the call records of his own Tuesday evening to adopt the report Kyiv for investigations. something of value to his reelection centered on allegations that Trump ranking member, Rep. Devin Nunes with a vote that’s almost sure to fall 5&DOLI ZKRHPHUJHGWKURXJK “The evidence is clear that Pres- campaign — an investigation into sought to leverage a White House along strict partisan lines. the process as one of the president’s ident Trump used the power of his his political rival,” the report reads. meeting and nearly $400 million in Afterwards, the impeachment FORVHVWDOOLHV6FKLIIZKRKDVKDG RIÀFHWRSUHVVXUH8NUDLQHLQWRDQ $QG6FKLIIRQ7XHVGD\GHFOLQHG 86DLGWRJHW8NUDLQLDQ3UHVLGHQW inquiry will shift to the Judiciary a frosty relationship with Nunes nouncing investigations into his po- to say whether he believes Trump Volodymyr Zelensky to commit Committee, which is charged with since the start of a separate inves- litical rival, former Vice President VKRXOGEHUHPRYHGIURPRIÀFHEXW publicly to opening two investiga- FUXQFKLQJWKHLQYHVWLJDWRUV·ÀQG tigation into Russian meddling in Joe Biden, and a debunked conspir- he offered a stark warning about the tions: one into unfounded claims ings to determine if Trump’s actions 86HOHFWLRQVVDLGGXULQJDSUHVV acy theory that it was Ukraine, not danger of keeping a president with that it was Kyiv, not Moscow, that rise to the level of misconduct conference that it’s “deeply con- 5XVVLDWKDWLQWHUIHUHGLQWKH QRERXQGDULHVLQRIÀFH LQWHUIHUHGLQWKH86HOHFWLRQVRI meriting impeachment. cerning” if members of Congress election,” three House Democrat “This is the result of a presi- WKHRWKHULQWR%LGHQDOHDG Led by Rep. Jerrold Nadler may have also been “complicit” in chairs said in a statement. dent who believes he is beyond ing presidential contender in 2020, '1< WKH-XGLFLDU\SDQHOLV digging up dirt on the president’s “These investigations were indictment, beyond impeachment, whose son sat on the board of a VHWWRVWDJHLWVÀUVWKHDULQJRQWKH political rival. GHVLJQHGWREHQHÀWKLVSUHVL beyond any form of accountability Ukrainian energy company. Ukraine affair Wednesday morning, The call records, obtained under dential reelection campaign.” and indeed above the law. And that The Democrats asserted that the when lawmakers will hear from subpoena from AT&T, also includ- 7KHUHSRUWZKLFKWKH,QWHOOL is a very dangerous thing for this evidence they collected in recent four constitutional experts — three HGWKHWLPHDQGGXUDWLRQ EXWQRW gence panel is poised to transmit to country to have a president who weeks makes it “clear” that Trump invited by Democrats and one by WKHFRQWHQW RIFDOOVSODFHGEHWZHHQ the Judiciary Committee Tuesday believes they are above the law,” ´FRQGLWLRQHGRIÀFLDODFWVRQWKH Republicans. Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal evening, lays out details that Demo- 6FKLIIVDLGGXULQJDSUHVVFRQIHU public announcement of these 7KH*23OHDGHUVRIWKH,QWHOOL ODZ\HU/HY3DUQDVD6RYLHWERUQ crats hope will boost their case that ence shortly after the report was investigations: a coveted White gence Committee had issued their business associate of Giuliani’s; 7UXPSVRXJKWWROHYHUDJHKLVRIÀFH released. +RXVHYLVLWDQGFULWLFDO86PLO own report on Monday, arguing that DQG-RKQ6RORPRQDFRQVHUYDWLYH for personal political gain at the 6FKLIILQWKHUHSRUWDOVRLQYRNHG itary assistance Ukraine needed to Trump did nothing wrong in his columnist, formerly with The Hill, expense of national security. That the Founding Fathers, repeating ÀJKWLWV5XVVLDQDGYHUVDU\µ dealings with Zelensky and other who published a series of articles argument rests primarily on the al- warnings of those who blindly seek Committee Democrats also Ukrainian leaders. The president, pushing debunked theories about OHJDWLRQWKDW7UXPSXVHGKLVRIÀFH to grab power, hurting the will of hammered the White House for its they argued, was merely seeking to 868NUDLQHUHODWLRQV,QDGGLWLRQ to press Ukrainian leaders to open the people in the process. blanket refusal to cooperate in the HQVXUHWKDW86WD[GROODUVZHUHQRW were calls between Giuliani and the investigations that would boost his ´,QKLVIDUHZHOODGGUHVV3UHV LPSHDFKPHQWLQTXLU\,QDQXQVXE wasted to corruption in a country :KLWH+RXVH2IÀFHRI%XGJHWDQG reelection chances next year. ident George Washington warned tle historical comparison, they not- long known for it. 0DQDJHPHQW 20% ZKLFKZDV 6SHDNHU1DQF\3HORVL '&DOLI  Trump’s Drug Plan Education Woes (Continued from Page 3) could get into potential shortages in LQWKH86ZLWKDOOGXHUHVSHFW (Continued from Page 1) amoung those 14, too. regulation expert and associate Canada,” she added. Canada didn’t create that problem. professor at Washington University tax that may be that we land on, it’s According to the Nation’s Re- Fifteen Canadian organizations, ,W·VDPDGHLQ$PHULFDSUREOHPWKDW LQ6W/RXLV got to be supported by the public port Card, in 2015 only three states some which receive funding from needs a made in America solution,” ´,IDIHZEXVORDGVRI$PHULFDQV and the public has to be assured that fared more poorly than Nevada in drug companies, warned about drug said John Adams, chair of the Best purchase insulin, that’s one thing. it’s going to the schools.” fourth grade mathematics profi- importation in a letter to Prime Medicines Coalition, one of the Advancing a policy on a national To move whatever tax prop- ciency. Minister Justin Trudeau earlier this groups that signed the letter and level or many different states osition the union comes up with ,IRQHKDVSRRUO\SHUIRUPLQJ PRQWK´,ISHRSOHLQWKH86WKLQN receives funding from the pharma- looking into this, very quickly you forward the union and its backers employees, simply paying them there’s a problem with drug prices ceutical industry. must gather signatures amounting more is not likely to improve their to 10 percent of the votes cast in productivity. the latest general election — in While the teacher unions keep this case about 24,500 signatures pressing for higher salaries and in each of the state’s four congres- funding in general, they have been sional districts. ÀJKWLQJWRRWKDQGQDLOHYHU\HIIRUW The petitions would have to be to toughen teacher evaluations and To All Attorneys submitted by November 2020 and tie compensation to performance in WKHQYHULÀHGE\WKH6HFUHWDU\RI the classroom. 6WDWH·VRIÀFH,IVXFFHVVIXOWKHWD[ A state law passed in 2011 es- measure would then go before the tablished teacher evaluations and fully 50 percent of evaluations 2021 Legislature, which could pass were to be based on pupil growth or who hate writing the initiative or kick it to the voters improvement in testing scores over on the November 2022 ballot. the course of a school year. At some The last time such a proposal NEVADA APPEAL GROUP (“NAG”) offers point it was reduced to 40 percent, was put before Nevada voters was then in this past legislative session FLAT FEE, high quality services for civil and LQZKHQWKH1HYDGD6WDWH a bill was passed and signed by the Education Association pushed a governor dropping pupil growth to criminal Appeals and all Post-Conviction Relief. margin tax on businesses that it said only 15 percent of an evaluation. would raise about $800 million a Evaluations are not all that rigor- year in additional funding for K-12 ous to begin with. According to the NAG handles all types of appeals (misdemeanor, education. Nevada Department of Education, The measure went down in in the 2017-2018 school year only felony and civil) as well as Habeas Corpus ÁDPHVZLWK78.8 percent of voters 25 out of nearly 20,000 teachers in voting no. That’s nearly a 4-to-1 Nevada were evaluated as “ineffec- Petitions, Nevada Supreme Court briefs, and margin. tive.” That’s 0.1 percent. Another The problem with throwing 1.3 percent were pegged as “devel- individual motions across the civil and criminal more money at education and ex- oping,” while 80 percent were rated spectrum, including Motions for Summary pecting Nevada’s cellar-dwelling ´HIIHFWLYHµDQGSHUFHQWZHUH education evaluations to improve rated “highly effective.” The rest Judgment. Turnaround time can be as minimal is that it’s already been tried and were exempt from being evaluated. IRXQGZDQWLQJ6LQFH1HYDGD The scores varied wildly from as 24 hours. Federal PCR is also available. KDVWULSOHGLQÁDWLRQDGMXVWHGSXEOLF county to county. More than half the education funding, but college en- WHDFKHUVLQ6WRUH\DQG(XUHNDZHUH trance exam scores have actually rated “highly effective,” while less fallen slightly. than 5 percent were awarded that 0RWLRQVVWDUWLQJDWÀDWIHH According to the National Edu- UDWLQJLQ/DQGHUDQG3HUVKLQJ,Q $SSHDOVVWDUWLQJDWÀDWIHH cation Association, in the 2017-18 counties there were no “ineffective” school year Nevada educators’ teachers whatsoever. DYHUDJHVDODULHVUDQNHGWKLQ Tougher evaluations linked to the nation. For the past four years compensation, not throwing still For more information and immediate response, Nevada high schoolers had the more money at public education is lowest composite ACT scores in ZKDWLVQHHGHG6RLIDSSURDFKHG call or email: the nation, according to a recent sometime in the future and asked Las Vegas newspaper account. Only to sign a petition to raise taxes (702) 902-5050 14 states require all students to take to improve public education, we Nag@criminaldefenseo! asvegas.com the exam. Nevada was the lowest recommend you politely decline. Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 Pressure grows on House GOP leaders to hold line ahead of impeachment trial By Alexander Bolton lawmaker that would likely spur primary The Hill challenges. Senate Republicans say GOP unity during “I think Republican support has gotten the upcoming House Judiciary Committee better,” Saltsman said of polling showing impeachment hearings will be critical to that the Republican base is rallying behind setting the tone ahead of a likely Senate trial. Trump. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said if House “Do they really want the prospects of a Republicans unanimously vote against im- contentious, expensive Republican primary peachment, that would make it “less likely staring them in the face before they have to any senator would jump ship.” worry about a general election?” Saltsman One senior GOP senator said that if House said of the political danger facing any Repub- 5HSXEOLFDQVVWD\XQLÀHGDJDLQVWDUWLFOHVRI licans who vote to impeach Trump. impeachment, the Senate Republican Con- ´,W·VDFDUHHUGHÀQLQJYRWHLI\RXYRWHIRU ference will do the same. [impeachment],” he added. “As long as no House Republicans vote Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said he would for the articles of impeachment, I don’t be “shocked” if any House Republicans vote expect any [GOP] senators to,” the senior for impeachment, adding that he thinks it’s senator said. clear the House and Senate votes will fall All of that puts more pressure on House say political support for impeaching Trump ranks to vote for articles of impeachment. along party lines. Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy(R-Calif.) has only weakened since the public hearings “I think it’s extremely unlikely that any “I think we all know the result, which is and other House GOP leaders to keep their in the House. [Republican] in the House or Senate would [why] it’s kind of unfortunate the House is troops in line and ensure there are no detrac- “From the polling I’ve seen, Ms. Pelosi look at this thing and say anything other than even going through this process,” he said. WRUVRYHUWKHQH[WIHZZHHNV$ÁRRUYRWHRQ and Mr. Schiff are sort of losing ground,” it’s thoroughly political,” he said. Many Senate Republicans say U.S. Am- articles of impeachment is expected before said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), referring to “I think it’s true that if the [Republicans] bassador to the European Union Gordon the end of the month. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House all hold in the House then the Senate all Sondland’s testimony before the House last Not a single Republican voted for the Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam holds,” he added, while noting that Republi- month, which some observers described House resolution in October that formal- Schiff (D-Calif.). can-turned-Independent Rep. Justin Amash as containing “bombshell” revelations, has ized the rules for the impeachment inquiry A recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll (Mich.) could vote for impeachment. failed to alter the political terrain in the against President Trump, and GOP lawmak- found that 65 percent of U.S. adults said the Ford O’Connell, a GOP strategist, said it’s Senate. ers and strategists argue that there were no House hearings wouldn’t change their minds ´KHOSIXOµWRNHHS6HQDWH5HSXEOLFDQVXQLÀHG They say Trump’s decision to release mil- earth-shattering revelations in the subsequent on impeachment. ´LIWKH+RXVHVWD\VXQLÀHGµEHFDXVH´WKHUH·V itary aide to Ukraine and the fact that Kyiv hearings. The same poll found an even split on the protection in numbers.” never went ahead with an investigation of “Nothing that has come forward has question of impeachment — 45 percent in He said “there is a lot of pressure” not to former Vice President Joe Biden cuts the legs reached the threshold level to where it’s support, 44 percent against. EHWKHÀUVW5HSXEOLFDQWREUHDNUDQNVDQG out from the House Democrats’ case. really changed anything,” he said, adding An Emerson poll last month showed in- vote with the Democrats on impeachment. When asked if Sondland’s testimony had that he hasn’t seen any increased support for dependents swinging against impeachment, “It’s not like if you vote with the Demo- strengthened the case against Trump, Johnson impeachment among constituents. with 49 percent opposed and 34 percent in crats somehow you’re going to be rewarded responded, “I don’t think so, not basically.” McCarthy told The Hill in an interview IDYRUDVLJQLÀFDQWUHYHUVDOFRPSDUHGWR2F- for it,” he added. “Voting with the Democrats “Maybe added a little bit of information. It last month that his leadership team has kept tober when the same survey found 48 percent will probably hurt you more than voting with was all based on his assumptions, presump- the House GOP conference together by of independents in support. the Republicans, even if you’re in a swing tions,” Johnson said. NHHSLQJUDQNDQGÀOHPHPEHUVDVLQIRUPHG While the numbers could swing back the district.” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman as possible. other way, Senate Republicans are becom- “The closer we get to next year’s elections, Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), another Trump “Each member makes their own mind up, LQJPRUHFRQÀGHQWDVSDUWLVDQEDWWOHOLQHV what we’re seeing in the polling is that voters ally, dismissed Sondland as an unreliable but you’ve got to make sure that they are able become even more entrenched. basically don’t want their vote taken away witness, pointing out that Sondland left out to see all sides,” he said. “The longer this goes on, I think the more from them,” O’Connell said, alluding to the key details in his original testimony and later House Republicans have also pointed to and more people are going to get tired of it,” argument that voting to remove Trump from updated it substantially after claiming that PHPEHUEULHÀQJVWKDW0LQRULW\:KLS6WHYH Cornyn said. RIÀFHEHIRUH(OHFWLRQ'D\ZRXOGHIIHFWLYHO\ other witnesses refreshed his memory. Scalise (R-La.) has held to keep everyone on Grover Norquist, the anti-tax leader who circumvent the electoral process. “I’m very suspicious of anybody [who] all the same page. hosts a weekly gathering of conservative ac- Chip Saltsman, another GOP strategist, of a sudden remembers something that was After spending a week in their home states tivists, said Monday that he doesn’t see any said voting for articles of impeachment would obvious to be remembered,” Graham said. for the Thanksgiving recess, GOP senators Republicans in the House or Senate breaking EHDFDUHHUGHÀQLQJPRYHIRUD5HSXEOLFDQ (See GOP To Hold Line, Page 7) Republicans, in impeachment defense, argue Donald Trump decisions toward Ukraine ‘entirely prudent’ By Olivia Beavers Kyiv to open two investigations that It argues that the evidence does “Even examining evidence Affairs and Oversight and Reform The Hill ZRXOGEHQHÀWKLPSROLWLFDOO\ not support Democrats’ allegations beyond the presidential phone call committees — take aim at the im- House Republicans argue Pres- In the 123-page report that that Trump pressured Ukrainian shows no quid pro quo, bribery, ex- peachment inquiry itself. ident Trump did not intend for his echoes the president’s own defense President Volodymyr Zelensky tortion, or abuse of power. The evi- “The Democrats’ impeachment GHDOLQJVZLWK8NUDLQHWREHQHÀW arguments, Republicans don’t give “to initiate investigations for the dence shows that President Trump inquiry is not the organic outgrowth him politically, but rather that the an inch in admitting wrongdoing SXUSRVHRIEHQHÀWLQJWKH3UHVLGHQW holds a deep-seated, genuine, and of serious misconduct; it is an or- president made “entirely prudent” and attack the impeachment inquiry in the 2020 election,” nor that he reasonable skepticism of Ukraine chestrated campaign to upend our decisions driven by a “reasonable led by Democrats, describing it as “obstructed the Democrats’ im- due to its history of pervasive cor- political system,” the report reads. skepticism” about corruption in the a partisan campaign that aims to peachment inquiry” by blocking ruption,” it states. “Democrats in the House of country, according to a GOP im- shake up the political system. the testimony of multiple witnesses, Instead, the Republicans — in- Representatives have been working peachment report released Monday. “Understood in this proper including those with direct knowl- cluding the top three GOP members to impeach President Trump since In the report, which was viewed context, the President’s initial edge of such contacts with Kyiv. on the House Intelligence, Foreign his election.” in draft form by The Hill before its hesitation to meet with President release, Republicans claim there is Zelensky or to provide U.S. tax- no evidence to back up Democrats’ payer-funded security assistance allegations that Trump sought to use to Ukraine without thoughtful a White House visit and nearly $400 review is entirely prudent,” the million in U.S. aid as leverage to get report reads. Denise Mraz (Continued from Page 1) I, Rolando Larraz, as the man Mraz has in her possession is no wearing many hats — from Found- longer valid and if used, is illegal er to Publisher to Editor in Chief, and against the newspaper’s rules to court reporter, and even janitor and regulations. — have never made any deals that The short time Denise Mraz could affect the outcome of a story CENEGENICS MEDICAL INSTITUTE has been voluntarily cooperating or hurt the community. with and writing for the Las Vegas I do not “make deals” with any- ,FO4NBMM"*" $4* -&&% Tribune. has been one problem after one to “save the Sheriff’s butt” in -BSFEP4U 4VJUF$ another, what with her trying to any way, shape, or manner. give orders and change everything In this newspaper there is no -BT7FHBT /FWBEB around. content editing, no censoring, and 0óDF The only orders given in this no cover-ups; we are who we are newspaper are by the Managing and that is why we cannot afford * Commercial Editor, Maramis Choufani, and by to be any other way; sometimes I * Tenant the long-time Production Manager, agree with the writer and sometimes Improvements Donald H. Snook. I disagree, but I bite my tongue and * Office Denise deeply dislikes a highly do not touch the article. What I do reputed contributor to this newspa- QRWDQGZLOOQRWWROHUDWHLVÀJKWLQJ * Use Permits per; she does not like that writer and among ourselves in public. * Restaurant was “ordering” that someone else’s We need peace and cordiality * Medical article be placed on the front page among ourselves; we have enough * ADA Compliance (in lieu of his) because he is part of fighting with the Democrats. this or that “cult group.” We have Back-stabbing is never acceptable, never had that type of relationship much less among the people co- within our group before. operating within a small business. 4NBMM4UVEJP"TTPDJBUFT --$ December 4-10, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7 Congress braces for chaotic December By Jordain Carney the trade deal will get derailed by The Hill presidential campaign politics and Congress is barreling toward a stuck permanently in legislative chaotic end-of-the-year scramble as purgatory. ODZPDNHUVUHWXUQIRUWKHÀQDOZRUN Senate Majority Leader Mitch weeks of 2019. McConnell (R-Ky.) recently lashed Lawmakers have up to 15 days out at Pelosi in a tweet, saying the in session to wrap up legislative House Democratic leader was to items like funding the government blame for USMCA being “stalled.” beyond Dec. 20, while also juggling “Lots of talk, but no action for the House impeachment inquiry American workers,” he added. that has sucked up most of the po- VAWA litical oxygen in Washington. Top negotiators in the Senate say The House and Senate are cur- they want to get a deal on the Vio- rently scheduled to leave town by lence Against Women Act (VAWA) Dec. 13. But members are already by the end of the year. planning to stick around until late Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca- 'HFHPEHUDVWKH\WU\WRÀQLVKWKHLU lif.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) have legislative work and prepare for the Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) WKDWFRXOGEH´GLIÀFXOWµ us nothing in return. And that’s introduced competing versions of next phase of impeachment. hasn’t committed publicly to a Another potential option would a problem,” Smith told reporters legislation to reauthorize VAWA +HUHDUHÀYHWKLQJVWRZDWFK timeline for when the House would be to pass some of the spending before the break. DIWHUWKHLUWDONVDLPHGDWÀQGLQJD Impeachment vote on articles of impeachment. bills and a CR for the others. Trade deal bipartisan bill unraveled. House Democrats are charging But Democrats are eyeing such “Maybe pass the easy ones out The window for reaching a deal The House-passed bill, which is forward with the next stage of their a vote by Christmas, a move that and then CR the rest,” Sen. Shelley this year on Trump’s trade agree- the legislation that Feinstein rein- impeachment inquiry into whether would pave the way for a Senate Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a mem- ment with Canada and Mexico is troduced in the Senate, has drawn President Trump tied Ukraine aid trial to start in early January. ber of leadership and the Senate rapidly coming to a close. RSSRVLWLRQIURPWKH1DWLRQDO5LÁH to Kyiv opening an investigation Government funding Appropriations Committee, said House Democrats have said Association and Republicans be- into former Vice President Biden Lawmakers have until Dec. 20 to when asked about expectations for WKH\DUHGRZQWRDÀQDOIHZLVVXHV cause of a provision that eliminated and his son, Hunter Biden. prevent a shutdown just days before December. as they negotiate with the admin- the so-called boyfriend loophole by After two weeks of public hear- Christmas, in what would amount Defense authorization istration on the trade deal known H[SDQGLQJDFXUUHQWEDQRQÀUHDUP ings, House Intelligence Committee to a repeat of the record-long partial Congress has passed the Na- as USMCA. Pelosi added over the purchases for spouses or formerly Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is government closure that started on tional Defense Authorization Act Thanksgiving recess that they were married partners convicted of abuse planning to send his panel’s report Dec. 22, 2018. (NDAA) for the past 58 years. “within range” of an agreement. or under a restraining order to on the investigation to the House In a boost to the chances of But the mammoth defense bill, “Now, we need to see our prog- include dating partners who were Judiciary Committee, which is avoiding a shutdown, House Ap- which lays out policy and authoriz- ress in writing from the Trade Rep- never legally married. poised to take over the next phase propriations Committee Chair- es spending for the Pentagon, has UHVHQWDWLYHIRUÀQDOUHYLHZµ3HORVL /*%7DQGWULEDOVRYHUHLJQW\ of the inquiry. woman Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) and been beset this year by a sluggish said in a statement. provisions as also viewed as two Schiff, in a “Dear Colleague” Senate Appropriations Committee SDFHDQGPXOWLSOHÀJKWVWKDWKDYH The Trump administration and other sticking points. letter, said the report would include Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) threatened to break the bill’s annual top Republicans have stepped up Ernst and Feinstein sparred over a summary of evidence found and agreed to top-line numbers for each streak. their public criticism of Pelosi as the bill shortly before the recess, but “catalog the instances of non-com- RIWKHÀVFDOVSHQGLQJELOOV House Armed Services Com- it becomes increasingly likely that SXEOLFO\SOHGJHGWRWU\WRÀQGDGHDO pliance with lawful subpoenas.” But major hurdles remain as mittee Chairman Adam Smith the trade agreement will not see by the end of December. Intelligence Committee members lawmakers and staff try to draft the (D-Wash.) and Senate Armed movement on Capitol Hill by the “I think that by the end of the are expected to be able to review ELOOVDQGQDYLJDWHORRPLQJÀJKWV Services Committee Chairman end of December. Once the imple- \HDUZHVKRXOGÀQGVRPHWKLQJWKDW the report on Monday evening, on border and abortion-related James Inhofe (R-Okla.) signaled mentation legislation is introduced, will work to reauthorize this very, followed by a committee vote on provisions. before the Thanksgiving recess the House has to vote on it within very important piece of legislation,” Tuesday on adopting the report. The House, for example, in- that they believed they were on the 60 session days, though lawmakers Ernst said. House Judiciary Chairman Jerry cluded no new funding for border cusp of wrapping up negotiations think they could move faster if VAWA, which provides fund- Nadler (D-N.Y.) said his committee barriers in its spending measures, DQGDJUHHLQJWRDÀQDOELOOEHIRUH there’s a bipartisan deal. ing and grants for domestic abuse ZLOOKROGLWVÀUVWSXEOLFLPSHDFK- while the Senate included $5 billion lawmakers left town for the holiday. Pelosi has opened the door to the programs, lapsed in February after ment hearing on Wednesday. Some in its Department of Homeland But that timeframe came and negotiations dragging into 2020. it was left out of a funding bill PHPEHUVRIWKHSDQHOKDYHÁRDWHG Security bill. went without an announcement Supporters worry that pushing it that ended the partial government using open hearings to try to edu- “Individual funding items are from committee leaders—known as past December makes it more likely shutdown. cate the public on the legal basis for being left to the subcommittees in the big four—that they had signed impeachment. keeping with long-standing com- off on a conference report detail- GOP To Hold Line The Judiciary Committee will mittee practice,” a source familiar LQJWKHÀQDOGHDORQWKH1'$$ ultimately be responsible for draft- with the talks said about the border Instead, negotiators remained en- (Continued from Page 6) “I’ve sort of written that off,” ing any articles of impeachment wall. tangled in disagreements over “He says it’s now widely known, *UDKDPVDLG against Trump, and then voting to To avoid a shutdown, lawmak- Trump’s border wall, Space Force open secret, that everybody was Meanwhile, potential Senate VHQGWKHPWRWKH+RXVHÁRRU7KDW ers will either need to pass the 12 and cancer-linked “forever chemi- in on it that there was going to swing votes such as Sens. Mitt includes deciding how broad any spending bills or another continuing cals” known as PFAS. be no meeting unless there was Romney (R-Utah), Susan Collins articles should be and if they should resolution (CR). Shelby said that “They are insisting on two an investigation. Why didn’t he (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski be limited to Trump’s actions to- they “could” get all the bills done YHU\GLIÀFXOWSROLWLFDODVNVRQWKH VD\WKDWWKHÀUVWWLPH"µ*UDKDP (R-Alaska) aren’t giving any hints ward Ukraine. “if we work together,” but caveated wall and Space Force and giving added, referring to Sondland’s about which way they are leaning. revised testimony saying senior Instead they are letting the political officials throughout the Trump process play out. Lobato Lawsuit administration knew that Ukrainian “I’m just not commenting on (Continued from Page 1) able cause. tiate a settlement or go to trial for a President Volodymyr Zelensky was evidence that comes out day by fully convicted of a murder that she Count 7. Thowsen and La- jury to decide — are Count 2 (fab- not going to get a coveted meeting day. I’ll look at all of the evidence did not commit. Rochelle procured and exerted ricating and withholding evidence, with Trump unless he agreed to in depth when it’s presented to the Although Defendants knew LQÁXHQFHWRFRQWLQXHWKHFULPLQDO and inadequate investigation); investigate Biden. Senate,” Romney said. that Plaintiff could not have com- proceeding against Lobato with Count 5 (conspiracy); and Count 10 mitted the crime, they decided to an ulterior purpose other than re- 0HWUR·VÀQDQFLDOOLDELOLW\IRUFRQ- pin the murder on her by, among solving a legal dispute or resolving duct by Thowsen and LaRochelle). other things, fabricating evidence, her guilt or innocence of Bailey’s Lobato is represented by the obtaining involuntary statements, murder. &KLFDJREDVHGODZÀUPRI/RHY\  and ignoring clear evidence of Count 8. Thowsen and LaRo- /RHY\ZKLFKÀOHGDUHVSRQVHWRWKH Plaintiff’s innocence. ... chelle conspired to engage in ex- Motion to Dismiss on October 18. At the time that she was wrong- treme and outrageous conduct with U.S. District Court Judge Richard fully framed for the murder, Plain- the intention of, or with reckless Boulware has not yet made a ruling tiff had just completed high school disregard for, causing Lobato to on the motion. and had her whole life ahead of suffer severe or extreme emotional /RHY\ /RHY\KDVZRQDWRWDO her. Plaintiff was irreparably and distress. of more than $200 million for doz- immeasurably harmed when years Count 9. Thowsen and LaRo- ens of wrongly convicted clients. of life were unjustly stolen from chelle, acting with other known Most recently, they won $9.3 mil- her. This lawsuit seeks a measure and unknown co-conspirators, lion for James Kluppelberg, who of redress for the wrongs done to conspired and intended to accom- was wrongly imprisoned 24 years Plaintiff, as well as to deter future plish an unlawful objective for the for murder in Illinois. misconduct.” purpose of harming Lobato, which Lobato’s case is: Lobato v. The following is a summary of resulted in damage to her. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police the lawsuit’s claims: Count 10. Nevada law provides Department, et. al., Case No. Count 1. Thowsen and LaRo- that LVMPD is directed to pay any 2:19-cv-01273 (USDC Nev.) (Filed chelle conspired to force Lobato tort judgment for compensatory 7-23-19) to incriminate herself falsely and damages for which their employees Hans Sherrer is President of the against her will. are liable within the scope of their Justice Institute aka Justice Denied Count 2. Thowsen and La- employment activities. Thowsen that conducted the post-conviction Rochelle conspired to deprive and LaRochelle were employees of investigation of Kirstin Lobato’s Lobato of her constitutional right the Defendant LVMPD and acted case. That investigation discov- to due process and a fair trial by within the scope of their employ- ered the new forensic evidence fabricating and soliciting false ment at all times relevant in com- proving Bailey died in Las Ve- evidence, and withholding excul- mitting the actions and omissions gas when Lobato was in Panaca, patory evidence from Lobato and described in the lawsuit. which resulted in the dismissal of her prosecutors. 7KRZVHQDQG/D5RFKHOOHÀOHG her charges and her release. The Count 3. Thowsen and LaRo- a response on September 13, 2019, Justice Institute based in Seattle, chelle conspired to accuse Lobato that sought to have seven of the Washington, investigates cases of of criminal activity and exerted claims dismissed for legal or pro- possible wrongful conviction and LQÁXHQFHWRLQLWLDWHFRQWLQXHDQG cedural reasons. The three claims maintains the world’s largest da- perpetuate judicial proceedings they did not seek to dismiss — and tabase of exonerated persons. Its against her without any probable which they may be willing to nego- website is www.justicedenied.org cause and while knowing she was innocent. Count 4. Thowsen and LaRo- chelle stood by without intervening to prevent the violation of Lobato’s Multilingual constitutional rights, even though they had the opportunity to do so. S E R V I C E S Count 5. Thowsen and LaRo- ,PPLJUDWLRQ‡7UDQVODWLRQV‡'LYRUFHV chelle, acting with other co-con- 1RWDU\‡,QFRPH7D[‡7LFNHWV‡5HQWRI8+DXO spirators, reached an agreement to 1HYDGD+HDOWK&DUG‡-RE$SSOLFDWLRQV‡DQGPRUH frame Lobato for a crime she did not commit. Hablo Español Count 6. Thowsen and LaRo- chelle conspired with each other 716 S. 10th Street Perly Viasmensky to maliciously institute or continue Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-337-8277 Lobato’s prosecution without prob- Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 Ginsburg health scare raises prospect of election year Supreme Court battle By Alexander Bolton DQGIRUPHU6HQDWHDLGHVDLGDÀJKW cacy group that focuses on judicial The Hill RYHUD6XSUHPH&RXUWSLFNLQ nominations. The recent hospitalization of ZRXOGZHOOH[FHHGWKHEDWWOHRYHU ´,FDQVHHYRWHUVLQ&RORUDGR Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fol- .DYDQDXJK Arizona, Maine, North Carolina lowing a year of health scares has “It would be the biggest Su- beating on the doors of their sena- raised the prospect of a Supreme SUHPH&RXUWEDWWOHZH·YHHYHUVHHQ WRUVWRRSSRVHµ7UXPS·V6XSUHPH &RXUWYDFDQF\LQDQHOHFWLRQ\HDU There would be no comparison. It Court pick, Aron said. “There’s a and a partisan battle royal that ZRXOGPDNHWKH%UHWW.DYDQDXJK likelihood that Americans will rise would likely surpass the impeach- ÀJKWORRNOLNHDJDPHRIEHDQEDJµ XSDQGVD\QRµ PHQWÀJKW he said. Republicans control 53 Senate /LEHUDODFWLYLVWVDUHDOUHDG\FDOO- Darling predicted an election seats, meaning Democrats would ing on President Trump to keep any year Supreme Court showdown need four GOP defections to stop SRVVLEOH6XSUHPH&RXUWYDFDQF\ ZRXOGHFOLSVHHYHQWKHSDUWLVDQ a Trump nominee if they hold their open until after the 2020 election, ÀJKWLQJRYHU7UXPS·VLPSHDFKPHQW own ranks. but Senate Majority Leader Mitch proceedings. 'HPRFUDWVDUJXH.DYDQDXJK·V McConnell (R-Ky.) has indicated “I think impeachment is already FRQWURYHUVLDOFRQILUPDWLRQYRWH KHZRXOGÀOODFRXUWYDFDQF\QH[W DGRQHGHDOEHFDXVHHYHU\ERG\ helped them pick up more seats in \HDUHYHQWKRXJKKHEORFNHGIRU- WKLQNLWZRXOGEHYHU\FRQWURYHUVLDO UHFHLYHGWUHDWPHQWIRUSDQFUHDWLF NQRZVKRZLW·VJRLQJWRSOD\RXWµ WKH+RXVHGXULQJWKHPLG- mer President Obama’s nominee IRUWKDWUHDVRQµ%DNHUDGGHG cancer in the past year. Darling said. “It’s all just posturing, terms, while Republicans say the for most of 2016 after the death of &RQVHUYDWLYHDFWLYLVWVKDYH *LQVEXUJLQVDLGVKHZRXOG but when it comes to a Supreme ÀJKWKHOSHGWKHPJHWRXWWKHYRWH Justice Antonin Scalia. rejected that argument, asserting stay on the court “as long as I’m Court battle, that’s a whole different in Indiana and Missouri, which McConnell argued at the time WKDWPDQ\YRWHUVLQDQG KHDOWK\DQGPHQWDOO\DJLOHµDGG- EDOOJDPHµ resulted in Senate GOP wins. WKDWYRWHUVVKRXOGKDYHDFKDQFHWR ZHUHPRWLYDWHGE\WKHIXWXUHEDO- LQJWKDWVKHKRSHGWRVHUYHXQWLODW /LEHUDODFWLYLVWVWKLQNWKH\ ´:KDWZH·YHVHHQLVDPRUH weigh in on the balance of the court. DQFHRIWKHMXGLFLDU\JLYLQJ7UXPS least 2023. ZRXOGKDYHDVKRWDWGHUDLOLQJD HQJDJHGUHYYHGXSEDVHRQWKHSUR- 3URJUHVVLYHJURXSVVD\0F&RQ- and Senate Republicans a mandate 6RPHOLEHUDODFWLYLVWVKDYH potential Trump nominee next JUHVVLYHVLGHDERXWWKHFRXUW,WKLQN nell should apply that same thinking WRFRQÀUPD6XSUHPH&RXUWSLFN VSHFXODWHGWKDWFRQVHUYDWLYH-XVWLFH year, as Senate Republicans will WKH.DYDQDXJKÀJKWGLGWKDW,WKLQN LIWKHUHLVDYDFDQF\EHWZHHQQRZ during a presidential election year. Clarence Thomas, 71, may retire KDYHWRGHIHQGVHDWVLQFOXGLQJ VXEVHTXHQWUHDOO\DWURFLRXVORZ- and Election Day. But they are expecting a brutal while Republicans still control the VHDWVWKDW'HPRFUDWVKDYHDJRRG HUFRXUWQRPLQHHVGLGWKDWµVDLG “If we had a Supreme Court ILJKWLIWKHUH·VDQRWKHUYDFDQF\ White House and Senate. Thomas shot of picking up, particularly %DNHUWKHH[HFXWLYHYLFHSUHVLGHQW YDFDQF\WKLV\HDUWKDW7UXPSDW- which could potentially shift the in June dismissed any suggestion in Arizona, Colorado, Maine and of People for the American Way. WHPSWHGWRÀOOLWZRXOGEHLQWKH court on the landmark 1973 ruling that he was thinking of stepping North Carolina. An online poll sponsored by middle of an election year but not LQ5RHY:DGHWKDWHVWDEOLVKHGWKH down. $IWHUZDWFKLQJYXOQHUDEOH'HP- SURJUHVVLYHJURXSVDQGFRQGXFWHG just any election year. It’s going to right to an abortion. 'HPRFUDWLFDFWLYLVWVDQGYRWHUV ocratic incumbents such as former LQ-XQHDPRQJOLNHO\YRWHUVLQ be a year in which Trump is likely to “The last confirmation was are the most fired up about the Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) EDWWOHJURXQGVWDWHVIRXQGWKDW KDYHEHHQGHIHQGLQJFODLPVDJDLQVW KDQGVGRZQWKHPRVWYLFLRXVDQG FRXUWVWKDWWKH\·YHEHHQLQ\HDUVDV and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) lose in percent of Democrats and 50 per- abuse of power and obstruction of contentious in our nation’s history, the makeup of the federal judiciary ³ORVVHVWKH\ERWKDWWULEXWHG cent of Republicans said “the kinds MXVWLFHLQDQLPSHDFKPHQWWULDOµ DQGLIWKHUHZHUHDQRWKHUYDFDQF\ has tilted further and further to the WRWKHPHVV\SDUWLVDQILJKWRYHU of judges that Senate candidates VDLG0DUJH%DNHUH[HFXWLYHYLFH WKDW7UXPSZDVÀOOLQJ,WKLQNLW right during Trump’s presidency. .DYDQDXJK³YXOQHUDEOH*23 would confirm to [the Supreme president of People for the Amer- ZRXOGEHRQO\ZRUVHµVDLG&DUULH Trump has appointed one in four senators may be reluctant to support &RXUW@DQGRWKHUIHGHUDOFRXUWVµ LFDQ:D\DSURJUHVVLYHDGYRFDF\ 6HYHULQRFKLHIFRXQVHODQGSROLF\ judges on the appellate courts — a DFRQWURYHUVLDO7UXPSSLFN ZRXOGEHYHU\LPSRUWDQWLQGHFLG- group. director of the Judicial Crisis Net- milestone that McConnell and other “While defeating a Supreme LQJWKHLUYRWHVRQ(OHFWLRQ'D\ “Public trust in his presidency work, a group that supports conser- Senate Republicans cheered last Court justice next year would ´:H·YHJRWSROOLQJWKDWVXJJHVWV LVSUHWW\ORZVRLIWKHUHHYHUZDV YDWLYHMXGLFLDOQRPLQHHVUHIHUULQJ month. appear to be challenging, it’s not WKHVDOLHQFHRIWKLVIRUSURJUHVVLYHV a time for the argument that the WRODVW\HDU·VEUXLVLQJEDWWOHRYHU 7UXPS·VQRPLQDWLRQRI.DYDQD- impossible, primarily because more LVRQWKHXSVZLQJµ%DNHUVDLG´, $PHULFDQSHRSOHVKRXOGKDYHDVD\ Justice %UHWW.DYDQDXJK. ugh to the Supreme Court was met DQGPRUHYRWHUVLQWDUJHWVWDWHV think the electorate is engaged on in this election who the next Su- *LQVEXUJZDVUHOHDVHGIURP with intense Democratic opposition may well share their concern with this issue as an electoral issue in preme Court justice is — as Mitch Johns Hopkins Hospital last week that for a few days threatened to WKHLUVHQDWRUVXSIRUUHHOHFWLRQµ ways that it hasn’t been before, McConnell claimed after Justice DIWHUVXIIHULQJIURPDIHYHU6KHKDV derail his selection. said Nan Aron, the president of ZKLFKZRXOGPDNHWKLVÀJKWHYHQ Scalia died — this would be it. So I also had surgery for lung cancer and Brian Darling, a GOP strategist $OOLDQFHIRU-XVWLFHDOLEHUDODGYR- PRUH,WKLQNSRZHUIXOµ Trump, Macron hold tense meeting: ‘Would you like VRPHQLFH,6,6ÀJKWHUV",FDQJLYHWKHPWR\RX· By Morgan Chalfant American companies. We want to and Brett Samuels tax them. That’s not for somebody The Hill HOVHWRWD[WKHPµ President Trump and French Tuesday’s icy meeting un- President Emmanuel Macron held GHUVFRUHGWKHHYROXWLRQRIWKH a tense meeting Tuesday on the Trump-Macron relationship. sidelines of a NATO summit, with 7KHWZRPHQFDPHLQWRRIÀFH Trump at one point telling the within months of each other and French leader he could send him enjoyed a close relationship. They VRPH´,6,6ÀJKWHUVµLIKHZDQWHG famously shared a lengthy and in- them. WHQVHKDQGVKDNHDWRQHRIWKHLUÀUVW “Would you like some nice ISIS meetings, and Trump later hosted ÀJKWHUV",FDQJLYHWKHPWR\RXµ Macron at the White House for a Trump said with a slight smile at VWDWHYLVLW WKHPHHWLQJZKLFKZDVFDUULHGOLYH But Macron has become more RQFDEOHQHZV´

A governmentE big enough toDITORIALS give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson Our Point of View Even for Schiff, the Sixth Amendment actually still exists For three years those anti-Americans disguised as today’s politicians have used all the tools they have been able to gath- er together against our President and the saddest part of this whole thing is that it will not end; they will not stop working on making the president’s life an ongoing daily battle. We, as always, call to your attention the fact that all WKRVH'HPRFUDW6RFLDOLVW&RPPXQLVWVKDYHEHHQLQRIÀFH multiple times, and for much longer than President Donald 7UXPSKDVEHHQLQRIÀFHDQGWKH\KDYHQHYHU\HWGRQHDQ\ of the things they are now promising they are going to do for the American people. Take, for example, Joe Biden; he had been the Vice President for eight years, he ran for president three times that we know of; he has been a senator for as many years Don’t despoil public lands as many of us have been alive. Why has he waited this long to realize what the American people need? Those are all with wind and solar power promises that they use to mislead the voters and to blame By Thomas Mitchell that put us on a pathway towards a Nevada Democratic U.S. Sen. clean energy future.” each other. Then with the help of the red media puppets like Jacky Rosen recently announced she The bill would create anoth- Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos, and others less well is co-sponsoring a piece of legislation er federal bureaucracy called the known—but who have been sold to the highest bidders, the titled the Public Land Renewable Renewable Energy Coordination same bidders who have had their game interrupted by one Energy Development Act of 2019, 2IÀFHZKLFKZRXOGEHWDVNHGZLWK Donald J. Trump—they set out plans to bring our president which is touted as bipartisan legis- streamlining the permitting of re- down as soon as they possibly can. lation to promote the development newable energy development. The of renewable energy on public lands bill would set aside a small portion First was the Fishing Expedition for the Russia Probe — which is the vast majority of the of the leasing revenue for state and Conspiracy Theories; then it was the Hillary Clinton e-mail land in Nevada. local governments. ÀDVFRIROORZHGE\5REHUW0XHOOHU·VXJO\FRQQHFWLRQZLWK “Nevada’s public lands are a The trouble with renewable ener- the Clinton Clan proving nothing and making him a public source of pride and natural beauty gy generating facilities — especially puppet of the former First Family. in our state, but they also represent THOMAS MITCHELL wind and solar — is that they are not Now it is the impeachment because the President has a potential home for clean, renewable power that cheap, are not really all that clean and constitute an uncovered the dirty work of the son of former Vice Pres- ZLOOEHQHÀW1HYDGDDQGRXUFRXQWU\µWKHVHQDWRULV incredible eyesore on the pristine landscape — witness quoted in a press releaseSXWRXWE\KHURIÀFH´$WD the massive wind farm near Ely, the photovoltaic solar ident Joe Biden who was employed by the largest private time when we’re facing the real, dangerous effects panels near Boulder City and the thermal solar mirror gas producer in Ukraine. When Joe Biden’s son Hunter was RIFOLPDWHFKDQJHZHPXVWÀQGSROLF\VROXWLRQVWR installations near Ivanpah and Tonopah. serving as “a director to Ukraine’s largest private gas pro- embrace clean energy alternatives to curb harmful car- “Not withstanding the romantic view of wind and ducer,” the elder Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in bon emissions. This bipartisan legislation would help solar power held by many, they are not cost-competi- 86DLGWR8NUDLQHLIWKH\GLGQ·WÀUHDSURVHFXWRUORRNLQJ to identify and advance additional renewable energy tive, they are very far from clean, and they would do into the gas company. projects in wind, solar, and geothermal on federal remarkably little to limit greenhouse-gas emissions lands, which make up nearly 80 percent of our state. and anthropogenic climate change, the ‘crisis view of Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body I will continue to support forward-thinking policies (See Mitchell, Page 14) OHYHOVFKDUJHVDJDLQVWDJRYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDO,PSHDFKPHQW GRHVQRWLQLWVHOIUHPRYHWKHRIÀFLDOGHÀQLWLYHO\IURPRIÀFH it is similar to an indictment in criminal law and is essentially ON A PERSONAL NOTE WKHVWDWHPHQWRIFKDUJHVDJDLQVWWKHRIÀFLDO0RVWSHRSOH 7KHERRLQJRI0HODQLDRXUÀUVWODG\ are familiar with the case and are knowledgeable about what may be considered valid reasons for impeachment. “Old news” that will keep being new if we Then dictator Adam Schiff decided to handpick a so-called whistleblower to create a new attack on President Trump; he don’t teach our children how NOT to act wants to keep the so-called whistleblower a secret against By Maramis to it. The other cities mentioned may By this time — because it hap- have a worse problem, or not so bad, all rules and against all the laws and everyone is letting him pened back on November 26, 2019 but still cannot, as of today, say that get away with that. ³WKHQHZVRIRXUÀUVWODG\EHLQJ they do not have a rodent problem We personally do not believe that the whistleblower really booed at a youth opioid summit held at all. For all we know, that problem exists; we believe it is all in the mind of dictator Adam Schiff in the auditorium at the University PD\QHYHUEHÀ[HG and Democrats and Republicans alike, all who are allowing RI0DU\ODQG%DOWLPRUH&RXQW\LV But the political problem is to him to play that game. likely “old news” to most. Some point to the city’s rodent problem may even explain that booing away, and make it sound like that is the How can they have dictator Adam Schiff’s whistleblower or tell themselves something like, main characteristic of Baltimore — in secret and no one has been able to see such a person? There “What did you expect? After all, as if to say that that is the way it is; is no such thing in politics. By now someone must have seen her husband called Baltimore some however, surely President Trump is the person or heard the whistleblower’s name. degrading names, saying such things smart enough to know that it could Whistleblowers are to politicians as snitches are to law as Baltimore is more deadly than Af- MARAMIS CHOUFANI easily be interpreted by the people enforcement agencies and no one keeps a snitch for that long ghanistan and is “disgusting, rat and rodent-infested.” who live there as if he said, “You’ve got to be stupid, Okay. We know what he said because it’s “out dumb, or out of your mind to continue living in a place without blowing the secret, so how do we think we are going there.” And it may well be rat- and rodent-infested, like that!” You certainly can’t blame Baltimore residents to have a whistleblower and keep him in secret for such a but just for the record, so is New York City, New Or- for taking it that way. length of time without anyone letting it slip — on purpose leans (at least it was before Katrina), Las Angeles and However, wives are not responsible for what their or otherwise. San Francisco. I’ve been to all those cities, and while husbands say, and we already know that it is practically We believe that President Donald Trump did nothing I didn’t see them running up and down the streets, Trump’s signature style to say what’s on his mind in I know they are there. Why spend one’s energy on whatever way he allows it to come out of his mouth wrong and we believe that dictator Adam Schiff is playing saying there are no rats or other rodents in your city or get sent out over his Twitter account. We might not a very dangerous game. We believe that he is a very cynical, when you know there are — but that is not the politi- agree with his style, but there it is. And it is his alone. cold-blooded individual, maybe not as dangerous as former cal problem. That is a health and/or sanitary problem, How many times have you experienced a husband (any Senator Harry Reid, but dangerous nevertheless, and he is not DQGRQHWKDWFDQ·WEHÀ[HGMXVWE\FDOOLQJDWWHQWLRQ (See Maramis, Page 17) that good that he can play a game as dangerous as keeping someone against their will for personal or political games. US wastes 30% of the food supply We hear how they, the Democrat-Socialist-Communists, continue bringing to the table violations to the DQQXDOO\³KRZFDQZHÀ[WKLV" By Barbara Eiswerth The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the United Constitution but aren’t they forgetting the Sixth Amendment Imagine your only monthly supply of food during Nations have stated goals of reducing rampant food to that document? WKHKROLGD\VLVÀYHPHDJHUIRRGUDWLRQVFRQVLVWLQJRI waste by 50 percent by the year 2030. The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution FHUHDOOHJXPHVIRUWLÀHGÁRXURLODQGVDOW7KLVUHS- However, without a tangible roadmap to underpin affords a criminal defendant seven personal liberties: 1) the resents what a refugee survives on each year and they this otherwise attainable goal of reducing food waste in right to a speedy trial; 2) the right to a public trial; 3) the right live in camps for an average of 17 years. our respective states, cities and homes, we are utterly to an impartial jury; 4) the right to be informed of pending In stark contrast, picture your cozy beautiful holiday rudderless. WDEOHÀOOHGZLWKDEXQGDQFHRIWKHIDOOKDUYHVWVHDVRQ We lack the necessary direction and local policy charges; 5) compulsory process for favorable witnesses; 6) WXUNH\VWXIÀQJVZHHWSRWDWRHVJUHHQEHDQVFUDQEHU- guidelines to deliver on the 2030 national goal set the right to counsel; and 7) and most important, the right to ry relish, salad, nut bread, pecan and pumpkin pie just by USDA and other government agencies, as well as confront and cross-examine the accuser. to name a few food items. the international goals set by the UN Environment Enough of protecting the ghost of a whistleblower. Dic- How much of that will be thrown out? Programme. tator Adam Schiff claims that he has to protect the safety In the U.S., over a billion pounds of pumpkins are Reducing food waste will help the United States of his whistleblower. Protect his safety? Does Adam Schiff thrown out every year. Apples also are among the most address climate change, as 20 percent of total U.S. wasted food with almost 40 percent of what is produced methane emissionsFRPHIURPODQGÀOOV%\IHHGLQJ believe he is dealing with Hillary Clinton? winds up discarded. In 2017, the EPA determined that IDPLOLHVLQVWHDGRIODQGÀOOVZHFDQKHOSDGGUHVVWKH This is as bad as they are wanting to make it look, but more food than any other single material was the largest 42 million Americans that live in food insecure house- LWLVQRW9HQH]XHODRU&XEDWKLVLVQRWWKH0LGGOH(DVW FRQWULEXWLRQWRODQGÀOOVLQWKH86 holds as estimated by the EPA. where people’s lives don’t mean anything. Kidnapping is A 2016 comprehensive report by ReFed estimates Reducing food waste through intentional redistri- PRVWGHÀQLWHO\DJDLQVWDOOODZVHYHQIRU'HPRFUDW6RFLDO- that the U.S. wastes 30 percent of the food supply rep- bution mechanisms, harvesting excess produce from ist-Communists. resenting 126 billion pounds of wasted food annually farms, orchards, backyards and gardens that would with a street value of over $161 billion dollars. (See Eiswerth, Page 17) December 4-10, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13 IEW OINTS V(GLWRUVQRWH7KHYLHZVH[SUHVVHGDUHHQWLUHO\WKRVHRIWKHZULWHUVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÁHFWWKHRSLQLRQVRIWKH/DV9HJDV7ULEXQH P The True Meaning of Thanksgiving The pilgrims almost starved themselves to death with their experiment in communal ownership. By John Stossel EHFDXVHWKH\·GUHDOL]HGWKDWFDSLWDO- Submitted by Chuck Muth ism works and communal property +DGWRGD\·VSROLWLFLDQVDQG is a failure,” says economist Russ RSLQLRQPDNHUVEHHQLQSRZHUIRXU 5REHUWV´,WKLQNWKH\ZHUHMXVW centuries ago, Americans might KDSS\WREHDOLYHµ FHOHEUDWH´6WDUYDWLRQ'D\µODVW I wish people understood. This week, not Thanksgiving. idea that happiness and equality The Pilgrims started out with OLHLQEDQGLQJWRJHWKHUDQGGRLQJ communal property rules. When things as a commune is appealing. they first settled at Plymouth, ,W·VWKHSULQFLSOHEHKLQGWKH6RYLHW they were told: “Share everything, 8QLRQ0HGLFDUHWKH9LHWQDP:DU share the work, and we’ll share the 2EDPDFDUHDQGVRRQ6RPHFRP- harvest.” munal central planning is helpful, The colony’s contract said their EXWWRRPXFKLVGDQJHURXV7KH QHZVHWWOHPHQWZDVWREHD´FRP- CHUCK MUTH 3LOJULPVZHUHQ·WWKHÀUVWVHWWOHUVRQ After that season, the colony was WDNHDOOWKH\FDQEHIRUHWKHQH[W mon.” Everyone was to receive ne- property. The harvest was meager, the East Coast of the New World to DEDQGRQHGIRU\HDUV guy does. Resources are overused cessities out of the common stock. and for two years, there was famine. make this mistake. The lesson that a commons is instead of conserved. We don’t 7KHUHZDVWREHOLWWOHLQGLYLGXDO But then, after the colony’s gover- -XVWDIHZ\HDUVEHIRUHWKHFROR- RIWHQXQGHVLUDEOHLVDOODURXQG maintain others’ property the way property. nor, William Bradford, wrote that Q\RI-DPHVWRZQZDVDOPRVWZLSHG us. What image comes to mind if we maintain our own. 7KDWZDVQ·WWKHRQO\WKLQJDERXW they should “set corn every man for RXWE\WKHVDPHLGHD ,ZULWH´SXEOLFWRLOHWµ"&RQVLGHU Colonists in Plymouth nearly the Plymouth Colony that sounds his own particular,” they dropped +LVWRULDQ(GPXQG60RUJDQ WUDIÀFFRQJHVWLRQDQGSRRUXSNHHS VWDUYHGEHFDXVHWKH\GLGQ·WXQ- like it was from Karl Marx: Its WKHFRPPRQVLGHD+HDVVLJQHGWR in “American Slavery, American RIPDQ\SXEOLFO\RZQHGURDGV%XW GHUVWDQGWKDW,Q-DPHVWRZQVRPH ODERUZDVWREHRUJDQL]HGDFFRUG- every family a parcel of land to treat )UHHGRP7KH2UGHDORI&RORQLDO most people don’t understand that ZHUHGULYHQWRFDQQLEDOLVP LQJWRWKHGLIIHUHQWFDSDELOLWLHVRI as its own. 9LUJLQLDµGHVFULEHVZKDWKDSSHQHG the solution is private property. But no one starves when ranch- the settlers. People would produce The results were dramatic. Much LQ´7KHUHDUHSHR- When natural resources, such ers are allowed to own land and DFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUDELOLWLHVDQG more corn was planted. Instead of ple in the colony now. And they DVÀVKDQGWUHHVGZLQGOHWKHÀUVW FDWWOH2UWXUNH\V consume according to their needs. famine, there was plenty. Thanks are starving. They scour the woods impulse is to say, “Stop capitalism. Private ownership does good That sure sounds fair. to private property, they got food OLVWOHVVO\IRUQXWVURRWVDQGEHUULHV 0DNHWKRVHWKLQJVSXEOLFSURSHUW\µ things. They nearly starved and created — and thanks to it, we have food And they offer the only authentic %XWWKH\DOUHDG\DUHSXEOLF³WKDW·V * * * * * what economists call the “tragedy today. H[DPSOHVRIFDQQLEDOLVPZLWQHVVHG WKHSUREOHP Chuck Muth is president of of the commons.” This doesn’t mean Pilgrims LQ9LUJLQLD2QHSURYLGHQWPDQ ,IQRRQHRZQVWKHÀVKLQJULJKWV Citizen Outreach, a non-profit If people can access the same WKHPVHOYHVVDZWKHEURDGHUHFR- chops up his wife and salts down to a given part of the ocean — or the public policy grassroots advocacy VWXIIE\ZRUNLQJOHVVWKH\ZLOO nomic implications of what they’d WKHSLHFHV2WKHUVGLJXSJUDYHVWR exclusive, long-term logging rights organization and publisher of Ne- Plymouth settlers faked illness EHHQWKURXJK´,GRQ·WWKLQNWKH\ eat the corpses. By spring only sixty to part of the forest — people have vadaNewsandViews.com. He blogs instead of working the common ZHUHFHOHEUDWLQJ7KDQNVJLYLQJ are left alive.” DQLQFHQWLYHWRJHWWKHUHÀUVWDQG at MuthsTruths.com. 5HÁHFWLRQVRQWKH7KDQNVJLYLQJDQG+ROLGD\VHDVRQ By Mace Yampolsky DOZD\VDVN´'LG\RXGRLW"µ,NQHZ ,KDYHDQREOLJDWLRQQRWWRSUHVHQW DGYLFH"1RSH,KDGDFOLHQWZKR Everyone should feel thankful, they would lie. But I wanted to perjured testimony. was accused of murder. She didn’t ULJKW"0\NQHHMHUNUHVSRQVHLVWR NQRZ1RZ,GRLWDELWGLIIHUHQWO\ Lie if you must, VKRRWWKHGHFHGHQWEXWVKHZDVLQ VD\%DK+XPEXJFRQÀUPHGFXU- I ask, “Why do you think the police but not on the stand the mix. Under the felony murder mudgeon that I am. If I thought so, EHOLHYH\RXFRPPLWWHGWKHFULPH I’ll usually have a conversation UXOHVKHZDVJXLOW\RIÀUVWGHJUHH ,ZRXOGWDNHDVWHSEDFNHYHU\RQH FKDUJHG"µ6RPHVD\´EHFDXVH,GLG and tell them, “Whatever you tell murder (life imprisonment). I KDVSUREOHPV,VKRXOGIHHOOXFN\ it.” I love those clients. But even if PHKDSSHQHG,·OOEHOLHYH\RXµ ZRUNHGRXWDJUHDWGHDO PXFK ,RQO\KDYHWZRSUREOHPV³P\ they don’t want to admit anything, RND\WKDWLVDVWUHWFKEXWEHDUZLWK EHWWHUWKDQOLIH WKHFOLHQWFDOOHG FOLHQW·VSUREOHPVDQGP\FOLHQWV WKH\DUHQRWEDFNHGLQWKHFRUQHU me). If you tell me ABC happened and once again was unappreciative. For those of you who don’t know 7KHUHDUHLQQXPHUDEOHWKHRULHV DQGWKHQODWHU;<=,GRQ·WNQRZ I lost it and screamed at her. I then HYHU\RQHNQRZV,DPD%RQ9L- VRPHFUHGLEOHVRPHQRW which is the truth, so I can’t put penned a nasty letter. I should have YDQW/LWHUDU\/LRQDQGDQ$VVHWWR I am thankful for cops; you on the stand. I prefer it when NQRZQEHWWHU,WVWDUWHGRXWOLNHWKLV any party), I am a criminal lawyer. without them, I would be they don’t take the stand unless it’s ´'HDU\RXPLVHUDEOHSLHFHRIKX- 1RZEHIRUHDQ\RQHPDNHVD out of business a self-defense case. PDQJDUEDJH,·PJRLQJWRWU\DQG smart remark, I am not a criminal, I’m thankful that I have a won- What now? H[SODLQWKLVVRHYHQDSHDEUDLQOLNH EXW,GRUHSUHVHQWWKHDFFXVHG derful woman who puts up with I’m thankful that I still like going you can understand…” Thankfully 7KHUHDUHWKRVHZKRVD\´+RZFDQ MACE YAMPOLSKY me and doesn’t try to change me WRWULDO,KDWHSUHSDULQJEXWLI\RX my staff would not let me send it. \RXUHSUHVHQWWKRVHSHRSOH"7KH\ (criminal lawyers generally agree too much. Recently I had a po- don’t prepare you don’t do a good They cleaned it up. I did apologize, are all guilty”; while those senti- with me). If they have committed WHQWLDOFOLHQWZKREHOLHYHGKHZDV MRE,·PWKDQNIXOWKDWLQVSLWHRIDOO EXWLWZDVWRRODWH1RZVKHKDV ments are generally accurate, I’ll the crime, then it is easy. I’ll do the DFFXVHGRIVH[XDODVVDXOWEHFDXVH WKHWULDOVWULEXODWLRQVDQGWULVWHVVH another lawyer, for which we are answer them in a variety of ways. EHVW,FDQDQGLI,ORVHRKZHOO7KH his ex-wife who was related to ,VWLOOFDUHFRQWUDU\WRWKHEHOLHIRI ERWKWKDQNIXO When they come to me, they are ones I really like admit to me that a Mexican drug cartel somehow some of my clients. Even though Why practice criminal law? DOOQRWJXLOW\2QHPXVWSOHDGJXLOW\ they did it, then I’m free to use all conspired with the alleged victim. I consider myself a good lawyer, I’ve tried other kinds of law. I RUEHIRXQGJXLOW\

BONO (Paul Sfera) — “Legends in Concert” Holiday Show, Tropicana, 2019 Elvis Presley (Bill Cherry) — “Legends in Concert” Holiday Show, Tropicana, 2019 “Legends in Concert’s” Holiday Show By Sandy Zimmerman 2IÀFHE\FDOOLQJRURQOLQH Las Vegas Tribune at ticketmaster.com and ticketbat.com. Photos by “Legend in Concert” 6LQFHLWVGHEXWLQ/HJHQGVLQ&RQ- Award-winning “Legends in Concert’s” cert has earned countless entertainment in- exceptionally large stage was filled with dustry awards including “Show of the Year,” holiday visions — two Christmas trees “Entertainers of the Year,” “Grand Slam,” and and their grand stairway glowed with or- the prestigious “Show of Shows” awarded by naments. Instead of one large video screen the International Press Association, and was EDFNJURXQGVHSDUDWHVHFWLRQVÁDVKHGZLWK PRVWUHFHQWO\DZDUGHGWKH´&DVLQR3UR- exciting scenes. duction Show of the Year,” at the sixth annual I enjoyed the blending of a holiday Casino Entertainment Awards, presented by ÁDYRUWRWKHLUXVXDOWULEXWHIRUPDWZLWKDOO The Global Gaming Expo (G2E). of the excitement of a “Legends in Con- Award-winning Sandy Zimmerman has cert” show. This production highlights the produced television programs, documenta- glamour and pizazz reminiscent of earlier ries, and travel specials: Beijing, the Yangtze Las Vegas shows along with four highly rat- River Cruise, and “Visiting a Kazakh Family ed REBA, BONO, ELVIS, & MARIA tribute in a Yurt along Marco Polo’s Silk Road”-Chi- artists, and a cast of exceptional dancers. na; “Castles, Wine and Trattorias” travel Watching Corrie Sach’s stand-out REBA specials in Italy; and around the world as performance of Reba’s biggest hit song “The well as in the US: Bryce Canyon National Heart Won’t Lie,” you could feel the emotion Park, Zion Canyon National Park, and the in her words and realize the meaning of the Grand Canyon North Rim National Park; song. Corrie was perfect in her adaptation of an authentic real Cattle Drive similar to the REBA McIntire as she switched from emcee I reviewed the early “Legends in Concert” shows (2003) when the show appeared at early westerns in Reno, Nevada; and more. introducing each act as well as her own star the IMPERIAL PALACE Hotel. (Photo at Imperial Palace — “Legends in Concert” — With 25 years’ experience as a television talk tribute. Another stand-out performance was Tributes to Rod Steward, Marilyn Monroe, Janet Jackson, and Elvis Presley.) show host of Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Vegas Jass Meagher who brought Mariah Carey for costumes. All of this in one show! at Tropicana Las Vegas Monday through Television, Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Vegas TV WKHÀUVWWLPHRQD/HJHQGVVWDJH%LOO&KHUU\ ,QHDUO\,UHYLHZHG´/HJHQGVLQ 6DWXUGD\ GDUN6XQGD\ DWSP7LFNHWV Show, and Discover the Ultimate Vacation portrays Elvis Presley in style! Pavel Sfera Concert” at the Imperial Palace and that eve- 6WDUWDW H[FOXGLQJWD[DQGIHHV 9,3 travel specials, Syndicated Journalist- Show brings rockin’ songs fromU2 as BONO. ning saw tributes to Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, booths and preferred seating are also avail- & Dining Reviewer, Travel/ Luxury. For The dance numbers stood out for their Janet Jackson and Rod Steward. DEOHIURPWR H[FOXGLQJWD[ information, questions, contact Sandy Zim- creativity! An interesting touch to the show, This very special holiday production and fees). Bottle service is available in the merman: (702)-515-0846, sandyzimm2003@ each of the female dancers wore different tops at Legends in Concert continues through 9,3ERRWKVVWDUWLQJDWMXVW7LFNHWVFDQ yahoo.com, Facebook@szlvtv or http://www. but they all wore the same bottoms of their 'HFHPEHU/HJHQGVLQ&RQFHUWSHUIRUPV be purchased in person at the Tropicana Box facebook.com/szlvtv.

Reba McEntire (Corrie Sach) — Mariah Carey (Jass Meagher) — “Legends in Concert” Holiday “Legends in Concert” Holiday Show, Tropicana, 2019 Show, Tropicana, 2019 December 4-10, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 19 Travis Cloer presents 7th Annual Holiday Show Christmas at Robin’s Place, Thursday, Dec. 12 This Week in Las Vegas

By Mike Kermani By Mike Kermani Modest Mouse Las Vegas Tribune Wednesday, Dec. 11, Doors: 7 p.m. Get ready to jingle! Travis Clo- Tickets: $58.75 holiday season, Las Vegans have Grandma’s Meatballs er and his band present their 7th https://bit.ly/2qr4VAQ great options to spread holiday beef, veal & pork, Annual Holiday Show “Christmas Ages: 18+ cheer to all of Vegas’ heart fam- marinara, parmesan at Robin’s Place,” directed by 7KH2IÀFLDO+RRH\3DUW\IW ilies including adopting a family Entrée (Choice of) Keith Thompson. Accompanying Robert Earl Keen directly or enjoying a holiday meal Chicken Parm &ORHU1LNL6FDOHUDRI%URDGZD\·V with Parker McCollum at Buddy V’s. oven-baked provolone, Hairspray and Tarzan and Lady Friday, Dec. 13, Doors: 9 p.m. For Buddy V’s Executive Chef mozzarella, spaghetti marinara Luck featured headliner of Show- Tickets: $24 Bryan Forgione, the Children’s Grilled Salmon stoppers, will sing holiday classics https://bit.ly/34Ibtu3 Heart Foundation is personal. Mediterranean chickpea & DWWKHQHZ1RWRULHW\/LYHWKHDWUH Ages: 21+ Forgione’s youngest son CJ was artichoke salad, roasted tomato dedicated to the late Robin Leach. Rock 4 The Kids hosted by born with a congenital heart defect vinaigrette, balsamic Expect classy, jazzy and a show Mark McGrath with Rydmik that required surgery within the Fettucine con Vitello that sparkles like the brightest bulb +HDOLQJ7KH'RVH)UDQNV  * * * * * ÀUVW\HDURIOLIH1RZÀYH\HDUV roasted mushrooms, baby spinach, on the tree! Deans, and Will Champlin DEAN MARTIN’S old, CJ is the family’s heart hero sage, grana padano, ([SHFWWKHVKRZURRPWREHÀOOHG Saturday, Dec. 14, Doors: 6 p.m. DAUGHTER DEANA MARTIN and the driving force behind Chef crispy veal lardons with a star-studded audience of Tickets: $35 APPEARS AT THE Forgione’s desire to give back this My Mother-in-Law’s celebrities, local entertainers, and https://bit.ly/2XqFMCY SMITH CENTER holiday season. Guests can dine and Shrimp Scampi performers. The show is open to the Ages: 18+ Daughter of iconic entertainer give back now until Friday, Dec. 13 tomatoes, spinach, garlic, public and tickets are available for Fueled by Lagunitas: Dean Martin and an internationally knowing that $4 of every meal will white wine, lemon, pecorino sale at https://buy.ticketkite.com/ Thievery Corporation celebrated performer in her own go to Children’s Heart Foundation. Dessert (Choice of) eventperformances.asp?evt=25, with Brazilian Girls right, vocalist Deana Martin will 7KHSUL[À[HGLQQHULVIRUOXQFK Cannoli $20 for General Admission, $25 for Sunday, Dec. 15, Doors: 7 p.m. take her audience on a musical and $39 for dinner. All funds raised cinnamon pastry, sweet ricotta Premium and $30 for Gold Circle. Tickets: $35 sleigh ride of classic and contem- will be donated to Children’s Heart cream, cocoa drops, pistachios Thursday, December 12, Red https://bit.ly/2ntGlOE porary yuletide tunes in her festive, Foundation and their ‘Adopt a Tiramisu Carpet: 6:00 p.m, Show: 7:00 p.m, Ages: 18+ holiday show on Sunday, Dec. 8 at Heart Family’ program. marsala mascarpone cream, choc- in The Robin Leach Theatre at Nevada Public Radio Presents The Smith Center. This electrifying La Famiglia Prix Fixe RODWHHVSUHVVRFDNHODG\ÀQJHUV 1RWRULHW\/LYH450 Fremont Street +ROLGD\7ULYLD1LJKWIW4XL]- musical revue toasts the season with menus includes: * * * * * #370, Las Vegas. master Mark Shunock beloved melodies honoring her fa- Antipasto (Choice of) Mike Kermani is an entertain- 7UDYLV&ORHULVDSUROLÀF%URDG- An evening of holiday themes ther and other musical greats, with Caesar Salad ment writer for the Las Vegas way and Vegas entertainer. His trivia, conversation and cocktails. timeless staples such as “Winter parmesan, polenta croutons, Tribune newspaper. He writes a accolades include a record-breaking Wednesday, Dec. 18, Doors: 6 p.m. Wonderland,” “I’ll Be Home For classic dressing weekly column in this newspaper. run as the longest-running actor to Tickets: $10 — https://bit. Christmas,” and “Baby It’s Cold Tomato & Basil Soup To contact Mike Kermani, email play the role of Frankie Valli in ly/2qKNvQ4 Outside,” alongside swinging hits grana padano, focaccia croutons mkermani@ lasvegas tribune.com the Grammy and Tony-winning Ages: 18+ such as “Gee Baby Ain’t I Good To hit Jersey Boys, with over 2200 Dizzy Wright & Rittz You” and “The Lady Is a Tramp.” performances. with Ekoh & Whitney Peyton Deana Martin’s Concert: Sun- As a solo artist, he has released Friday, Dec. 20, Doors: 7 p.m. day, Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., three albums, toured the world, Tickets: https://bit.ly/2mDNawK The Smith Center leaving audiences on their feet with Ages: 18+ * * * * * his highly energetic and infectious Rock and Roll Playhouse The FILL YOUR HEART AND live concerts. He has performed Music of The Beatles for Kids YOUR TUMMY THIS with the symphonies of Salt Lake +ROLGD\&HOHEUDWLRQ SEASON AND SUPPORT City, Buffalo, and Las Vegas, as Saturday, Dec. 21, Doors: 11 a.m. THE CHILDREN’S HEART well as with the world-famous Tickets: $15 — https://bit. FOUNDATION’S ‘ADOPT A Radio City Rockettes. ly/2p3L36t HEART FAMILY’ WHILE For more information visit tra- Ages: All Ages DINING AT BUDDY V’S viscloer.com, follow on Instagram * * * * * RISTORANTE @traviscloermusic and like on )RUWKHÀUVWWLPHHYHUWKHSRS- Facebook https://www.facebook. ular Italian restaurant, Buddy V’s com/traviscloermusic. Ristorante, designed a prix fixe * * * * * menu to raise money for the chil- BROOKLYN BOWL dren’s organization during the LAS VEGAS UPDATED KROLGD\V'XHWRWKHÀQDQFLDOWROO ENTERTAINMENT having a child with a congenital SCHEDULE heart defect takes on a family, the Parking at all Caesars Enter- Adopt a Heart Family program Buddy V’s Executive Chef Bryan Forgione and his youngest son CJ, tainment properties validated upon is often times the only way these who was born with a congenital heart defect that proof of paid Brooklyn Bowl ticket LAS VEGAS’ LUCKY’S families will have a holiday. This UHTXLUHGVXUJHU\ZLWKLQWKHÀUVW\HDURIOLIH stub and Clark County ID. LOUNGE HOSTS HOLIDAY Adrian Scott Presents GIFT CARD DRIVE Amanda Perez with NB Pidaz, BENEFITTING ST. JUDE’S Lil Rob, Mr. Capone-E, RANCH FOR CHILDREN and Paula Deanda ‘Tis the season to give! This Saturday, Nov. 30, Doors: 7 p.m holiday season, Las Vegas locals’ Tickets: $35 choice sports bar & grill, Lucky’s https://bit.ly/2nwF0GR Lounge continues its partnership Ages: 18+ with St. Jude’s Ranch for Children K. Michelle — O.S.D. Tour by hosting an end of year holiday with B. Rose gift card drive benefitting the Thursday, Dec. 5, Doors: 7:30 p.m. charity’s efforts to support abused, Tickets: $38 neglected and homeless youth in https://bit.ly/2LW1tXc 6RXWKHUQ1HYDGD Ages: 18+ 1RZWKURXJKWKHHQGRIWKH\HDU 7KH2IÀFLDO+RRH\3DUW\IW patrons of Lucky’s Lounge are en- Wade Bowen couraged to donate by purchasing with American Aquarium gift cards valued at $25 or higher Friday, Dec. 6, Doors: 9 p.m. or by giving cash to be converted Tickets: $24 into gift cards in exchange for free https://bit.ly/2qmBeRA pizza and booze! For each gift card Ages: 21+ or cash value over $25 donated, 7KX+X with Crown Lands Lucky’s Lounge will offer guests a Saturday, Dec. 7, Doors: 8:30 p.m. free large cheese pizza paired with Tickets: $20 one pitcher of domestic beer or https://bit.ly/2mCZJZa choice of two cocktails. All dona- Ages: All Ages tions will serve as Christmas gifts Gregory Alan Isakov for the charity’s youth and con- with Patrick Park tribute to other necessities heading Sunday, Dec. 8, Doors: 6:45 p.m. into the new year. Suggested gift Tickets: $31 cards include but are not limited https://bit.ly/2ojRtO7 to Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Ages: 18+ American Express. Page 20 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 Arizona Charlie’s Casinos hosting 7th Annual ‘Feed A Family’ program

Eve packages including an open bar Lucky’s Lounge continues to cham- and champagne toast, plus elevated pion the cause of St. Jude’s Ranch vantage points providing a dazzling for Children by hosting an end of view of the midnight fireworks. \HDUKROLGD\JLIWFDUGGULYHEHQHÀW- The High Roller and FLY LINQ ting the charity’s efforts to support also offer options that are family abused, neglected and homeless friendly for for guests of all ages. youth in Southern Nevada. * * * * * Now through the end of the year, TERRY BRADSHAW patrons of Lucky’s Lounge are en- RETURNS TO LUXOR couraged to donate by purchasing HOTEL AND CASINO gift cards valued at $25 or higher FOR DECEMBER or by giving cash to be converted PERFORMANCES OF “THE into gift cards in exchange for free TERRY BRADSHAW SHOW” pizza and booze!

By Jerry Fink the cast of FANTASY at a meet- parties to sports-team celebrations Las Vegas Tribune and-greet, with the opportunity for and corporate events, VSK delivers Arizona Charlie’s Decatur and autographs and photos. not only thrilling go-kart action, Arizona Charlie’s Boulder loca- Tickets to FANTASY are avail- but also the chance for friendly tions are hosting the 7th annual able for purchase at any Luxor box competition. The go-karts offer “Feed A Family” program now RIÀFHRQOLQHRUE\FDOOLQJ electronic tracking which records through Sunday, Dec. 15. 262-4400. live timing and ranks participants The annual “Feed A Family” In addition, the “2020: Vision of in multiple heats to determine the initiative helps provide boxes of Beauty” calendar is now available ÀUVWVHFRQGDQGWKLUGSODFHZLQQHUV food to families in the Las Vegas for purchase at various retail loca- of each race. Valley through partnerships with tions throughout Luxor, including * * * * * local food pantries in time for the Atrium Showroom, and on For each gift card or cash value Thanksgiving and Christmas. For FANTASY’s website, fantasyluxor. over $25 donated, Lucky’s Lounge every 12,000 True Rewards points com. will offer guests a free large cheese contributed Arizona Charlie’s will * * * * * pizza paired with one pitcher of purchase one food box. SUPERKARTS AND domestic beer or choice of two Each box includes a seven-pound GLITTERING LIGHTS: cocktails. ham or 12-pound turkey along with AN OUTING FOR KIDS All donations will serve as potatoes, gravy, vegetables, rolls, ON BREAK AND Christmas gifts for the charity’s FUDQEHUU\VDXFHVWXIÀQJSLHDQG OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS youth and contribute to other ne- whipped cream. Each box contains Entertain kids on winter break cessities heading into the new year. enough food to feed a family of and out-of-town guests this holiday Suggested gift cards include but four. season with an only-in-Vegas out- are not limited to Visa, Mastercard, To participate in the program, ing combining an exhilarating Ve- Discover and American Express. True Rewards members may con- gas Superkarts (VSK) experience Both Lucky’s Lounge locations tribute any amount of points, all with a dazzling ride through the are participating in the St. Jude’s of which are allocated towards Glittering Lights at the Las Vegas Ranch for Children holiday gift the purchase of food items to be Motor Speedway. CELEBRATE THE Legendary professional football card drive. included in a box. Arizona Charlie’s Guests simply show their Glit- HOLIDAYS AT THE LINQ player and iconic entertainer Terry Happy Hour is daily from 5 p.m. Boulder will be donating 50 boxes tering Lights pass upon check in Holiday Magic has returned to Bradshaw will bring his musical, to 7 p.m. and from 12 a.m. to 3 a.m. of food on Monday, Nov. 25 to the at VSK and pay just $20 per race The LINQ Promenade. comedy and storytelling produc- About Lucky’s Lounge Veterans Resource center and 50 through Jan. 5, 2020. It has been transformed into a tion, “The Terry Bradshaw Show,” Lucky’s Lounge and Restaurant boxes to Veterans Village. Guests planning to enjoy both modern winter wonderland with back to the Las Vegas Strip. is a rustic, provincial bar featuring In December, the Arizona Char- experiences on the same day are festive décor and a holiday show The limited engagement will run a locals-friendly atmosphere with lie’s Decatur location will be donat- encouraged to book the 4 p.m. time featuring seasonal songs mixed in the Atrium Showroom at Luxor signature bar bites, an award-win- ing 100 boxes of food to the South- slot for their VSK race to ensure with hip-hop favorites—all accom- Hotel and Casino on Tuesday, Dec. ning happy hour and gaming op- ern Nevada Housing Authority to WKH\·OOEHDPRQJWKHÀUVWLQOLQH panied by LED-costumed dancers, 10 and Tuesday, Dec. 17. tions with two locations catering be distributed to families in need. for Glittering Lights, Nevada’s stunt acrobatics, street “elves” and Both shows are scheduled to to the Las Vegas Valley. Contributions are now being largest, drive-through holiday light snowfall. begin at 8 p.m. The 4,800-sq.ft. Jones location accepted at the True Rewards cen- show, which opens daily at 5:30 The LINQ Promenade’s live In the production, Bradshaw is located at 7345 S Jones Blvd, ter or by calling the True Rewards p.m. Additionally, guests who book stage show takes place Thursdays entertains the crowd with his dy- and features a full bar, kitchen and center at 800-342-2695. Glittering Lights tickets online us- through Sundays from 6 p.m. to 9 namic singing ability, endearing billiards; the 4,500-sq.ft. Farm loca- ing code “SUPERKARTS19” will p.m. at the top of the hour. * * * * * personality and charisma in a tion is located at 8025 Farm Road. receive $5 off any of the following The LINQ Promenade’s stroll- 70-minute show that chronicles his With over 30 gaming machines experiences; Santa Tram, Season ing piano and atmospheric en- life’s journey. The musical and co- at both locations, Lucky’s Lounge Pass, Anyday Tickets or Weekday tertainment continues Mondays medic production showcases Brad- is a local favorite frequented by Tickets. Located at the Las Vegas and Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 9 shaw’s vocal talents, award-win- sports fans. Motor Speedway next to the Exot- p.m. New to Holiday Magic this ning storytelling style and the same For more information on Lucky’s ics Racing Driving Center, Vegas year is an interactive tree light straight-shooting, self-deprecating Lounge, visit www.luckysloungelv. Superkarts was created Exotics display, where guests can create humor that has made Bradshaw com; for special offers and updates Racing’s Founder Romain Thievin. their own personalized light show an all-time favorite as an Emmy follow Instagram/Twitter/Faceb. ,WRIIHUVWKHÀUVWWUXHJRNDUW straight from their phones’ playlists. Award-winning co-host and analyst About St. Jude’s Ranch racing experience in 4-stroke, The technology includes 16 strands on FOX NFL Sunday. for Children gas-powered Sodikarts. Racers of lights on a 12-foot-tall tree, Joining Bradshaw on stage are For more than 53 years, St. Ju- drive up to 50 MPH around a which will twinkle in syncopation two superb female vocalists in- de’s Ranch for Children has been 2,100-foot-long outdoor asphalt with music selections from guests’ cluding Lorena Peril, headliner of a community of healing and hope track, including 14 turns and sharp smartphones. For New Year’s FANTASY. for children and young people. hairpins, fast acceleration straight- Eve, revelers can celebrate the The talented team behind “The 7KH F QRQSURÀWRUJDQL]D- aways and professional safety countdown from the center of the Terry Bradshaw Show” includes tion helps abused, neglected, and barriers. For drivers as young as 10 Las Vegas Strip. On Dec. 31, the Emmy Award-winner, Anita Mann, homeless children and youth, ages years old, VSK also offers Junior world’s tallest observation wheel, as director and producer, Beverly Go-Karts Perfect for everything High Roller, and the FLY LINQ Jeanne as executive producer, and zero to 25, by providing safety, from family outings and birthday zipline will each offer New Year’s musical direction by Smokin’ Joe stability and healing in a caring Escriba. The show was written by environment. Jon Macks with original songs by St. Jude’s Ranch for Children of- David Goldsmith and John Kava- fers customized therapy, high-qual- naugh. ity residential and transitional Tickets for all performances are housing programs, and numerous now on sale with prices starting at supportive services, as well as $65.99 (not including applicable opportunities to keep families FANTASY OFFERS taxes and fees). VIP tickets are and siblings together and spend DISCOUNTED TICKETS TO priced at $199.99 (not including time together when separated in 2019 NATIONAL FINALS taxes and applicable fees) and foster care. St. Jude’s Ranch for RODEO ATTENDEES include premier seating plus a Children’s ultimate focus is to FANTASY, Luxor Hotel and Ca- meet-and-greet and photo oppor- break the cycle of abuse and help sino’s award-winning adult revue, tunity with Bradshaw following children and young people become will welcome Wrangler National the show. Tickets may be purchased thriving positive members of the Finals Rodeo (NFR) back to Las DWWKH/X[RUER[RIÀFHRQOLQHDW community. Vegas with discounted tickets for mgmresorts.com/luxor or by calling For more information on St. NFR attendees from December 702-262-4400. Jude’s Ranch for Children, visit 5-14. * * * * * www.stjudesranch.org or follow us FANTASY will offer a 50 per- LUCKY’S LOUNGE HOSTS on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Lin cent discount on all tickets for HOLIDAY GIFT CARD DRIVE * * * * * guests who show their 2019 NFR FOR ST. JUDE’S RANCH Jerry Fink is an entertainment tickets upon purchase at any Luxor FOR CHILDREN columnist for the Las Vegas Tribune ER[RIÀFH ‘Tis the season to give! newspaper and writes a weekly col- Following the show, all guests This holiday season, Las Vegas umn. To contact Jerry Fink, email are invited to mix and mingle with locals’ choice sports bar & grill, KLPDWWKHMHUU\ÀQN#JPDLOFRP December 4-10, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 21 LIFESTYLES

Moët Champagne celebrated their 150th year anniversary By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune Photos by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for Moët & Chandon Moët Champagne, The French Champagne House, began their reign as a premiere Champagne over 250 years ago where most businesses count in years, they count centuries! When a cham- pagne can face the competition throughout the ages and still stands ahead of the others, it stands alone in quality and taste. Proud of their difference, Moët & Chandon are thrilled to cel- ebrate the 150th anniversary of Moët Impérial, an important milestone in the extraordinary journey of a global icon of cele- bration from 1969. This year, the Moët & Chan- don Grand Day, an annual ren- dezvous debuted in 2016, will continue its festive tradition with a glittering lineup of events celebrating the epic journey of Moët Impérial since 1869. From day to evening and well into (Left) Film legends Cary Grant and Kim Novak with a bottle of Moët Impérial and (right) Paul Newman holding bottles of Moët Impérial. the night, Moët & Chandon will Marketing and Communications the unique testimony of several cen- our oenologists and the legacy of * * * * * bring together over a million Director. turies of winemaking. Guardians a know-how developed over time Award-winning Sandy Zim- people from New York City to Open from Thursday to Monday of a real treasure, they represent and passed through several gen- merman has produced television Ibiza and London to Tokyo, in to December 29th, 2019 (closed on the talent and the work of several erations of cellar masters. If you programs, documentaries, and a bubbling toast to its universal Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Should generations of men and women. wish a private tour or a reception travel specials: Beijing, the Yang- icon of celebration. you come and visit the Avenue de The cellar visit, led by our inter- in one of our historical venues, tze River Cruise, and “Visiting “On this Moët & Chandon Champagne on December 15th, preters, will invite you to discover please contact us directly by Email a Kazakh Family in a Yurt along Grand Day, we are thrilled to 2019, Moët & Chandon will orga- the Moët & Chandon expertise of at [email protected]. Marco Polo’s Silk Road”-China; celebrate the 150th anniversary nize a special brunch. Re-opening “Castles, Wine and Trattorias” of Moët Impérial, our signature on February, 3rd, 2020. The shop travel specials in Italy; and around champagne that has embodied is open from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm the world as well as in the US: the grandeur of the House since (same opening periods as visits). Bryce Canyon National Park, 1869.” says Nathalie Normand, The Moët & Chandon cellars are an Zion Canyon National Park, and Moët & Chandon International exceptional heritage of the House, the Grand Canyon North Rim National Park; an authentic real Cattle Drive similar to the early westerns in Reno, Nevada; and more. With 25 years’ experience as a television talk show host of Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Vegas Television, Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Vegas TV Show, and Discover the Ultimate Vacation travel specials, Syndi- cated Journalist- Show & Dining Reviewer, Travel/ Luxury. For information, questions, comments please contact Sandy Zimmerman: (702)-515-0846, sandyzimm2003@ Moët & Chandon celebrated their Moët Impérial’s yahoo.com, Facebook@szlvtv or 150th Anniversary-2019 Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Vegas TV.

+RSH/DQJH·VÀOP´/RYHLVD%DOOµ She is holding a bottle of Moët Impérial Champagne. The French Champagne House of Moët & Chandon Vineyard Page 22 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 CITY BEAT U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao announces $8 million in grants to revitalize Nevada’s bus infrastructure VHQWDWLYHVZLOOEHRWKHUWRSRIÀFLDOV ceptable and disproportionately within the Federal Government, high levels of violence, which can including: have lasting impacts on families —Director of the Federal Bu- and communities. Native Ameri- reau of Investigation Christopher can women face particularly high A. Wray; rates of violence, with at least half —Department of the Interior suffering sexual or intimate-partner Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs violence in their lifetime,” said Tara Sweeney; Attorney General Barr. “Too many —Department of Justice Di- of these families have experienced UHFWRURIWKH2IÀFHRQ9LROHQFH the loss of loved ones who went $JDLQVW:RPHQ/DXUD5RJHUV missing or were murdered. Presi- —Department of the Interior dent Trump establishing the Task 'LUHFWRURIWKH2IÀFHRI-XVWLFH Force on Missing and Murdered Services within the Bureau of American Indians and Alaska Indian Affairs Charles Addington; Natives will enable us to further Transportation Secretary Elaine —Chair of the Native American strengthen the federal, state, and L. Chao announced that the Fed- Issues Subcommittee of the Attor- tribal law enforcement response to eral Transit Administration (FTA) ney General’s Advisory Committee these continuing problems.” will award $423 million in transit U.S. Attorney Trent Shores; ´:HKDYHKHDUGÀUVWKDQGIURP infrastructure grants nationwide to —Department of Health and tribal leaders and community mem- improve the safety and reliability of Human Service Commissioner bers impacted by this crisis and America’s bus systems and enhance of the Administration for Native are grateful to President Trump mobility for transit riders. Three Americans Jean Hovland; and for making this a priority. This projects in Nevada will receive —Other designees as deter- executive order will help break $8 million from FTA’s Grants for mined by the co-chairs. down silos and address this issue Buses and Bus Facilities Program. The culmination of the holistically in partnership with A list of the selected projects is multi-agency Task Force began Tribal governments and Native available online. several months ago with the De- communities,” said Commissioner “Public bus systems throughout $7.475 million Bus and Bus Facili- Interior applauds Trump partment of the Interior’ initiative Hovland. the country provide millions of ties grant from the U.S. Department Administration’s ´5HFODLPLQJ2XU1DWLYH&RPPX- “I want to commend those who Americans access to jobs, health- of Transportation (USDOT). The establishment of missing nities,” which was led by Assistant have been powerful advocates on care, grocery stores, and other vital 57&ZLOOXVHWKHIXQGLQJWRUHSODFH and murdered American Secretary - Indian Affairs Tara this issue for never giving up. This services,” said U.S. Transportation and update current security camer- Indians and Alaska Native Sweeney. task force, which I am proud to join, Secretary Elaine L. Chao. DVDQGVRIWZDUHRQLWVÀ[HGURXWH Task Force “This is a great day for Lady will carry your voice into action and The funding supports efforts to DQG3DUDWUDQVLWÁHHWLQDGGLWLRQWR President Donald Trump signed Justice. Over the last year and a together we can end the crisis of replace, rehabilitate, and purchase improving its bus washing system. Executive Order (Order), establish- half, our partnership with the White Murdered and Missing Indigenous buses and related equipment, as After the grant awarding process ing the Task Force on Missing and House and other federal agencies People.” well as projects to purchase, reha- is completed within three to six Murdered American Indians and has helped bring this issue to the The Task Force will report to bilitate, and construct bus-related PRQWKVWKH57&ZLOOXSJUDGHFDP- Alaska Natives (Task Force), which forefront,” said Tara Sweeney, As- President Trump no less than two facilities. eras and software for 811 vehicles will be co-chaired by U.S. Secretary sistant Secretary — Indian Affairs. times a year. “More people travel by bus LQLWVWRWDOÁHHW,QDGGLWLRQDQHZ of the Interior David Bernhardt and “Every step of the way, we have %DFNJURXQG than any other form of public wash facility for its Paratransit ve- Attorney General William P. Barr. been and continue to be committed President Trump designated transportation,” said FTA Acting hicles will be built and the existing “President Trump has brought to tackling this complex issue.” May 5 as Missing and Murdered Administrator K. Jane Williams. wash facility will be rehabilitated, this issue out of the shadows and On June 11, the initial event American Indians and Alaska “This Administration is committed as it is 10 years old and currently the into the light — focusing on pub- for Operation Lady Justice took Natives Awareness Day to draw to rebuilding our nation’s transpor- only such facility for all buses and lic safety, justice and economic SODFHRQWKH*LOD5LYHU,QGLDQ attention to the horrible acts of vi- tation infrastructure and helping to Paratransit units. Both projects will strength in previously forgotten 5HVHUYDWLRQLQ6DFDWRQ$UL]RQD olence committed against American improve bus service nationwide.” take up to two years to complete. American Indian and Alaska Na- Since then, AS Tara Sweeney has Indian and Alaska Native people, Nevada projects selected to re- “I am excited to be selected,” tive communities,” said Secretary traveled throughout the country particularly women and children. ceive funding are as follows: VDLG57&&(20-0D\QDUG´,W·V Bernhardt. “At the Department of — from Alaska to Washington President Trump’s proclamation —The Regional Transporta- an incredibly competitive national the Interior, we are committed to D.C. — hosting numerous listening read: “Ending the violence that dis- tion Commission of Southern process and this funding is need- upholding our trust responsibilities sessions and roundtables intended proportionately affects American Nevada (RTC), which provides ed. I’m very proud of our team’s to Native peoples and advancing to support an initiative to reclaim Indian and Alaska Native com- transit service in Las Vegas and hard work and appreciative for tribal sovereignty and self-deter- our Native communities by focus- munities is imperative. Under my southern Nevada, will receive $7.5 the support of our congressional mination.” ing resources on cold cases, violent Administration, Federal agencies million to replace camera systems delegation allowing us to aggres- This Order gives a direction crimes and missing and murdered are working more comprehensively on fixed route, paratransit and sively and successfully compete DQGUHDIÀUPVWKH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ·V Native Americans. and more collaboratively to address alternative transportation vehicles in the selection process. Providing priority of addressing the concerns “This is a historic day. President violent crime in Indian country, to to improve safety and operating the latest technology in onboard of tribal governments and Amer- Trump’s leadership on this import- recover the American Indian and HIÀFLHQFLHV57&DOVRZLOOUHFHLYH livestreaming security cameras and ican Indian and Alaska Native ant issue will further empower us to Alaska Native women and children funding to install a new paratransit software supports our top priority to communities. The Task Force, roll up our sleeves to work together ZKRKDYHJRQHPLVVLQJDQGWRÀQG bus wash and upgrade the existing provide a safe and reliable transit in coordination and consultation and make a difference to native justice for those who have been À[HGURXWHEXVZDVKV\VWHPDWLWV experience for visitors and residents with American Indians and Alaska families throughout the country murdered.” Sunset Maintenance Facility, which alike.” Natives, will develop protocols for who are still seeking healing and American Indian and Alaska will also improve maintenance and Maynard added that the new new and unsolved cases, establish justice,” said Katharine MacGre- Native people face alarming levels operations. wash facility for the shorter 26-foot multi-jurisdictional cold cases gor, Deputy Chief of Staff exer- of violence. Data from the National —Carson Area Metropolitan Paratransit units will free up the bus teams, and establish greater clarity cising the authority of the Deputy Institute of Justice and the Centers Planning Organization (CAM- washing facility, which is designed of roles and responsibilities. Secretary. for Disease Control and Prevention PO) will receive $455,000 to pur- IRUDQGIRRWYHKLFOHV5H- The Task Force will facilitate On Nov. 22 in Montana, At- indicate that more than 1.5 million chase new buses and replace aging habilitating it now is critical, she better coordination and collabo- torney General Barr announced American Indian and Alaska Native vehicles that have exceeded their said, because “it is at the end of its ration with tribal communities, the Justice Department’s national women have experienced violence, useful life. The new buses will im- life cycle.” resulting in long term strategies strategy to address missing and including sexual violence, in their prove transit service and reliability Local sales tax contributed $4 to address complex issues. It will murdered Native Americans. The lifetimes. American Indian and for the Jump Around Carson (JAC) million, bringing the total funding take continued efforts and coop- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Alaska Native children attempt and transit system, the largest transit to $11.5 million. eration among all stakeholders to Persons (MMIP) Initiative places commit suicide at rates far higher provider in Carson City, Nevada. * * * * * improve response and investigative MMIP coordinators in 11 U.S. At- than those in any other demograph- —The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone challenges, and collect and manage WRUQH\·VRIÀFHVZKRZLOOGHYHORS ic in our Nation, and often endure Tribe of the Fallon Reservation data across jurisdictions. Greater protocols for a more coordinated disproportionately high rates of and Indian Colony will receive clarity on the roles, authorities, law enforcement response to miss- endemic drug abuse, violence, and $59,525 to purchase a new passen- and jurisdiction will be helpful ing cases. The plan also calls for the crime. ger bus equipped with a camera for all of those involved with the deployment of the FBI’s most ad- * * * * * and fare box. It will also purchase goal of formal agreements and vanced response capabilities when City Beat is a compilation of a camera and fare box for their greater communication between needed, improved data collection news and views of our editorial current transit bus. The project will agencies, with communities, and and analysis, and training to support and writing team, along with reader improve transit service for people Environment Nevada to the public. local response efforts. submissions and topics. Readers living within the boundaries of applauds Governor Sisolak’s Leading this charge with the “American Indian and Alaska are invited to suggest a local topic the reservation and Indian colony, executive order on co-chairs and alongside tribal repre- Native people suffer from unac- or any other items of interest. located in rural Churchill County, emissions and climate Nevada. Gov. Steve Sisolak signed an Demand for FTA’s Grants for executive order Friday that di- Buses and Bus Facilities Program rects state agencies to cooperate far exceeded available funds, as in forming a statewide strategy to FTA received applications for 318 reduce Nevada’s carbon emissions eligible projects totaling approx- and combat global warming. The imately $1.9 billion in funding governor also announced his plan requests, from a total of 270 appli- for Nevada to adopt California’s cants in 43 states and territories. stronger vehicle emission stan- Project proposals were evaluated dards. Transportation is the state’s based on criteria outlined in the top contributor to carbon emissions. Notice of Funding Opportunity. Environment Nevada state di- Federal public transportation rector Levi Kamolnick issued the law (49 USC § 5339(b)), as amend- following statement in response: ed by the Fixing America’s Surface “Governor Sisolak’s plan to raise Transportation (FAST) Act, autho- emissions standards on vehicles is rizes FTA’s Grants for Buses and the right move and puts Nevada on Bus Facilities Program through the right side of history in tackling FY2020. the climate crisis. Even better, the In Fiscal Year 2019, FTA has governor has gone beyond cleaner made available more than $12 bil- car standards, ordering a broader, lion in funding through both formu- more cohesive strategy to cut down la and competitive grant programs our state’s carbon footprint.” to support public transportation. “In taking these steps, the gover- * * * * * nor is sending the message that we RTC selected for $7.5 must be committed to addressing million federal grant to global warming in all facets of improve onboard cameras, our society, and with every major bus wash system source of carbon emissions. We President Donald J. Trump shows a photograph presented to him by Native American leaders after signing an Executive Order to establish a Task Force on Missing and Murdered American 7KH5HJLRQDO7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ applaud Governor Sisolak for his ,QGLDQVDQG$ODVND1DWLYHVRQ7XHVGD\1RYLQWKH2YDO2IÀFHRIWKH:KLWH+RXVH Commission of Southern Nevada leadership on this issue.” 2IÀFLDO:KLWH+RXVH3KRWRE\-R\FH1%RJKRVLDQ 57& KDVEHHQVHOHFWHGIRUD * * * * * December 4-10, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 23 Three Ways Leaders Can Model Losing By Doug Dickerson “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” — Thomas A. Edison In most all leadership circles we hear much about winning and success. I’m not knocking it. We all like to win. But in leadership, as in life, not every endeavor we undertake results in a win. Some- times we lose. We don’t need books and webinars on how to win. That comes easy for most. Losing, on the other hand, is another story. As a sports enthusiasts and play- er back in the day, we all heard the saying, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” DOUG DICKERSON That’s all good and well if you win Forward, John Maxwell states, but can ring hollow when you lose. “One of the greatest problems In leadership, losing and failure people have with failure is that they as does winning. How will you more humbling than a loss. Losing battle of all. takes on a whole new meaning. We are too quick to judge isolated situa- model it? has a way of keeping you humble You model losing tend to tie our value to our success- tions in their lives and label them as Here are three ways as a leader and grounded as a leader. Not that with your resolve es and see failure as unacceptable failures. Instead, they need to keep you can model losing. Weigh them you always want to end up on the Thomas Edison’s attitude to- (not that it ever should be), and the bigger picture in mind.” Your carefully, one day you will need losing end of things, but it is an in- wards failure is a great example of not as a part of our overall success approach and attitude toward losing this. dication that the journey to success resolve. He experienced setbacks (a journey. are critical to your leadership. You model losing is also littered with failures along ÀUHGHVWUR\HGKLVODE DQGVXIIHUHG We forget the big picture. How you lose or fail as a leader with your humility the way. numerous hardships. He is remem- In his acclaimed book, Failing says as much about your leadership At the end of the day, nothing is Losing is a not so subtle way of bered not for his defeatist attitude learning that you don’t know it all but for having a positive one. Thirty BEHIND THE MIKE and remaining humble is important. GD\VDIWHUWKDWÀUHGHVWUR\HGKLVODE At times, the best thing that can KHSXWIRUWKWKHÀUVWSKRQRJUDSK happen to you is to experience a The battles you win and lose loss. A loss is a great teacher. DVDOHDGHULVDUHÁHFWLRQRI\RXU A Probable Journey You model losing skills and judgment. How you lose By Michael A. Aun Christmas Eve we delivered our with your integrity LVDUHÁHFWLRQRI\RXUFKDUDFWHUDQG One of my fondest holiday gifts to the youngster and his mom. In the event of losing, be sure not memories occurred when I was only Both were so gracious and classy. to lose your integrity. Be humble your heart. What kind of leader will 23. I had just met and immediately Later that night, we attended and gracious. Don’t blame others you be? fell in love with Christine Marie Midnight Mass at St. Peter’s Cath- for your loss and be sure to accept When you are an example of a Thiel. She was just as nice as she olic Church on Assembly Street in responsibility. Losing shows that leader who knows how to lose, you was pretty, a rarity among teenage Columbia, SC along with both the you have skin in the game and that will be a leader who knows how women. Thiel and Aun families. It was one you were willing to take some risks. to win, and one worth following. In the process of courtship, we of those special moments that are There are worse things in a lead- Stay humble, keep your integrity in men are much nicer people than we embedded in my memory. ers life than losing. You can learn check, and never lose your resolve. will likely ever be again. We are The sign of peace is a Roman IURP\RXUPLVWDNHVDQGOLYHWRÀJKW Doug Dickerson is a syndicated infatuated… yes, even confused. Catholic tradition. You turn to those another day. columnist. He writes a weekly col- Hormones make most of our deci- around you and offer them a sign of But when you compromise your umn for this newspaper. To contact sions until we can gather our wits peace, a handshake, a kiss, a hug character and lose your integrity Doug Dickerson, email him at about us. or a nod across the aisle to another. you’ve lost the most significant ddickerson@ lasvegastribune.com. If we are lucky, we survive our After kissing Christine, I slipped a stupidity and regain our equilibri- ULQJRQKHUÀQJHUDQGDVNHGKHUWR um in time to realize that the hook MICHAEL A. AUN marry me. is set. Do not resist. Follow your knew that despite his deep belief, This is about as romantic as I’ll heart. Christmas would be just another ever get. I am better with the “writ- What made that Thanksgiving day in a lot of people’s lives, this ten” word than I am the “spoken” and Christmas season so special kid included. word. Two years later we formally was a spur-of-the-moment decision. Christine came from a typical tied the knot and thus began a Christine and I decided to quietly Catholic family of eight children. love affair that spans nearly eight “buy Christmas” for someone who There were eleven kids in our decades. was not as fortunate as we were. house, so we had plenty of people Christine always gets on me for I was partially supporting Chris- on which to spend our meager rounding my age and stage “up” tine as a nursing student. I was funds. For some reason, this felt rather than “down.” Why lie? I am working with my dad’s construction right to forgo so little for so many old and I admit it. Frankly, it is the business, writing for a half dozen in exchange for so much for one many happy Christmases like the newspapers and tending bar at needy kid. So… we splurged for his one we celebrated that year that night at the Knights of Columbus Christmas that year. It was fair to make the journey not just possible in Columbia, SC. say that it was our best Christmas but probable. Christmas was always a big deal ever. Michael Aun is a syndicated col- at the Aun household… and still is Why is it, that out of nearly eight umnist and writes a weekly column today. Christine celebrates Christ- decades of Christmas seasons, this for this newspaper. To contact Mi- mas 365 days a year and even plays one was the most memorable? On chael Aun go to www.aunline.com. holiday music year-round in her car and in the house. Christine and Christmas are synonymous… almost interchange- Bob Beckett able. I used to accuse her parents of naming her that because Christmas Attorney At Law was not suitable for a baby girl. Elected 5 terms as Nye County District Attorney That autumn was georgeous. Practice areas When you are in love, you look for Criminal defense, Personal injury, Bankruptcy only the beauty in everything. Opti- mism abounds. Christine and I were and debt, Car accident, DUI and DWI strolling (an old-fashioned word for Licensed for 29 years walking) along one evening and AVVO CONTRIBUTIONS we came upon a neighborhood kid whom I had known from his birth. Beckett knows Nevada criminal law As a teenager, I delivered the now — especially how to get the most out of defunct afternoon newspaper, The the probation/monitoring system. Columbia Record, to the family home. Beckett provides very effective and Sundays from 11.30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We asked if he was looking personable service — His fees are also fair Please call 702-706-6875 forward to Christmas and he was almost gleeful. He still believed (702) 334-4886 for more information in Santa. Both Christine and I OUT WITH CABLE. IN WITH SAVINGS. $ † ™ Get a 100 AT&T Visa® Reward Card when you sign up for DIRECTV SELECT Package or above. MUST MAINTAIN SVC & REDEEM W/IN 75 DAYS (CARD IN 4 WKS). Ends 8/15/18. Restrs apply. See below for o!er details.

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No credits in 2nd year for autopay/paperless bill. Includes: SELECT All Included TV Pkg, monthly service & equipment fees for one Genie HD DVR, and standard pro installation. Exclusions: Price excludes applicable use tax expense surcharge on retail value of installation, custom installation, equipment upgrades/add-ons (min. $99 one-time fee & $7/mo. fee for each extra receiver/DIRECTV Ready TV/Device), and certain other add’l fees & charges. Di"erent o"ers may apply for eligible multi-dwelling-unit and telco customers. DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Some o"ers may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Visit directv.com/legal or call for details. O"ers may not be combined with other promotional o"ers on the same services and may be modi!ed or discontinued at any time without notice. Other conditions apply to all o"ers. †$100 REWARD CARD: Requires purchase of qualifying TV package (min. $35/mo promo price after discount that start w/i 3 bills & may req. AutoPay) through card ful!llment. Qualifying Packages: SELECT or above. Select locations. For new residential customers in the U.S. (excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Residents of select multi-dwelling units are not eligible for this o"er. Reward Card: Will be sent letter with redemption requirements. Redemption req’d w/in 75 days from reward noti!cation mail date. Reward Card delivered within 3-4 weeks after redemption to customers who maintain qualifying service from installation date and through reward ful!llment. Card expires at month-end 6 mos after issuance. No cash access. For cardholder agreement, go to rewardcenter.att.com/myrewardcard/agreement_FSV.pdf. AT&T Reward Card issued by U.S. Bank National Association, pursuant to license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. May not be combined with other promotional o"ers on same services and may be modi!ed or discontinued at any time without notice. O!er ends 8/15/18. ©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T a#liated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Page 24 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / December 4-10, 2019 SOCIAL SECURITY AWARENESS 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ %HQHÀWV :LOO they be there when you retire? 7KHXQFHUWDLQIXWXUHRI6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWVFRXOGLPSDFW\RXUUHWLUHPHQWSODQV By Nolo.com If you’re like most Americans, Social Security is a key part of your retirement plans — around 96 percent of the workforce is current- ly covered by some sort of Social Security plan. But the current eco- nomic downturn has many people seeing an increasingly uncertain (if not downright bleak) future for their 6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWV This article describes how the Social Security benefit process works and explains how your Social 6HFXULW\EHQHÀWVPLJKWEHLPSDFWHG by funding shortages. How Does Social Security Work? When you work, you pay taxes into the Social Security system, usually in the form of deductions from your wages and other earn- ings. (You can see the amount with- held for Social Security by looking at your paycheck stub or accessing your direct deposit records.) Once you retire or are unable to work due to disability, you can apply for the EHQHÀWV\RX·YHHDUQHG7KHDPRXQW RI\RXU6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWVZLOO depend mainly on three things: —the number of years you worked at Social Security-quali- required number of credits, but money will be put into the Social ly unlikely to affect current retirees that drastic reform must occur to fying jobs, you don’t lose those credits either. Security system, while more gets or even those who plan to retire in prevent the inevitable bottoming —how much money you made When you return to the workforce, taken out. In fact, projections show the next ten years. The SSA has out of the Social Security system. at those jobs, and your credits will begin accumulat- the federal government paying out also stated that it has no plans to Addressing the —the age at which you retire. ing again from the point at which more money in Social Security ben- FXWFXUUHQWEHQHÀWV Social Security Problem The longer you work — and the you left off, until you have enough HÀWVWKDQLWZLOOWDNHLQYLDSD\UROO 7KH6RFLDO6HFXULW\ In places like the United King- more money you make — the high- to qualify. taxes around the year 2020. Landscape for Current dom, governments have begun to HU\RXU6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWVZLOO You can begin gauging what Economically speaking, this 25-to-35-Year Olds prefund their Social Security plans. EH%HQHÀWVGRQ·WNLFNLQDXWRPDWL- \RXUUHWLUHPHQWEHQHÀWVPLJKWORRN shortfall is not sustainable for the If you’re decades away from In the United States, prefunding cally, though. You need to apply for like by carefully reviewing your long term, and without an infusion retirement, this is where things get is being considered, and so are \RXUEHQHÀWVWKURXJKDQDSSOLFDWLRQ Social Security Statement. You of money from another source, the dicey in terms of your Social Se- other solutions like infusions from process. You must also accumulate can view your statement online at 6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWUHWLUHPHQW FXULW\EHQHÀWV7KLVLVWKHSULPDU\ general revenue and increases to the appropriate number of credits www.ssa.gov/mystatement/. Social system will face problems within focus of the current debate taking payroll tax. (more on credits below) and reach Security sends out printed state- the next 20 or so years. Current place on Capitol Hill. It is very Social Security is seen as too im- the age of 62 before you can apply PHQWVHYHU\ÀYH\HDUVWRWKRVHQRW predictions indicate that the Social likely that those currently entering portant of a safety net for millions IRUDQ\6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWV UHFHLYLQJEHQHÀWVDQGHYHU\\HDU Security trust fund will run out (or relatively new to) the workforce of American workers to risk losing. Your spouse, any dependent chil- to those over 60. in 2035 if nothing is done. After will see a very different Social If small changes to the Social Se- dren, and eventually your survivors Are Social Security this point, retirees can generally Security system than the one that’s curity system are made now, they’ll will also be able to receive your %HQH¿WVLQ7URXEOH" expect about 75 cents on every in place now — absent some sort go a long way toward ensuring that 6RFLDO6HFXULW\UHWLUHPHQWEHQHÀWV The short answer is “Some- GROODURIWKHLUVFKHGXOHGEHQHÀWV of drastic change in the numbers. drastic measures don’t become How Do Social Security what.” This is because the next Thats because once the trust fund Unless changes are made, cur- necessary in the future. 5HWLUHPHQW%HQH¿WV:RUN" decade will see the largest drop is depleted, there will be no surplus rent 25-to-35-year olds face an For More Information As you pay your Social Security LQZRUNHUWREHQHÀFLDU\UDWLRVLQ left. From that point on, the amount over 25 percent reduction in ben- To learn more about how Social taxes over the years, you accumu- history, as baby boomers begin to WKDWVSDLGRXWLQWKHIRUPRIEHQHÀWV HÀWVRQFHWKH6RFLDO6HFXULW\WUXVW 6HFXULW\EHQHÀWVFDQDIIHFW\RXU late credits that can be used towards retire. The problem gets compound- can only match what’s coming into fund is gone. The response to this retirement plans, visit Nolos free \RXU6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWV7KH ed when you consider that people’s the Social Security system through problem varies among politicians, legal information on Social Security number of credits you need before life-spans are growing longer, the employment taxes. educators, and economists. Some and Retirement Planning. You will you can apply for your retirement birth rate is declining, and the cost If You’re About to Apply (including the Chairman of the ÀQGDOOWKHODWHVWLQIRUPDWLRQDQG EHQHÀWVGHSHQGVRQ\RXUGDWHRI of living is only going up. for Social Security House Budget Committee) believe instructions you need to get your birth. For example, people born :KHQ6RFLDO6HFXULW\ZDVÀUVW 5HWLUHPHQW%HQH¿WV that though recovery will be slow, UHWLUHPHQWDQGGLVDELOLW\EHQHÀWV after 1929 currently need 40 credits HVWDEOLVKHGWKHZRUNHUWREHQHÀFLD- If retirement is right around the LWZLOOKDSSHQLQWLPHWRÀ[WKH and dependents and survivors ben- WRDSSO\IRUWKHLUEHQHÀWV7KLVLV ry ratio was over 15 to 1; today it’s corner, you probably have nothing VKRUWIDOOLQWKHEHQHÀWV\VWHPE\ HÀWVLQSocial Security, Medicare equivalent to ten years of work. closer to 3 to 1, with odds that it will to worry about when it comes to the time this younger generation is & Government Pensions, by Joseph



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Don McLean is honored by the Las Vegas Walk of Stars Las Vegas Walk of Stars adds Don McLean By Sandy Zimmerman WRU\$IWHUSD\LQJKLVGXHVLQWKH1HZ



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DIRECTVAT&T, Globe SVC logo, TERMS: DIRECTV, Subject and allto Equipmentother DIRECTV Lease marks & Customer contained Agreements. herein are Musttrademarks maintain of AT&Ta min. base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Visit directv.com/legal or call for details. ©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T LEGAL HELP Hablo Español Intellectual Property and/or AT&T a#liated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. LEGAL HELP Hablo Español Intellectual Property and/or AT&T a#liated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. 716716 S.S. 10th10th StreetStreet PerlyPerly ViasmenskyViasmensky LasLas Vegas,Vegas, NVNV 8910189101 702-337-8277702-337-8277 BobBob BeckettBeckett Tune7XQHLQWR in to AttorneyAttorney AtAt LawLaw OUTREACHOUTREACH PROGRAMPROGRAM ElectedElected 55 termsterms asas NyeNye CountyCounty DistrictDistrict AttorneyAttorney RadioTribune PracticePractice areasareas 5DGLR7ULEXQH CriminalCriminal defense,defense, PersonalPersonal injury,injury, BankruptcyBankruptcy andand debt,debt, CarCar accident,accident, DUIDUI andand DWIDWI AnAn outreachoutreach TuneTune inin andand listenlisten toto thosethose whowho willwill telltell youyou LicensedLicensed forfor 2929 yearsyears thethe truth,truth, andand nothingnothing butbut thethe truth.truth. 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