Instructions for Completing AP Psychology Terms & Concepts (T&C)

 Units will be broken down into nightly reading assignments by objectives. Read the pages assigned before the due date. The reading assignment is intended to be completed by the beginning of class the day it is due.

 As you read, complete the Terms & Concepts from the assigned section of the chapter. For each term/concept there are 3 components:

o (1) number, write, & underline the term/concept (spell it correctly & write the pronunciation if you need to) o (2) define the term/concept (the definition cannot include the term itself) o (3) apply the term/concept to something that is relevant to you or provide an example of the term/concept from your life (if you can’t come up with a personal, relevant example use an example from the text – but only do this as a last resort). If any relevant picture/symbols/ etc. come to mind add those too.

 The terms you are to define & explain are in bold in the reading, they are listed on your Terms & Concepts handout for the unit, and they are listed at the end of the chapter in the textbook. If you still aren’t clear on which terms & concepts to define, please ask me.

 The Terms & Concepts can be completed on notecards –OR – in your composition book. It doesn’t matter which method you choose, so go with the option that you think will work best for you.

 Keep in mind that on the day a reading assignment is due, I may give you a Reading Quiz that will largely be related to the Terms & Concepts you defined as you read.  The AP Psychology Exam in May is largely an applied vocabulary test, so being familiar with the definitions of the terms –as well as applications & examples- will be important!

See back page for examples of Terms & Concepts (T&C) Composition book: 3 columns (term | definition | application)

 8. Psychology The science of behavior I’m taking AP Psych so I

and mental processes can learn more about why

people act and think the

way they do

9. Nature-Nurture


Notecard: front

Notecard: back