Chapter 5 Section 1 Name: ______World History/ Mrs. Martin Date: ______Period: _____ I. The Italian Renaissance  Renaissance means the ______of ancient ______and ______societies.  This rebirth marked a new ______.  Most important characteristics of the Renaissance 1. Urban society—powerful ______became the center of Italian ______, economic, and ______life, with this society a ______viewpoint emerged. 2. Age of Recovery—from 14th century ______, such as the ______, a decline of the ______, and political ______. 3. New view of human ______emerged. People began to emphasize ______ability.  “Men Can Do All Things if They Will”  The well rounded, ______person was capable of ______in many areas of ______.  ______– was a painter, ______, architect, ______, and mathematician. He was considered to be the perfect ______man.  Not all people where affected by the Renaissance. The wealthy ______class was a small percentage of ______. They more actively embraced the new ______and ______.  It affected the ______people in a more ______way, such as in ______and art of ______, public buildings and wealthy homes.  The art celebrated ______and ______themes. II. The Italian City States . A city-state is a small ______controlled by a ______. . Milan, Venice, and Florence were cities that played crucial ______in Italian ______. . These ______city-states prospered due to flourishing trade with ______, England, the ______, etc. Milan . One of the ______cities in Italy. . After long being ruled by the ______Family, Francesco ______became the ______of Milan. . Sforza was the leader of a band of ______. . He created an efficient ______system that generated enormous ______for the government Venice . A link between ______and Western ______. A Republic with an elected leader called a ______. . Ruled in reality by a small group of ______. Florence . The ______& ______center of Renaissance Italy. . Once controlled by a small, wealthy group of ______. . Later controlled by the ______family; both ______de Medici & ______de Medici placed emphasis on turning Florence into an ______center of Italy.

Revised 2015 1 Chapter 5 Section 1 Name: ______World History/ Mrs. Martin Date: ______Period: _____ . A ______priest or monk named ______gained control of Florence, ousting the Medici rule. . Savonarola is infamous for the ______of the ______. . He was charged with ______and later ______at the stake. . The ______Family regained power. Italian Wars . The French King, ______attracted to the riches of Italy, led an ______of 30,000 men into Italy. . For the next ______years the ______and ______made Italy their battleground. . The Spanish King, ______arrived at Rome along with mercenaries. . They ______the city of Rome. . This terrible sack of Rome in ______ended the ______wars and left the Spanish a ______force in Italy. III. Machiavelli and the New Statecraft . Niccolo Machiavelli wrote the book, ______, in which the central thesis concerns how to ______and keep ______power. . Machiavelli rejected earlier ideas that a prince’s ______should be based on ______principles. . He believed that ______activity should not be restricted by ______principles. . He was among the first to ______morality as the basis for ______political activity. . His views influenced later ______leaders. IV. Renaissance Society . The ______—dominated society even though they only made up only about 2 to 3% of the ______. . They held important political ______and served as ______to the king. . Nobles were expected to ______certain ______. Baldassare Castiglione Wrote ______, describing the characteristics of the ______Renaissance noble. 1. A noble must be ______not ______, he was expected to have ______, grace, and ______. 2. The ______noble had to develop two ______skills . He had to acquire ______skill . Had to gain a classical ______and enrich his life with the ______3. A noble had to follow certain ______of ______. The ______of the perfect noble was to serve his ______in an effective and ______way. Peasants and Townspeople . ______made up 85 to 95% of the population. . ______made up the rest of the population.

Revised 2015 2 Chapter 5 Section 1 Name: ______World History/ Mrs. Martin Date: ______Period: _____ . The ______were the top of ______society. Their ______came from ______, industry, and ______. . Below the patricians were the ______. They were shopkeepers, ______, and guild ______. . Below these two were the ______who earned pitiful ______and then there were the ______. . ______increased dramatically throughout ______during the late 1300’s and 1400’s. Family and Marriage . The ______bond was a source of great ______. . Parents arranged ______to maintain family and often to strengthen ______or family ties. . The most important part of the marriage ______was the ______. . The ______was the ______of the family. He made all the decisions and his ______over his children was ______until he died or ______freed his children. . ______came for children when their father went before a ______and formally freed them. This varied from the early ______to the late ______. Impact of Printing . Europeans learned how to ______using ______type. . Johannes ______printed the Gutenberg ______in 1455. . It was the first European ______produced from movable ______. By 1500 there were over ______printers in Europe. . The printing of books encouraged scholarly ______and increased the publics desire to gain ______. . The new religious ______of the ______would not have spread as ______without the printing ______. . Printing allowed Europe to compete for the first time with ______, who had invented printing much earlier.

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