Small Grants for Community Music Groups – Application Form

Please ensure you have read the guidance notes that support this programme prior to completing this application form.

Part one – Your organisation

1. What is your organisation’s name, address and bank details Organisation name

Organisation’s address and post code

Organisation’s bank account number and sort code (where we will pay the money if your application is successful)

Please briefly describe what your organisation does, and provide your organisation’s web address if available.

1 2 What type of organisation are you? (please choose one)

Voluntary or community organisation Go to question 2.1 Statutory body (eg NHS Board, Council etc) Go to question 2.2 Other Go to question 2.3

2.1 Are you a registered charity? NO YES

If YES, what is your registered charity number?

2.2 What type of statutory body are you?

2.3 What type of organisation are you?

2.4 Who is the main contact for this application?

Title Forenames


Email address

Phone Number

2 Part 2 - Other organisations involved in this event

Though the organisation named in section 2 above is the lead organisation, we welcome joint applications from groups wishing to get together to put on a concert. If there are any other organisations that will be involved in your event, please provide this information below. (This might include those involved in performing, providing the venue, providing refreshments, and promoting the event.)

3 Part three – About your event

Please describe the event for which you will use the funding.

3.1 When will it take place?

3.2 How much will it cost?

3.3 How much are you requesting?

4 3.4 Please provide an overview of the total costs involved, including a breakdown of how the grant would be spent.

Part four – finishing your application

Please tick the boxes below to complete your application for funding All the questions on the application form have been completed

You are authorised by your organisation to apply for funding

You agree to spend any funding allocated in line with the intentions as set out in this application and by 30 November 2017.

You agree to email a photograph and 300 words for inclusion on by 1 October 2017

You agree to supply a report of your project/event after it is completed, along with receipts for expenditure against the grant.

5 You agree that any equipment purchased will remain the property of the organisation and will not be transferred to an individual

You agree to call the concert a ‘To Absent Friends’ concert, and primarily focus on the theme of celebrating and remembrance of people who have died.

You agree to donate 50% of profits to the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, to be used to run similar small grants schemes in future. (We are not looking for profit-making ventures, and would encourage applicants to make tickets free or as cheap as possible.)

Your organisation has signed up as an organisational member of the Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief alliance.

If your organisation has not signed up you can do so at:

Please now email a copy of this form to: [email protected] by 23 August 2017.

Signed ...... Date ......