Exam: Name: ______The Great Gatsby

I. Character Matching (2pts each, 20 total):

1.) Jay Gatsby ______a.) An admitted “reckless driver”

2.) Nick Carraway ______b.) “Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!”

3.) Daisy Buchanan ______c.) Serves as Gatsby’s must enduring influence

4.) Tom Buchanan ______d.) Becomes very emotional because of beautiful shirts

5.) Jordan Baker ______e.) An “ashen, fantastic figure”

6.) Meyer Wolfshiem ______f.) Possesses a “cruel body”

7.) Myrtle Wilson ______g.) Moves from West to East, and then back to the West

8.) George Wilson ______h.) Has a peculiar interest in human molars

9.) Owl Eyes ______i.) Is perplexed by the books in Gatsby’s library

10.) Dan Cody ______j.) Tried very hard to die

II. Multiple Choice:

1. ______How is Gatsby likely to have viewed Prohibition? a. As a great moral blessing b. As a business opportunity c. As a roadblock to success d. He wouldn’t have cared about it one way or the other.

2. ______Where do Myrtle and George Wilson live? a. The Valley of Ashes b. East Egg c. West Egg d. Louisville

3. ______Which of the following best describes Nick’s role as narrator of the novel? a. As readers, we know the thoughts of every character b. As readers, we can trust Nick completely

c. As readers, we only know what Nick tells us d. None of the above

4. ______From where does Gatsby claim to recognize Nick? a. From World War I b. College c. His neighborhood d. From Wolfsheim’s Casino

5. ______What is the primary theme of The Great Gatsby? a. Old Money vs. New Money b. The Death of The American Dream c. The Recklessness of The Rich d. The Myth of the Self-Made Man

6. ______How does Gatsby claim to have made his fortune? a. Prohibition b. Inheritance c. Drug Stores d. Gambling

7. ______Which of the following statements best describes Meyer Wolfsheim? a. He represents the growing popularity of the stock market b. He represents the dentistry industry c. He represents the seedy side of New York City with which Gatsby is connected b. He represents the political corruption of New York City.

8. ______What is the significance of the shirt throwing scene in chapter 5? a. Gatsby is trying to prove that he is wealthier than Nick b. Gatsby is trying to say that money has no meaning to him c. He knows from past experience that Daisy is impressed by style d. By seeing the lavish shirts, Daisy realizes that she shouldn’t have given up on Gatsby so easily when he was poor\

9. ______What did Gatsby’s father do for a living? a. Stockbroker b. Teacher c. Bootlegger d. Farmer

10. ______By the end of the main narrative, how old is Nick? a. 30 b. 26 c. 35 d. 33

III. Short Answer- Identify / Explain / Analyze each of the following:

1. Gatsby’s belief in the Green Light.

2. The metaphor of East and West.

3. How and why James Gatz became Jay Gatsby.

4. Automobiles as a symbol for the lifestyle of the wealthy.

5. How The Great Gatsby is thematically representative of the death of the American Dream.

III. Short Essay- Answer the following question by developing a thesis and using supporting citations from the novel. Jay Gatsby is a man with many identities—Poor boy from a farming family, college student, soldier, fabulously wealthy socialite, bootlegger, friend of the mob, and so forth. When you consider all sides of Gatsby, is he in your estimation more of a moral character or immoral character? Support your answer with evidence from the novel.