The Joy Luck Club Webquest

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The Joy Luck Club Webquest

The Joy Luck Club Webquest

World Literature

Mrs. Bogozan


You are trying to explain what the novel/ film The Joy Luck Club is about to a group of parents. You want them to understand the complexity of the themes and the nature of the conflicts. You decide that the best way to convey this information through a PowerPoint.


In groups of four, you will create a Literary Analysis PowerPoint explaining how the author, Amy Tan, described the differences between the two cultures using; conflict, characters, plot, setting, themes, style, and figurative language. This means you will have a minimum of 9 slides, including a title slide and a resource slide. On the day of the presentation each group will be asked to present on one section of their PowerPoint; be prepared for me to select any of the above sections!


You will most likely need to use more resources than these, but this list will help you get started! Process

1. Get into the groups assigned in class 2. Discuss the setting, plot, conflicts, characters, themes, style, and figurative language used in the novel/ film. 3. Use your computer time during class to transfer your group discussion to a PowerPoint presentation. Use pictures from the internet, and quotes from the text. 4. Decide who will explain each slide and rehearse it once through 5. Come dressed for success on the day of presentations!

Learning Advice

Make sure that everyone in the group is participating equally. You may split up tasks or work on the project together as a whole, as long as everyone is doing an equal amount of work. Make sure you leave plenty of time to get all the tasks done. Everyone will receive a group grade as follows:

Multimedia Project : Joy Luck Club Literary Analysis

Teacher Name: Mrs. Bogozan

Student Name: ______

CATEGORY 20 18 15 10 Presentation Well-rehearsed with Rehearsed with fairly Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth smooth delivery that smooth delivery that but able to maintain and audience holds audience holds audience interest of the attention often lost. attention. attention most of the audience most of the time. time.

Content Covers topic in-depth Includes essential Includes essential Content is minimal with details and knowledge about the information about the OR there are several examples. Subject topic. Subject topic but there are 1- factual errors. knowledge is knowledge appears 2 factual errors. excellent. to be good.

Sources Source information Source information Source information Very little or no collected for all collected for all collected for source information graphics, facts and graphics, facts and graphics, facts and was collected. quotes. All quotes. Most quotes, but not documented in documented in documented in desired format. desired format. desired format. Workload The workload is The workload is The workload was The workload was not divided and shared divided and shared divided, but one divided OR several equally by all team fairly by all team person in the group people in the group members. members, though is viewed as not are viewed as not workloads may vary doing his/her fair doing their fair share from person to share of the work. of the work. person. Originality Product shows a Product shows some Uses other people's Uses other people's large amount of original thought. ideas (giving them ideas, but does not original thought. Work shows new credit), but there is give them credit. Ideas are creative ideas and insights. little evidence of and inventive. original thinking.

Conventions No misspellings or Three or fewer Four misspellings More than 4 errors in grammatical errors. misspellings and/or and/or grammatical spelling or grammar. mechanical errors. errors.

Date Created: Sep 19, 2009 05:49 pm (CDT) This assignment is worth a total of 120 points and every group member will receive the same grade. If you are experiencing difficulties with any group member, please see me BEFORE the project due date!

Originality Includes: Did you go the extra mile? Are the graphics in your PowerPoint impressive? Do you have several different types of animation? Do you have ample amounts of pictures and quotes, maybe even a video clip!? Did you bring lots of props for your skit? Did you have a detailed script?

Research Accuracy Includes: Was the information in your PowerPoint current and correct? Did you as a group display a good grasp on the basic concepts of technology? Were all of the resources listed?

Presentation Includes: Did your group show enthusiasm during the presentation? Could the students in the back of the class hear you clearly? Did you seem prepared?

Participation Includes: Was everyone present during the presentation? Did everyone take an active part in the research and presentation?

Plagiarism: this is a form of cheating. Any information you collect MUST have a resource listed or you will lose points! Conclusion

When you are finished you will have:

 Experience with a PowerPoint presentation  Knowledge on how to do a Literary Analysis  Knowledge on the cultural differences between America and China  The ability to discuss The Joy Luck Club with your peers using literary terms.


ELAWLRL4 The student employs a variety of writing genres to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas in selected literary works. The student composes essays, narratives, poems, or technical documents.

ELAWLRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of world literature and provides evidence from the text to support understanding.

ELA10W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student

a. Formulates clear research questions and utilizes appropriate research venues (i.e., library, electronic media, personal interview, survey) to locate and incorporate evidence from primary and secondary sources.

c. Synthesizes information from multiple sources and identifies complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium (i.e., almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, technical documents).

f. Designs and publishes documents, using aids such as advanced publishing software and graphic programs.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!

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