For Immediate Release MEDIA CONTACT: Francisco R. Velázquez, M.D., S.M. President and Chief Executive Officer PAML, LLC and PAML Ventures Phone: (509) 755-8355 E-mail: [email protected] PAML Sets Record for Testing Volumes SPOKANE, Washington (December 18, 2014)—PAML, a leading healthcare solutions provider and one of the nation’s top reference laboratories, reached a number of goals in the third and fourth quarter of 2014. On September 11, the laboratory attained a milestone for the highest test count in one day. The impressive performance was not confined to just test counts. In September, October, and November, the laboratory set records for highest requisition count, with a 14% increase in requisitions year over year. These are record numbers for the laboratory, which has been in business for 57 years.

“The credit for accomplishing these important milestones goes to our employees,” said Patty Sipes, the senior vice president of sales, marketing, and business development at PAML. “A lot of people have worked together to make this happen. Our technology teams have been developing product initiatives at a rapid pace and adding new tests to the menu. Our sales team has been expanding access to new accounts and we have had very low attrition rates. We have also had very low turnover rate within our sales division, bringing about more consistent and reliable coverage to our clients. In addition, all of our pre-analytic teams have worked very hard to get the samples to the laboratory in a timely manner. Keeping in mind that these samples come in from all over the United States, they have really done us proud. But it doesn’t stop there. Our post-analytic teams have also worked tirelessly to make sure this high volume of results get to our clients in real-time, so the physician can make a diagnosis quickly for better patient outcomes.”

“It is very rewarding to see these numbers,” said Francisco R. Velázquez, M.D., S.M., president and chief executive officer for PAML, LLC and PAML Ventures. “The growth we have seen in the last two quarters is a testament to our employees. I am very proud of the hard work and dedication shown by our teams, and their commitment to the growth of our business. This is truly a company whose success revolves around its employees.” # # #

About Pathology Associates Medical Laboratories, LLC PAML, LLC, a healthcare solutions company with a focus in diagnostics, is headquartered in Spokane, Washington. One of the top reference laboratories in the country, PAML, LLC is also considered an industry leader in joint venture partnerships with community-based hospitals because of their expertise in developing cutting-edge laboratory management systems, including state-of-the-art automation, and support services. For more information about PAML, go to their website at