Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health Request for Applications Innovative Teaching Awards Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

I. PURPOSE The Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) aims to grow and support excellence in teaching MCH. ATMCH broadly defines teachers of MCH as all who provide MCH- related content to others. MCH is "the professional and academic field that focuses on the determinants, mechanisms and systems that promote and maintain the health, safety, well-being and appropriate development of children and their families in communities and societies in order to enhance the future health and welfare of society and subsequent generations" (Alexander, 2004). A teacher is one who engages with a learner, regardless of the teacher’s or learner’s place along the continuum of life-long learning.

The purpose of this request for applications is to fund new or ongoing projects/teams that will produce innovative and creative MCH educational offerings. The proposed educational offerings could include:  integration of MCH experiences into classroom discussions and exercises  models of collaboration between community-based MCH practice and scholarship  skills development  innovative teaching methods applied to MCH  use of case studies and other examples of interdisciplinary projects suitable for a multi- disciplinary audience, or  use of innovative technologies and platforms for experiential learning. The educational offering may focus on a specific topic (e.g., life course perspective, health care reform, breastfeeding), life span (e.g., perinatal, early childhood, women’s health), or other aspect relevant to the MCH population and MCH workforce.

II. DEADLINE Applications are due by email to Julie McDougal ([email protected]) by 8:00 am CT Friday, September 29, 2017. All applications should have the subject heading “ATMCH Proposal-”. All applicants will be notified of the status of their applications by 5:00 pm CT Friday, October 13, 2017. Following notification, a Fee-For-Service document will be generated as backup documentation for the final invoice, to be submitted by awardees at project completion, unless a different time frame has been previously agreed upon.

III. AWARD AMOUNT ATMCH anticipates funding 2-4 projects, depending on the number and quality of applications submitted and the total budget proposed by applicants. All planned expenditures must be clearly justified and tied to project outcomes. No single proposal should request more than $3,000.00.

IV. ADMINISTRATION OF AWARD The ATMCH Award is administered as a competitive internal award within ATMCH. All proposals will be reviewed by members of the ATMCH Education & Mentoring Standing Committee and/or ATMCH Executive Committee. These awards will be made to the project leader for distribution among team members (if applicable) at the project’s conclusion, unless a different time frame has been previously agreed upon. Projects are to be completed by May 31, 2018.

V. ELIGIBILITY Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health Request for Applications Innovative Teaching Awards Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

Preference will be given to projects that clearly identify teams that include faculty/practicing professionals and students. All team members must be ATMCH members. Join free of charge at Applicants should contact the ATMCH Coordinator (Julie McDougal, 205-975- 0531, [email protected]) with questions regarding their applications.

VI. APPLICATION FORMAT AND SUBMISSION The application must consist of the following sections: 1. A completed cover sheet (below) with contact information for all team members, if applicable, along with their signatures, noting any MCHB funding streams (of which they are aware) at their institution(s)/organization(s) (e.g., Center of Excellence in MCH, MCH Catalyst Program, Pipeline Program, Workforce Development Center, etc.). 2. A brief proposal plan (5 double-spaced pages maximum; 12 pt font, 1” margins) that includes the following sections: a. Background of project b. Significance of project to MCH education c. Gap in MCH education that this offering could address d. Sustainability of offering e. Proposed outline of offering, including project components and a description of what makes it f. Proposed evaluation of offering g. List of ways this could be shared with others for use (e.g., PowerPoint presentations, teaching notes, references, webinars, etc.) h. Timeline 3. A budget narrative (with no indirects), separate from the brief proposal plan (no more than 1 page in length) that describes how the funds will be spent, clearly justifying all planned expenditures and tying them to project outcomes). 4. Combine all documents into one pdf file. Incomplete applications may not be reviewed.

VII. CRITERIA FOR AWARD Criterion Score Background 10 Significance 10 Gap statement 5 Sustainability 10 Completeness of outline & description of innovation 20 Evaluation 15 Means of sharing/External dissemination 10 Timeline 5 Budget (justification tied to project outcomes) 15 Total 100

VIII. FINAL REPORT At project completion, submit an invoice which includes the period of performance (10/13/17- 5/31/18) and a signature to ATMCH via [email protected]. The final reports for funded proposals and all related documents will be archived on the ATMCH website. They may also be presented via webinar or at the ATMCH Annual Assembly at APHA. Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health Request for Applications Innovative Teaching Awards Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health Program, grant number T76MC00008. Its content and information should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.


I. AUTHOR(S) INFORMATION Innovative Teaching Award Project Title:

Team Leader: Position/Title: Institution: Address: Phone Number: Email:

Team Member: Position/Title: Institution: Email:

Team Member: Position/Title: Institution: Email:

Team Member: Position/Title: Institution: Email:

Team Member: Position/Title: Institution: Email:

MCHB funded projects of which you are aware at your institution(s)/organization(s) (see


______Team Member Date

______Team Member Date

______Team Member Date

______Team Member Date Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health Request for Applications Innovative Teaching Awards Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

III. PROJECT BUDGET Estimate below all planned project expenditures. Attach supporting documentation/justification and connect all expenditures to project outcomes. Include no indirects.