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ACHS SBDM Minutes September 21, 2016

1. Call to Order 1. Meeting called to order at 4:04pm 2. List of those present: Chris Glass, Lauren Vasser, Corey Sayre, Autumn Boblitt, Melissa Chapman, LaSaundra Cobb 3. List of those absent: Daniel Drury

2. Opening Business 1. Agenda Approval- Boblitt made a motion to approve, Sayre 2nd. All approved 2. August minutes- Sayre made a motion to approve, Clarke 2nd. All approved 3. Old Business a. SBDM Training/Open Records- all members have completed their trainings, the new parent representatives are almost completed. All new parents were given the Open Records information. 4. Review/ Good News Update a. Mr. Glass updated Council on Building and Grounds. They are still working on the keyless entry system and changes with keys to the building. These should be installed by Christmas. b. Mr. Glass updated the Council on Academic events that have occurred within the last month. b.i. ICLE Walkthroughs on Relevance- teachers observed each other to look for student work that was relevant. b.ii. CCR Data- The current 9th and 10th graders are the first classes that must be College and Career Ready to graduate. The current seniors are at 40% CCR at the start of the year. b.iii. September 19th- Staff Instructional Work Day to work on literacy. c. The ACHS Band won their first competition. Fall sports are underway 5. Public Comment- None

3. Introduction of New Committee Members 1. Two new parent representatives have joined the council- Melissa Chapman and LaSaundra Cobb.

4. Financial Update 1. Glass updated new parents on the SBDM Budget and what it is used on. 2. The update on current financials will be postponed until the next meeting.

5. 2016-2017 Strategic Plan Briefing 1. Mr. Glass presented the Council with the school strategic plan that includes Novice Reduction, CCR for all students, structuring core instruction, and a focus on literacy. a. Actions taking place to meet the strategic plan include: RTI Training and Implementation through CCR time, Formative Assessments, PLC Process, Tier 3 Classrooms with Instructional Coaches, Common Assessments, Rigor/Relevance/Engagement Framework, and focus on literacy through writing, reading, and speaking.

6. Next Meeting Time 1. October 19th at 4:00 pm.

7. Meeting Adjournment 1. Vasser made a motion to adjourn at 4:45. Cobb 2nd.

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