Scoutsfocus Basket Aventures Usa Basketball Exposure Tour
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Top International players will be given the opportunity to compete in this USA travel team basketball tour. You will be seen by 300+ College Coaches in a period of 10 days while playing against many of the top ranked players from the United States. This opportunity WILL give its participants an excellent chance to earn a full college basketball scholarship from such prestigious universities as Duke and North Carolina as well as Junior Colleges, Division Two schools and everywhere in between.
Skill level, athleticism and potential will all be taken into careful consideration from college coaches when awarding scholarships to participants.
Every participant in this program WILL receive the opportunity to continue their basketball career in the United States in one form or the other. We cannot give you a scholarship; you have to earn it by your solid play and performance in the classroom.
Those which do not earn scholarships with their play during the time period WILL be given an affordable Junior College or Prep School option for you to improve your skills. Most players will be able to earn a full scholarship after a year or two of basketball specific training at the institution we pair you with.
Jersey and Shorts will be provided. Players must bring plenty of socks, underwear and casual wear. Players must wear collared shirts and a nice pair of slacks to and from all games.
Transportation, 3 square meals a day, Hotels/Resorts (2.5 Stars or Better) will be provided once each player enters the United States. Flight to and from the states must be booked and payed for by each participant. Snacks, fruits and drinks will be provided as well. Gatorades and/or waters will be provided during competition. Meals: Tasty middle class buffet style restaurants and box lunches when time is constrained.
Coach: Head Coach of the team will be the legendary Carlos Peralta who has won over 300 High School basketball games and two prep school National Championships. He has placed over 25 players in Division 1 basketball.
NCAA Eligibility: Each player will attend classes on NCAA rules and eligibility at each tournament. Also attached are NCAA rules for the players who have played on a Professional team.
Accuracy is necessary as registration will be made available to colleges and scouts. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your talents and earn a college scholarship. Spots for the team will be filled on a first come basis so prompt registration and payment is vital to securing a spot.
Ages: 14-19 FEE: $2059 due on or before May 1, 2011 or $750 non-refundable security deposit will secure your spot Balance of $1309 due by May 1. No refunds after May 15 USA Basketball College Exposure Tour
Normal Daily Tournament Routine 0715 Breakfast UNC-Charlotte Gymnasium 0900 Game #1 1200 Lunch 1400 Game #2 1530 Dinner July 7 – All Stars Invitational Day 2 2000 Game #3 Normal Daily Tournament Routine 2130-2300 Snacks, Free Time 2100 Depart to Myrtle Beach 2300-0700 Lights Out July 8- Myrtle Beach Invitational Itinerary: Normal Daily Tournament Routine July 3: Arrive at Raleigh-Durham International Airport by 1800 July 9 -Myrtle Beach Invitational Day 2 2000-2200 Practice Normal Daily Tournament Routine July 10 – Day Off July 4 – College Visits 0800-1700 Visit Beach and Area Shopping 0800-1100 Visit NC State University Centers. 1100-1200 Practice 1200-1245 Lunch 1245 Depart for University of North Carolina 1315-1615 Visit UNC 1615 Depart to Duke University 1715-1900 Dinner and Continue Visit 1700 Depart to Greensboro, NC for Elite 80 1900-2000 Practice Showcase 2000 Depart to University of Virginia 2100-2200 NCAA Eligibility Class July 5 – College Visits July 11 - Elite 80 Showcase (Individual 0800-1130 Visit University of Virginia Exposure Camp) 1130-1230 Practice Normal Daily Tournament Routine 1230-1330 Lunch 1900 Depart to Aiken, SC for Peach State 1400 Depart UVA Showcase 1500 Arrive Liberty University Visit Liberty University 1500-1700 July 12-14 Peach State Summer Showcase 1700-1800 Practice Normal Daily Tournament Routine*MAJOR EVENT 1800 Dinner Peach State Showcase Gymnasium 1900 Depart to UNC Charlotte for First Showcase Event in front of College Coaches.
July 6 - All Stars Invitational at UNC-Charlotte Normal Daily Tournament Routine July 15 Peach State Summer Showcase Tournament Play (Aiken, SC) 1600 Depart to Raleigh, NC
July 16 Flights Home from Raleigh-Durham International Airport About ScoutsFocus
ScoutsFocus is a well respected national recruiting service in the United States that sends its detailed scouting reports to over 300 Division 1, 2 and 3 NCAA Universities and Colleges. Joe Davis is the National Recruiting Director and the International Event Planner for ScoutsFocus.
ScoutsFocus has helped place students at D1, D2 and Junior College Programs across the country.
Participants of ScoutsFocus Programs include: Ryan Harrow (NC State University), Akil Mitchell (University of Virginia), Quincy Miller (Baylor), Deuce Bello (Baylor), Ike Nwamu (Cleveland State), CJ Leslie (NC State University), Reggie Bullock (University of North Carolina), Mychal Parker (University of Maryland), Luke Cothron (University of Massachusetts), Angelo Sharpless (Elizabeth City State University), Zach Sowell (Belmont Abbey College), Raphael Marable (UNC Pembroke), George Blakeney (UNC Pembroke), Nick Jefferson (Cape Fear Community College), Aaron Coats (Barton College), PJ Hairston (University of North Carolina), Dezmine Wells (Xavier) and many more…
About Joe Davis:
Average 27.2 Points per game as a High School Senior at St Johns Prep (Collegeville, MN) Broke School Record in Points, Rebounds, 3 Point Field Goals and Free Throws in a season. Scored 50 points in a game. Scored over 40 points 4 times. Broke Records for Points, 3’s and Rebounds in a game. Also in Top 10 in State History for Free Throws and Points in a Season. Averaged 10 points and 6 Rebounds as a Post Graduate Student at Charis Prep. Charis Prep was a Top 10 Prep school in the country while playing alongside 10 other future Division 1 players Played NCAA College Basketball at the United States Merchant Marine Academy Named National Basketball Recruiting Director of Prime Preps from March 2008 to March 2009. Worked Elite Camps as a camp counselor at the University of Virginia, University of Maryland, and USMMA. Established ScoutsFocus in March of 2009 while starting the Highly Acclaimed Elite 80 Showcase attended by top High School Players around the United States. The Elite 80 Showcase has over 2.5 Million YouTube views across the world. Joe Davis has the ear of many college coaches across the United States due to his well respected evaluation techniques. With his connections in the American grassroots community, he has secured spots in prestigious United States Travel Team Tournaments and Events for the only D1 live recruiting month in the year; July. APPLICATION
*include country code on phone numbers
First name: ______Middle name: ______Last name: ______
Preferred name or nickname: ______Date of birth: ______Home address: ______City: ______State/Province: ______Zip/Postal code: ______Country: ______Country of birth: ______Country of citizenship: ______Present school: ______City/State/Province: ______Other schools attended in past two years: ______Person financially responsible for applicant: ______Relationship to applicant: ______Applicant lives with (circle): Father Mother Both Other ______
Camper E-Mail______
Mother’s Name E-Mail ______
Father’s Name E-Mail ______
Home Phone ______Camper Cell Phone ______
Mom Cell Phone ______Dad/Guardian Cell Phone______
Parents Occupation______High School Graduation Year ______
Club Team _ Club Coach Email______
Club Coach Name Club Coach Cell Phone ______
Food Allergies______
Allergic to any Medication? If yes, what?______
Current Medications Athlete is taking______
Health Insurance Co. _____
Group # Policy # _____
Shirt Size (Adult) _ Short Size______
Height. ______Weight. Position(G,F,C) _____
A $750, non-refundable deposit must be submitted with this application and the balance of $1309 is to be by May 15. QUESTIONNARIE The purpose of this section is for the Tour Committee to have a broader and more personal understanding of the student. 1. List your favorite academic subjects: ______2. List the academic subjects that are most difficult for you and why: ______3. List the sports/activities/organizations you participate in: ______4. List your hobbies/interests: ______5. Tell us about any special talents you have: ______6. Please describe any special needs you may have (educational, medical/health, etc.): ______7. Names of brothers and sisters (please include current grade levels and birth dates): ______8. Names and age of any relatives who played basketball Professionally. When and where? ______9. Who or what influenced you to apply to ScoutsFocus Basketball Tour? ______ESSAY (to be completed by applicant) The tour considers player involvement on various levels of activity to be of major importance. Please write a paragraph describing what you feel your contributions to the ScoutsFocus USA Basketball Tour would be. While neatness, punctuation, grammar and spelling are important, the main purpose of this essay is to learn more about you, not just your writing ability. Please consider this while answering. Please choose one of the following questions and write a brief composition about it. 1. What person has influenced you the most and why? 2. Has one experience changed your life in some way? Explain. 3. Who is your favorite basketball player and why? 4. If you had two weeks of free time, what would you do? 5. What are you looking for in a college and what will make your decision on attending that school? WAIVER/RELEASE OF LIABILITY
In consideration of being permitted to participate in the “Scouts Focus USA Basketball College Exposure Tour” (“Event”) I, for my child named below(“the Minor”) for myself, and the next of kin agree that I understand the nature of the “event” and that “minor” is in proper physical condition to participate in the event. I understand that the “event” involves risks and dangers of serious bodily injuries, including permanent disability and fatality (“Risks”) which may be caused by my or “the minor’s” actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of other participants, the condition in which the activity takes place or the negligence of the “releasees” named below. I fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for losses, costs and damages the “minor” or I incur as a result of participating in the event. I hereby release, discharge and covenant not to sue, and agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless Scouts Focus, their respective officers, volunteers, employees, other participants, the owner and lessors of premises on which the activity takes place, (each considered one of the “releasees” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or part by the negligence of the “releasees” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations. I further agree that if despite this release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the releasees, I will indemnify, save and hold harmless each of the releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which may incur as a result of such claim. I agree that “the minor’s” information will be made available to college coaches, scouts, and may be used for promotional/advertising purposes and I acknowledge that my child may be photographed and filmed during his or her participation in the clinic, and I hereby grant the right to use such photographs and film in perpetuity to Scouts Focus and Basket Aventures. I hereby authorize the staff of Scouts Focus to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention, and I hereby waive and release the releases from any and all liability for injuries and illnesses incurred by “the minor” while at the event. I understand I am solely responsible for the payment of such medical expenses. I have read the agreement and understand it’s terms, understand that I have given substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without inducement or assurance of any nature. I intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agrees that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid. The balance shall continue in full force and effect.
Participant Legal Name______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)______
Signature of Parent/Guardian______
Date______International Player Checklist:
Student-athletes interested in competing in ScoutsFocus USA Basketball Tour must complete the following steps:
1. Full Payment or Deposit via Debit Card, Credit Card, ( or Bank Certified Check.
2. Submit a copy of an original Birth Certificate
3. Submit a copy of your biography page of your passport.
4. Signed and Dated Release Form
5. Submit a Physical from Licensed Doctor
6. Have an official copy of your academic records bearing original stamp and signature of the school sent to us.
7. Copy of Health Insurance Information
8. Flight Arrival and Departure Information (All flights must be booked to Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU))
Fax or Email Items to: Fax: 800-875-1931 Email: [email protected]
Or Mail application materials to: Joe Davis, ScoutsFocus PO Box 1652 Washington, NC 27889 USA
On June 1st, we will provide a list of items to bring for the trip.
All items must be received No Later than May 1, 2011. The camp is expected to fill up beforehand so prompt completion of application items is necessary Each participant must purchase their own roundtrip flight to and from the United States (Raleigh- Durham International Airport (RDU). Arrive No Later than 1800 July 3 and Depart on July 16
NCAA Eligibility Rule on Players who have played on Professional Teams:
Title:12.02.4 - Professional Athletics Team. A professional team is any organized team that:
(a) Provides any of its players more than actual and necessary expenses for participation on the team, except as otherwise permitted by NCAA legislation. Actual and necessary expenses are limited to the following, provided the value of these items is commensurate with the fair market value in the locality of the player(s) and is not excessive in nature: (Revised: 4/25/02 effective 8/1/02)
(1) Meals directly tied to competition and practice held in preparation for such competition;
(2) Lodging directly tied to competition and practice held in preparation for such competition;
(3) Apparel, equipment and supplies;
(4) Coaching and instruction;
(5) Health/medical insurance;
(6) Transportation (expenses to and from practice competition, cost of transportation from home to training/practice site at the beginning of the season and from training/practice site to home at the end of season);
(7) Medical treatment and physical therapy;
(8) Facility usage; (Revised: 4/24/03)
(9) Entry fees; and (Revised: 4/24/03)
(10) Other reasonable expenses; or (Adopted: 4/24/03, Revised: 10/28/04)
(b) Declares itself to be professional (see Bylaw (Revised: 8/8/02) Frequently Asked Questions
1. How will the playing time be assigned?
The coaches’ job will be to win games as more games won will equal more scholarships for tour participants. However in lieu of the financial responsibility each participant incurs, each player will play no less than 40% of each game. I.e, 40 minute game, each player will play at least 16 minutes.
2. Is the flight to and from the United States covered in the cost?
No, due to players flying in from several different countries, each participant must purchase their own flights.
3. How much spending money should be brought?
Each player should bring at least $250 USD in spending money for trips to the mall and other activities. Credit cards and travelers checks are very convenient and safe methods of storing money for the trip.
4. How many players are invited worldwide?
We have currently invited 50 teenagers to fill 20 spots for 2 Teams. We are aiming to fill the teams with two players from such countries: Canada, Brazil, France, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Australia and several others.
We have sent the information to a few select club teams in case they would like to nominate a player to fill spots if all 20 spots are not filled.
5. How many scholarships are available? Are they all for four years?
There are over 300 division one schools and each school gives 3-4 scholarships a year. There are also numerous division two and junior colleges which give scholarships. There are a couple thousand basketball scholarships in the United States available each year. Scholarships are renewed on a year by year basis and depends on if the player completes his college coursework to a satisfactory grade and does well on the court. Most schools treat scholarships as a four year commitment but the selected player must perform their part as well.
6. How many matches are there during the thirteen days?
There will be at least twenty matches and over 30 if the team wins deep into the different tournaments we attend. The first couple days will be devoted to team practices and visits to the following universities: Virginia, North Carolina, Duke, NC State, Liberty and UNC Charlotte.
7. Are there any guaranties as to how many coaches that attend each match?
Nearly every coach in the country will be at these tournaments as they were last year. If the team has really talented players, word will spread rather quickly and coaches will flock to watch the tour participants. Some games could have upwards of 50-75 coaches watching while others may only have 5-6. It will depend on how far the team makes it into the different tournaments and the talent level on the team.
8. How soon will my son have to accept or decline the scholarship offer?
If he is a senior in high school, he would need to decide by August 15th. For those going into their Senior, Junior, sophomore and freshman year they would need to decide by the spring or fall of their senior year to get the best possible opportunity.
9. At what time does the semester start next year?
Usually after Labor Day which is the first Monday in September. Some colleges start at the end of August. Each institution has different start and finish dates.
10. Will the SAT or ACT need to be taken before my son arrives for the tour?
We highly recommend that the SAT or ACT be taken for those who have not graduated from High Schools. For those who have graduated High School by the time the tour starts, we will require the SAT or ACT to be taken. If not the best scholarship one can hope to receive is from a Junior College or Prep School. Junior Colleges do not require a standardized test score, only a high school diploma or GED.
11. Do you have list of coaches that attended last year?
90% of all the college coaches in the country attended last year’s tournaments in which the tour will participate in this year.
12. Is this the first year of the tour?
This is the first year of the tour for international players. We have run 6 national exposure camps over the last three years which have generated over 100 scholarship offers for its participants as well as national media attention from outlets as ESPN, Scout and Rivals. To see some highlights type “scoutsfocus” into YouTube.
Please email all other questions to [email protected]