Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1985 SESSION OF 1985 169TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 24 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The following roll call was recorded: The House convened at 10:30 a.m., e.s.t. PRESENT-200 Acorta Diet, Le?cuvilz Riegcr THE SPEAKER (K. LEROY IRVIS) Afflerbach Distlcr Letlerman Robbins IN THE CHAIR Angstadt Dambrowski 1.cvdansky Rudy Areall Donatucci L.evin Ryan PRAYER Arty Ihrr Linton ~ibak Balds in Duify Liveopood Saloarn REV. DR. DAVID R. HOOVER, chaplain of the House Barber Durham Lloyd Saurman Barley €tans Lucyk Schert~ of Representatives, from McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, Haltisto eargo McCall Schuler offered the following prayer: Helardi Fattah McClatchy Summel Helfanti Fee hIcHalc Serafini Merciful Lord, make us bold to run the way of Thy com- Hirrnelin Fischer McV~rry Seventy mandments and help us to stand still before Thy presence, Black Flick hlackoivski Showers Blaum Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Sirianni that, leading lives of quiet confidence, we may bear witness to Book rox Manderino Srnilh, R. Thy grace and carry Thy power into the world. Let Thy light Borrner rrecrnan klanmiller Srnilh, I.. E. shine through us and our lives that men may see good works Bowley Frrind Markosek Snyder, D. W. Rowrcr Fryer Mayernik Snyder, C. M. in us and all we do and give glory to the Father in heaven. So Boyes Gallagher Merry Staback direct our lives that in the end none may accuse us to whom Hrandt Callrn htichlovic Stairs we have failed to show mercy and love, and may we be Braujai Gamble htico~rie Steighncr Bunt Gannon Miller Stevens received into the eternal habitations, through the only true Uurd Ceist Mochlmann Slewart God, forever and ever. Amen. Bumr Gcorge Morris Stuban Bush Cladeck Mourry Sweet Caltagirone Godshall Mrkonic Swirl PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cappabianca Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Carison <;runno. Nahill Taylor.. F. E. (The Pledge of Allegiance was enunciated by members.) Carn Hagany NOye Taylor, I. J. Cawley Haluika O'Rricn Telek Cessar Harper O'Donnell Tigue JOURNALS APPROVED Chadwick Haiay Olarr Trello Cirnini Hayes Oliver Truman The SPEAKER. The Chair is advised that the Journals for Civera Herman Perrel Van Harne Clark blershey Petiarca VCO~ Wednesday, February 27; Monday, March 18; and Wednes- Ciyrner Hunaman Pctione Vroon day, March 20, 1985, are now in print, and if the Chair hears Cohen Hcnlet~ Phillios Wacnbach no objection, and the Chair hears no objection thereto, the Colafella Hutchinson Piccola Wasi Cole llkin Pievlky Weston Journals will be printed as submitted. Jackson Pistella Wiggins Jarolin Pilts Wilson Johnson Poll Wogan JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Josepi,s Pratt Worniak cay Kaiunic Pressman" Wright, D. R. The SPEAKER. However, the Journal for Tuesday, April I)cI"c~ Kennedy Prer~on Wright. I. L. 16, 1985, not yet being in print, without objection, the 1)eVerter Kenney Pun1 Wright. R. C. approval of that Journal will be postponed until the Journal is IIeWeese Kosinski Raymond Yandriseviti Daley Kukouich Reber in print, and the Chair hears no objection thereto. Da\iei Langlry Reinard Irkis, Dawida Ladlinger Richardson Speaker Ileal MASTER ROLL CALL RECORDED Laughlin ADDITIONS-0 The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll NOT VOTING-0 call for the day. Members will proceed to vote. 548 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE APRIL 17, Boyei Fryer Mayeinik Snyder, G. M. Brandr Gallagher Merry Staback Dininni Gruitza Biaujos Gallen Michlovic Stairs LEAVES ADDED-3 Bunt Gamble Micozzie Steighner Burd Gannon Miller Stcvens McVerry Vroan R. C. Wright Burns Grist Moehlmann St~wait Bush George Morris Stuban LEAVES OF ABSENCE GRANTED Caltagironr Gladeck Mmrery Sweet Cappabianca God5hall Mikonic Swift The SPEAKER. The Chair now turns to leaves of absence. Carlsan Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Carn Gruppo Nahill Taylor, E. E. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Cawley Hagarty Noye Taylor, J. J. Pievsky, who indicated there are no requests. Cessar Haluika O'Hrien Telek The Chair recognizes the minority whip. Mr. Hayes, any Chadwick Harper O'Donnell Tiguc Cimini Hasay Olasr Trello leaves of absence? Civeia Hayes OLivcr Truman Mr. HAYES. Yes, Mr. Speaker. 1 request a leave for the Clark Herman Perrel Van Hornc gentleman from Delaware, Mr. WRIGHT, for the day, and Clyrncr Hershey Petrnrca Veon Cohen Honaman Petronc Wambach thegentleman from Chester, Mr. VROON, for theday. Colafclla Howlet1 Phillips Wass The SPEAKER. The Chair hears no objection thereto, and Colc Hutchinsan Piccola Wcston Cordirco ItLin Picvsky Wiggins the leaves are therefore granted. Cornell Jackson Pistella Wilson Mr. HAYES. And also, Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Cosleu Jaroiin Pills Wogan Allegheny, Mr. McVERRY, for the day. Coweli Johnson Pot1 Worniak The SPEAKER. The gentleman, Mr. McVerry, will be Coy Jasephs Prart Wright, D. K. Dcluca Kaiunic Prcssmann Wright, J. L. added to the leaves of absence, and his name will be stricken DeVertcr Kcnnedy Preston Yandrisevits from the master roll. DeWeese Kenney Punt The Chair thanks the gentleman. Dalry Koiinski Raymond Inis. Daviei Kukovich Kcber Speaker Dawida Langtry Reinard CALENDAR NAYS-0 BILLS ON THIRD CONSIDERATION NOT VOTING-0 The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 563, PN EXCUSED-5 641, entitled: Dininni McVcrry Vroan Wright, R. C. Gruitza An Act amending the act of May 21, 1943 (P. L. 571, No. 254). known as "The Fourth to Eighth Clars County Assessment The majority required by the Constitution having voted in Law," exempting all property owned by nonprofit fire compa- the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- nies, ambulance companies and rescue squads. tive. On the question, Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate for Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? concurrence. Bill was agreed to. * * * The SPEAKER. This bill has been considered on three dif- The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 441, PN ferent days and agreed to and is now on final passage. 495, entitled: The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas An Act amending theact of May 22, 1933 (P. L. 853, No. 155), known as "The General County .Assessment Law," further pro- and nays will now be taken. viding for the exemption from taxation of fire and rescue station YEAS-197 property. Acosta Deal Lashinger Kichardson On the question, Aftlerbach Dierz 1-aughlin Kieger Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Angitadt Distler Lescoviti Robbins Bill was agreed to. Argall Dombrawski Letlerman Rudy Arty Donatucci 1.cvdansky Kyan The SPEAKER. This bill has been considered on three dif- Baldwin Dorr Levin Kybak ferent days and agreed to and is now on final passage. Barber Dully Linton Saloom Barley Durham Livengood Saurman The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Battbto Evans Lloyd Scheetz Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas Belardi Fargo Lucyk Schuler and nays will now be taken. Belfanti Fattah McCall Semlliel Birmclin Fee McClatchy Serafini YEAS-197 Black Fischcr McHale Seventy Blaum Flick Mackowbki Showers Acosla Deal Larhinger Richardson Book Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Sirianni Afflerhach II~cIL Laughiin Rieger Bartner For Mandcrino Smith, B. Angstadt Diitler Lessovitz Rabbins Bowley Freeman llanmillcr Smith, L. E. Argall Dombrowiki Lettrrman Kud) Bowser mind Markoxk Snyder, D. W. Arty Donatucci Levdaniky Ryan 550 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE APRIL 17, RESOLUTIONS I * * * Mr. BURD called up HR 43, PN 713, entitled: ( Mr. CLYMER called up HR 45, PN 715, entitled: Designating October 14, William Penn's birthday, as "Penn- Urging the Postmaster General of the United States to issue a sylvania State Flag Day." commemorative stamp honoring the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- I vania as one of the 13 orieinal- states to ratifv the Constitution of On the question, I the United States. Will the House adopt the resolution? On the question, The following roll call was recorded: Will the House adopt the resolution? YEAS-197 The following roll call was recorded: Acosta Deal Lashinger Richardson Afflerbach Dietr Laughlin Rieger Angstadt Distler Lescavitz Robbins Acasta Diete Laughlin Richardson Argall Dombrowski Letterman Rudy Afflerbach Distler Lescovitr Rieger Arty Donatucci Levdanky Ryan Angstadt Dombrowrki Letterman Robbins Baldwin Darr Levin Rybak Argall Donatucci Levdansky Rudy Barber Duffy Linton Saloom Baldwin Dorr Levin Ryan Barley Durham Livengoad Saurman Barber Duffy Linton Rybak Battisto Evans Lloyd Scheetz Barley Durham Livengoad Saloom Belardi Fargo Lucyk Schuler Battiito Evans Lloyd Saurman Belfanti Fattah McCall Semmel Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Birmelin Fee McClatchy Serafini Beifanti Fattah McCall Schuler Black Fischer McHale Seventy Birmelin Fcc .McClatchy Semmel Blaum Flick Mackowski Showers Black Fischer McHale Serafini Book Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Sirianni Blaum Flick Mackawski Seventy Bortner Fox Manderino Smith, B. Rook Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Showers Bowley Freeman Manmiller Smith, L. E. Bortner Fox Manderino Sirianni Bowser Freind Markasek Snyder. D. W. Bowiey Freeman Manmiller Smith, B. Boyes Fryer Mayernik Snyder, G. M. Bowser Freind Markasek Smith, L. E. Brandt Gallagher Merry Staback Boyes Fryer Maycrnik Snyder, D. W. Braujas Gallen Michlavic Stairs Brandt Gailagher Merry Snyder, G. M. Bunt Gamble Micozzie Steighner Gallen Michlovic~ ~~ Staback Burd Cannon Miller Stevens Gamble Micozzie Stairs Burn, Geist Moehlmann Stewart Geist Miller Steighner Bush George Morris Stuban Burns George Mochlmann Stevens