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Table of Contents s253


UC Berkeley Extension, Business and Management

UCB X470 Project Management

EDP 325928

June 2007

Aamir Syed Cherilyn Nehira Jayant Patil Mahabala Sastry Michael Lee Table of Contents

Scope Statement 2

Stakeholder Analysis 6

Project Lifecycle 8

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 9

Communication Plan 10

Responsibility Assignment Matrix 11

Schedule Baseline 13

Tasks 14

Resources 18

Assignments 20

Cost Baseline 23

Cost Baseline Graph 25

Risk Types 26

Risk Response Plan 27

1 Project Scope

Vision Statement

One Fish Two Fish is committed to developing an interactive toy which will enlighten young minds, encourage them to learn, and keep them entertained.

Business Need

There is a big demand and an opportunity to gain market share in the educational toy sector for children age 4 to 7. The demographics are consistently evolving and in need of a multi-lingual learning toy.

Project Description

 Product features o The product will perform the following mathematical operations: . Counting . Addition . Subtraction . Multiplication . Division o The product will have multilingual auditory and visual component to perform the above mathematical operation in the following languages: . English . French . German . Spanish o The product will be a laptop, shaped like a fish. o The product weight should not exceed 5 lbs. o The product will be operated on batteries. o Safe

2 Project Deliverables (Scope)

Is Is Not Product specifications document Mass production of the product

Hardware design document and Packaging, marketing, and functional specs document delivery of the product Assembled hardware prototype Advertising the product

Software design document and Pricing of the product software functional specs document Hardware prototype integrated Copyrighting the product with software Test plan documents Product user guide

Tested product prototype

Safety certification

Project Objectives

Objective Criteria for Evaluation Develop a finished and tested Product built and tested and ready product by September. to go in mass production. Get a safety certification for the Get the product safety product. certification. Deliver the tested product. Product functions without any defects. Complete software integration The integrated product ready for with the hardware prototype. testing. Design software document Tested software meets the software functional specifications.

3 Design hardware document Tested hardware prototype meets the hardware functional specifications. Deliver software and hardware Software and hardware functional functional specification specification documents are documents. approved.

Assumptions  Hardware parts are available; no supply chain management problem.  There is market for the product.

Constraints Time: get the product ready by November so it can be launched before Christmas. Cost: keep the manufacturing cost of the product below $10 per unit and keep our project on budget below $150K

High-Level Risks Impact - Cost, Risk Description Trigger Scope, Budget (C,S,B) Hardware issues and Bad design, bad parts Cost, Budget, bugs in prototype quality. Schedule slips Schedule Excessive/severe Bad design, bad parts Cost, Budget, software flaws. quality. Schedule slips Schedule Software is not ready Bad design, bad parts Cost, Schedule for the product quality. Schedule slips integration. Product not meeting Bad design, bad parts Cost, Schedule safety standards quality.

4 Approval Signatures

X ______VP Marketing

X ______VP Engineering

X ______Product Manager

5 Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Needs or Expectations

Customers o Safe, reliable, entertaining, educational toys which are affordable and easy to use

Investors o Profitable company o High investment return o Increase in market share

Sponsor o Production of successful products, satisfied customers, and an increase in profits o Products inline with company vision o Projects completed on time, on/under budget, and within scope o Maintain product cost-efficiency

Project o Clearly defined requirements from sponsors Manager o Support of executive management o Sufficient information to keep the project on track and to revise the schedule as needed o Has the tools to monitor and to direct the project, insuring that the project is completed in good time, scope, and budget o All deliverables completed on time

Project Team o Effective management and clear communication o Realistic schedule of tasks and sufficient resources

Development o Clearly defined requirements Team o Design / requirement “freeze”

QA Team o Clearly defined requirements and detailed functional specifications needed to test against and to release the product

6 Manufacturing o Product Release Documents on time

7 Project Lifecycle

Requirements Design / Planning Development Testing/QA Closure Phase Name

 Project  Scope statement  Weekly  Test results  Sign off charter  Team assembly status  Weekly from  Preliminary (resource allocation) reports status sponsors project scope  Cost baseline  Test plans reports  Project  Project Management  Change Management Plan requests Deliverables  Schedule and Budget  Work Breakdown Structure  Communication plan  Requirements  Hardware design  HW proto  Test results  Finished review document (circuit board  Defects (if and process  Embedded software and case), any) to certified design document  Code developmen product  Design review modules t  Release  SW and HW  Final to integration deliverable manufact  Integration with no high uring Tests severity  Unit Tests (to bugs Product Process QA)  Compliance Deliverables  Sanity check (safety)  Release  Certification notes to QA from  Code review government process for (FCC, UL, software by kids safety peers using programs, source code ISO 8001 management for Europe) tools

8 Work Breakdown Structure

Requirements Planning / Design Development Testing/QA Closure

Hardware Sign Off Preliminary Hardware Build HW Sign Off Preliminary Scope Statement Design Build HW Test Results (Approval) from Project Scope Scope Statement Design prototype Test Results (Approval) from Project Scope Documents prototype Sponsors Documents Sponsors

Team Assembly/ Develop Code TeamAllocation Assembly/ of Report Defects Software Desgin DevelopModules Code Report Defects Release to Project Charter ResourcesAllocation of Software Desgin (if any) to Release to Project Charter Documents Modules (if any) to Production Resources Documents Development Production Development

Integrate HW Cost Baseline Integrate HW Cost Baseline and SW Final Deliverable Requirements and SW Final Deliverable Requirements Test/QA Plan (with no high Review Process Test/QA Plan severity(with nobugs) high Review Process severity bugs)

Unit Test Results PM Plan Unit Test Results PM Plan (to QA) (to QA) Compliance (Safety)Compliance Certification(Safety) Certification Schedule and Schedule and Sanity Check Budget Sanity Check Budget

Communication CommunicationPlan Plan Release Notes to WBS Release Notes to WBS QA QA

9 Communications Plan

Sponsor Project Hard Softwa QA Mfg Frequency Method of Type of Manager ware re Distribution Document Project Charter X O 1 meeting/emai Word l Project Scope X O 1 meeting/emai Word l WBS O 1* meeting/emai Word l Project O 2/month meeting/emai MS Project Schedule l Cost Baseline O X X X 2/month meeting/emai Word l Risk Plan X O X X X 1* meeting/emai Word l Sponsor Report X O 2/month* email Word Status Report (includes O X X X weekly email Word weekly meeting minutes) Design meeting Minutes O X X X X weekly email Word Hardware Design Doc X O X X X 1* meeting/emai Word l Software Design Doc X X O X X 1* meeting/emai Word l QA Test Plan/ Requirements X X X O X 1* meeting/emai Word l Safety Certification X X X O X 1 email Word Product Release Doc O X X X X 1 email Word O = Organizer / Responsible Party X = Consulted / Reviewed 10 * Additional updates will be sent as needed

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Resources Development Quality Assurance Hardware Software (QA) Lead Engin Lead Engi Lead Engin eer1, neer eer1, Proj Proj Engin 1, Engin ect ect eer2 Engi eer2 Integrat WB Spon Man neer ion & S Deliverable Description sor ager 2 Release Require Project Charter O S R I I ments Scope Statement S O R R R R Phase Stakeholder Analysis S O Human Resource O Management Plan WBS S O I I I I Responsibility Assignment S O I I I I Matrix Planning Cost Baseline S O Phase Project Schedule S O I I I I Risk Response Plan S O Project Communication S O Plan Hardware Design Docs S O I Software Design Docs S O I Develop Hardware Prototype S R O R I ment Software Modules S R O I Phase Unit Test Plans S R O R O R R Performance Test Plans S R I I R I O 11 Sanity Results S R O R O Integration S I I R O Release Notes to QA S I O I Status Reports O S I I I I I I I Code Reviews S O I Functional Test Results S R O Performance Test Results S R O Bug reports S R I R I R O Testing Bug Fix Verification S R I I R O Phase Status Report O S I I I I I I I Safety Compliance S O I I I I Certification Quality Acceptance S O I I QA Sign-off S R R S I I Sponsor Sign-off S O Closure Release to Manufacturing S O

LEGEND: O- Owner I – Input Required R – Reviewer S – Sign Off

12 Schedule Baseline

13 Tasks

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names % Complete 1 Onefish Twofish 96 days Mon 7/2/07 Mon 11/12/07 0% Requirements 2 3 days Mon 7/2/07 Wed 7/4/07 0% phase 3 Project Charter 2 days Mon 7/2/07 Tue 7/3/07VP - Marketing 0% 1 VP - Marketing Mon 7/2/07 Tue 7/3/07VP - Marketing Preliminary Project 4 1 day Wed 7/4/07 Wed 7/4/07Project Manager 0% Scope 2 Project Manager Wed 7/4/07 Wed 7/4/07Project Manager Design/Planning 5 33 days Thu 7/5/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% phase 6 Scope Statement 2 days Thu 7/5/07 Fri 7/6/07Project Manager 0% 2 Project Manager Thu 7/5/07 Fri 7/6/07Project Manager Stakeholder 7 3 days Mon 7/9/07 Wed 7/11/07Project Manager 0% Analysis 2 Project Manager Mon 7/9/07 Wed 7/11/07Project Manager Project Manager,Product Work Breakdown Manager,Tech Lead - 8 1 day Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07 0% Structure Software,Tech Lead - Hardware,QA Lead 2 Project Manager Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07Project Manager Tech Lead - 3 Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07Tech Lead - Software Software Tech Lead - 4 Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07Tech Lead - Hardware Hardware 14 QA Lead Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07QA Lead 15 Product Manager Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07Product Manager Project 9 11 days Fri 7/13/07 Fri 7/27/07 0% Management Plan Human Resource 10 1 day Fri 7/13/07 Fri 7/13/07Project Manager 0% Management Plan 2 Project Manager Fri 7/13/07 Fri 7/13/07Project Manager Responsibility 11 2 days Mon 7/16/07 Tue 7/17/07Project Manager 0% Assignment Matrix 2 Project Manager Mon 7/16/07 Tue 7/17/07Project Manager 12 Cost Baseline 2 days Wed 7/18/07 Thu 7/19/07Project Manager 0% 2 Project Manager Wed 7/18/07 Thu 7/19/07Project Manager 13 Project Schedule 4 days Fri 7/20/07 Wed 7/25/07Project Manager 0%

14 2 Project Manager Fri 7/20/07 Wed 7/25/07Project Manager 14 Risk Response Plan 2 days Thu 7/26/07 Fri 7/27/07Project Manager 0% 2 Project Manager Thu 7/26/07 Fri 7/27/07Project Manager Hardware Design 15 10 days Mon 7/30/07 Fri 8/10/07Tech Lead - Hardware 0% Document Tech Lead - 4 Mon 7/30/07 Fri 8/10/07Tech Lead - Hardware Hardware Software Design 16 15 days Mon 7/30/07 Fri 8/17/07Tech Lead - Software 0% Document Tech Lead - 3 Mon 7/30/07 Fri 8/17/07Tech Lead - Software Software Tech Lead - Software,Tech Lead - Hardware,Hardware Engineer1,Hardware 17 Design Review 1 day Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Engineer2,Software 0% Engineer,Systems Engineer1,QA Engineer1,QA Engineer2,QA Lead Tech Lead - 3 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Tech Lead - Software Software Tech Lead - 4 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Tech Lead - Hardware Hardware Hardware 5 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Hardware Engineer1 Engineer1 Hardware 6 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Hardware Engineer2 Engineer2 7 Software Engineer Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Software Engineer 9 QA Engineer1 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07QA Engineer1 10 QA Engineer2 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07QA Engineer2 12 Systems Engineer1 Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Systems Engineer1 14 QA Lead Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07QA Lead Development 18 35 days Mon 8/20/07 Mon 10/8/07 0% phase Weekly Status 19 0 days Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Project Manager 0% Reports 2 Project Manager Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07Project Manager Change Request 20 2 days Tue 8/21/07 Wed 8/22/07Project Manager 0% Forms 2 Project Manager Tue 8/21/07 Wed 8/22/07Project Manager 21 Test Plans 5 days Tue 8/21/07 Mon 8/27/07 0% Create functional 22 5 days Tue 8/21/07 Mon 8/27/07QA Engineer1 0% Test Plans

15 9 QA Engineer1 Tue 8/21/07 Mon 8/27/07QA Engineer1 Create performance 23 2 days Tue 8/21/07 Wed 8/22/07QA Engineer2 0% Test Plans 10 QA Engineer2 Tue 8/21/07 Wed 8/22/07QA Engineer2 Hardware 24 15 days Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07 0% Prototype 25 circuit board 10 days Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/10/07Hardware Engineer1 0% Hardware 5 Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/10/07Hardware Engineer1 Engineer1 26 case 15 days Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07Hardware Engineer2 0% Hardware 6 Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07Hardware Engineer2 Engineer2 27 Software modules 15 days Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07Software Engineer 0% 7 Software Engineer Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07Software Engineer Software Code 28 1 day Tue 9/18/07 Tue 9/18/07Tech Lead - Software 0% Review Tech Lead - 3 Tue 9/18/07 Tue 9/18/07Tech Lead - Software Software Hardware and 29 Software 5 days Wed 9/19/07 Tue 9/25/07Systems Engineer1 0% integration 12 Systems Engineer1 Wed 9/19/07 Tue 9/25/07Systems Engineer1 30 Integration Testing 3 days Wed 9/26/07 Fri 9/28/07QA Engineer1 0% 9 QA Engineer1 Wed 9/26/07 Fri 9/28/07QA Engineer1 31 Sanity Check 2 days Wed 9/26/07 Thu 9/27/07Release engineer1 0% 13 Release engineer1 Wed 9/26/07 Thu 9/27/07Release engineer1 32 Unit Test 4 days Mon 10/1/07 Thu 10/4/07Systems Engineer1 0% 12 Systems Engineer1 Mon 10/1/07 Thu 10/4/07Systems Engineer1 Release-notes to 33 2 days Fri 10/5/07 Mon 10/8/07Release engineer1 0% QA 13 Release engineer1 Fri 10/5/07 Mon 10/8/07Release engineer1 34 Testing/QA phase 23 days Mon 10/8/07 Thu 11/8/07 0% Weekly Status 35 0 days Mon 10/8/07 Mon 10/8/07Project Manager 0% Reports 2 Project Manager Mon 10/8/07 Mon 10/8/07Project Manager Perform Functional 36 5 days Tue 10/9/07 Mon 10/15/07QA Engineer1 0% Testing 9 QA Engineer1 Tue 10/9/07 Mon 10/15/07QA Engineer1 Perform 37 Performance 2 days Tue 10/16/07 Wed 10/17/07QA Engineer2 0% Testing 16 10 QA Engineer2 Tue 10/16/07 Wed 10/17/07QA Engineer2 Produce Functional 38 1 day Tue 10/16/07 Tue 10/16/07QA Engineer1 0% Test Reports 9 QA Engineer1 Tue 10/16/07 Tue 10/16/07QA Engineer1 Produce 39 Performance Test 1 day Thu 10/18/07 Thu 10/18/07QA Engineer2 0% Reports 10 QA Engineer2 Thu 10/18/07 Thu 10/18/07QA Engineer2 Produce Bug 40 1 day Fri 10/19/07 Fri 10/19/07QA Engineer1 0% Reports 9 QA Engineer1 Fri 10/19/07 Fri 10/19/07QA Engineer1 41 Verify Fixed Bugs 2 days Mon 10/22/07 Tue 10/23/07QA Engineer2 0% 10 QA Engineer2 Mon 10/22/07 Tue 10/23/07QA Engineer2 42 Test Results 2 days Wed 10/24/07 Thu 10/25/07QA Engineer1 0% 9 QA Engineer1 Wed 10/24/07 Thu 10/25/07QA Engineer1 Get Compliance Product Manager,Tech Lead - 43 and Safety 10 days Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07Hardware[50%],Tech Lead - 0% Certification Software[50%] Tech Lead - 3 Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07Tech Lead - Software Software Tech Lead - 4 Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07Tech Lead - Hardware Hardware 15 Product Manager Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07Product Manager 44 Closure phase 2 days Fri 11/9/07 Mon 11/12/07 0% Test/QA Team 45 1 day Fri 11/9/07 Fri 11/9/07QA Lead 0% Signoff 14 QA Lead Fri 11/9/07 Fri 11/9/07QA Lead 46 Sponsor Signoff 1 day Mon 11/12/07 Mon 11/12/07VP - Marketing 0% 1 VP - Marketing Mon 11/12/07 Mon 11/12/07VP - Marketing Release the Product 47 0 days Mon 11/12/07 Mon 11/12/07Product Manager 0% to Manufacturing 15 Product Manager Mon 11/12/07 Mon 11/12/07Product Manager

17 Resources

ID Name Group Max Units Peak Units 1 VP - Marketing 100% 100% 3 Project Charter 100% 46 Sponsor Signoff 100% 2 Project Manager 100% 100% 4 Preliminary Project Scope 100% 6 Scope Statement 100% 7 Stakeholder Analysis 100% 8 Work Breakdown Structure 100% 10 Human Resource Management Plan 100% 11 Responsibility Assignment Matrix 100% 12 Cost Baseline 100% 13 Project Schedule 100% 14 Risk Response Plan 100% 19 Weekly Status Reports 100% 20 Change Request Forms 100% 35 Weekly Status Reports 100% 3 Tech Lead - Software 100% 100% 8 Work Breakdown Structure 100% 16 Software Design Document 100% 17 Design Review 100% 28 Software Code Review 100% 43 Get Compliance and Safety Certification 50% 4 Tech Lead - Hardware 100% 100% 8 Work Breakdown Structure 100% 15 Hardware Design Document 100% 17 Design Review 100% 43 Get Compliance and Safety Certification 50% 5 Hardware Engineer1 100% 100% 17 Design Review 100% 25 circuit board 100% 6 Hardware Engineer2 100% 100% 17 Design Review 100%

18 26 case 100% 7 Software Engineer 100% 100% 17 Design Review 100% 27 Software modules 100% 8 Integration Engineer 100% 0% 9 QA Engineer1 100% 100% 17 Design Review 100% 22 Create functional Test Plans 100% 30 Integration Testing 100% 36 Perform Functional Testing 100% 38 Produce Functional Test Reports 100% 40 Produce Bug Reports 100% 42 Test Results 100% 10 QA Engineer2 100% 100% 17 Design Review 100% 23 Create performance Test Plans 100% 37 Perform Performance Testing 100% 39 Produce Performance Test Reports 100% 41 Verify Fixed Bugs 100% 11 Integration Engineer1 100% 0% 12 Systems Engineer1 100% 100% 17 Design Review 100% 29 Hardware and Software integration 100% 32 Unit Test 100% 13 Release engineer1 100% 100% 31 Sanity Check 100% 33 Release-notes to QA 100% 14 QA Lead 100% 100% 8 Work Breakdown Structure 100% 17 Design Review 100% 45 Test/QA Team Signoff 100% 15 Product Manager 100% 100% 8 Work Breakdown Structure 100% 43 Get Compliance and Safety Certification 100% 47 Release the Product to Manufacturing 100%

19 20 Assignments

Task ID Task Name Resource Name Work Start Finish % Work Complete 3 Project Charter VP - Marketing 16 hrs Mon 7/2/07 Tue 7/3/07 0% Preliminary Project 4 Project Manager 8 hrs Wed 7/4/07 Wed 7/4/07 0% Scope 6 Scope Statement Project Manager 16 hrs Thu 7/5/07 Fri 7/6/07 0% 7 Stakeholder Analysis Project Manager 24 hrs Mon 7/9/07 Wed 7/11/07 0% Work Breakdown 8 Project Manager 8 hrs Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07 0% Structure Work Breakdown 8 Product Manager 8 hrs Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07 0% Structure Work Breakdown Tech Lead - 8 8 hrs Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07 0% Structure Software Work Breakdown Tech Lead - 8 8 hrs Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07 0% Structure Hardware Work Breakdown 8 QA Lead 8 hrs Thu 7/12/07 Thu 7/12/07 0% Structure Human Resource 10 Project Manager 8 hrs Fri 7/13/07 Fri 7/13/07 0% Management Plan Responsibility 11 Project Manager 16 hrs Mon 7/16/07 Tue 7/17/07 0% Assignment Matrix 12 Cost Baseline Project Manager 16 hrs Wed 7/18/07 Thu 7/19/07 0% 13 Project Schedule Project Manager 32 hrs Fri 7/20/07 Wed 7/25/07 0% 14 Risk Response Plan Project Manager 16 hrs Thu 7/26/07 Fri 7/27/07 0% Hardware Design Tech Lead - 15 80 hrs Mon 7/30/07 Fri 8/10/07 0% Document Hardware Software Design Tech Lead - 16 120 hrs Mon 7/30/07 Fri 8/17/07 0% Document Software Tech Lead - 17 Design Review 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Software Tech Lead - 17 Design Review 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Hardware Hardware 17 Design Review 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Engineer1 Hardware 17 Design Review 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Engineer2 17 Design Review Software Engineer 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Systems 17 Design Review 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Engineer1 17 Design Review QA Engineer1 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% 17 Design Review QA Engineer2 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0%

21 17 Design Review QA Lead 8 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Weekly Status 19 Project Manager 0 hrs Mon 8/20/07 Mon 8/20/07 0% Reports Change Request 20 Project Manager 16 hrs Tue 8/21/07 Wed 8/22/07 0% Forms Create functional Test 22 QA Engineer1 40 hrs Tue 8/21/07 Mon 8/27/07 0% Plans Create performance 23 QA Engineer2 16 hrs Tue 8/21/07 Wed 8/22/07 0% Test Plans Hardware 25 circuit board 80 hrs Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/10/07 0% Engineer1 Hardware 26 case 120 hrs Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07 0% Engineer2 27 Software modules Software Engineer 120 hrs Tue 8/28/07 Mon 9/17/07 0% Software Code Tech Lead - 28 8 hrs Tue 9/18/07 Tue 9/18/07 0% Review Software Hardware and Systems 29 40 hrs Wed 9/19/07 Tue 9/25/07 0% Software integration Engineer1 30 Integration Testing QA Engineer1 24 hrs Wed 9/26/07 Fri 9/28/07 0% 31 Sanity Check Release engineer1 16 hrs Wed 9/26/07 Thu 9/27/07 0% Systems 32 Unit Test 32 hrs Mon 10/1/07 Thu 10/4/07 0% Engineer1 33 Release-notes to QA Release engineer1 16 hrs Fri 10/5/07 Mon 10/8/07 0% Weekly Status 35 Project Manager 0 hrs Mon 10/8/07 Mon 10/8/07 0% Reports Perform Functional 36 QA Engineer1 40 hrs Tue 10/9/07 Mon 10/15/07 0% Testing Perform Performance 37 QA Engineer2 16 hrs Tue 10/16/07 Wed 10/17/07 0% Testing Produce Functional 38 QA Engineer1 8 hrs Tue 10/16/07 Tue 10/16/07 0% Test Reports Produce Performance 39 QA Engineer2 8 hrs Thu 10/18/07 Thu 10/18/07 0% Test Reports 40 Produce Bug Reports QA Engineer1 8 hrs Fri 10/19/07 Fri 10/19/07 0% 41 Verify Fixed Bugs QA Engineer2 16 hrs Mon 10/22/07 Tue 10/23/07 0% 42 Test Results QA Engineer1 16 hrs Wed 10/24/07 Thu 10/25/07 0% Get Compliance and 43 Product Manager 80 hrs Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07 0% Safety Certification Get Compliance and Tech Lead - 43 40 hrs Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07 0% Safety Certification Hardware Get Compliance and Tech Lead - 43 40 hrs Fri 10/26/07 Thu 11/8/07 0% Safety Certification Software

22 Test/QA Team 45 QA Lead 8 hrs Fri 11/9/07 Fri 11/9/07 0% Signoff 46 Sponsor Signoff VP - Marketing 8 hrs Mon 11/12/07 Mon 11/12/07 0% Release the Product to 47 Product Manager 0 hrs Mon 11/12/07 Mon 11/12/07 0% Manufacturing

23 Cost Baseline

Fixed Baseline Cost Actual Remaining ID WBS Task Name Cost Total Cost Cost Variance Cost Cost 1 1 Onefish Twofish $0.00 $89,840.00 $89,840.00 $0.00 $0.00 $89,840.00 2 1.1 Requirements phase $0.00 $4,200.00 $4,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,200.00 3 1.1.1 Project Charter $0.00 $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,200.00 4 1.1.2 Preliminary Project Scope $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 5 1.2 Design/Planning phase $0.00 $38,400.00 $38,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38,400.00 6 1.2.1 Scope Statement $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 7 1.2.2 Stakeholder Analysis $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 8 1.2.3 Work Breakdown Structure $0.00 $3,480.00 $3,480.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,480.00 9 1.2.4 Project Management Plan $0.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,000.00 10 Human Resource Management Plan $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 11 Responsibility Assignment Matrix $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 12 Cost Baseline $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 13 Project Schedule $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 14 Risk Response Plan $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 15 1.2.5 Hardware Design Document $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 16 1.2.6 Software Design Document $0.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,000.00 17 1.2.7 Design Review $0.00 $3,920.00 $3,920.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,920.00 18 1.3 Development phase $0.00 $26,680.00 $26,680.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26,680.00 19 1.3.1 Weekly Status Reports $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 1.3.2 Change Request Forms $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 21 1.3.3 Test Plans $0.00 $2,240.00 $2,240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,240.00 22 Create functional Test Plans $0.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 23 Create performance Test Plans $0.00 $640.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 24 1.3.4 Hardware Prototype $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 25 circuit board $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 26 case $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 27 1.3.5 Software modules $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 28 1.3.6 Software Code Review $0.00 $600.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 29 1.3.7 Hardware and Software integration $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 30 1.3.8 Integration Testing $0.00 $960.00 $960.00 $0.00 $0.00 $960.00 31 1.3.9 Sanity Check $0.00 $640.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 32 1.3.10 Unit Test $0.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 33 1.3.11 Release-notes to QA $0.00 $640.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 34 1.4 Testing/QA phase $0.00 $18,480.00 $18,480.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,480.00 35 1.4.1 Weekly Status Reports $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 36 1.4.2 Perform Functional Testing $0.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 24 37 1.4.3 Perform Performance Testing $0.00 $640.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 38 1.4.4 Produce Functional Test Reports $0.00 $320.00 $320.00 $0.00 $0.00 $320.00 39 1.4.5 Produce Performance Test Reports $0.00 $320.00 $320.00 $0.00 $0.00 $320.00 40 1.4.6 Produce Bug Reports $0.00 $320.00 $320.00 $0.00 $0.00 $320.00 41 1.4.7 Verify Fixed Bugs $0.00 $640.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 42 1.4.8 Test Results $0.00 $640.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 Get Compliance and Safety 43 1.4.9 Certification $0.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,000.00 44 1.5 Closure phase $0.00 $2,080.00 $2,080.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,080.00 45 1.5.1 Test/QA Team Signoff $0.00 $480.00 $480.00 $0.00 $0.00 $480.00 46 1.5.2 Sponsor Signoff $0.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 47 1.5.3 Release the Product to Manufacturing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

25 Cost Baseline Graph

Onefish Twofish Cost Baseline

100,000 90,000 Requirements Phase 80,000 70,000 Design/Planning Phase 60,000 Development 50,000 Phase 40,000 Testing/QA 30,000 Phase 20,000 Closure Phase 10,000 0 Project Phase

26 Risk Types Project Risks:

 Cost Risk  Schedule Risk  Scope Risk

Product Risks:

 Technical: o Hardware Risk o Software Risk o Product Integration Risk o Performance Risk o Resource Risk

 External: o Vendor Risk

 Responsibility & Liability Risks:

o Safety Risk o Regulatory Compliance Risk o Legal / Patent / Copyright Risk.

27 Risk Response Plan

Strategies/Actions *Impact *Probability (Avoidance, Status Risk Affected to Priority ID Of Transference, Owner (O or Description Area/s Project Occurrence Mitigation, C) Acceptance)

1 Project scope can Scope Low High 6 Avoidance through Project O change due to weekly meetings Manager schedule delays. Mitigation through regular assessments

2 Resource allocation / Schedule Low Medium 7 Avoidance by buy- Project O hiring in functional in from managers / Manager areas can cause leads project schedule Mitigation by delays. closely monitoring progress

3 Hardware issues and Schedule Medium High 1 Avoidance through Tech Lead - C bugs leading to delays Cost hw design & Hardware in availability of Quality schematics review, hardware prototype. early proto board bringup & hw test Mitigation by using hw simulation tools

4 Vendor delays in parts Schedule Low Medium 8 Avoidance through Project C availability can communications Manager, interfare with the with vendor Tech Lead - project schedule. Mitigation through Hardware multiple/alt vendors

5 Software flaws or Schedule Medium High 2 Avoidance by Tech Lead – C bugs leading to Cost thorough design and Software, feature / performance Quality code review process Tech Lead - 28 Strategies/Actions *Impact *Probability (Avoidance, Status Risk Affected to Priority ID Of Transference, Owner (O or Description Area/s Project Occurrence Mitigation, C) Acceptance) issues causing delay in Mitigation by QA schedule or reduced having bug review feature set of product. meetingd, using debuggers & static analysis tools to quickly fix bugs. Acceptance that there will be some minor software flaws

6 Hardware & Software Schedule Medium High 3 Avoidance through Systems C Integration issues Cost quality engineering Engineer leading to change in Quality Mitigation by hardware or software. testing early using simulators

7 Cost over-runs for the Cost Low High 5 Avoidance by Project C entire project due to following best Manager additional costs for practices and weekly hardware, software, meetings. testing or vendor Mitigation through parts due to schedule compressing comression (through schedule crashing and/or fast tracking) or other unforeseen circumstances.

8 Obsolescence of Schedule Low Low 11 Avoidance by Project C vendor parts can having multiple Manager, cause delays. parts sources. Tech Lead – Hardware

29 Strategies/Actions *Impact *Probability (Avoidance, Status Risk Affected to Priority ID Of Transference, Owner (O or Description Area/s Project Occurrence Mitigation, C) Acceptance)

9 Safety issues since it Cost Low/Medium High 4 Avoidance by strict Tech Lead - C is a children’s learning Quality quality testing QA toy. Transference by taking an insurance policy in case of a severe issue

10 Regulatory Quality Low Medium 9 Avoidance through Tech Lead - C Compliance issues for identifying QA the product to be sold regulatory in different compliance needed. geographies.

11 Legal issues related to Schedule Low Medium 10 Avoidance through Project O corportorate, Cost diligence Manager, safely/compliance, Mitigation by Legal Rep trademarks & patents. following up with legal department.

*Affected Area/s: Enter area of potential impact: Scope, Quality, Schedule, Cost *Probability: Enter probability of occurrence: Low, Medium, High *Impact: Enter severity of consequences: Low, Medium, High *Status: Open (O) or Close (C)


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