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Harrison County Schools
Curriculum Guide for Reading
Course Name: 6th grade reading Grade Level Targeted: 6 th Grade Unit (s): 1-5
Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments Unit 1 –Theme: M.S. = main selection courage B.S. = book share Week 1-6 “content connections”: H = health Sci=science SS=social studies Tech = technology link (1)How do you RD-O6-2.0.5 Paragraph Summarize 2.5 summarize a passage? Students will summarize Passage Note taking information from a What are the key facts to paragraph, a section of a Summary Suffix 1.3 place in note taking? passage, or an entire Summarize MS: The Challenge passage. DOK 2 Essential H: “How to be a Good Sport” information BS Selection Test/ weekly skills test http://www.wwnorton.com/litweb/glossary/welcome. htm
(2)What is the use of RD-O8-5.0.4 Making judgments Evaluate 2.8 Primary sources guide words? Students will analyze the Guide words 2.7 author’s use of literary What are primary devices in a passage (e.g., MS: Passage to Freedom sources used for? symbolism, irony, SS: “A Mother’s courage How do you make analogies, imagery, BS judgments within a text? figurative language). Selection test/ weeks skills test No longer at 6th or 7th. Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/lit_terms/ http://homepages.wmich.edu/~cooneys/tchg/lit/adv/m etaphor.html
(3) How do you read an RD-O6-2.0.7 Predict/infer 2.7 Sequencing 2.7 article? How will the Students will make MS: Climb or Die predictions, draw skill of prediction help conclusions, make SS: Battling Everest me as a reader? generalizations or make BS inferences based on what is Selection test/ weekly skills test read. DOK 3 (4)How will making RD-O6-1.0.4 Monitor/ clarify;Predictions 2.7;Taking notes;Word predictions help us Students will formulate families 1.2 1.1 comprehend? questions to guide reading. MS: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle SCI: “Alone Against the Sea” BS Selection test/ weekly skills test http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english/re adingnonfict/index.shtml
(5)Repetition of the RD-O7-5.0.7 Predict/ Infer 2.7;Connect/Compare 5.2 5.3;Skill questions asked in the Students will evaluate the Review;Theme connections 4.1 effectiveness previous 4 weeks of Monitoring Student Progress organization MS: Rosa Parks: My Story or format in H: Making a Difference fulfilling the Review lessons 1-4 purpose of a Preparing for tests passage. KY core content aligned assessments Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments No longer at 6th grade. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/bitesize/sta ndard/english/close_reading/index.shtml
(6) What are the Literary RD-O6-2.0.2 Evaluate 3.2; Understanding poetry 2.3; Pref/suf 1.3 elements? Students will identify and http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/Virtualit/fiction/elem describe characteristics of short stories, novels, poetry ents.asp or plays. http://www.learner.org/exhibits/literature/ DOK 2 Various poems by Dunbar, Frost, Soto
WRITE A POEM THEME 2 RD-O6-3.0.6 Fact/opinion 3.6; Questioning 1.4; “WHAT REALLY Students will distinguish Suffix 1.3;Outlining 5.7 HAPPENED?” between fact or opinion. http://www.nflrc.hawaii.edu/aboutus/ithompson/irene (7)What is the /strategyframe.htm difference between fact and opinion? How do MS: Lost Temple of the Aztecs you formulate question? Sci: Raising Royal Treasures BS Selection test/ weekly skills (8) How is knowing the RD-O6-2.0.8 (e.g., “loaded” words, Summarize 5.4; Inference 2.7; How to read a poem difference between Students will explain the connotation, and 2.8; homophones meaning of concrete and denotation). literal and figurative abstract terms, based on the Concrete MS: The girl who married the Moon language beneficial to context from a passage (e.g., Abstract Sci: “images of the Moon” learning the content of “loaded” words, Connotation Selection Test/ Weekly skills test for theme 2 the material? connotation, and Denotation denotation). DOK 2 context (9) How will the RD-O6-2.0.1 Monitor/ clarify 1.4; Text organization 5.7; students Identify the Students will identify or Categorize info 5.8; Suffix 1.3 Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments main ideas? explain the main idea of a MS : Dinosaur Ghosts What is the best way to passage. DOK 3 Sci: Doctor Dinosaur organize the http://www.stlcc.cc.mo.us/mc/academiccenter/main_i information? dea.htm http://www.ccis.edu/departments/CAE/studyskills/ma inidea.html http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palma sola/rcmi1.htm Selection tests/ weekly skills test (10)How do RD-O6-5.0.8 of text features, (e.g., Monitor and clarify 1.4; Connect/compare 4.1; organizational patterns Students will explain or subheadings, bullets, Theme connection analyze how the use of text fonts, white space, help you comprehend? features, (e.g., subheadings, layout, charts, Monitoring Student Progress bullets, fonts, white space, diagrams, labels, Reread selections where necessary layout, charts, diagrams, pictures, and Vocab review labels, pictures, and captions) Integrated theme tests captions) enhances the KY CC Aligned assessment reader’s understanding of a passage. DOK 3 (11) What are the RD-O6-2.0.3 literary elements (e.g., Summarize 2.5; Literary elements 2.3; Plays; literary elements? What Students will identify or characterization, Compound words explain literary elements setting, plot, theme, is the difference (e.g., characterization, point of view) http://web.cocc.edu/lisal/literaryterms/elements_of_li between a story and a setting, plot, theme, point of terature.htm play? view) in a passage. DOK 3 http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/Virtualit/fiction/elem ents.asp MS: The Diary of Anne Frank “A Better Mousetrap” http://users.aber.ac.uk/jpm/ellsa/ellsa_contents1.html Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments WRITE A GROUP PLAY
THEME 3: RD-O6-2.0.6 Predict 2.7; Generalizations; Skim/scan 1.5 GROWING UP Students will apply the 1.6thesaurus information contained in a (12) How do you skim passage to accomplish a MS: Where the Red Fern Grows and scan information? task/procedure or answer H: Puppy Love How do you apply questions about a passage. Selection test information to other Weekly skills test situations? (13) How will RD-O6-1.0.3 word parts (prefixes, Evaluate;Making inferences; Suffix –ed,-ing understanding suffixes Students will apply the suffixes, roots) MS: Last Summer with maizon meanings of word parts help you learn more (prefixes, suffixes, roots) to “poetic power” words? comprehend unfamiliar selection test words in a passage. DOK 2 weekly skills test http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/vclass/terms.htm
(14) What is the point of RD-O6-2.0.7 Suffixes 1.3; parts of speech in a dictionary making generalizations? Students will make MS : The challenge predictions, draw conclusions, make H: “How to be a Good sport” generalizations, or make BS inferences based on what is Selection test/ skills test read. DOK 3 http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=588
(15) How do you RD-O6-3.0.3 Clarify 1.4; Decision Making; How to Read Sci; analyze a conflict? Students will explain or Prefix 1.3; Connotations 1.2 analyze how a conflict in a passage is resolved. MS: The View From Saturday DOK 3 SCI: Homegrown Butterflies Selection test: weekly skills test Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/virtualit/fiction/cultu ral.asp http://www.worldbook.com/features/aawriters/html/i ndex.html
(16)Repetition of RD-O6-3.0.4 Compare/contrast 5.2; Questioning 1.4; previous week’s Students will identify details Comprehension that support the main idea questions. or explain their importance REVIEW in a passage. DOK 3 Monitoring Student Progress Skill review Reread necessary items Theme tests KY CC aligned assessment test THEME 4: RD-O6-3.0.7 Evaluate 1.4; Author’s viewpoint 3.7; Fluency; DISCOVERING Students will identify or Suffix 1.3 explain an author’s opinion ANCIENT about a subject. DOK 2 MS: Lost Temple of the Aztecs CULTURES Sci: Raising Royal Treasures (17) How do you BS recognize the author’s Selection test/ skills test opinion? http://www.ipl.org:2000/div/natam/ http://voices.cla.umn.edu/newsite/ http://www.ibiblio.org/cheryb/women/wlit.html
(18) How can synonyms Summarize 2.5; Cause and effect 3.6; Timeline 3.6; and antonyms help you RD-O6-1.0.1 Suffix – ion –ation; Synonyms 1.1 comprehend text? Students will apply MS : The Great Wall knowledge of synonyms or Tech: Building Ancient Rome antonyms to comprehend a Selection test/ weekly skills test Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments passage. DOK 2 http://www.glencoe.com/sec/writerschoice/vp/msless ons/grade8/lesson5/popup.php3?id=21
(19) How will skimming RD-06-1.5 1.6 Main idea 2.1; Details 3.4; Read a diagram 5.7; and scanning make me a Students will scan to find Skimming; scan key information. Students better reader? will skim to get general MS: The Royal Kingdoms of Ghana Mali and Song meaning of a passage. SS: “Daily Life of Ancient Greece” DOK 1 BS Theme test: skills test http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/reading/techn iques/skimming/index.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/reading/techn iques/scanning/index.shtml (20) How many RD-O6-1.0.2 Multiple meanings 1.2; Summarize 2.5; Compare/ meanings does a word Students will select, based connect 4.1 on context, the appropriate have? How does this meaning for a word that has Monitoring student progress knowledge help you as a multiple meanings. DOK 2 Reread previous week material based on tests reader? Preparing for tests Ky CC aligned assessment http://www.americanfolklore.net/
(21) How do various RD-O6-5.0.3 literary devices (e.g., Genre selections; Predict/infer 2.7; Myths; Pre/suf genres introduce the Students will identify symbolism, irony, 1.3; Words from myths literary devices (e.g., analogies, imagery, literary elements? symbolism, irony, analogies, foreshadowing, MS: Arachne the Spinner; guitar solo; How Music imagery, foreshadowing, figurative language). was fetched out of Heaven figurative language). DOK http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/9903/mo 2 nsters/map.html http://legends.duelingmodems.com/ Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments WRITE A MYTH http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/mff/mythsw shop_index.htm http://library.thinkquest.org/C0118142/index2.ht m
THEME 5: DOERS RD-O6-3.0.5 Summarize 2.5; Propaganda 3.9; Roots; antonyms 1.1 AND DREAMERS Students will distinguish MS: A Kind of Grace between informative and (22) What is the persuasive passages. Music: “A Real Jazzy Kid” difference between Selection test/ weekly skills informative and http://campus.murraystate.edu/academic/faculty/Kevi persuasive passages? n.Binfield/genres_technique_white.htm
(23) What is the RD-O6-1.0.7 Predict/infer 2.7; Interpret; Problem solving; difference between Students will interpret Skm/scan 1.5,6; Mult. Meanings 1.2 literal and non-literal literal and figurative meanings of words or MS: Under the royal Palms language? phrases, based on context. SS: “Help Wanted” DOK 2 BS Selection test/ weekly skills test http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/glossary/in dex.htm
(24) How does the RD-O6-3.0.1 Compare/contrast 5.3; Questioning 1.4; Suffix 1.3 character dictate the Students will explain the MS: chuck Close, Up close relationship between events story line? in a story and a character’s Fine Arts: “different Strokes” behavior. BS DOK 3 Selection test; weekly skills test Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments (25) How is the Predict 2.7; Author’s purpose 3.2 identifying the author’s RD-O6-3.0.2 Monitoring progress purpose a necessary Students will identify or MS: Yolanda’s Genius element of explain an author’s purpose KY CC alignment assessment in a passage. DOK 2 understanding the http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/narrowba content? nd/english.shtml?personification
(26) What is the purpose Various speeches from the text book of a speech? RD-O6-3.0.8 Students will identify the WRITE A SPEECH argument or supporting evidence from a passage. DOK 2 (27) How are themes RD-O6-5.0.1 Cause/effect 5.3; Identifying themes; Technical and ideas developed in a Students will identify the ways article; Prefix/analogy in which similar themes, ideas literary work? and concepts are developed in more than one literary work. MS: The adventures of Sojourner Tech link: “Little boy Big Idea” BS Selection test/ weekly skills test (28) How is the meaning RD-O6-5.0.5 Evaluate; Follow directions; Author’s choice 5.5; of a story influenced by Students will evaluate the Prefix 1.3 author’s word choice, style, the author’s choice of content, or use of literary MS; Franklin R. Chang-Diaz words and style? elements. Sci: “Build and Launch a Paper Rocket” BS Selection test/ skills test http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/litgloss/default2.htm Essential Questions Kentucky Content Activities toward Core Content and Course Objectives Version 4.1 Assessments (29) CTBS TESTING
(31-36)READING THE The rest of the year will Assessments every 4 chapters NOVEL - Joey Pigza core content in practice Swallowed the Key Vocabulary Comprehension Main idea (32) Vocabulary Comprehension Main idea Locating key ideas (33) Vocabulary Comprehension Main idea Author’s purpose (34) Conflict resolution
(35) Text to student