HRS Step B Documentation
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S HRS Step B - Person Data
EBCNVB Program to create the Banner Person Tables.
Input Files:
ETFILE HRS Master Table File EAFILE HRS Employee Master File EBFILE HRS Corporation Master File EKFILE HRS Employee Key File EPFILE HRS Position Control Master File CARDFL EBCNVB Parameters
Input Data Map:
HRS Step B Map – Person Data
Extract Files:
GOBTPAC Pin Numbers GOREMAL E-mail Addresses NBRBJOB Assignment Repeating Base Table NBRJLBD Assignment Labor Distribution Repeating Table NBRJOBS Assignment Repeating Table PDRBCOV Beneficiary Coverage Repeating Table PDRBENE Dependent and Beneficiary Repeating Table PEBEMPL Employee Base Table PEBGREV Grievance Data PEBHSIN Health & Safety Incident Table PERAPPT Faculty Appointment Data PERBARG Employee Bargaining Unit Table PERETOT Employee Monthly Earnings Totals Repeating Table PERFMLA Family Medical Leave Act Usage Table PERGRDS Grievance Description Table PERGRPA Grievance Participants Table PERJTOT Employee Monthly Job Totals Repeating Table PERLEAV Employee Leave Balances Repeating Table PERRANK Faculty Rank Table PERREVW Employee Review Type Repeating Table PHR1042 1042 Reporting Table PPRCERT Person Certification Repeating Table PPREXAM Person Exam Repeating Table PPRPUBL Published Works Table SORPCOL Prior College Table SORDEGR Prior College Degree Table SORMAJR Prior College Major Table SPBPERS Basic Person Base Table SPRADDR Address Repeating Table SPREMRG Emergency Contact Repeating Table
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SPRIDEN Person Identification/Name Repeating Table SPRINTL International Employee Repeating Table SPRMEDI Person Medical Information Repeating Table SPRTELE Telephone Table
Output Data Map:
HRS Step B Pos. – Person Data
Control Record:
PGM=EBCNVB columns 1-10 Optional Date columns 12-21 mm/dd/yyyy CORP=nnn columns 23-30 nnn = corporation for selection purposes DATE=mm/dd/yyyy columns 32-46 mm/dd/yyy employment on/after date; Recommend current fiscal year begin date. CY=nnnn columns 48-54 nnnn = calendar year represented by current year figures in HRS; Defaults to year of execution. MO=nn columns 56-60 nn= month to post calendar year to date figures in Banner; Defaults to month of execution. JOBS=xxxx…xx columns 62-80 List up to fifteen job groups for selection purposes; Spaces indicates all job groups are to be selected; All job groups should be selected for final conversion processing.
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FLSA Parameter Records:
BK=x columns 1-4 x = a salary schedule id in the HRS application FLSA=x columns 6-11 x = C (cash basis FLSA) A (accrual basis FLSA) N (FLSA exempt) Multiple FLSA parameter records may be entered (one per salary schedule id). If a salary schedule id is not entered on an FLSA parameter record the appointment is defaulted as FLSA exempt. ` Special Processing:
In addition to the special processing given below, no records will be written for any employee unless there is at least one assignment matching the job group selection criteria with an end date on or after the selection date, unless there is a job group root record (205 segment) matching the job group selection criteria with a last pay date (MF-LAST- PAY-DATE) within the calendar year specified on the control record.
GOBTPAC Do not create extract records when MF-PIN-NUMBER = spaces. GOREMAL Create record for MF-BUS-EMAIL-ADDR as e-mail code ‘WORK’, do not create if spaces; Create record for MF-PERS-EMAIL-ADDR as e-mail code ‘PERS’, do not create if spaces. NBRBJOB Do not create records which have ended prior to selection date or do not match job selection criteria. NBRJLBD Do not create records which have ended prior to selection date or do not match job selection criteria. NBRJOBS Do not create records which have ended prior to selection date or do not match job selection criteria. PDRBCOV No special logic. PDRBENE Special routine to split name into first, middle and last components. PEBEMPL Special logic to determine primary earnings class, leave category and FLSA indicator. PEBGREV Do not create record if MF-GRV-FILE-NUMBER is spaces. PEBHSIN No special logic. PERAPPT Do not create if MF-FAC-TENR-DATE is zeroes. Do not create when MF-FAC-EEO-TENR-STAT is ‘N’ and the second character of MF-EEO-OCCUPATION-CODE is not ‘1’’ or ‘2’. PERBARG Do not create record if MF-U-BU-ENTRY-DATE is zeroes. PERETOT Do not create record if total earnings and hours from all earnings records (300 segments) is zeroes. PERFMLA Default leave end date as 365 days from begin date if not specified. PERGRDS Do not create record if MF-GRV-FILE-NUMBER is spaces. Do not create record if MF-GRV-COMMENT is spaces. PERGRPA Do not create record if MF-GRV-FILE-NUMBER is spaces. PERJTOT Do not create records if both MF-PAY-AMT-YTD and MF-PAY-HRS-YTD are zeroes. PERLEAV Create records for vacation (PERLEAV-CODE ‘VAC ‘), personal leave (PERLEAV- CODE ‘PLVE), full-salary sick leave (PERLEAV-CODE ‘FSSL’) and half-salary sick leave
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(PERLEAV-CODE ‘HSSL’). Do not create records if balance and fiscal-year-to-date used fields are zeroes. Compute PERLEAV-BEGIN-BALANCE = balanced plus hours used. PERRANK Do not create record if MF-FAC-EEO-RANK is zeroes. PERREVW Do not create record if MF-REVIEW-DATE is zeroes or less than the date of execution. Do not create record if record does not match job group selection criteria. PHR1042 Create up to five records per employee based upon income categories having current calendar year-to-date non-taxable earnings which are non-zeroes. PPRCERT Create records when MF-CLE-SEGMENT-TYPE is ‘C’. PPREXAM Create records when MF-CLE-SEGMENT-TYPE is ‘E’. PPRPUBL No special logic. SORPCOL Create on record per college. Do not write record if MF-DEGREE-INSTITUTION value duplicates a prior value for the employee. SORDEGR No special logic. SORMAJR Do not create record if MF-DEGREE-MAJ-FIELD is spaces. SPBPERS Concatenate first, middle, last name in directory style for field SBPERS-LEGAL-NAME. SPRADDR Create record for home address (SPRADDR-ATYP-CODE ‘HH’’) when MF-HOME- LINE1 not spaces. Create record for mailing address (SPRADDR-ATYP-CODE ‘HM’) when MF-MAILING-ADDRESS-1 not spaces. Special logic to split city and state information into separate fields. SPREMRG Special routine to split name into first, middle and last components Special logic to split city and state information into separate fields Create second record for employee if MF-EMERG-PHYSICIAN is not spaces (SPREMRG-RELT-CODE ‘DR’). SPRIDEN No special logic. SPRINTL Do not create record if both MF-ENTRY-VISA-TYPE and MF-CURR-VISA-TYPE are spaces. SPRMEDI No special logic. SPRTELE Create one record for home telephone (SPRTELE-TELE-CODE ‘HOME’) when MF-HOME-PHONE not zeroes. Create one record for fax number (SPRTELE-TELE-CODE ‘FAX ‘) when MF-FAX-NUMBER is not spaces or zeroes. Create one record for pager number (SPRTELE-TELE-CODE ‘PAGE’) when MF-PAGER-NUMBER is not spaces or zeroes. Create one record for work phone (SPRTELE-TELE-CODE ‘WORK’) when either MF-WK-PHONE-1 or MF-WK-PH-1-EXT is not zeroes or spaces.
Error Messages:
EJCNVB JCL to run migration program. EJCNVB_FTP JCL to move extract files to the Banner Database server.
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