Whangaparaoa College Integrated Studies One Unit Outline
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Whangaparaoa College Integrated Studies One Unit Outline Unit Theme: Relationships Curriculum Levels: 4-5 Duration: 10 weeks Year Level: 9 Big Questions Key Concepts Learners will understand: 1. What was the attitude of the British colonists to the native Australians? Relationships – between Australia and New 2. What ideas lay behind this attitude? Zealand, Australians and their environment and 3. How did the colonisation of Australia impact on the Aboriginal people? the relationship between a colonising power and 4. How has the relationship between Australia and New Zealand changed over indigenous people. time? Interrelationships – between Australia and New Zealand economically and socially. 5. What is the relationship between the Australian people and their environment? Australians and their environment. Interdependency Colonisation Segregation Inequality Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Knowledge Skills Social Science: Learners will be able to: Social Science: LEVEL FOUR Describe and explain some different types of Students will gain knowledge, skills and relationships that exist in society. - Mapping skills experience to: - Cartoon analysis -Understand how exploration creates Identify the relationship between Australia and opportunities and challenges for people, places New Zealand. English: and the environment. -Visual Text essay writing -Understand that events have causes and effects. Interpret cartoons about the relationship between skills. -Understand how formal and informal groups NZ & Australia. -Construction of static image make decisions that impact on communities. using skills and conventions. LEVEL FIVE Understand the problems of drought and -Understand how cultural interaction impacts on bushfires in Australia and the relationship Assessment cultures and societies. between the people and the climate. Social Science: -Understand that people move between places SS 9.1 Skills – Interpreting and how this has consequences for the people Accurately map features of Australia. maps and the places. -Understand how the ideas and actions of people Understand aspects of Indigenous Australian English: in the past have had a significant impact on culture. Assessment 9.5 Visual Text people’s lives. Essay: Students will write an -Understand how people define and seek human Be able to explain what is meant by “The Stolen essay which names and 1 rights. Generation”. explains a theme in Rabbit Proof Fence and provide English: Write an essay about the main ideas in the film examples from the text of LEVEL FOUR Relate ideas from the film to our own society when this theme was Listening, Reading, and Viewing. Make a static image based on the ideas of demonstrate/shown/portrayed inequality in the film . Processes and strategies: Students will: English: LEVEL FIVE (yes I know! More throat Assessment 9.8 Create a Integrate sources of information, processes, and slitting goop ………) Static Image: Students will strategies confidently to identify, form and construct a static image that express ideas. Processes and strategies: reflects a theme in Rabbit Indicators: Students will: Proof Fence. Scenario/ -recognise and understand the connection Integrate sources of information, processes, and Purpose: Their audience is between oral, written, and visual language strategies purposefully and confidently to high school students using a identify, form and express increasingly school library. The static Purposes and audiences: sophisticated ideas. images might be displayed -show an increasing understanding of how texts Indicators: there. are shaped for different purposes and audiences. Recognises, understands and considers the Indicators: connections between oral, written ane visual -students can recognise and understand how language texts are constructed for a range of purposes, -thinks critically about texts with understanding audiences and situations. and confidence.
Ideas: Purposes and audience -show an increasing understanding of ideas -show and understand of how texts are shaped within, across, and beyond texts. for different purposes and audiences. Indicators: Indicators: -students make meaning of increasingly complex -recognises, understands, and considers how texts by identifying and understanding main and texts are constructed for a range of purposes, subsidiary ideas and the links between them. audiences, and situations. -recognises that there may be more than one -identifies particular points of view within texts. reading available within a text. -makes and supports inferences from texts with Ideas increasing independence. Show an understanding of ideas within, across and beyond texts. Language features: -show an increasing understanding of how 2 language features are used for effect within and Indicators: across texts. -makes meaning by understanding increasingly Indicators: comprehensive ideas in texts and the links -student can identify oral, written, and visual between them features used and recognises and describes their -makes connections by exploring ideas within effects. and between texts from a range of contexts -uses an increasing vocabulary to make meaning. -recognises that there may be more than one -hows an increasing knowledge of how an range reading available within a text of text conventions can be used appropriately and effectively. Language Features Show an understanding of a range of structures. Structure Indicators: -show and increasing understanding of text -identifies oral, written, and visual language structures. features and understands their effects Indicators: -uses an increasing vocabulary to make meaning -students can understand that the order and -understands how a range of text conventions organisation of words, sentences, paragraphs, work together to create meaning and effect. and images contribute to and affect meaning in a -understands that authors have different voices range of texts. and styles and can identify those differences. -students can identify an increasing range of text forms and recognises and describes their Structure characteristics and conventions. Show an understanding of a range of structures. Indicator: Speaking, Writing and Presenting -identifies and understands the characteristics Processes and strategies and conventions of a range of text forms and Students will: considers how they contribute to and affect text -integrate sources of information, professes, and meaning. strategies confidently to identify, form and express ideas. Speaking, Writing and Presenting Indicators: Processes and strategies -student can use an increasing understanding of Students will: the connection between oral, written, and visual Integrate sources of information, processes, and language when creating texts. strategies purposefully and confidently to identify, -seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to form and express increasingly sophisticated improve clarity, meaning, and effect. ideas. - reflective about the production of own texts: Indicators: monitoring and self-evaluating progress, -uses and increasing understanding of the 3 articulating learning with confidence. connections between oral, written, and visual language when creating texts Purpose and audiences -creates a range of increasingly varied and -show an increasing understand of how to shape complex texts by integrating sources of texts for different purposes and audiences. information and processing strategies Indicators: -seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to -the student constructs texts that show an improve clarity, meaning and effect awareness of purpose and audience through -is reflective about the production of own texts: deliberate choice of content, language, and text monitors and self-evaluates progress, articulating form learning with confidence.
Ideas Purposes and audiences Selects, develops, and communicates ideas on a Show an understanding of how to shape texts for range of topics. different audiences and purposes. Indicators: Indicators: -student forms and communicates ideas and -constructs a range of texts that demonstrate an information clearly. understanding of purposes and audience through -student adde or changes details and comments deliberate choice of content, language and text to support ideas, showing thoughtful selection in form the process. -the student’s ideas show increasing awareness Ideas of a range of dimensions or viewpoints. Select, develop, and communicate purposeful ideas on a range of topics. Language features Indicators: -Use a range of language features appropriately, -develops and communicates increasingly showing an increasing understanding of their comprehensive ideas, information, and effects. understandings Indicators: -develops ideas by adding details or making links The student uses a range of oral, written, and to other ideas and details. visual features to create meaning and effect and -ideas show an awareness of a range of to sustain interest. dimensions and viewpoints. -uses a range of vocabulary to communicate precise meaning Language features -demonstrates a good understanding of spelling Select and use a range of language features patterns in written English, with few intrusive appropriately, showing an understanding of their errors. effects. -Uses a range of text conventions, including 4 grammatical conventions, appropriately, Indicators: effectively, and with increasing accuracy. -uses a wide range of oral, written, and visual -writes without loss of legibility. language features to create meaning and effect and to sustain interest Structure -uses an increasing range of vocabulary to -organise texts, using a range of appropriate communicate precise meaning structures. -uses a wide range of text conventions, including Indicators: grammatical and spelling conventions, Students achieve some coherence and appropriately, effectively, and with increasing wholeness when constructing texts. accuracy. -student can organise and sequence ideas and information for a particular purpose or effect. Structure -Uses a variety of sentence structures, Organise texts using a range of appropriate, beginnings, and lengths for effect. effective structures. Indicators: -achieves a sense of coherence and wholeness when constructing texts -organises and develops ideas and information for a particular purpose or effect, using the characteristics and conventions of a range of text forms. YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA THAT’S OVER
5 Key Competencies Thinking: Identification of Dominant ideas and Crucial Factors in a point of view-idea/ situation/ course of action/ piece of visual, oral or written text/issue. Dominant Ideas: these are identified and listed. Crucial Factors: these are the “hitching posts” which hold a person’s attitude or judgement in place about a point-of-view or idea. Once these are identified they can be removed or “visually rubbed-out” to allow for a delaying or suspension in student judgement so that they can investigate without their personal perceptions clouding the way.
Eg: Students could investigate the behaviour of the British colonisers of Australia to the Aborigines. The dominant courses of action would then show up the dominant ideas/attitudes/perceptions allowing this behaviour. This would in turn lead students to being able to identify the “hitching posts” or crucial factors that the British colonisers or Aborigines held on to. Once these have been identified then students could start with a clean slate to investigate the bringing together of British and Aboriginal society or any two vastly different civilisations. The crucial factors or “hitching Dominant posts” that these societies may Dominant courses of action ideas/attitudes/perceptions that have had. allowed this behaviour Our White skin is superior Our civilisation is more Aboriginal society has nothing to advanced offer us.
Eg 2. Students wear uniforms - remove the ‘Hitching-posts” and explore
The Dominant ideas behind students wearing m c T r h
uniform are: a u e k c Some students will feel embarrassed if they don’t
i i h n a i g l
t have nice mufti to wear.
c t
o s h t i u t n h d g e e
p n c o o t s s u
t r w
s i d e e
e Students need discipline a
o a r
f s u
a n t h c i f t a o i o t r
n m a
r – . e
6 Using Language, Symbols, and Texts. Watch a film (Rabbit Proof Fence) and write an essay Read and interpret Cartoons – history skills Managing Self Students will have to manage their time as they construct/carry out their assessments. Relating to Others Learning intention 2 suggests a role-play showing typical stereotypes. Students will need to co-operate and communicate with each- other to create a successful role-play. Participating and Contributing Students could approach the Whangaparaoa Public Library to display their static images about themes relating to Rabbit Proof Fence.
Learning Success criteria: Resources and suggested activities: Home Learning: intentions: I can… I am learning to… 1. Understand Complete Smartboard file on FC Collage posters showing what vocabulary (Titled ‘Lesson 1’) relationships, relationships, maps http://www.visuwords.com/?word=interdependence interrelationships and interrelationship explaining interdependencies s and relationships, interdependency interrelationshi mean and ps and identify interdependen examples of cies each 2. Understand Create a role- what play showing http://www.visuwords.com/?word=stereotype stereotypes are typical Use Inspiration/Smart stereotypes Ideas to make thinking Make a thinking organiser organiser about stereotypes
7 3. Know and Explain to Round robin activity Internet research understand others the Internet research examples of rivalry between http://www.visuwords.com/?word=rivalry relationships Australia and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia-New_Zealand_relations that exist New Zealand between Australia and Explain how New Zealand Australians and New Zealanders work together 4. Interpret Understand the Cartoons on FC Find a cartoon and cartoons relationships NZ Herald website (www.nzherald.co.nz ) create a set of (Unfamiliar between NZ & questions for another Text) Australia Cartoon interpretation Assessment -SS learner to answer Pose questions about the cartoon about cartoons. 5. Understand Discuss the Resources on FC Find current news the relationship issues Bushfires news reports items about drought, between Australians http://clearlyexplained.com/nature/earth/disasters/05extrainfo.html bushfires in Australia Australians and face with their http://science.howstuffworks.com/wildfire.htm their climate climate – http://www.yprl.vic.gov.au/homework/bushfires.html drought, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drought_in_Australia bushfires http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/drought/livedrought.shtml
6. Know how to Correctly label Assessment standard – on FC use a map to a map of gain information. Australia Draw and use showing major maps to convey features information. Complete 9.1 Skills assessment – locate and label information 8 about Australia. Interpret a map of Australia 7. Gain an Compare FC resources Create own Dreamtime understanding of Indigenous Boomerang assignment story Indigenous Australian Myths Make and decorate a Australian myths with http://aboriginalart.com.au/culture/dreamtime3.html boomerang culture through Maori ones – http://aboriginalart.com.au/culture/dreamtime.html myths. Be able could also http://aboriginalart.com.au/culture/dreamtime2.html to explain the compare with http://www.janeresture.com/polynesia_myths/newzealand.htm Dreamtime. Roman/Greek http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/M/MaoriMythsAndTraditions/SourcesForMaoriLe myths – gends/en relating back to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maori_mythology previous work Make a Venn Diagram about myths Make a story about your own Dreamtime Make and decorate a boomerang – fly it in class time (on the field!) 8. Understand Be able to Webquest (on FC) Research the differing describe the Textbook views and easy first white http://professionalteachers.nsw.edu.au/members/mwilkins/britishcol/hotlist.ht of living of the Australians m British and http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/australianhistory/ Indigenous Australians
Interpret http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/politics/stolen-generations.html pictures of
9 Indigenous Australians showing the way that they were treated 9. Understand Describe the Work from the textbook Blog entries how Indigenous Stolen FC Resources Australians were Generation Blog on FC treated unfairly Study the film http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=eWjGteDg9VE (If it doesn’t come up enter: by the English Rabbit Proof Rabbit Proof Fence unwanted third race into YouTube) settlers in Fence and Australia complete a film study 8. Write a Complete a Rabbit Proof Fence Viewing log/blog literary essay variety of Assessment – essay about the film activities during http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0252444/plotsummary Rabbit Proof the viewing of http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0252444/ Fence the film, for http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=eWjGteDg9VE THIS IS AWESOME!!!! discussing example: flow character, charts, (If it doesn’t come up enter: Rabbit Proof Fence unwanted third race into theme or plot. character YouTube) maps, reading logs… Complete a series of activities on essay writing to improve understanding of how to write an essay 9. Make a static Create a static Paper, collage materials etc Bring materials for image to show image about http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/resources/exp_lang/visual_intro.htm Static Image the main issues the issue of the l in the film Stolen http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/resources/exp_lang/static_images.h Rabbit Proof Generation tml
10 Fence 9. Research the Make a Internet research Research current situation presentation for Indigenous about the Australians current race relations situation in Australia. Formulate own questions about race relations.
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities: Vocabulary maps to explain the ideas of relationships etc. Use Smart Ideas to create a mind map (in groups) about stereotypes Look at cartoons about the relationship between Australia & New Zealand – on FC. Revise cartoon techniques from earlier in the year Living with drought – research how Australians deal with drought. Make a ‘drought action plan’ Make news items about bushfires – get learners to make their own news reports in groups – each learner has a different role; for example newsreader, expert in the field, reporter at the scene, cameraman… Present reports to the class and film them using the Smartboard as the backdrop. Teach mapping skills – use maps of Australia before completing assessment Design and make boomerangs as a Home Learning assignment Write stories about the Dreamtime Film Study – Rabbit Proof Fence Complete prediction activities based on the film posters
Character maps (like a role on the wall) – Molly, Mr Neville
For more ideas and resources, see the ‘Relationships’ folder in First Class. Assessments: SS9.1 Social Science Skills – Interpreting Maps - Learners interpret maps and answer the questions provided. - Answer questions about bushfires etc – resources on FC E9.5 – Character/plot/theme assessment essay 11 - An essay based on an important character/plot/theme from the film Rabbit Proof Fence.