Jan Perry Evenstad, Ph
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Jan Perry Evenstad, Ph.D. 10740 Fairway Vistas Ct Littleton, CO 80125 (303) 904-2463 (303) 556-3337 work (303) 904-2463 home (303) 905-3570 cell Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Doctorate 2003 University of Denver, Denver, Colorado Educational Administration & Leadership
Dissertation Title: Disaggregating Colorado Student Assessment Program Data: Implications for Predicting Educational Equity
Master of Science University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming Business /Education, Personnel Training and Development
Thesis Title: Analysis of Selected Job Duties, Work Experience, and Educational Background of Personnel Training Directors
Bachelor of Arts University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming Secondary Education, Social Studies and Coaching
Certification Colorado: Administrative Certificate
ADMINISTRATIVE Recruitment, supervision, budget preparation; policy development; project coordination, personnel/human resource and professional development (state and school district levels)
TRAINING and Professional Development
Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator for GESA (Generating Expectations for Student Achievement) Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator for SAGE (Student Achievement Grounded in Equity) Olweus Bully Prevention Program Trainer SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Certification
Perry Evenstad, J. (2013). An Update on Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments: Admissions, Sexual Harassment, and Athletics in Higher Education. To appear in Cuaderno de Investigacion en la Educacion, 28(December 2013).
Reinhardt, M. & Perry Evenstad, J (2011) She has great spirit: Insight into relationships between American Indian dads and daughters. Manuscript submitted for publication. Beyerbach, b., Burell, M., Cosey, B., Perry Evenstad, J., Grayson, D., Parsons, D., & Ramalho, T. (2009). Assessing the Impact of GESA (Generating Expectations for Student Achievement) on Teachers, Preservice Teachers, and K-12 Students. In Davis, R. D., London, A., & Beyerbach, B. (Eds), “how do we know they know?’ (pp. 199-210). New York: Peter Lang.
Reed, D., Fox, L. H., Andrews, M. L., Betz, N., Perry Evenstad, J. , Harris, A., Hightower- Parker, C., Johnson, J., Johnson, S., Polnick, B., & Rosser, P. (2007). Gender equity in testing and assessment. In Klein, S. S., Richardson, B., Grayson, D., Fox, L. H., Kramarae, C., Pollard, D. S., & Sawyer, C. A. (2nd ed.), Handbook for achieving gender equity through education (pp. 155-169).
Acknowledged for consultation on: (2002). The Jossey-Bass reader on: Gender equity. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Beyerbach, B., Burrell, M., Cosey, B. J., Grayson, D., Parsons, D., Perry Evenstad, J. & Ramalho, T. (2009) GESA (Generating Expectations for Student Achievement) Impacts on Teachers, Preservice Teachers, Administrators, and K-12 Students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA (April 2009)
Reinhardt, M. & Perry Evenstad, J. (2008) American Indian father/daughter relationships and the shared civic responsibility for American Indian Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY (March, 2008)
Perry Evenstad, J. (2006). Disaggregating data: Which boys and girls are in the reading achievement gap? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA (April, 2006). ARTICLES
AGELE News, Winter 2005, Unveiling the Equity Needs of Students by Disaggregating Test Score Data.
Jackson, J. and Perry, J: "The Personnel Training Director", Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 8, no 6, 1984.
2008 CDE-Request For Information: Closing the Achievement Gap 2002-2008 RFP for Equity Assistance Center at Colorado State University (1.8million) 1989 Human Relations Proposal in Higher Education for Montclair State College (NJ) 1985-1988 Mountain West Educational Equity Center Title IV and IX program proposal for funding and annual reports to the United States Department of Education 1980 Upward Bound Proposal for funding (Trio Program)U S Department of Education Curriculum activities used by the National Women's History Project curriculum training MATERIALS, MANUALS AND CURRICULUMS
Title IX Trainer of Trainers Train the Trainer Model: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Bullying in Schools The Equitable School Model and Surveys Literacy, learning, and gender equity It's Not Black and White" What You Should Know About Racial Harassment in Schools A Kiss is Just a Kiss (sometimes): What You Should Know About Sexual Harassment in Schools Title IX 1995 Manual, Collaborative effort with Region VIII Desegregation Assistance Center, Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Community Colleges Occupational and Education System, Colorado High School Activities Association, and the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
August 2009 -Present Metropolitan State College of Denver, Department of Elementary , Secondary, Linguistically Diverse, & K-12 Education, Assistant Professor
February 2008 Montana State University, Undergraduate Teacher Education Class- Gender Equity and Title IX (undergraduate)
2007 - 2006 Colorado State University - Counseling Education – Title IX and Gender Equity: It’s for everyone (graduate)
Fall 2004 Colorado State University Multicultural and Special Populations (graduate)
Fall 1998 – Spring 2000 Metropolitan State College of Denver Process of Education in Multi-Cultural Urban Secondary School (undergraduate) Field Experience in Multi-Cultural Urban Secondary School (undergraduate)
Higher Education Academic Advising
08/2009 – present Metropolitan State College of Denver, Department of Elementary , Secondary, Linguistically Diverse, & K-12 Education, Assistant Professor
12/1988-2/1990 Montclair State College (University), Montclair, NJ, Educational Opportunity Fund Program, Professional Services Specialist TRIO Program, First Generation College Students and recent immigrants
1/1979-8/1983 University of Wyoming, TRIO Programs, Assistant Director, Counselor/Teacher First Generation College Students
Teaching Experience K-12
1979 -1980 Non-Traditional Alternative School, Secondary Social Studies, UW Upward Bound, Laramie, WY
1980.1981 Worland High School, Worland, WY Secondary Social Studies and Assistant Basketball Coach
1981- 1983 Non-Traditional Alternative School, Secondary Social Studies, Upward Bound, Laramie, WY WORK EXPERIENCE
2009- present ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Department of Elementary, Secondary, Linguistically Diverse, & K-12 Education, Denver, Colorado 2002-2008 SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, Interwest Equity Assistance Center, Colorado State University; and Adjunct Professor CSU graduate level courses in education 1999- 2002 RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, Interwest Equity Assistance Center, Colorado State University, Denver, CO 1998-1999 SECONDARY STANDARDS SPECIALIST CURRCULUM & INSTRUCTION, Denver Public Schools, Denver, CO 1998-2001 VISITING INSTRUCTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Process of Education in Multicultural Urban Secondary Schools. 1996-1997 PROGRAM GRANT COORDINATOR, Goals 2000 Curriculum Development, NW BOCES, Steamboat Springs, CO 1993-1996 SENIOR CONSULTANT, Educational Equity Programs and ServicesDr. Unit, Jan Perry Colorado Evenstad Department of Education, Denver, CO 1991-1993 CONSULTANT, Educational Equity Programs and Services Unit, Colorado Department of Education, Denver, CO 1990-1991 REPRESENTATIVE, ITT Technical Institute, Aurora, CO 1988-1990 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPECIALIST, Educational Opportunity Fund Program, Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ 1988-1990 EDUCATIONAL EQUITY CONSULTANT, Consortium for Educational Equity, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 1985.1988 EDUCATIONAL EQUITY SPECIALIST, Mountain West Educational Equity Center (DAC), Weber State College, Ogden, UT 1984-1985 1984-1985 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA COORDINATOR, C. Jayne Media Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 1980-1981 TEACHER, Social Studies/Coaching, Worland High School, Worland, WY 1979-1983 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/TEACHER, Upward Bound Program, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
AERA (American Education Research Association)
AGELE (Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education) Steering committee-professional development
ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
CO-NAME (Colorado Chapter of NAME) Current Co-Chair
IBPA (International Bullying Prevention Association)
NAME (National Association of Multicultural Educators)
Perry Evenstad, J. & Sanjurjo, C. Anti- Bullying Strategies. 2013 Great Teachers for Our City Schools National Summit. (April 2013)
Perry Evenstad, Sanjurjo, C. and Butler, L. Preventing Bullying in Our Schools. XII Puerto Rican Congress on Research in Education The College of Education of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. (March 2013)
Perry Evenstad, J. & Baldwin, E. The National Association for Multicultural Edcuation. : I Will Do Better: Fostering Respect in Schools is a project designed to empower future educators to prevent bullying in the classroom and the community by positively influencing the attitudes of their students. The project embodies a potentially nationwide pledge that could move from pre-service teachers to current teachers,parents, students, and the wider community. (December 2012)
Perry Evenstad, J. & Kapushion, B. Reaching Beyond the Summit to Serve Under- Identified Gifted Learners. National Association for Gifted Children. (November 2012)
Perry Evenstad, J. and Kapushion, B. Resching Beyond the Summit to Serve Under- Identified Gifted Learners. National Association for Gifted Children. (November 2012)
Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), Reinhardt, M. (Author & Presenter), Pathways to Respecting American Indian Civil Rights: Education, Health, Nutrition, Justice, Employment, Housing and Other Services, "She Has Great Spirit: Insight into Relationships Between American Indian Dads adn Daughters," The US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, MSUD Denver, CO. (August 8 , 2012).
Perry Evenstad, J., Great Teachers for Our City Schools 5th Annual Summit, "What I Really Should Know About ELL's: Practices to Help Increase ELL Student Achievement"," Denver, CO. (April 12, 2012).
Sanjurjo, C. H. (Presenter), Baldwin, E.-A. S., Perry Evenstad, J., IDEC2012 International Democratic Education Conference, "Issues in Multicultural Education Secondary Ed Class," Alianza Para La Educacion Alternativa; Nuestra Escuela; InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico; Universidad del Turabo, Caguas, Puerto Rico. (March 27, 2012).
Baldwin, E.-A. S. (Author & Presenter), Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), Sanjurjo, C. H. (Author & Presenter), Worthy, S. C. (Author & Presenter), National Association for Multicultural Educators (NAME), "Creating Safe Educational Environments for Multiracial Youth," Chicago, IL. (November 2011).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), Baldwin, E.-A. S. (Author & Presenter), Sanjurjo, C. H. (Author & Presenter), National Association for Multicultural Educators (NAME), "Cultural Relevance in the Development of Effective Teachers: How Student Learn About Their Multiple Dimensions and Those of Others," NAME, Chicago, IL. (November 2011).
Perry Evenstad, J., A Rainbow of Children Conference, "Generating Expectations for Student Achievement (GESA) for Parents," Aurora Public Schools, Peak Academy. (September 17, 2011).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Puertorriqueno De Investigacion en la Educaion: Educacion Equidad Y Diversidad Debates Y Cambios Epistemicos, "Gender Equity: An Update on Single Sex Classrooms/Schools and Academic Achievement," University of Puerto Rico -San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (March 18, 2011).
Baldwin, E. (Author & Presenter), Sanjurjo, C. (Author & Presenter), Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Puertorriqueno De Investigacion en le Educaion: Educaion Equidad Y Diversidad Debates Y Combions Epoistemicos, "Cultural Relevance in the Development of Effective Teachers," University of Pureto Rico-San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (March 18, 2011).
Sanjurjo, C. H., Baldwin, E.-A. S., Perry Evenstad, J., XI Congreso Puertorriqueno de Investigacion en la Educacion, "Culturally Effective Teachers," Centro de Investigaciones Educativas Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Puerto Rico. (March 18, 2011).
Baldwin, E.-A. S. (Author & Presenter), Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), National Association for Multicultural Educators (NAME), "Strategies to Infuse Cultural Relevance," Las Vegas, NV. (November 2010).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), Baldwin, E. (Author & Presenter), Yearly Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, "Strategies to Infuse Cultural Relevance in Teacher Preparation," National Association for Multicultural Education, Las Vegas, NV. (November 4, 2010).
Perry Evenstad, J., Great Teachers for Our City Schools National Summit, "An Overview of Generating Expectations for Student Achievement (GESA)," Urban Teacher Partnership, Denver, CO. (April 16, 2010).
Perry Evenstad, J., Spring Institute, "An Overview of Generating Expectations for Student Achievement (GESA)," Colorado - National Association of Multicultural Educators (CO- NAME), Thornton, CO. (April 8, 2010).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference, "She has Great Spirit: Insight into relationships between American Indian dads and daughters," National Association for Multicultural Education, Denver, CO. (October 31, 2009). Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), AGELE Annual Conference, "Title IX Coordinator Workshop," Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education, Manhattan Beach, CA. (August 1, 2009).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Presenter), Diversity Conference, "Best Practices: An Overview of the Olweus Bully Prevention Program and Cyber Bullying," Omaha Public Schools, Omaha, NE. (June 1, 2009).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Presenter), AERA Annual Conference, "Generating Expectations for Student Achievement (GESA) Impacts on Teachers, Preservice Teachers, Administrators, and K - 12 Students," American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. (April 16, 2009).
Perry Evenstad, J. (Author & Presenter), AERA Annual Conference, "American Indian father/daughter relationships and the shared civic responsibility for American Indian Education," American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. (March 2008).
Professional Memberships
International Bullying Prevention Association. (2004 - Present).
American Education Research Association. (2000 - Present).
National Association of Multicultural Educators. (1999 - Present).
Steering Committee - Professional Development, Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education. (1996 - Present).
Current Chair, Colorado Chapter of the National Association of Multicultural Educators. (1992 - Present).