JULY 2014 final thoughts... in this issue >>> Finding An Agent That’s Right For You Transformation VBS Pictures and Thanks Great news and a Little Fun Blakemore 4.0 Updates Online 4.0 Update Everything you wanted to know about Blakemore 4.0 is always available at http://jody.populr.me/blakemore-4-update Blakemore Staff Reminders of a couple of recent developments: Pastor: Monthly Edition The Trustees have determined that a six-figure investment in new HVAC is not in the Matthew Charlton church's best interests. Because of that, the option of Blakemore 4.0 continuing in its cur- (
[email protected]) rent facility beyond a couple of years is now off the table. Our next options move to re- building at 3601 West End or moving to a new location (to be determined). Minister to Families: Gracie Dugan The Building Committee (aka Trustees) are also conducting a number of listening sessions (
[email protected]) to help discern the priorities for a smaller, more efficient facility. These will continue through June to involve as many people as possible and ensure that the voice of the entire congregation is at the center of this conversation. Music Director: Beth Holzemer We are in the initial stages of drafting a Request For Proposal (RFP), which will go to de- (
[email protected]) velopers to solicit their bids and ideas for the property. We expect this document to be ready by July. You can also view a current timeline at the website. Administrative Assistant: Steffie Misner IMPORTANT! Meanwhile, we as a congregation must address our urgent need to grow Blake- (
[email protected]) In this sense, the Methodist way is to live within more - a couple Sundays back, Gracie preached a powerful sermon from Ezekiel about the re- Blakemore folks, we are in the middle of an in- newed life that is possible through God, even in "dem dry bones”.