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New York City Department of Education s1

Backwards Design Unit Planning New York City Department of Education Magnet Program District 25 & 28

MS217 The Green Magnet School of Careers and Technology

Migration and Cultural Diffusion in India. Trade and Migration: Cultural Diffusion and Sustainable Living in India

Florence Katz

Essential Question: What social and environmental factors shape civilization? NYC: How do geography, economics, people, and key events connect to shape a continent? Suggested Time Frame: 5-6 weeks Theme: Interdependence Backwards Design Unit Planning

Graphic Overview of Unit Suggested Time Frame: 5-6 weeks

Essential Question: What social and environmental factors shape civilization?

Unit name Migration and Cultural Diffusion in India

Mini-unit name Geography, climate and culture of India

Mini-unit name Mini-Units Religion * It is recommended that each mini- unit end with a standardized Mini-unit name test that reflects the state / city Social Structure assessment

Mini-unit name Cultural Diffusion and Conflict

Additional Mini-Units Mini-unit name: Mini-unit name: Creating a Voicethread Optional Presentation week

Unit’s Culminating Project: (briefly explain in 2-3 sentences): Students assume the roles of Indian citizens, incorporating their environment, their castes, social mores, and political roles. Students create a mandala that incorporates their environment, and their social, cultural, political, and economic roles. Students compose a Voicethread about their student-created mandala, explaining its geographical, historical, and cultural significance. Backwards Design Unit Planning Stage 1- Desired Results Standards-Based Learning Goals: 3.1c: Locate the Earth’s continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians 3.1d: Identify and compare the physical, human, and cultural characteristics of different regions and people 4.1a: Know some ways individuals and groups attempt to satisfy their basic needs and wants by utilizing scarce resources 2.3c: Understand how the terms social, political, economic, and cultural can be used to describe human activities or practices 2.2a: Develop timelines by placing important events and developments in world history in their correct chronological order 2.3b: Interpret and analyze documents and artifacts related to significant developments and events in world history 2.4c: View history through the eyes of those who witnessed key events and developments in world history by analyzing their literature, diary accounts, letters, artifacts, art, music, architectural drawings, and other documents 2.4d: Investigate important events and developments in world history by posing analytical questions, selecting relevant data, distinguishing fact from opinion, hypothesizing cause-and- effect relationships, testing these hypotheses, and forming conclusions Concepts Big Ideas for this Unit Magnet School Theme: Environment, Careers and Technology Diversity Migration How does the Big Idea in your unit Interdependence connect to your theme? Perspective Sense of place: Students explore how geography shapes cultures and societies Sustainability: Students explore ways to balance human needs with nature Enduring Understandings Overarching Essential Question: (this Students will understand that: question should connect to your school  We can understand the culture of an ancient theme) civilization by examining artifacts they  What are the social and environmental leave behind factors that shape civilization?  The development of a civilization is determined by social and environmental factors  Social structure and class affect individual experiences and viewpoints  When cultures interact, ideas change, perhaps not for the better. Content and Skills Content - Students will know… Skills - Students will be able to… Geography: deltas, mountains, rivers, Geography. Describe how India was plains,etc.). Subcontinent, Hindu-Kush, influenced by its geography. – Cause & Effect. Himalaya mountains, mountain pass, Identify the subcontinent’s primary geographic Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, monsoon, structures. Interpreting Maps. migration. Use of land and resources. Development of science and technology. History. Research archaeological excavations of the early civilizations to explain how the environment helped shape the civilization. History-Contributions/Achivements. Compare and contrast the achievements and Backwards Design Unit Planning Dynasties/social hierarchies. Trade and contributions of India’s leaders. Describe how cultural diffusion. Mojendo-Daro, citadel, the achievements of the Gupta Empire created Aryan, Sanskrit, founder, migrate, Asoka, India’s golden age conquest, edict. Maurya Empire, Gupta Culture/Religion. Illustrate the emergence Empire and development of social classes Culture. art, music, literature, architecture Analyze how the caste system resulted in Religion: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam. inequity and relate varying viewpoints in Word Work: caste system, Brahman, Indian society. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, avatar, Analyze the development of Hinduism, reincarnation, nirvana, dharma, ahimsa, Buddhism and Islam, and how the spread of meditate, missionary, convert, tolerance, those religions changed the lives of the people. Chandragupta, Siddhartha Gautama, ascetic, enlightenment, Vedas, Buddha, Interpret cultural icons eightfold path, altar, hermit. Mandala

Debate Format

Stage 2- Summative Assessment Evidence If students understand, know and are able to do the items in Stage 1, they should be able to show their understanding by completing an authentic task found in the world beyond the classroom.  Design the Culminating/Summative Task:  Please note: The Essential Question and the Grasp are interconnected. The GRASP is a way for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding unit by answer of the Essential Question. Or you can say, they are answering the essential question through their GRASP.

G- (goal) You will create a mandala that incorporates your environment, and your social, cultural, political, and economic roles. You will compose a Voicethread about your student- created mandala, explaining its geographical, historical, and cultural significance.

R- (role) Students assume the roles of Indian citizens, incorporating their environments, castes, social mores, economic, and political roles.

You are a villager/artist in India of a particular religion in a particular caste of your choosing.

A- (audience) Asia Society – organization based in NYC and the Indian Art Commission

S- (situation) With the advent of technology and consumerism, the ancient cultures are at risk of extinction. The Asia Society and the Indian Art Commission has commissioned you to create a mandala that tells the story of your life in the village. The mandala will be entered as part of a historical art show and competition.

The mandala is primarily an object that is used in religious ceremonies. In the Rig Veda, the mandala is the word for chapter and represents sacred songs that contain the essence of life. The mandala, therefore, represents the container of the universe.

P- (purpose and product) Backwards Design Unit Planning The purpose is to create a mandala that describes the environment, lifestyle, experience, philosophy, and religion of an Indian villager. To accompany your mandala, you will write a description of your way of life, explain why it’s important to preserve a mandala as part of the culture, and a proposal of how to preserve the mandala in a world of technology. You will combine your information with photos of your mandala to create a voice thread.

S- (standards for performance)

You will be judged on the following criteria:  Historical Accuracy - The historical accuracy information represents subject.  Quality of Voicethread - Voicethread is easy to hear/ read and all elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn.  Description of Mandala - The student gives a reasonable explanation of how every item in the mandala is related.  Quality of Proposal - Focused, has a beginning, middle and end, uses vivid words with no grammatical, word usage, or spelling errors. Writing is in paragraphs.  Creativity – the graphics or objects used in the mandala and the Voicethread reflect creativity in their creation and display.  Quality of Construction - The mandala is neat and trimmed. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains.  Use of Time and Effort - Class time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the project. Backwards Design Unit Planning Student Task

With the advent of globalization, technology and consumerism, the ancient cultures are at risk of extinction. The Asia Society and the Indian Art Commission is inviting you to create a mandala that will help sustain cultural identity in an Indian village. The mandala will be entered as part of a historical art show and competition.

A mandala is primarily an object that is used in religious ceremonies. In the Rig Veda, the mandala is the word for chapter and represents sacred songs that contain the essence of life. The mandala, therefore, represents the container of the universe, and depicts a temple for a deity. Your mandala must reflect your culture.

To accompany your mandala, you will write an description of your way of life, explain why it’s important to preserve a mandala as part of the culture, and a proposal of how to preserve the mandala in a world of technology. You will combine your information with photos of sections of your mandala to create a voice thread that explains your work.

First, you will research and write your description. You may use your research to select a deity, and create your mandala. You will then write your description and your proposal. Then, you will draw a storyboard that shows the structure of your Voicethread. You will combine your description and proposal with drawings or pictures of the mandala to record your Voicethread.

Creating your mandala: Your mandala may be 2 or 3 dimensional, but you must sketch first. Draw or create a circle. The circle itself represents your experience. The center of your mandala is your starting point. You will, therefore, draw/create a perfect square with gates at the center of the circle to house your deity. Use samples as a guide. Draw your deity in the center. From the center, you can separate your circle into pie pieces so that your drawings are evenly spaced. Select and add graphics that imply physical environment and culture. All details must face the center. You may use symbols to represent your physical surroundings. All symbols must be justified in your written description.

You will be judged on the following criteria:  Historical Accuracy - The historical accuracy information represents subject.  Quality of Voicethread - Voicethread is easy to hear/ read and all elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn.  Description of Mandala - The student gives a reasonable explanation of how every item in the mandala is related.  Quality of Proposal and Description - Focused, has a beginning, middle and end, uses vivid words with no grammar or spelling errors.  Creativity – the graphics or objects used in the mandala and the Voicethread reflect creativity in their creation and display.  Quality of Construction - The mandala is neat and trimmed. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains.  Use of Time and Effort - Class time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the project. Backwards Design Unit Planning

Preserving History: Creating a Mandala

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Historical Accuracy The historical Most of the historical Much of the historical Historical 20 information information information is accurate information is accurately represents the inaccurate information subject represents subject.

Creativity Several of the One or two of the One or two designs or The student did not 20 graphics or objects graphics or objects objects were made or make or customize used in the mandala used in the mandala customized by the any of the items on and Voicethread and Voicethread student, but the ideas the mandala. reflect an reflect student were typical rather than exceptional degree creativity in their creative of student creativity creation and/or in their creation display. and/or display Quality of The mandala shows The mandala shows The mandala shows some The mandala was put Construction considerable attention to attention to construction. together sloppily. 10 attention to construction. The Most items are neatly Items appear to be construction. The items are neatly trimmed. A few barely just "slapped on". items are neatly trimmed. A few noticeable stray marks, Smudges, stains, rips, trimmed and secure. barely noticeable smudges or glue stains uneven edges, and/or There are no stray stray marks, are present. Nothing is stray marks are marks, smudges or smudges or glue hanging over the edges. evident. glue stains. Nothing stains are present. is hanging over the Nothing is hanging edges. over the edges. Time and Effort Class time was used Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not 10 wisely. Much time wisely most of time. always used wisely, but used wisely and the and effort went into Student could have student did do some student put in no the planning and put in more time and additional work at home. additional effort. design of the effort in class. mandala.

Quality of Voicethread is easy Voicethread is easy Voicethread is hard to Voicethread is hard Voicethread to hear/ read and all to hear/ read and hear/read with rough to hear/ read and one 20 elements are clearly most elements are drawings and labels. The cannot tell what is written, labeled, or clearly written, student gives a fairly happening. The drawn. The student labeled, or drawn. reasonable explanation of student's explanations gives a reasonable The student gives a how most items in the are weak and explanation of how reasonable mandala are related. illustrate difficulty every item in the explanation of how understanding how to mandala is related. most items in the relate items. mandala relate. Proposal and Focused, has a Focused, has Mostly focused, shows Tends stray from the description beginning, middle beginning, middle some structure, uses no subject. Structure is 20 and end, uses vivid and end, uses a few vivid words or has more unclear. No vivid words with no vivid words and has than two errors. words are used. grammar or spelling one or two errors. There are many errors. errors.

Backwards Design Unit Planning Unit’s Essential Question: What are the social and environmental factors that shape civilization?

Mini-Unit Big ideas of the Key Content Skills List of Topical / Mini-Unit Scaffolding Title mini-unit / /Knowledge What should the Content Based Assessment towards the (each mini-unit is concept statement (Important Content students be able to Questions (must be aligned culminating approx 1 week (macro) to Know about, do? (make sure to to the NYS / NYC project long) What is the big vocabulary, the (rule of thumb - amend the exams. It can be a (what can be done idea of this mini- specifics) skills are verbs – essential question test or a quiz - during this mini- unit? (Micro) knowledge is a so that it becomes i.e.: unit to develop the noun) topical for this DBQ Essay; 10 stage 2 mini-unit) multiple choice culminating questions; or 3 assessment (grasp) constructed response questions) Geography/ Interdependence subcontinent, Read and What are India’s DBQ essay Select one of Climate Himalaya interpret a map natural barriers? Based on a map India’s mountains, to determine How do geographical Hindu-Kush how India was mountains affect areas and Khyber Pass, influenced by its climate? How describe how Indus River, geography. did India environmental Ganges, Eastern become a conditions shape & Western Ghats, Determine crossroads of a villager’s life. Thar Desert, cause and effect culture? How Indian Ocean, does the Arabian Sea, environment monsoon, plateau, shape a glacier civilization? History. Early Migration Mojendo-Daro, Research What can we 10 Multiple Create a pictorial Settlement in Harappa, Citadel, archaeological learn from an Choice timeline of India. granary, bath, excavations of excavation? Questions about history using seal, sewer the early Mojendo Daro, drawings of system, terra civilizations Aryans, etc. artifacts cotta, alabaster, Notetaking Aryan, founder, Determine migrate, Indus reliability Valley. Backwards Design Unit Planning Culture and Diversity Reincarnation, Compare/Contra How does DBQ Compare and Religion in Sanskrit, Brahma, st: Explore the religion affect constructed contrast the India Vishnu, Shiva, development of the lives of the response based Hindu, avatar, nirvana, Hinduism and people in a on a quotation Buddhism dharma, karma, Buddhism. region? religions. Select Vedas, alms, and describe a meditate, nirvana, Cause/Effect: religious symbol Siddhartha How the spread from each Gautama, ascetic, of those religion. enlightenment, religions Buddha, four changed the lives noble truths, of the people. eightfold path, altar, hermit, nirvana, pilgrimage Diversity caste system, Illustrate the How did the DBQ Select a social Social Structure Brahman, emergence and caste system constructed class from the Of India tolerance, development of result in inequity response based caste system. Vaishaya, Shudra, social classes and relate on a photo Explain your Kshatriya, Chart the cause varying hardships and untouchable and effect of the viewpoints in advantages from caste system Indian society the point of view of a villager.

History - Asoka, conquest, Compare and How did 10 multiple Debate: Should Cultural Interdependence edict, unify, contrast the Buddhism affect choice questions Indian society Diffusion & monk, stupa, achievements the way Asoka about the golden try to preserve Conflict Chandragupta, and ruled? How did age, etc. the ancient Maurya Empire, contributions of Asoka and lifestyles and Gupta Empire, India’s leaders Chandragupta values or should citadel, golden Describe how differ? How did they accept age, province, the achievements the achievements western culture? monastery, scroll, of the Gupta of the Gupta Write a mural, Zero Empire created Empire create persuasive essay concept India’s golden India’s golden using the debate age age format Backwards Design Unit Planning

Creating a perspective mandala Assume the role How can we use Read and Write a story in Voicethread of an Indian stories to interpret a story the first person, a citizen, understand a villager, incorporating civilization advocating for lifestyles/geogra the preservation phy, historical and/or perspectives, transformation cultural/social of the culture mores, and political roles. Backwards Design Unit Planning

Week at a Glance – Copy as Necessary - WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Geography, climate and Geography, climate Early Settlement Early Settlement Mandala Day - culture of India and culture of India Research Hook: Hook: Hook: Quotation: “We have Hook: Hook: many different Journal Entry: What Pictograph: What Online Mandala Preassessment sheet varieties of fruit…we would you do if there information can you have lemon, limes, was no water left in deduce from this Indian gooseberry, Queens? pictograph? Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: and mango.” Display Think and draw Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Insights/Questions Daily Assessment: Think & Draw Hand signals Monsoon analogy Backwards Design Unit Planning Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams):

DBQ Constructed Response based on a map

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (For example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article)

Describe environmental conditions experienced by a villager. Backwards Design Unit Planning A Week at a Glance – Copy as Necessary WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: History - Mojendo-Daro, Asoka, conquest, Maurya Empire, Gupta India’s Golden Age Assessment Harappa, Citadel edict, unification Empire Hook: Hook: Hook: What do the ancient Hook: Hook: ruins tell us about the ancient civilizations and their lifestyles? Daily Assessment: Weekly Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: 10 multiple choice questions about the golden age, etc.

Weekly Assessment: (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams):

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (for example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article) Backwards Design Unit Planning WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Religion - Hinduism Religion - Hinduism Religion - Buddhism Religion - Buddhism Mandala Day

Hook: Hook: Hook: Hook: Hook: Journal Entry: Journal Entry: Would Journal Entry: What Journal Entry: What are some What does it mean you prefer to rule over makes you sad? Why Start Mandala rules of your religion? Do you to you to “live the universe or to live do you think people follow them? Why or why not? well?” a spiritual life? suffer inside? Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Hand Signals: Hinduism – understand, Analogy prompt: Nirvana is like ____ Insights/Questions don’t understand, not completely sureExit Slip - Hinduism sickness is like __ because ______because ___

Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams):

DBQ constructed response based on a quotation: While he meditated, a wicked god called Mara tried to tempt him by sending his three daughters: discontent, delight, and desire. He resisted them all.

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (for example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article)

They have worked on Mandala. They have created a pictorial timeline of history using drawings of artifacts. Backwards Design Unit Planning A Week at a Glance – Copy as Necessary : WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Social Structure – Caste Cultural Diffusion & Cultural Diffusion & Cultural Diffusion & Mandala Day - writing System Conflict Conflict Conflict Hook: Journal Entry: Hook: What have you Hook: Hook: Journal Entry Hook: Journal Entry learned from your Gallery walk What was your best Choose a caste and a What might happen if certain best friend? Your year and why? religion people weren’t allowed to go worst enemy? Daily Assessment: to school? Daily Assessment: Compare/contrast Daily Assessment: One minute essay: Asoka and Compare/contrast Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: What type of leader Chandragupta Gupta and Mauryan Insights/Questions Concept map –caste system is Asoka? empires

Weekly Assessment: (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams):

Constructed response based on a photo of a complex structure: What achievement resulted in.

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (for example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article)

Selected a social class from the caste system. Explained the point of view of a villager.

A Week at a Glance – Copy as Necessary Backwards Design Unit Planning :

WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Content Focus: Project Day – Description Project Day - Project Day: Proposal Project Day: Project Day: Final Description Hook: Storyboard Voicethread Hook: Debate: Why is it Peer Review Hook: important to preserve a Hook: Hook: Listen to a mandala as part of the Daily Assessment: description of a culture? How would you Demonstration of a Demonstration of mandala preserve the mandala in a online storyboard Voicethread world of technology? Insights/Questions Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Insights/Questions Daily Assessment: Insights/Questions Proposal Quality Insights/Questions

Weekly Assessment: (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams):

Major exam: 25 multiple choice questions

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (for example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article)

Students have completed the project that they will present in a competition the following week. Backwards Design Unit Planning : Backwards Design Unit Planning Unit Resources


Teaching Reading in the Content Areas, Rachel Billmeyer, Mary Lee Barton, ASCD stock #397258


Websites: - practice it - how to make a mandala - make a mandala in Photoshop - mandala coloring pages -color a mandala online - create one online - a sample mandala on Voicethread - great info about India, Hinduism, with online activities Backwards Design Unit Planning Teacher Materials:

Graphic organizer for research Debate format


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