Course Name: Pre AP Chemistry Unit Name: Bonding I Days: 11

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Course Name: Pre AP Chemistry Unit Name: Bonding I Days: 11


Course Name: Pre – AP Chemistry Unit Name: Bonding I Days: 11

Quality Core Objectives:

Unit 11 Bonding I Interpret results and draw conclusions, revising hypotheses as necessary and/or formulating additional I.A.1. Scientific d. Inquiry questions or explanations Write and speak effectively to present and explain scientific results, using appropriate terminology and e. graphics Routinely make predictions and estimations g. Explain why all scientific knowledge is subject to change as new evidence becomes available to the I.A.3. Science in d. Practice scientific community Compare the scientific definitions of fact, law, and theory, and give examples of each in chemistry g. IV.B.3. Intermolecular Describe the characteristics of ionic and covalent bonding a. Forces and Explain ionic stability, recognize typical ionic configurations, and predict ionic configurations for elements Types of b. Bonds (e.g., electron configurations, Lewis dot models) Describe the nature of the chemical bond with respect to valence electrons in bonding atoms c. Explain how ionic and covalent compounds differ d. Describe the unique features of bonding in carbon compounds e. IV.B.4. Orbital Theory Use Lewis dot diagrams to represent bonding in ionic and covalent compounds a. Draw Lewis structures for molecules and polyatomic ions, including those that must be represented by a Applied to b. Bonding set of resonance structures Use VSEPR theory to explain geometries of molecules and polyatomic ions c. Describe how orbital hybridization models relate to molecular geometry d. Describe the molecular orbital models for double bonds, triple bonds, and delocalized pi electrons e. Purpose of the Unit: Students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of the two main types of bonding between atoms. Students will also be able to represent compounds with various visual representations (Lewis structures, electron configurations, VSEPR, resonance structures, etc.)

Prerequisites: Students should be able to:  identify elements as metals and non-metals  identify valence electrons  write electron configurations Daily Lesson Guide Day Les Focus Critical Thinking Engag Assessment and/or son Questions (High Yield / Literacy /LTF/etc.) ement Accommodations Co nte nt and Obj ecti ves 1 * * What holds * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Check/ evaluate the pre-test Ch compounds * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice Bell * Evaluate book problems and emi together? problems Ringer comprehension of article cal * Why do * Pre- Enrichment: Less guidance in Bo compounds test note making, more ndi form? * Take independence in practice ng notes/ problems, discuss prior * model knowledge Ioni proble c ms Bo writing ndi names ng and IV. formul B.3 as .a, * Book b, proble c, d ms IV. (forma B.4 tive) .a * Read about carbon allotro pes 2 * * What are the * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems Pro properties of * Identifying similarities and Bell Enrichment: Less guidance in per ionic differences Ringer note making, more ties compounds * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice * Take independence in practice of and how can problems notes/ problems, more challenging ioni they be model examples in formative c predicted? sampl co * What do ionic e mp compounds proble ou look like? ms nds predict * ing Dra proper win ties g * ioni Agree/ c disagr co ee/ mp rationa ou lize nds proper IV. ty B.3 statem .a, ents b, (forma c, d tive) IV. B.4 .a, b 3 * * How can the * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems Ele electron * Non-linguistic representation Bell * Evaluate students’ ctr configuration * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice Ringer comprehension of the MSDS on of an ion be problems * Take sheet con used to predict notes/ Enrichment: Less guidance in fig behavior? model note making, more ura sampl independence in practice tio e problems, more challenging ns proble examples in formative of ms ion writing s config IV. uratio B.3 ns .b, * c Practic IV. e B.4 writing .a electro n config uratio ns for ions (forma tive) * Stude nts read MSDS sheet on a salt from the lab 4 * * How can an * Synthesis * ACT * Evaluate lab report Lab ionic * Application/ Analysis Bell Enrichment: Student ora compound be * Identifying similarities and Ringer development of lab procedures tor synthesized? differences * Work with less guidance y: * Learning with others in For * Authenticity group mat * Novelty and Variety s of 2- ion * Generating and testing hypotheses 3 to of a compl Sal ete the t lab I.A. * 1.d. Compl e. g ete lab I.A. report 3.d. s g * IV. Comp B.3 are .a, results d IV. B.4 .a, b 5 * * Why do * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems Co covalent * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice Bell Enrichment: Less guidance in val compounds problems Ringer note making, more ent form? * Take independence in practice bo * What are the notes/ problems, more challenging ndi characteristics model examples in formative ng of covalent proble IV. compounds? ms B.3 writing .a, names b, and c, d formul IV. as B.4 * Book .a, proble b ms (forma tive) 6 * * What are the * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems Pro properties of * Identifying similarities and Bell Enrichment: Less guidance in per covalent differences Ringer note making, more ties compounds? * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice * Take independence in practice of * How can the problems notes/ problems, more challenging cov properties be model examples in formative ale predicted? proble nt ms bo writing nds names * and Dra formul win as g * Book cov proble ale ms nt (forma co tive) mp ou nds IV. B.3 .a, b, c, d IV. B.4 .a, b 7 * * How do * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems VS electrons * Non-linguistic representation Bell Enrichment: Less guidance in EP space * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice Ringer note making, more R themselves out problems * Take independence in practice the in a notes/ problems, more challenging ory compound? model examples in formative IV. proble B.3 ms w/ .b names IV. & B.4 formul .a, as c * Book proble ms (forma tive) 8 * * What * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems VS determines the * Non-linguistic representation Bell Enrichment: Less guidance in EP 3 dimensional * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice Ringer note making, more R shape of a problems * Take independence in practice the compound? notes/ problems, more challenging ory * How do you model examples in formative * predict the proble Mol shape of a ms ecu compound? writing lar names geo and met formul ry as IV. * B.3 Model .b 3D IV. shape B.4 s with .a, balloo c, e ns * Book proble ms (forma tive) 9 * * What * Summarizing and Note taking * ACT * Evaluate book problems Hy happens within * Non-linguistic representation Bell Enrichment: Less guidance in bri a compound * I Do-We Do-You Do for practice Ringer note making, more diz when there are problems * Take independence in practice atio s, p, d, and f notes/ problems, more challenging n orbitals model examples in formative IV. present? proble B.3 * What do ms .b double and writing IV. triple bonds names B.4 look like? and .a, formul c, as d, d * Book proble ms (forma tive) 10 * * What can I do * Use clickers to test students’ * ACT * Students participate in review Re to be better knowledge and clarify and bell Enrichment: Less time to solve vie prepared for misconceptions before the exam with ringer problems and limited use of w the exam? immediate feedback. * Use aides I.A. clicker 1.d, s to e, g review I.A. with 3.d, exam g like IV. questi B.3 ons .a, (summ b, ative) c, d, e IV. B.4 .a, b, c, d, e 11 * * Can I * Evaluation * ACT * Evaluate exam Exa demonstrate * Analysis bell Enrichment: No use of m my knowledge * Application ringer supports with exception of I.A. on the exam? * Synthesis * periodic table, periodic table 1.d, Stude will only have element e, g nts symbols, not names. I.A. take 3.d, exam g (summ IV. ative) B.3 .a, b, c, d, e IV. B.4 .a, b, c, d, e

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