Texas Master Gardener Association, Inc
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Unofficial Minutes of the December 5, 2015 Meeting BOARD OF DIRECTORS TEXAS MASTER GARDENER ASSOCIATION, INC. Texas A&M Campus, College Station, Texas Secretary, Nicky Maddams
The following officers were present: President Donna Hagar; 1st Vice President Mary Means; 2nd Vice President Peggy Rogers; Secretary Nicky Maddams, Treasurer Dale Powell, Past-President Dick Coupe and Master Gardener Coordinator Jayla Fry.
Officers and Directors/Alternates from the following associations were present: Bell, Brazos, Cherokee, Collin, Comal, Dallas, Ector/Midland (Permian Basin), Galveston, Grimes, Guadalupe, Harris, Hays, Henderson, Hill, Hood, Jefferson, Johnson, Kerr/Kendall/Gillespie/Bandera (Hill Country), Leon, McLennan, Milam, Montgomery, Nueces, Orange, Parker, San Jacinto, Somervell, Tarrant, Tom Green, Travis, Van Zandt, Victoria, Waller, Wichita, Williamson, and Wood. Visitors included Master Gardeners from the following counties: Collin, Bastrop (Texas Sage), Brazos, Comal, Grimes, Hood, Johnson, McLennan, Milam, Nueces and Victoria. Other counties attended via GoToMeeting.
Call to Order: President Donna Hagar called the meeting to order at 12:31pm. Donna welcomed the 68 directors, alternates and 17 guests in attendance and those following online. Donna extended a special welcome to those attending for the first time and thanked two newcomers who accompanied Pres-President Garey Wylie. Susan Hutchens and Dave Walters of Johnson County helped with the preparation and meeting setup, illustrating a perfect example of how master gardeners are one big family and step in where needed.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: The invocation and pledge were led by Wayne Rhoden, Williamson County.
Moment of Silence: Master Gardener Coordinator Jayla Fry led the attendees in a moment of silence in memoriam for Dr. Doug Welsh’s son, who passed on November 18, 2015. Donna Hagar advised that the TMGA had sympathy cards available for everyone to sign.
Introduction of Speaker: Master Gardener Coordinator Jayla Fry to present our speaker. Jayla introduced Dr. Justin Scheiner, an Extension Viticulture Specialist at Texas A&M University. Dr. Scheiner discussed genetically modified crops and genetic engineering. Following his presentation, Dr. Scheiner made numerous draws for grapevine giveaways.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Dale Powell, Denton County advised that complete records are available online and kept current in real time. Prior to today’s meeting, an audit was performed and records approved. Report posted for audit. We have a balance of $39540 and currently have 6556 members paying dues. Approval of Minutes: President Donna Hagar asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the August 1, 2015 as posted on the TMGA website and emailed to the membership. Being none, the minutes were approved as posted.
The Gardens Update: Chairman Garey Wylie, Johnson County thanked all the associations and individuals who have pledged and donated to make this dream come true. Donations were received from Milam County (Little River) $7,600, Harrison County $500, Hays County $1,000, Denton County $3,000, Johnson County $1,500, San Jacinto County $300, Free State/Van Zandt $100, Galveston County $ 2,000 and Comal County $1,000. $125,440 has been raised just one year into a three-year commitment to raise funds for the naming rights to the Earth-Kind® Gardens within The Gardens at Texas A&M University. Each participating county in attendance was presented was given a Belinda’s Dream rose plant, which was the first Earth- Kind rose.
Standing Committee Reports:
Awards: Beth Turlington, Wichita County advised that everything is online. She recommended reading the handbook thoroughly, even twice. Dues must have been paid by March 1, 2015 to be eligible. Beth encouraged members to call with any questions. The submissions window will be January 4-29, 2016. Entering early permits time for errors can be rectified. Two questions that have arisen are: Where do websites go, the answer being in the Education category. Secondly, on occasion the smart screen filter says “unsafe to unload”, which can be allowed by changing browser settings to allow specific site, which is known to be safe.
Conference Planning: Homer Babbitt, Parker County, announced exciting news for 2016 and 2017 and turned the floor over to Jim Ewoldsen of Collin County. Jim announced the 2016 Conference is going to be in a show barn with red dirt floors and people need to be aware of this and bring appropriate footwear. Speakers will present from two stages in the big barn with round tables for everyone to sit by main stage talks. There will be a reception, numerous vendors, the annual awards banquet, tours, workshops, tours of the research gardens, and more at Myers Park, which is 168 acres. Registrants are encouraged to spend the weekend before and after in the area, exploring the many areas of interest. Nine continuing educations units (CEU’s) will be available.
Nicky Maddams, Waller County and MG Coordinator Jayla Fry presented a bid for the 2017 Conference to be hosted by the TMGA aboard a cruise ship. The cruise would take place April 27-May 1, 2017, for four days, leaving out of Galveston with a stop in Cozumel. The costs were presented, possible excursions were acted out by Master Gardener volunteers and the floor was opened to questions from the Directors. Barbara Porsch, Permian Basin made a motion to approve the cruise, which was seconded by a Master Gardener from Hill Country.
Newsletter/Website Nicky Maddams, Waller County advised that the website is still in transition and being updated with changes frequently. Jayla Fry advised that the website has not received as much attention as hoped as she has assigned Nicky the websites for three upcoming conferences. Jayla announced that her office has extended an offer of employment to Nicky which would see a positive impact on responses from her office and increased changes which her current workload has not permitted. Nicky advised that there would be a Holiday Newsletter edition coming out in mid- December to encompass both December and January.
Outreach: Donna Hagar, Somervell County spoke for Outreach Chair Eleanor Tuck, reminding all that rosters and charters are due January 31, and dues must be received by the Treasurer no later than March 1, 2016; forms available on website. Eleanor and her committee will start seeking out 15, 20, 25 year tenure members to be honored at the state conference.
Tax: Wayne Rhoden, Williamson County, advised that he received an updated letter from the IRS verifying which counties are covered by our group exemption 503(c)3. Tax information and IRS forms may be found on the website.
Unfinished Business: No unfinished business was presented.
New Business: Donna Hagar, announced that Jane Bowman, Williamson County makes TMGA patches which can be affixed to garments, hats, etc. Donna asked if a member who quilts would donate their skills and time to make a t-shirt quilt from the shirts of the late Brenda Cunningham which could be offered for raffle at the state conference.
Master Gardeners from Comal and McLellan Counties announced events upcoming in their respective associations. These announcements were encouraged to be submitted to the newsletter and website so everyone may hear about them.
State Master Gardener Coordinator Update: Jayla Fry, Master Gardener Coordinator advised her email address has changed to [email protected]. She no longer received mail sent to the previous address. Jayla provided an update on online MG training which is continuing with seven pilot counties (7), one of which is a brand new association. These people are being trained in a non-traditional way and we need to reach out and bring them into the fold, locally and at the state level.
Jayla made a presentation to outgoing president Donna Hagar which she considered bittersweet as the Executive Committee and the TMGA has been blessed with dynamic, committed people like Donna Hagar.
Introduction of New Executive Committee: Nominating Committee Chair and Past-President Dick Coupe, Dallas County, presented the slate of new officers: Mary Means (Collin County), President; Peggy Rogers (Wood County), First Vice President; Nicky Maddams (Waller County), Second Vice President; Pat Allen (Bell County), Secretary and Dale Powell (Denton County), Treasurer. Ray McAllen of Hood County motioned to accept this slate; the motion was seconded by Kathy Murray, also of Hood County. New President Mary Means thanked the Directors for their service and wished all present a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:19pm. A motion was not conducted.
Respectfully submitted, Nicky Maddams, Secretary, TMGA