Youth Engagement Grants Program Guidelines

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Youth Engagement Grants Program Guidelines

Youth Engagement Grants Program

Guidelines Youth Engagement Grants Program


Please refer to the Department of Communities’ website at to access the application form. Contact should be made with the Grants Officer, at the Department of Communities on (08) 6551 8700 to discuss your project before completing the application form. Applications are open on an ongoing basis, however, please allow up to 12 weeks for your project to be considered by the department.

Page 2 of 7 – Youth Engagement Grants Program – Guidelines About the program

The Youth Engagement Grants Program provides grants for local governments and community service organisations to implement projects that engage young people (10–18 years old) in creative ways and help achieve positive outcomes for local young people. Our Youth – Our Future, Western Australia’s Youth Strategic Framework (the Framework) provides a whole of government framework to guide youth program and service planning in an integrated way. The Framework is a commitment to build opportunities for young people and provide support to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. It is also a commitment to acknowledge and respect all young people. The Framework document is available at The Department of Communities has also developed a set of principles to guide the development of youth-friendly communities. A youth-friendly community is one where young people are treated with respect and where they feel safe, welcome and included. It is a community that encourages and recognises the participation and contributions of young people, supports youth development and provides youth-friendly services, facilities and programs. Young people, community groups and government agencies need to work in partnership to support young people’s participation in decision making, planning and services to meet their diverse needs. Projects submitted for the Youth Engagement Grants Program must address the Youth Strategic Framework’s outcomes and follow the ten principles in developing youth-friendly communities. The ten principles document is available at

Program objectives

The objectives of the Youth Engagement Grants Program are to: Develop the knowledge, confidence and skills young people need to be actively involved in community life and to respond to issues impacting on their lives. Provide opportunities for young people to learn and develop life skills to help them to achieve their goals. Promote and/or create environments and accessible services and programs to keep young people well and promote lifelong healthy lifestyles.

What is covered by the grant?

Funding of up to $5,000 is available for one-off activities or initiatives with a duration of up to six months involving one or more partners and that contribute to the achievement of program objectives. E.g. a project involving young people in the planning and delivery of a specific community activity, or workshops for young people to learn and develop life skills. Funding of up to $10,000 is available for longer term (over six months), community-wide strategic initiatives involving a wide range of partners and that contribute to the achievement of the program objectives. E.g. developing community-wide, multi-organisation youth service plans, a youth engagement conference or planning for youth-friendly communities.

Page 3 of 7 – Youth Engagement Grants Program – Guidelines Please contact the Grants Officer to discuss your project and the potential level of funding available.

Funding may be used for:

A range of items directly related to the delivery of the project such as:  transport  equipment/venue hire  food and non-alcoholic beverages  minor administration costs such as postage, phone  purchase of minor capital equipment  publication costs of material created through the project  resource materials and consumable items  publicity, communications and marketing costs

 consultants and/or facilitators

Funding may not be used for:

infrastructure and capital equipment ongoing operating costs of the organisation or costs not directly related to project delivery retrospective costs (any money spent before a grant is approved) projects involving fundraising, unless the funds go back into the project projects that duplicate an existing or similar project/service within the community (projects that build upon an existing program may be considered, but you will need to contact the grants officer to discuss) projects that are traditionally funded through other sources (e.g. school activities or sporting/cultural events) projects that could be delivered as part of the agreed services under a current service agreement/grant the organisation has with DLGC staff wages the cost of prizes or gifts interstate and overseas travel

Assessment criteria

Each application will be assessed against the following criteria: The project will benefit young people aged between 10 and 18 years of age from a broad and diverse target group. The project aligns with the Youth Strategic Framework’s outcomes and youth-friendly community principles, and addresses the grant program objectives (see page 3). Young people are actively involved in the design, planning and running of the project. You may wish to refer to the Department’s Youth Participation Kit for ideas on how to include young people. A range of community sector organisations, local government and government agencies are involved in project planning and delivery.

Page 4 of 7 – Youth Engagement Grants Program – Guidelines Ongoing benefits for young people after the Youth Engagement Grant is spent. Demonstrated ability to make the project happen and be successful. Value for money. E.g. the amount requested is reasonable given the number of young people involved and/or the benefits for young people. The proportion of co-investment made by the applicant, either in cash or in kind. Special consideration will be given to collaborative projects that demonstrate additional financial support and in-kind contributions from partners and which provide innovative approaches to meeting the grant program’s objectives.

Page 5 of 7 – Youth Engagement Grants Program – Guidelines Who can apply

Eligible groups and organisations must be: an incorporated community sector organisation (not–for–profit) a local government authority an unincorporated organisation or community group, applying through the auspice of an incorporated body or a local government authority. A group or organisation is not-for-profit if its governing documents prohibit distribution of profits to individual members while the organisation is operating and on its wind-up.

Who cannot apply

You should not apply for this grant if you are: a Commonwealth or State Government agency an individual a commercial for-profit organisation an unincorporated community sector organisation (unless applying through an incorporated body or a local government authority) an organisation located in the Indian Ocean Territories.

Organisations that have not provided an acquittal and/or evaluation from previous Department of Communities’ grant or program funding in accordance within the agreed time frames, are ineligible to apply until the required documentation has been submitted. Please contact the Department if there are any queries about the organisation’s acquittal status.

How to apply

Step 1. Contact the Grants Officer, Department of Communities, on (08) 6551 8700 or at [email protected] to discuss your project idea and confirm that it falls within the Youth Engagement Grants Program guidelines. There is no question too big or too small Step 2. Download the application form and complete all sections of the document with respect to the proposed project. Step 3. Before submitting an application for assessment, take a moment to complete the checklist at the end of the application form to ensure that all application criteria have been met and all relevant information and attachments have been included. Step 4. Applications can be submitted to the Department of Communities via the following means: Email (preferred): [email protected] Please ensure that a scanned copy of the signed declaration is included with email submissions. If it is not possible to include a

Page 6 of 7 – Youth Engagement Grants Program – Guidelines scanned copy of the signed declaration, please post the original copy to the department within five working days. Please note, as there is a limit to the size of attachments that can be accepted by email, supporting documents can be sent via post. Please make reference to this in the email should additional information be posted. Post: GPO Box R1250, Perth 6844 Fax: 6552 1555 Delivery: Level 13, Gordon Stephenson House, 140 William Street, Perth 6000 Step 5. All applications will be acknowledged via email within 5 business days of receipt. Should you not receive an acknowledgement, please contact the department by telephone or email to confirm that your application has been received.

Assessment and notification

Please allow up to 12 weeks for advice regarding the outcome of your application. All applications will be reviewed against the assessment criteria outlined in this document. All organisations that apply for funding will be notified in writing of the outcome of their submission.

Successful applicants

Successful applicants will be required to report on their projects. Once the project is completed, a final report must be submitted to meet acquittal requirements. Specific reporting requirements for your project will be advised when your grant is approved. Generally, the final report will give a summary of project activities, outcomes and project participants, together with any problems incurred and/or lessons learned, to evaluate the effectiveness of the project against the objectives of the Youth Engagement Grants Program. Final acquittal of your grant also requires a statement of income and expenditure for the project, which must be certified by the authorised signatory of the organisation. Once the project is completed, any unspent grant funds, or grant funds not expended in accordance with the grant agreement/conditions, must be returned to the Department of Communities. The Department will advise you of the process for returning funds following submission of your acquittal documents.

For further information

If you require further information about the Youth Engagement Grants Program or assistance in completing the application form, please contact the Grants Officer. Department of Communities Gordon Stephenson House, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000 GPO Box R1250, Perth WA 6844 Telephone: (08) 6551 8700 Fax: (08) 6552 1555 Freecall: 1800 620 511 (Country only) Email: [email protected]

Page 7 of 7 – Youth Engagement Grants Program – Guidelines Website: Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) – Tel: 13 14 50

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