Burnside Historical Society Inc. NEWSLETTER March 2018 Volume 38, No 1 Website: www.burnsidehistory.org.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/burnsidehistory From My Desk Welcome to the first issue of the Society’s Newsletter for 2018. With the Annual General Meeting coming up in April, please take advantage of the form on page 11 to make a nomination for Committee membership – more Committee members and office holders are badly needed! The SA History Festival will soon be here and you will find the BHS events on page 7. For more information visit historyfestival.sa.gov.au. Due to some major technical difficulties during the production of this version of the Newsletter, you may not be able to open some of the hyperlinks. Many apologies for this - hopefully the problem will be rectified in the next issue. The deadline for the June 2018 issue is Friday 13 April. Contributions should be sent to
[email protected]. Judy Brown (Newsletter Compiler) IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message 3 Vines and Birksgate, a clarification 4 BHS emergency procedures 4 Program of meetings and events 5 BHS SA History Festival 2018 events 7 BHS regional tour 7-9 September 8 Biennial Eastern Regional History Seminar 10 November 8 Link into history 9 AGM Agenda 10 Committee nomination form 11 George Demasius - the man behind Demasius Ltd. 13 Memories of working at Demasius Department Store 17 Membership fees are $45 family and $30 single, due in April each year. Subscriptions may be sent to the Treasurer at the Society’s address, paid at a monthly meeting or by a direct bank transfer.