Executive Meeting Minutes 9/12/11

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Executive Meeting Minutes 9/12/11

P.O. Box 44008 Madison, WI 53744-4008 Tel.- 608.848.1960 Fax- 608.848.9266 Web Site: http://www.ifmadison.org

Meeting Minutes IFMA Executive Committee Meeting Meeting of Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Location: Telephone & Data Systems, Inc. 8401 Greenway Blvd., Suite 230, Middleton, WI 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

Phone Attendees: Ron Rowe, Tom Riffle, Nathan Hanson

Attendees: Mike Schwartz, Kyle Roux, Brett Wedekind, Leah Samson-Samuel, Jim Zirbel, Patty Sweitzer

Item #1: Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. at Telephone and Data Systems, Inc location Ron and Bret motioned to approve the May meeting notes. There was a motion to approve the financials by Jim and Kyle.

Item #2 Officer Reports

 Treasurer (Tom Riffle)

All the Tri-Chapter expenses have been paid. All went smooth.

Mike Schwartz has one receipt for Tom which he will forward.

We still need to square away with the Brewery outing. (Invoice received 6/25/13 and forward to Brett same day for payment)

The Chapter Financial Re-Certifications for Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/2013 received from Headquarters. Tom indicated he has no experience with this process and that Cheryl Weisensel completed in past years. Since Bret Wedekind is the new treasurer he said he would make time to meet with Cheryl to discuss, complete and submit.

Mention of the new laptop for the treasurer surfaced again. It was suggested the Chapter buy a new laptop and quick book software

President (Mike Schwartz)

Mike thanked the executive team. He said the team had a very productive year and the group was fantastic to work with.

Vice President (Kyle Roux)

IFMA – MADISON MAKES YOUR BUILDING WORK P.O. Box 44008 Madison, WI 53744-4008 Tel.- 608.848.1960 Fax- 608.848.9266 Web Site: http://www.ifmadison.org Succession Planning Update: Another meeting is required to finalize the blue print. We have a grandiose blue print. There are at least 15 initiatives we would like to push forward. An achievable list is forthcoming.

Need to verify committee members; then send out survey monkey ballot.

The Ballot for new officers Kyle Roux: President Mike Schwartz: Past President Nathan Hansen: Vice President Treasurer: Bret Wedekind Secretary: Patty Sweitzer

 Immediate Past President (Jim Zirbel)

Jim noted he would not be available to assist at the sponsorship/swearing in ceremony luncheon

Jim asked Mike to finalize the Adhoc awards list and forward to him.

Karyn Biller will swear in new committee.

All out going Committee and Executive leaders get a gift card. It was noted team directors get a $25.00 gift card and the out-going President gets a $75.00 gift card.

 Lunch Bunch (JR Roethke)

Sponsorship Appreciation at the Badger Bowl 11:30 am start time

Member Squad (Roberta Montague)

No report

 Show and Go (Ron Rowe & Jon Schneider)

Last week of the month - touring the Capital

Leah suggested touring the Madison Central Public Library and partnering with WGBA for joint tour. Leah said she will send Ron a note about this.

Pete is working on a July speaker.

 Professional Development Task Force (Brett Wedekind, Leah Samson-Samuel)

Bret is taking over as Treasurer of the chapter so he will be stepping down from the Professional Development Task Force.

IFMA – MADISON MAKES YOUR BUILDING WORK P.O. Box 44008 Madison, WI 53744-4008 Tel.- 608.848.1960 Fax- 608.848.9266 Web Site: http://www.ifmadison.org Mike Schwartz volunteered to be part of the team.

Skills USA (intern working)

Need to determine if web sites calendar will be kept updated. Bret is not getting any updates. It was suggested that COW should keep it current.

The next FMP registration details will appear in the next newsletter.

Need to subsidize the FMP classes and send a check to Milwaukee Chapter by the end of the month.

 Sponsorship Task Force (Barb Milan & Lorelle Micklitz)

Monies are down this year. $11,000.00 vs. $18,000.00. The NEXT YEAR BUDGET needs to reflect this.

 News Crew (Jennifer Hardebeck)

Get your updates in by the last Wednesday of the month.

 IFMA 2.0 (Dick Pearson & Nathan Hanson)

JR is taking over for Nathan. Nathan is moving into Vice President role.

 Team PR (John Desens & Brian Hoffman)

Kyle will reach out to John and Brian to see what’s up.  Community Crew (Doug Sutter & Gene Post)

Kyle will reach out to Doug and Gene to see what’s up. Leah suggested partnering with WGBA – green apple day of service, partner with school – find out what they need. Possibly buy T-Shirts for the volunteers.

Birdie Brigade (Kim Keister)

July 30th Golf Outing

Any other comments;

Patty will reach out to Cheryl Weisensel to find out if UW Credit Union will allow the Executive Team to utilize a conference room for the Executive meetings the second Tuesday of the month. (Cheryl agreed to host for September, October and November)

It was decided IFMIX is done. No longer meeting.

IFMA – MADISON MAKES YOUR BUILDING WORK P.O. Box 44008 Madison, WI 53744-4008 Tel.- 608.848.1960 Fax- 608.848.9266 Web Site: http://www.ifmadison.org The meeting was adjourned by at 10:03 am with a unanimous vote with a vote from Leah and Jim.

Respectfully Submitted: Patty Sweitzer, Secretary


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