We hope that you have found the Education Pack a useful teaching tool.

In order to improve future versions of the Pack, we would very much appreciate your comments. Please help us by filling out this evaluation form, giving us valuable feedback.

Completing the evaluation will take about 15 minutes, and as a token of our appreciation, we will send you the new Ozzy Ozone cartoon book: Ozzy goes farming!

There are 8 sections in the evaluation form.

1. Did you use the Teacher’s Guide? a) Not at all ( ) b) Partly, a little ( ) c) Partly, a lot ( ) d) All of it ( )

If you answered a), why didn’t you use it?

If you answered b) or c) what did you do following the Teacher’s Guide, which parts / activities did you complete?

How many activities did you do with the children?

0 ( ) 1-5 ( ) 6-10 ( ) 11-15 ( ) 16-20 ( )

Which pages did you prefer?

How would you rate the book?

Poor ( ) Fair ( ) Good ( ) Excellent ( )

Which adjective(s) describe the Teacher’s Guide best (choose as many as you like)?

Diverse ( ) Clear ( ) Chaotic ( ) Informative ( ) Easy to use ( ) Timely/topical ( ) Boring ( ) Useful ( ) Difficult ( ) Concise ( )

1 Other comments (e.g. how would you improve it)?

2. Did you use the CD Ozzy-video?

Yes ( ) No ( )

If no, please proceed to question 3.

Did you like it? Yes ( ) No ( )

Did the children like it? Yes ( ) No ( )

Did you talk with the children about the video after watching it? Yes ( ) No ( )

Did children learn something through the video? Absolutely ( ) Probably ( ) No ( )

Why / why not?

Did you find the video useful? Yes ( ) No ( ) I don’t know ( )

Why / why not?

Additional comments

3. Did you use the Ozzy Ozone cartoon book? Yes ( ) No ( )

If no, please proceed to question 4.

Did you like it? Yes ( ) No ( )

Did the children like it? Yes ( ) No ( )

2 Did you talk with the children about the book after having read it? Yes ( ) No ( )

Did children learn something with the book? Absolutely ( ) Probably ( ) No ( )

Why / why not?

Did you find the cartoon book useful? Yes ( ) No ( )

Why / why not?

Additional comments

4. Did you use the calendar? Yes ( ) No ( )

Did you find the calendar useful? Yes ( ) No ( )

Why / why not?

Additional comments

5. Did you use the world map? Yes ( ) No ( )

If no, please proceed to question 6.

3 How did you use it?

Did you find the map useful? Yes ( ) No ( )

Why / why not?

Did you use the Teacher’s Guide with the map? Yes ( ) No ( )

Additional comments

6. Did you use the UV-meter? Yes( ) No ( )

Did you find the UV-card useful? Yes ( ) No ( )

Why / why not?

Did you discuss the results of the measurement with the children? Yes ( ) No ( )

Additional comments

7. Did you use the “Who Knows” Cards? Yes ( ) No ( ) Partly ( )

Did you find the cards useful? Yes ( ) No ( ) I don’t know ( )

4 Why / why not?

Did you discuss the questions and answers with the children? Yes ( ) No ( )

Additional comments

8. Your opinion about the Education Pack?

How would you rate the Education Pack (please make a cross on the line)?

Poor ( ) Fair ( ) Good ( ) Excellent ( )

Which adjective(s) describe the Pack (choose as many as you like)?

Diverse ( ) Clear ( ) Chaotic ( ) Informative ( ) Easy to use ( )

Timely/topical ( ) Boring ( ) Useful ( ) Difficult ( ) Concise ( )

Which were the most useful element(s) of the Pack (choose 2 at most)?

The Teacher’s Guide ( ) Ozzy-video (CD) ( ) Ozzy cartoon book ( ) Map ( ) Calendar ( ) UV-meter ( ) “Who Knows”-Cards ( ) All of them ( )

Which were the most interesting element(s) of the Pack in children’s opinion (choose 2 at most)?

The Teacher’s Guide ( ) Ozzy-video (CD) ( ) Ozzy cartoon book ( ) Map ( ) Calendar ( ) UV-meter ( ) “Who Knows”-Cards ( ) All of them ( )

Approximately how many children participated in the activities using the Education Pack?

1-5 ( ) 6-10 ( ) 11-15 ( ) 16-20 ( ) 21-25 ( ) 26-30 ( ) more ( )

In general, did the children actively participate in the activities? Yes, most of the time ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )

In general, did the children actively participate in the discussion?

5 Yes, most of the time ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )

In general, did the children seem to enjoy the activities? Yes, most of the time ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )

In general, did the children seem to enjoy the discussion? Yes, most of the time ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )

If you didn't do all the parts of the Education Pack, which were the main reasons for not completing it? too complicated ( ) not useful for our purpose ( ) lack of time ( ) the children were not interested ( ) language barrier ( ) other ( ) (please precise)

What did the children learn (please ask the children directly)?

Did you find that something was missing from the Pack?

Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, please precise:

Other comments:

6 Please leave your contact details so that we can send you the Ozzy Ozone cartoon book II: Your name: M. ( ) Mrs. ( ) Ms. ( )



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Kindly email this evaluation questionnaire to [email protected] or fax it to 33 1 44 37 14 74

Thank you for your time!