Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 5

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Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 5

2015 EPISTLE Page 1 Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 5 Holiday Events Page 3 Volunteers Page 6 Council Mtg. Minutes Page 4 Calendar Page 7

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, world even in the face of tragedy, terror, and even Light four candles to watch for death. We were commissioned to bear the burdens of Messiah: let the light banish one another and to live sacrificially. We were united to darkness! He is coming, tell the Christ’s death and resurrection and raised to be a glad tidings. Let your lights be beacon of a better story for our world! The message the shining! ELW 240 world so desperately needs is marked on each of your foreheads. You are a child of the Resurrection! You are Grace and peace to you this Advent! We enter a child of the light and you are empowered by God to this Advent differently than in past years. I write this shine that light before others, boldly, so that they might article in the wake of the terrorist attacks across our see your good works, your good news, and see the face globe and the instantaneous response of fear bubbling of God! up from the media, politicians, my own friends and acquaintances, and even my family. A pit in my stomach This Advent we wait in expectant HOPE, not grew as I heard the news. It didn’t develop out of fear fear, of the one who comes to us in the least expected for my safety, but out of concern that all the Syrian way- as a child seeking refuge in order to bear the refugees would now automatically be type-cast as salvation of all of creation. God breaks into our world terrorists. It also grew out of the fear that we would through flesh and blood to remind us that God comes allow hatred and darkness to claim our world. I was close to us in the face of darkness and fear and afraid that death and destruction would get the final transforms the whole world through light and hope. The word and that fear, rather than hope, would guide our Christ child reminds us that God uses the things of this policies and actions. If you are like me at all, you have world-us-our own flesh and blood- to bear the message been bombarded with the opinions of those around you. of redemption, wholeness, and eternal life. Let your Sometimes we can be a people who, when left to our lights be shining! own devices, live into fear and hopelessness. Pastor Annie That is why I was struck by the timing of the Please join us for massacre. Just before Thanksgiving, right as Christians the St. John’s Men’s 15th Annual around the world will begin to prepare for the Christ child this Advent, a message of death and darkness Chili and Oyster Stew would attempt to penetrate the world so pervasively. Supper Yet, in the coming weeks we will dare to proclaim a more accurate truth in our world! As Christians we Thursday, December 3rd gather around God’s word and meal to proclaim a faith 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm in a hope so brilliant that it shines into even the darkest corners of our world. “For God so loved the world that @ St. John’s Lutheran, Spring Valley he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.” God sent his Meal includes: son into the world in order that it might be saved. From Oyster Stew, Chili, rolls, the beginning God brings us good gifts of life, love, and bars and beverages light. The Gospel of John reminds us from the very Free will offering beginning that God is life and the light for all the people. God is the light that shines in the darkness and the Bake and Craft Sal e darkness did not and will not overcome it! This is our Quilt Raffle hope. This is our faith. Sponsored by the WELCA At Baptism we were claimed by our God and OFFERING ENVELOPES anointed into a life where we were not promised things The offering envelopes for 2016 are available in the would be easy. We were not promised protection and Narthex. Please pick yours up on the way out of church. we were definitely not promised self-preservation. Instead, we received a guarantee that life would in fact be challenging. We were promised that we would be called to loudly and faithfully proclaim God’s love for the LIBRARY REVIEW CHRISTMAS WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED “Times and Seasons” We still need volunteers for the Christmas Eve & By Beverly Lattaye & Christmas Day worship services as follows: Terri Blackstock . Dec. 24, 4 pm – 1 usher and special music. . Dec. 24, 10 pm – 1 usher, 2 acolytes, 5 readers When Mark Flaherty is arrested for selling drugs, the and special music. tightly knit group of friends in Cedar Circle came together . Dec. 25, 10 am – 1 acolyte, 2 communion in a strong show of mutual care and support. Through the assistants, and special music. hands and hearts of this loving community, God moves to If you are able to help, please let the church office know ease the heartache of the Flaherty family. as soon as possible. Lynda Johnson, Librarian WOMEN OF ST. JOHN’S Submitted by Nina Larson LIBRARY DONATION All women of St. John’s are welcome and encouraged to Rose Holerud, formerly of Spring attend all scheduled events. Valley, has kindly donated forty-five  CIRCLE/BIBLE STUDY will not be held in Guidepost hard cover books to our December. We will meet again on January 14, at church library. These books, “Tales 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Beulah Thompson will From Grace Chapel Inn”, are stories about sisters Jane, have devotions and Joyce Brooke will serve as Alice, and Louise, who run a bed and breakfast together. hostess. Pastor Annie will lead our Bible study on Please visit our library and take advantage of these books Mark 1: 16-45. and many others. They are great reading material.  QUILTING will not be held in December. We will Thank you to Rose Holerud for her donated books. They are resume quilting in January on the first and third greatly appreciated. Thursdays from 9:00-12:00. W  BINGO will be on December 1, at 2:00 at the ITH MUCH Spring Valley Health Care Center. THANKS AND APPRECIATION…  QUILT RAFFLE AND BAKE/CRAFT SALE will be  Thanks to our former pastors who came to help us on December 3, along with the Chili/Oyster Stew celebrate our 125th anniversary! supper. Bake/Craft items should be at the church Tha by 4:00 on December 3. nk you for the donation to the Mission  POINSETTIAS will be delivered to shut-ins and Endowment Fund in memory of Howard health care residents during the first week of Murphy given by Richard & Lynda Johnson. December. Thank you for the donation to the Mission CRAFTERS AND BAKERS WE NEED YOUR SKILLS. Endowment Fund in memory of Ed Hanson We hope many of you are planning to donate crafts of given by Richard & Lynda Johnson. all kinds as well as baked goods for our annual sale held Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund along with the Chili/Oyster stew supper on Thursday, in memory of Bill Crownhart given by Richard & Lynda December 3. We appreciate any and all of your Johnson. contributions. Please have items to church by 4:00 on Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund that day. in memory of Adeline Langer given by Richard & Lynda PASTOR ANNIE'S OFFICE HOURS* Johnson.  Monday - 9:30am-12:30pm Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund  Tuesday - 1pm-4pm in memory of Richard Larson given by Richard & Lynda  Wednesday - 9:30am-12:30pm; 3-8pm Johnson.  Thursday - 10am - 2pm Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund  Friday – day off in memory of Robert Weber given by Richard & Lynda *Other times may include meetings, visitations, etc., but Johnson. please call for any additional appointment times outside Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund of these listed hours. in memory of Janet Leinke given by Richard & Lynda COMMUNION BREAD BAKERS NEEDED Johnson. We are looking for volunteers to bake communion Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund bread. Volunteers are responsible for baking the bread in memory of Lyness Anderson given by Keith & Nina for 1 month out of the year. You will be given the Larson. recipe. Please contact the church office at 778-5935 if you are able to help. ST. JOHN’S CHRISTMAS SERVICES ST. JOHN’S NEW FACEBOOK PAGE Christmas Eve Services at: Please Like Us On Facebook! St. John's now has a  4:00 p.m. with Holy Communion "NEW" facebook page. You can find us at:  10:00 p.m. Candlelight Service with Holy St. John's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, WI Communion The new page is listed as a "Church/Religious Christmas Day Service at 10:00 a.m. with Holy Organization" Communion You may notice that there is an old page for our church SV COMMUNITY CHOIR CHRISTMAS that is listed as "Community". We are working to CONCERT have that page removed & are sorry for any confusion. The Adult Community Choir & Children’s We invite you to follow us on our new page and stay up Choir will present “Silver and Gold” on to date on church announcements, events & much th th Dec. 5 at 7:00 pm & Dec. 6 at 2 pm. more. We will also continue to add photos regularly so Both performances are at the Spring Valley please check back often! Stagehands Theatre. Tickets available If anyone has any photos or information about an event online ( or at the at St. John's that they would like to share, please send door. that info to Connie Mann at [email protected] SPRING VALLEY SCHOOL’S SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS HOLIDAY CONCERTS We are looking for volunteers to help students learn The Spring Valley School’s will their parts for the Christmas Program and to assist present their Holiday concerts as with costume assembly. Volunteers are needed on follows: December 6, 13, 20 during Sunday school at 9:00am.  Elementary – Dec. 9th, 1 pm th If you can help, please contact Kate Crogan at 778-  MS/HS– Dec. 15 , 6:30 pm 4705 or just come during Sunday School CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE The Christmas program will be presented on Spring Lake Lutheran Church will be having December 20 during worship. their Christmas cookie sale on Saturday, There will be no Sunday School on December 27 or th December 5 starting at 9am. Let us do January 3, 2016. Have a great Christmas and blessed your Christmas baking for you! Fill a box with New Year. Sunday School will resume on January 10, homemade cookies, candy, and Norwegian goodies 2016. of your choice. THANK YOU to everyone who SPRING VALLEY HEALTH CARE CENTER EVENTS took part in decorating the church . 28 th Annual Holiday Bazaar - Craft items, holiday on the Hanging of the Greens decorations and baked goods will be available at the Sunday. Whether you shook out Holiday Bazaar on December 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 tree branches, hung ornaments, p.m. All proceeds will go to the Resident Council. sang Christmas songs or brought . Lighting of the Circle of Love Wreaths – The wreaths soup, sandwiches, desserts, or will be lit on December 5 at approximately 4:30 pm at beverages for the Soup and the Spring Valley Health and Rehab Center. There will Sandwich meal. Thank You for be a short program and Christmas carols. being a part of our church family. . Volunteer Christmas Breakfast Brunch – Spring Valley Health and Rehab Center invites all those who have WESTCAP AREA FAMILY GIFTS helped by volunteering in any way to attend their Social Concerns is participating in the West Cap Program Volunteer Christmas Breakfast Brunch on Saturday, this year. This year, West Cap is especially looking for December 12 from 9 – 10:30 am. Please rsvp by socks, underwear, t-shirts and sweatshirts for boys and December 10 to Renee Tatzel, Activity Director at 778- girls of all ages. They are also looking for winter 5545, ext. 239. clothing. Please return items by Sunday, December 13. CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS If you would like to do something on your own, you can: Order your poinsettias to share  Drop off new unwrapped toys or winter clothing at nd with St. John’s for Christmas 525 2 St., Glenwood City again this year in honor or  Mail in a monetary donation to PO Box 308, memory of a friend or loved Glenwood City, WI 54013 one by using the form found on  Call in and ask how you can help at 800-606-9227 or the oak cabinet in the Narthex. The cost of each 715-265-4271 poinsettia is $9. Orders are due December 20.  Email your interest in helping out to [email protected] Social Concerns Page 5 St. John’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting November 10, 2015 Belonging to Christ, we are a family of faith, Encouraging spiritual growth and Connecting others to lasting hope. Those present: Phil Hennemann (President), Barb Esanbock (Secretary), Minda Matthys (Stewardship), Kate Crogan (Education), Nancy Cleveland (Worship), Jay Arneson (Trustee), Marsha Brunkhorst (Financial Secretary) Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Phil Hennemann at 7:05 p.m. Opening Prayer: By Council members Approval of Agenda: Motion by Minda Matthys, second by Barb Esanbock, to table Luther Point discussion. Motion carried. President’s Report: Nothing new to report. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Annie’s written report was reviewed. Hours that the church is open and staffed were discussed. Secretary’s Report: Motion by Nancy Cleveland, second by Jay Arneson, to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Reports were reviewed and discussed. Motion by Marsha Brunkhorst, second by Minda Matthys, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried. Review of Bills: Bills were reviewed; no further discussion. Committee Reports:  Stewardship: The Generosity Tree will continue through November. The committee will be meeting with Pastor Annie when she returns. Minda discussed the Generosity Project she attended.  Deacons: Thank you to all who attended Pastor Annie’s Bridal Shower. A family movie night is being planned for January.  Trustees: Bird holes are being patched, outside lights worked on and furnace filters changed.  Education: We discussed the Sunday School wish list and Confirmation.  Worship: Church decorating will occur after service on November 22nd, following a soup and sandwich lunch. A Blue Christmas Service will be held at 5pm on December 13th for those in the community who experience difficulties during the Christmas season. The framing of Tom Gunderson’s church paintings should be done by Thanksgiving.  Social Concerns: Currently working on Operation Christmas Child. The structure of the Social Concerns committee was discussed and will be reviewed and discussed further. Old Business:  Audio Visual Update: The updated proposal is $5,365; we will vote on this at next meeting.  Luther Point Funding: Tabled until next meeting. Page 6 New Business:  2016 Budget: Committees should get their proposed 2016 budgets done and submitted by December 3rd.  Annual Reports: Reports are due by January 10, 2016.  Nominating Committee: The nominating committee has been activated. Members are Kristin Larson, Shelby Crow,  Katie Anderson, Katie Manor. 2 more members are needed; suggestions were given and Phil will contact them. Next Meeting: Scheduled for December 8, 2015, 7pm Adjourn: Motion by Nancy Cleveland, second by Jay Arneson, to adjourn at 8:56 p.m. Motion carried. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted: Barb Esanbock, Secretary

STATISTICAL INFORMATION Attendance: 2015 2014 November 1 117 134 November 8 95 100 (2015 supply pastor) November 15 116 126 November 22 103 109 Giving: General Open Simply Plate Giving November 1 $3,052 $140 $355 November 8 $2,038 $68.50 $15 November 15 $1,285 $25.50 $120 November 22 $2,197 $34 $105 Needed/week: $2,953.22 (2015) Total needed to date this month: $138,801.34 Total received to date this month: $112,745.51 Total budget: (2015) $153,567.27

MISSION ENDOWMWENT FUND This year, St. John’s Mission Endowment Committee was able to send a gift to Henrytown Church in Canton, Minnesota in response to a fire destroying their church. They also awarded scholarships to 2 St. John’s graduating seniors. These gifts were made possible because of donations to the Mission Endowment Fund. During this “gift giving” season, please consider a gift to the Mission Endowment Fund. CHRISTMAS JOY Somehow, not only for Christmas, But all the long year through, The joy that you give to others Is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing The poor and lonely and sad, The more your heart’s possessing Returns to make you glad. -John Greenleaf Winter Page 7

12 – Barbara Anderson 24 – Jesse Boardman Morgan Kivel Nick Klug 1 - Scott Klug Nina Larson 25 – Sydney Kivel 4 – Wylie Brooke Tayson Schlegel 26 - Bailey Manor Connie Mann 14 - Pamela Hanson Beulah Thompson 5 - Grace Anderson Amanda Hines 27 – Amanda Anderson 6 - Joyce Schutz 16 – Samuell Schmitt Jordan Doornink 7 - Aaron Morrow 17 – Sheldon O’Keefe 28 - Kaitlyn Matthys 8 - Ryan Danielson 18 – Dylan Borgschatz 29 - Mitchell Anderson Mary Nelson Roland Larson Kendra Tanberg Stephanie Thompson 21 – William Anderson 30 – Hawken Benson 10 - Amy Howe Sarah Anderson Charlotte Debold 11 - Blayne Gregg Henry Pommier 31 - Avery Crow Diane Johnson 23 - Michael Meyers Dakota Kidd

7 – Charles & Gwynn Lacy 8 – Dan & Ann Larson Spring Valley Community Food Pantry 22 – Chuck & Jan Brictson The Spring Valley Food pantry is available to 29 – Jacob & Dana Benson help anyone in need of food in our area. If you Scott & Kathy Klug know of a neighbor who could benefit from this Nick & Lora Palmer assistance, you may obtain help on their behalf, 30 - Phillip & Dawn Davis keeping this information confidential. Spring Valley Area Food Pantry The holidays are an especially busy time Freezers and a refrigerator are available if you for the food pantry. Remember that all have items to donate requiring this. THANK churches are responsible for stocking the YOU to all who have helped by contributing to food pantry during the holiday season. this cause! Donations may be left in the basket in the Narthex at St. nd th John’s. The Food Pantry is open the 2 and 4 Suggested donations for the SV Food Pantry are: pasta Wednesday of each month from 10 – 11:30 am and sauce, peanut butter, jelly, crackers (graham, and from 4:30 – 6 pm. saltine, etc.), hot & cold cereals, “just add water” mixes, The phone number for the Spring Valley pancake syrup, pasta salad mixes, soups, canned Community Food Pantry is 778-5988. For entrees, canned meats, rice-a-roni, catsup, mustard, treat items, snack size fruit cups, canned fruits, fruit immediate need, please call the Pierce County juice, non-refrigerated pudding cups, baked beans, Food Pantry in Ellsworth at 715-273-2070. They canned vegetables, personal are open Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am to care, items, cleaning products, paper products, noon and Wednesday from 4-6 pm. packaged dinners (macaroni and cheese, tuna/hamburger helper, etc) Page 8 Need A Prayer? Call Beulah Thompson at 778-5542 and our Prayer Chain will go into action! Page 9

VOLUNTEERS If this schedule does not work for you, please try to switch with someone and notify the church office of changes. Thank you!

December Ushers Communion Assistants Acolytes 6 – Jeff Johnson & 6 – Bob & Nancy Kinsman 6 – Maddie Matthys & Max Matthys 13 – Jason Matthys & Jeanne Niccum 24 – 4pm – Marsha Brunkhorst & 13 – Jessica Wildner & Renata Sandve 20 – Kevin & Val Anderson Kathy Miller 20 – Pierce Burr & 24 – 4pm – Jeff Johnson & 24 – 10pm: Nancy Cleveland & Katie 24 – 4pm – Sam Benson & Hawken 24 – 10pm – Jeff Johnson & Manor Benson 25 – Keith & Nina Larson 25 – 24 – 10pm 27 – Rob & Lori Peterson Readers 25 – Clara Gland & Head Ushers 6 – Claire Pommier 27 – Boen Stoiber & Max Schmitt 6 – Bob Kinsman 13 – Darice Butts Coffee Servers 13 – Bob Hanson 24 – 4pm: Chuck Brictson, Marsha 6 – Reese & Laurie Keehr 20 – Craigen Anderson Brunkhorst, Claire Pommier, 13 – Cindy, Christa, Ellen Brorson 27 – Bob Kinsman Beulah Thompson, Tonya Maier, 20 – Education Committee Greeters Madison Maier, Dana Benson, 27 – Jeremy & Stacy Wildner 6 – Shelby Crow & Nancy Cleveland Stacy Burr Nursery Workers 13 – Larry & Laurie Kreibich 24 – 10pm: Chuck Brictson, Nancy 6 – 20 – Pete & Barb Esanbock Cleveland, Beverly Lueth 13 – 24 – 4pm: Mary Hampton & 25 – Earl Gunderson 20 – 24 – 10pm: Virgil & Bev Lueth 27 – Madison Maier 27 – 25 – Hennemann Family Bread Baking 27 – Phil & Laura Hennemann Communion Set-Up/Clean-up Kathy Klug & Wendy Arneson

January Ushers Communion Assistants Coffee Servers 3 – Bob & Nancy Kinsman 3 – Nancy Cleveland & Amy Cady 3 – Richard & Lynda Johnson 10 – Jake & Sam Benson 17 – Kevin Anderson & Kristin Larson 10 – Phil & Laura Hennemann 17 – Kim Brooke & Ben Anderson Readers 17 – Larry & Laurie Kreibich 24 – Marsha Brunkhorst & Shelby Crow 3 – Greg Schmitt 24 – Judy Larrieu & Stacy Burr 31 – David & Elijah Butts 10 – Sam Benson 31 – Sandy & Taylor Lee Head Ushers 17 – Ben Anderson Nursery Workers 3 – Bob Hanson 24 – Marsh Brunkhorst 3 – 10 – Craigen Anderson 31 – Grace Anderson 10 – 17 – Bob Kinsman Acolytes 17 – 24 – Bob Hanson 3 – Jack Brown & Xen Larson 24 – 31 – Craigen Anderson 10 – Blayne Gregg & Elijah Butts 31 - Greeters 17 – Grace Danielson & Lily Palmer January Communion Set-Up / 3 – Jean Blegen & Beulah Thompson 24 – Nolan Stans & Tanner Sands Clean up 10 – Duane & Renae Peterson 31 – Ella & Emma Esanbock Serena Roen 17 – Lori & Josh Wells 24 – Matthys Family Communion Bread Making 31 – Byron Anderson Family Tiffany Gregg December 2015ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Oyster Stew/Chili Dinner, 4:30-8pm Confirmation, 6-7:30pm

2 3 4 5

SV Ministerial mtg., 10am @ Congregational Confirmation, 6-7:30pm

9 11

10 12

Confirmation, 6-7:30pm

16 19

17 18

No confirmation Worship w/Holy Communion – 10 pWmorship w/Holy Communion – 4 pm Christmas Eve ChristmThaes DNaytivity of Our Lord Worship w/Holy Communion – 10 am

24 26

23 25

No confirmation Office closed



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