CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold?

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CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold?

CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold? Benchmarks: Carefully select text that aligns with State Standards/Benchmarks

Title of Text/Article: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold? New Study Shows That Fault Lines May Be Linked To the Precious Metal

NGSSS for Science Comprehensive Science 2 (200207001) Benchmarks: SC.7.P.11.4 Observe that heat flows in predictable ways, moving from warmer objects to cooler ones until they reach the same temperature. (AA)

SC.7.E.6.2 Identify the patterns within the rock cycle and relate them to surface events (weathering and erosion) and sub-surface events (plate tectonics and mountain building). (AA)

Content Integration Comprehensive Science 2 (200207001)

The student will be able to:  Identify and describe steps of the rock cycle and relate them to surface and sub-surface events.  Classify the movement of plates by identifying the events/feature that are caused by them  Describe the scientific theory of plate tectonics and how the movement of Earth’s crustal plates and flow of heat and material cause various geologic events to occur

CCSS ELA & LACC.68.RST.1.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and Literacy in technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions. History/Social LACC.68.WHST.3.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, Studies, Science, reflection, and research. and Technical Subjects

Mathematical Practices

Teacher Notes:  Materials: o Text or article (of sufficient complexity to promote high-level thinking) o Sticky notes (for opening “hook question, question generation, written responses, etc.) o Markers, rubrics (for Text-Based Discussion, Student Written Responses, Question Generation, etc.) o Student copies of worksheets (for Written Responses, Direct Note-Taking, and Question Generation).  Preparations: o Number paragraphs of selected text/article for ease of locating text evidence during discussions. o Develop and display Final/Complex Text-Based Question at the beginning of the lesson to communicate upfront for students the lesson’s final question and learning outcome.

1 CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold? o Text-marking: Develop and display a code system appropriate for the CIS text to use in text-marking. Select a small text segment and preplan corresponding coding example(s) to model the text-marking process for students. o Directed Note-taking: Develop a graphic organizer with headings appropriate for the CIS text. Select a small text segment and preplan corresponding note(s) to model the note-taking process. o Question Generation: Select a small text segment and preplan a corresponding question(s) to model the Question Generation process for students. o Any audio visuals, specimens, and/or samples to enhance lesson.

 Guidelines: o Add additional efferent discussion sessions, as needed. o The C.I.S. Model can last 3 days or longer. (Short texts can take less time; long texts, more time) o Schedule a C.I.S .lesson periodically (approximately every 3-4 weeks).

* * * CIS Step 1 * * *

Tasks: Teacher asks hook question to launch opening discussion, reads aloud to students while students mark text, students read the text and participate in directed note-taking.

Purpose: To bring world relevance to text reading, establish a purpose for reading, model fluent reading, provide opportunities for students to become interactive with the text, and think critically about information in the text.

Visual Hook: ???

Hook Question: How can earthquakes affect our economy? Individual responses

Predictive Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question What are some processes and outcomes of earthquake eruptions? Process - Water in faults vaporizes during an earthquake, depositing gold. Process- When an earthquake strikes, it moves along a rupture in the ground — a fracture called a fault.

Outcome- About 6 miles (10 kilometers) below the surface, under incredible temperatures and

2 CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold? pressures, the water carries high concentrations of carbon dioxide, silica and economically attractive elements like gold.

Outcome-The water inside the void instantly vaporizes, flashing to steam and forcing silica, which forms the mineral quartz, and gold out of the fluids and onto nearby surfaces.

Vocabulary Instruction Word Part Para- Word Part or Academic or Discipline Specific Vocabulary Academic or Discipline Specific Vocabulary or Context graph # Context 1 vaporizes- To convert into a gas context 7 effervesce- to bubble, hiss, and foam context as gas escapes

1 quantitative-of, relating to context 8 mineable -capable of excavation in word measurement the earth from which mineral part substances are taken 2 Fracture- a crack or a fault in a context 9 crystallize -to cause to become a body context rock that is formed by the solidification of a chemical element, a compound, or a mixture and has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and often external plane faces

3 concentrations-the amount of a context 10 magnitude- the intensity of an context component in a given area or earthquake represented by a number volume on an arbitrary scale

6 plausible --appearing worthy of context 13 cataclysmic- a momentous and context belief violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition; broadly : an event that brings great changes

 Direct students to locate words introduced in the text by paragraph number.  Model for students how to derive word meaning(s) from word parts (prefix, root, suffix) and/or context. Record meanings of word parts and words on chart paper.  Variations for Vocabulary Instruction: o record meanings of word parts and words in word study guide, journal writing, graphic organizers, etc. o post word parts, words, and their meanings on a vocabulary word wall; refer to word wall during reading, discussions, and writing throughout CIS lesson and subsequent lessons.

3 CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold? Reading #1 Text-marking + – this section of text shows a fact based on evidence - – this section of text shows an opinion based on someone’s thoughts P – this section of text shows a process of the earthquake O – this section of text shows an outcome of the earthquake processes

 Model for students by reading the text aloud and coding a portion of the text. Students follow along and mark their copy. Students proceed to code the rest of the text independently. Students share text markings with table group or partner. Reading #2 Directed Note-Taking - Record notes containing the most important information relevant to the guiding question

Visual Hook:

Directed Note-Taking Guiding Question: Using evidence from the text and video clip, what is important to consider about the processes and outcomes of earthquakes? Para- graph # + Fact - Opinion Process Outcome based on based on evidence thoughts 1 Water in faults vaporizes during an X X X earthquake, depositing gold. 3 Water carries high concentrations of X X carbon dioxide, silica and economically attractive elements, like gold.

4 The steam from the earthquake forces gold X x X out onto the surface.

5 Scientists have long suspected that X X X sudden pressure drops could account for the link between giant gold deposits and ancient faults.

4 CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold?

 Present a guiding question to direct students thinking while taking notes. Teacher models note-taking using an example statement from the text, then selecting the category or categories that support the statement. Students complete note-taking collaboratively or independently.  Conduct small- and whole-group efferent discussion. Ask groups to come to consensus on which category is the most impactful according to the support from the text.

First Draft Written Response to Essential Question Using evidence from the text, what is important to consider about the processes and outcomes of earthquakes?

* * *  Ask students to complete the second Written Response.  Variations for this Written Response: Sticky notes quick writes, collaborative partners, written conversations

CIS Step 2 * * *

Tasks: Teacher models the generation of a complex question based on a section of text, relating to a broad perspective or issue. Students record the questions, and then students re-read the text to generate their own questions. Purpose: To provide students with a demonstration of question generation and the opportunity for them to interact with the text by generating questions to further deepen their comprehension.

5 CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold? Reading #3

Question Generation Question Generation: How do earthquakes impact gold exploration? Para- Questions Check relevant categories below graph # + Fact - Opinion Process Outcome based on based on evidence thoughts 11 Can more gold be retrieved from earthquakes X X with higher magnitudes? 11 How should gold explorers pursue gold more X X safely? 13 Can gold be found as a result of other geologic X X processes? 14 Is gold deposition the same for other geologic X X processes as it is from earthquakes?

 Teacher models re-reading a portion of the text and generates one or two questions.  Students continue to review/scan the text and use their recorded notes to generate questions about information in the text collaboratively or independently.  To conclude question generation, the teacher has students:  share their questions with the related category whole class and discuss which questions they have in common, and which questions are most relevant or significant to their learning.  record/post common and relevant/significant questions to encourage: o extended efferent text discussion o students to seek/locate answers in text-reading throughout the remainder of the chapter/unit focusing on unanswered questions in collaborative inquiry.

* * * CIS Step 3 * * *

Task: Teacher posts a Complex Text-Based question, students discuss answers, and review/revise answers to the final/Complex Text-Based question based on discussion.

Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to interact with the text and with their peers to:  identify text information most significant to the final/essential question. 6 CIS: Do Earthquakes Deposit Gold?  facilitate complex thinking and deep comprehension of text.

Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question According to the text and extended text discussion, which factor, most likely, is the primary issue when considering the impact of earthquakes on our economy?

The Final Written Response will be used as an assessment for student learning.

 The Final Written Response can be used as an assessment for student learning, aligning to FCAT Item Specifications.


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