Synod of the Heartland Admin Team

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Synod of the Heartland Admin Team

Synod of the Heartland Admin Team Annual Meeting April 20, 2015, 11:00 a.m. First Reformed Church, Sioux Center, IA

Present: Evan Vermeer, Seth Sundstrom, Brenda Van Beek, Denny Brand, Lori Walber, Perry De Groot, Ken LeHew, Rob Horstman, Randy Blumer, Terry Maassen, Carl Boersma, Chris Godfredsen, John Sikkink, Dale Assink, Alicia Beaver, Jim Koopman, Pam Kimpson, Bob Cleveringa and Kristin Oordt.

Tim Breen opened in the meeting with devotions and prayer. He spoke on the acronym of “SAFE”. S – self-preservation – organizations, boards, churches want to live to see another day A – avoid risk – don’t take chances, don’t stick your neck out F – financial health – ultimate measure is not conversions, but the balance sheet wanting to be in the black not red E – education of members – communicating, challenging the people

John Sikkink recognized the Admin Team members who have served with a token of thanks. Those included are Iris Shaffer, Charlotte Foreman, Ivan Wiersma and Rick Timmer.

President’s Report – Evan Vermeer This past year has been very exciting in the Synod of the Heartland. We had a great gathering in Sioux City in November to really kick off Transformed and Transforming. Dale Assink led us to think deeply about possible new ways to help individuals and churches get more active in reaching out to the lost for Christ. It was very well attended and served to kick start some and move others further along in our T and T journey.

In January, the Admin Team along with other classis leaders from each classis began a series of meetings to develop a new way forward for the Synod to better serve churches and classes. This group was very dedicated and passionate about this work and committed a significant amount of time to this work. This group also met again in February and March. It was decided to move ahead with a full-time Synod leader position dedicated to the administration of the Synod as well as leading the Transformed and Transforming movement in the Heartland. A job description is being formulated. This position has been one-half time in the past.

Each classis has committed having at least a half-time classis leader. Some may move forward with a full-time person. These people will form a team that focuses on pastor and church health, discipleship training, and outreach. These steps will all be focused around the three major principles laid out by Transformed and Transforming. 1. Personal transformation in Christ. 2. Emerging leaders. 3. Missional involvement.

The Synod will be hiring this full-time leader in the near future. John Sikkink, our present leader, is retiring. We have been so blessed by his leadership over the years. Please tell him how much he has been appreciated for his dedicated service to Kingdom work in the Heartland. We will surely miss him and his experience and wisdom. We wish him and Betty a great retirement season.

Your Admin Team going forward will be as follows: Central Plains – Randy Blumer Dakota – Seth Sundstrom Minnesota – Lori Walber East Sioux – Tim Breen West Sioux – Rob Horstman Central Iowa – Denny Brand Pleasant Prairie – Perry De Groot

I have asked not to be named to a second term. As most of you know, when I went to General Synod as your voting delegate last year, I was elected Vice President of the General Synod. I will move to the presidency in June at this year’s General Synod.

Please be involved in prayer and support for your Synod team. They desire nothing more than to serve our Lord and Savior by assisting and supporting your local church work.

I want to thank you for your support of me in the past, and especially want to thank the dedicated Synod staff. It has been a true privilege to serve with your Synod. I ask for your prayers as I serve the greater church to the best of the ability God has given me. I am humbled greatly by this new position and know that I can only serve well if God leads and provides.

I will close with the same comments I had last year in this report. Moving forward lead by the Holy Spirit and committed to where God is leading us is what Transformed and Transforming is all about. We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we cannot doubt that God will lead if we truly seek Him. My prayer is that every church in the Synod of the Heartland is moved by that Spirit to greater things for our Lord Jesus Christ.

President Evan Vermeer

Evan Vermeer gave the GSC Report for Arlan Moss. GSC recently met. General Secretary Tom De Vries was reviewed and received a lot of good feedback. The General Synod schedule was reviewed and approved. Greg Alderman was elected GSC moderator. Direct conversation on churches leaving the RCA as the result of lack of discipline of some churches and leaders for their disregard for the RCA’s stance on homosexuality. President Alderman’s report to General Synod will address this issue. BOBS also met. Kelly Oliveria has been named the new director. The RCA insurance is now with RBA, so BOBS is focusing more on managing the retirement program, helping pastors to retire well. John Sikkink gave the Synod of the Heartland Coordinator Report. The Synod of the Heartland staff has put the era of “Our Call” to rest and has been working hard to move into the T and T era. Thank you to the Admin Team for the strong attendance at the meeting for discernment.

Dale Assink gave the report for T and T. Synod of the Heartland staff has been working T and T right now. The Synod will have a delegation for a Leadership Community with Mid-America and Great Lakes Synods this summer to discuss how we best resource our churches. Thriving leaders/thriving churches - Ridder Renewal Introductory event will be in Orange City in May. Next Generation Leaders –Christine Mutch, staff person for Next Generation visited four areas in our Synod recently sharing resources and training. Engaging in mission is also being discussed as the RCA and World Vision has joined in partnership.

Staff Reports Each staff person was given time to report on their work over the past year, where they are headed, and their implementation of T and T. The individual written reports are attached for information.


President: Evan Vermeer

President Nomination: Randy Blumer Vice President Nomination: Lori Walber Past President: Evan Vermeer

Heartland Judicial Business Committee: Nelson Hymans 2015 Wayne Sneller 2016 Perry De Groot 2017 Van Rathbun 2018 Wayne Van Heuvelen 2019

The Heartland Judicial Business Committee meets only upon request. The committee is constituted of three ministers and two elders. The membership needs to be from elders and ministers of the congregations or the regional synod members of the Synod of the Heartland.

2015 General Synod Delegate from the Synod of the Heartland: New President

Administration Team 2015* Central Iowa Denny Brand – 2012 eligible for a second term Central Plains Randy Blumer – 2017 eligible for a second term Dakota Seth Sundstrom – 2013 eligible for a second term East Sioux Tim Breen – 2017 eligible for a second term Minnesota Lori Walber – 2017 eligible for a second term Pleasant Prairie Perry De Groot – 2017 eligible for a second term West Sioux Rob Horstman – 2017 eligible for a second term

*Representatives finish their term at the spring meeting following the year they are stated to go off.

Nomination for the GSC Commission on Nominations: Carl Boersma

Finance Team 2015 Wayne Van Heuvelen Dale Vander Wilt Ivan Wiersema Evan Vermeer John Sikkink Alicia Beaver Dale Assink

MMSC to approve Randy Blumer as the new President and Lori Walber as the new Vice President of the Synod of the Heartland. This makes Randy Blumer the Synod of the Heartland delegate to General Synod 2015.

MMSC to approve the Nominations Report.

Classis Minutes – Minutes from every classis have been received, reviewed, and found to be in good order.

Finance Team Report – The Finance Team has served as an ad hoc group. At this time, no terms of service have been established. John Sikkink reviewed the 2014 year-end report, the audit, and reserves.

MMSC to approve the 2014 year-end report.

MMSC to approve the audit done by Williams & Company P.C.

MMSC to approve a $400,000 reserve policy with a $150,000 spending limit of reserves per calendar year. Policy to be reviewed annually.

Executive Session The Administrative Team of the Synod of the Heartland formally thanks John Sikkink for his 22 years of service to the RCA classes, leaders, and congregations of the Upper Midwest. John's infectious optimism, unmatched work ethic, and extraordinary generosity have richly blessed the Synod. His efforts, and the efforts of his wonderful wife Betty, will undoubtedly bear fruit for years to come. Lori Walber led the group in a time of prayer and thanksgiving for John and Betty.

At the last Admin Team meeting; a team made up of Tim Breen, Seth Sundstrom, Randy Blumer and John Sikkink was asked to work on the job description for the new Synod of the Heartland Ministry Coordinator.

Tim Breen handed out copies and reviewed the first draft. Several comments and notations were made. The discussion will be continued at our next meeting.

Discussion on Dakota Classis’ request for a full-time regional leader. This item was tabled as more information needs to be received. Seth was asked to come to the next meeting with a job description, work plan, and finance plan. Brenda Van Beek will come speak for the group at our next meeting if available.

Denny Brand closed the meeting with prayer.

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