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Page 2 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version Page 3 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
Table of Contents: The Death of Hospitality?------1 Marks of the Master------11 Collector Culture and Fulfillment in God ------3 Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel------12 How Well Do You Know Jesus? ------4 Book Reviews------13 Exegetically Speaking ------5 News Update ------14 Following God ------6 Sermon Helps ------16 Words to Stand You on Your Feet ------8 Puzzles and ‘Toons ------18 Jewels from Past Giants ------9
______The Death of Hospitality? By Joe McKeever
In a recent issue of The Alabama Baptist, state Hospitality is the first instinct of a believer. The denominational leader Dr. Rick Lance tells of a foreign new Christian finds himself propelled by a new force, one exchange student who was completing his education in the with which he had been unacquainted: the love of God. All United States and about to head home. To his roommate, he at once, he finds himself loving people he hardly knows and said, “You can have this suitcase and everything in it.” willing to go out of his way to help them. It’s not a skill that The friend said, “What’s in it?” needs to be taught to newcomers; it’s instinctive, standard The exchange student said, “When I left home for equipment, it comes with the package. America, my family filled it with gifts to be presented to What has to be taught is inhospitality. And make no families inviting me into their homes. But no one ever mistake, there are those in most churches who are adept at invited me, so everything is still in the suitcase.” teaching this class. They tell the generous new believers Rick says this is just about the saddest story he has things like “you’re being naive,” “these people are running heard in a long time. a con,” and “they’ll take you for everything they can get if The Lord Jesus envisioned the day when He you let them.” Listen to that enough and you will find would hand out accolades for those who had served Him yourself shutting down the urge to reach out to the hurting well. To the faithful He will say, “I was a stranger and you and unfortunate with gifts and hospitality. took me in” (Matt. 25:35). Those who welcome strangers Hospitality is a prime obligation of believers. To are doing a Christ-like thing. the Hebrews, the Lord said, “If a stranger dwells with you Hospitality is one of the bedrock ministry activities in your land, you shall not mistreat him. The stranger who of the faithful, right up there with feeding the hungry, dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you clothing the naked, and visiting the prisoners. “Do not and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God” (Lev. 19:33- unwittingly entertained angels” (Heb. 13:2). According to 1 34). The tag line “I am the Lord your God” gives this the Timothy 3:2, hospitality is one of the required marks of a force of law; it is not a mere suggestion but a command of faithful pastor. God. In the New Testament, the word translated Hospitality can be as simple as a glass of water to a “hospitality” literally means “love for strangers.” John visitor. Or more. So many of the stories of Jesus can be MacArthur writes, “Hospitality in the ancient world often understood only against the backdrop of basic included putting up a guest overnight or longer. This is hospitality which God’s people were expected to extend hardest to do when experiencing a time of persecution. The toward one another. Our Lord faulted one host for his (Christians) would not know whether a guest would prove failures in contrast with the way He was treated by a to be a spy or a fellow believer being pursued.” penitent woman. “[Jesus] said to Simon, ‘Do you see this We recall that Diotrephes was slammed by the woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for Apostle John for his unwillingness to allow the church to my feet, but she has washed my feet with her tears and show hospitality. “I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, wiped them with the hair of her head. You gave me no kiss, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not but this woman has not ceased to kiss my feet since the time receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds I came in. You did not anoint my head with oil, but this which he does…. And not content with that, he himself does woman has anointed my feet with fragrant oil’” (Luke 7:44- not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, 46). putting them out of the church” (3 John 9-10). Where did hospitality go? I began pastoring churches in the early 1960s. Back then, guest preachers in Page 4 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version our churches would be put up in the homes of church 4) Unemployed pastors. When a pastor is abruptly members. If the guest preached several days, at least one terminated with no place to go, he is blessed to receive an meal a day would be taken with church families. invitation from a church to “come live in our guest home.” I This is a dying tradition. know of several doing this very thing at the moment. Later, I’ll preach five revivals this fall—one in Louisiana, when he re-enters the pastorate, this minister will have a two in Kentucky, one in Missouri, and one in Illinois. Each new perspective on assisting others who are in need. church will provide a nice room in a local motel. On 5) Needy church members. Church members will average, we might be invited into someone’s home one time have financial reverses, go through bankruptcies, or during a week. On those occasions when a family invites experience natural disasters, all of which can make them me to dine with them, usually it’s in a restaurant or diner. suddenly homeless. Few churches can set aside money to And that’s not all bad. Pastors who have stayed in handle emergency crises like this, but there are other ways the homes of church members during revivals have to meet such needs. Sunday school classes or hastily called sometimes felt they were inconveniencing the family, and meetings of the church leaders can find ways to respond. have not had enough privacy for rest or meditation. And not 6) Unsaved friends, neighbors, and co-workers. all meals served visiting preachers have met the basic You may be the only Christian witness in their lives, and standards of cleanliness and healthfulness. Given a choice your hospitality and generosity can show them there is as to where to stay, I tell the host pastor, “You know your something different about you and real about your faith. people best. You decide. If you would enjoy staying in that When they fall on hard times or experience great loss, the home, then I would. But if you have a question about this, helping hand, warm meal, or place to stay you offer them please send me to your nearest motel.” That said, I hasten to can have a tremendous impact on their eternal future. add that visiting in the homes of church members and They’re watching you; you can bet on it. sharing an evening meal remains a highlight of many Then there’s simplest, and most obvious, kind of revivals and the memory lingers with me a long time. hospitality. A new family moves to your town. Sunday So, where did hospitality go? 1) It went down the morning, they get dressed and drive to your church. They highway to the Holiday Inn Express. It stopped over at the study the building, searching for clues on which door to local family-style restaurant. 2) It was crowded out by our enter, and wonder how they will be received. You can help busy schedules and full lives. These days, with husband and them. wife often both working, neither has time to prepare a full Every church—no matter how small—should meal for the visiting evangelist and the pastor. 3) station greeters outside the main entrance to give a warm Hospitality is still alive and well, we hear, in countries welcome to newcomers. They can answer questions, where Christian workers have no recourse but to stay with introduce them around, and take them to the appropriate the Lord’s people in their travels. 4) Let us admit the rooms. By the attitude and friendliness of these welcomers, unpleasant truth here, hospitality among the Lord’s people the visitors will quickly decide whether this church is “for in this country has been relegated to an option for believers real.” and not a required command of Scripture. When we find In a large store, I stopped an employee—known by believers who practice it, we compliment them but feel no the small vest and the name tag she was wearing—and necessity to imitate them. asked where to find paper plates. She said, “Come on and As I see it, there are six groups who are still in I’ll show you.” We walked across the store right to the special need of Christian hospitality: display. I thanked her and felt great about that store. To be 1) Exchange students. This is a great opportunity to sure, I had interrupted what she was doing. But someone show the Lord’s love to young people from other nations had trained her (and presumably the other employees) to who might otherwise never have an opportunity to hear the know that the customer with a question is a great Gospel of Jesus. opportunity to make a lasting friend. 2) Missionaries on furlough. Most missionary It may be that no one in your town needs to come arrangements provide for personnel to return to the States home with you Sunday and share your meal, but I can every few years to re-establish family relationships and almost guarantee you there will be new people at your build support for missions in the churches. These families church, looking for the right entrance, wondering where to need a home to live in, a car to drive, and other resources. go, hoping to be given a friendly greeting and warm 3) Bible students/seminarians preparing for the welcome. Be there. Show them the kind of hospitality you ministry. Young adults travel to Bible colleges and would want to receive if the situation were reversed. After seminaries, usually in large cities, where they take all, to paraphrase Leviticus 19, you were once strangers in a preparatory courses over several years. Local churches new church yourself. So, welcome them! could ease their transition into this difficult period in their lives by inviting them into members’ homes for meals and entertainment. Page 5 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
Joe McKeever is a retired Southern Baptist pastor from New Orleans, Louisiana. He blogs regularly at www.joemckeever.com. ______Collector Culture and Fulfillment in God By Shea Oakley
In the world we find ourselves living in today, it is closest thing to Heaven that they ever experienced was more difficult to keep a biblical perspective on material found in their formative years, and they yearn to recover possessions than perhaps at any other period in human that “heaven” in some way. This can take the form of a history. The Western world of the 21st century is culturally fervent pursuit of nostalgia. In having near them today the obsessed with the significance of “stuff”, the current material things they remember from those times, these euphemism for the things we individually own. After individuals may experience a sense of the spirit of their own decades of consumerism and the millions of products it has youth, and that can be a comforting thing in the midst of the spawned, we find ourselves attaching great meaning to vicissitudes of adulthood. personal possessions in a way that was unknown in times While collecting things has been around in some past—when people had little more than the clothes on their form or fashion for centuries, today this pursuit has become back and a small number of other necessities. almost a new form of religion—to the degree that persons There are few places where our contemporary quest give themselves over to it as a place to find solace—and for meaning in man-made things is more evident than in the herein lies the spiritual danger. The sense of transcendence rise of what might be called the “collector culture.” Today that comes from owning things associated with our past is millions of Westerners, especially in America, collect no more permanent than that past itself was. All things in everything from cars to baseball cards to movie and this world will pass away, and that includes every material television memorabilia. There are conventions, thing we have ever owned, whether in childhood or today. organizations and websites dedicated to obtaining a myriad Real and eternally permanent transcendence is found in of objects that we have invested with great personal God and God alone. significance (witness the rise of eBay and other sites, a I cannot go so far as to say that every aspect of the collector’s paradise if there ever was one.) Whatever the collector culture is intrinsically evil. For one thing, this nature of the objects being collected, there are people who would make me a hypocrite, since I happen to be a collector have been captivated by them to the point of being willing myself. God does not prohibit the enjoyment of material to part with large sums of money to call one or more of things, old or new, but reminds us that everything we can them their own. see exists because He made it. I’m not sure nostalgia for the There are a number of reasons for the comfort, simplicity, and dependency of childhood cannot be transformation of what we once called “hobbies” into an a sign of a desire for God Himself, at least on a international obsession, but we will only concern ourselves subconscious level. with one motivation here: the desire to find some kind of That being said, as Christians we would do well not transcendence in man-made things. This is the area of to become nearly as caught up in this particular feature of concern for the Christian living in the developed world, and our culture as some in the world allow themselves to be. As for a fairly obvious reason—any object, whether a product with so many other cultural currents in these later days, we of the direct hand of God (as we find in nature), or the must be vigilant to not seek any thing at the expense of the indirect hand of humankind has the potential to become an most important One. All that we own must be subordinated idol in the possession of fallen human beings. to focusing on God, who alone embodies truly eternal and The rise of the collector culture is at least partially infinite value. Only He can give us the real transcendence attributable to the loss of an understanding and appreciation that all created things may falsely promise in our fallen for the truly eternal in our world today. It is also hearts. specifically an outcome of trying to find our transcendence, not in God, but in our past, our achievements, or the aura of © Shea Oakley. All Rights Reserved. others’ fame and fortune. There is a reason people collect the toys they Converted from atheism in 1990, Shea Oakley has written played with as kids or the automobiles they owned in their over 350 articles for electronic and print publications since youth (or wanted to own). Such things often remind us of 2002, including Disciple Magazine (and Pulpit Helps childhood and early adolescence, times in our lives that Magazine), The Christian Herald, The Christian Post, were—or at least seemed—happier and less complicated Christian Network and Crosshome.com. In 2003 he than the times we know now as adults. For many people the graduated from Alliance Theological Seminary with a Page 6 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
Certificate of Theological Studies. Shea and his wife Kathleen make their home in West Milford, New Jersey.
______How Well Do You Know Jesus? By Ted Kyle
“Not every one that saith unto me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ raiment. For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth year of my redeemed is come….therefore mine own arm the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me.” me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy Are you aware that Jesus, the Son, along with name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy Jehovah, the Father, will not only be the Temple in the name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess eternal heaven-on-earth city of New Jerusalem, but they unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work will also replace the sun and moon as illumination for the iniquity’” (Matt. 7:21-23). earth? “And I saw no temple therein, for the LORD God Many a church wears the motto: “To know Christ Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city and make Him known.” The question for us is “How well had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: are we doing?” Often exhortations on this theme focus on for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light the second part, rightly emphasizing the need to reach the thereof” (Rev. 21:22-23). lost with the good news of the Gospel. I want us to take the Do you recognize Jesus as the Overseer of Hell, the time to look inward, however, and ask “How well do you final destination of all humans who never acknowledge that know Jesus?” they need saving? Does this shock you? Read Revelation If you are a Christian, you no doubt know Him as 14:10: “The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of the Lamb of God (John 1:29). And in this sense it is fitting God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of to think of Him as “the gentle Jesus, meek and mild,” as his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and lambs are. But of course He a uniquely special Lamb, for brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the He is God’s sacrificial Lamb—the one, the only perfect presence of the Lamb.” sacrifice, who alone could take away the sins of the world, Truly, our Lord is a Being of many faces: Born in a because only He lived and died without sin and then rose stable to a humble godly Jewish couple—though He was again. conceived in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit, not by Assuming you know Him, then, as Savior, do you Joseph, to whom she was engaged—and thus Jesus was and also accept that He is Lord of your life? Have you given is truly the Son of God, God with God (John 1:1). He Him the right to direct your path through life? And if you proved Himself as God with God, the fulfillment of Isaiah have done this initially, do you seek for His divine guidance 9:6, to the Jewish nation by unnumbered signs and in the hurry-scurry of everyday living? miracles. But the understanding of most was veiled and Do you know Him as Your heavenly Bridegroom? encumbered by their devotion to the tradition of the Law of Do you look forward to the grand consummation of that Moses—a veil that yet blinds the eyes of most of the Jewish spiritual union at Marriage Supper of the Lamb? The call to people, and only a relative handful joyfully realized that the meet the Bridegroom will come at midnight—in other Messiah they sought was with them in the flesh. words, at an unexpected time. Are you ready? Sad to say, a similar veil hides the glorious truth Do you know Jesus as a mighty blood-stained about who Jesus is to most of today’s Gentile world also. Warrior, His garments imbrued with the lifeblood of And sadder yet, the Savior-King is treated casually by a countless sinners? Check the following dialog from Isaiah host of churchgoers, who acknowledge Him with their lips 63:1-5—this is about Jesus, though He was as yet unknown on Sunday, but ignore Him as their weekday Lord and to the Old Testament prophet: Master—much as the Jews of Malachi’s day ignored the “Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed Father: “A son honoureth his father, and a servant his garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? And if I travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in be a master, where is my fear? Saith the LORD of hosts righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in unto you, O priests, that despise my name…” (Malachi 1;6). thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in May none of us be caught without oil for our lamps the winefat? I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the at the midnight call! people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood Ted Kyle served as managing editor of Pulpit Helps shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my Magazine (Disciple’s predecessor) from 1993 until his Page 7 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
retirement in 2008. He lives in Newberg, Oregon with his wife, Marga.
______Exegetically Speaking—by Spiros Zodhiates
Jesus Ridiculed, Mistreated, Mocked, and Crucified—Part 2 Matthew 27:33–44
From Exegetical Commentary on Matthew, 2006, [37] Here we see that the heathen ended up AMG Publishers acknowledging the very kingship of the Messiah they denied, in fulfillment of Psalm 2:2–4. Totally contrary to After His brutal beating and humiliation, and the awful the Jews who requested the wording, “He said He was King march with His cross, Christ came to the place of His of the Jews,” the Romans defiantly displayed the words: crucifixion. “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” The double- [33] Golgotha was called the place of the “skull” edged offense was that this was both a lie and an insult to (kraníon [2898] from which we get our English word the Jews who frantically demanded that the unpaid-for “cranium”). Here, outside the walls of Jerusalem (John advertisement be changed (see John 19:19–22). From God’s 19:16, 17; Heb. 13:12), yet near the city proper (John vantage point, this was the objective truth. And so David’s 19:20), criminals were commonly executed (Mark 15:22; messianic prophecy came to pass: “He that sitteth in the John 19:17). heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision” Golgotha was a conspicuous place (Mark 15:22; (Ps. 2:4) when they gather against the Lord and His Christ John 19:17) located near a well-traveled road. Also nearby (2:2), thinking they can tear away God’s sovereign “cords” was the garden containing Joseph of Arimathaea’s new (2:3). tomb (Matt. 27:57, 60; Mark 15:43, 46; Luke 23:53; John [38] Isaiah prophesied that the innocent Lamb led 19:41). to the slaughter would be “numbered with the [34] Before crucifixion, the soldiers “gave him transgressors” (Isa. 53:12). As it turned out, “two thieves vinegar (óxos [3690], sour wine) to drink mixed with gall (lēstaí [3027], violent thieves)” were crucified with Jesus. (cholē [5521], bile)” in fulfillment of Psalms 69:21. After [39-40] Apparently, regular “passersby” tasting it, Jesus “was not (ouk [3756], the absolute ‘not’) (paraporeuómenoi, the present middle deponent participle electing (ēthele, the imperfect tense of thélō [2309], to of paraporeúomai [3899], to pass nearby) shook their heads determine, choose) to drink it” (a.t.), not because the negatively. They believed that Jesus’ condition did not mixture was bitter or because He was not thirsty. Later, match His boast of destroying the temple and rebuilding it however, He said, “I thirst” (dipsō [1372]; see John 19:28). in three days. So they mocked Jesus, saying, “Thou that The most reasonable hypothesis is that Jesus did not want to destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save mitigate the pain associated with redemption. thyself. If (ei [1487], supposing, assuming) thou be the Son [35] After the crucifixion, four soldiers cast “lots” of God, come down (katábēthi, the aorist imperative of (klēros [2819], a term used for an inheritance, which, of katabaínō [2597], to descend) from the cross.” course, is “free”; more specifically called klēronomía To unbelievers, those who either were ignorant of [2817]; see Acts 26:18; Gal. 3:18; Eph. 1:14). They cast or who consciously rejected Isaiah’s clear prophecies, it lots twice, first to allocate His four garments, then to decide made no sense for the Creator to be destroyed, for the who would take his robe since it was seamless and they did providential One to be manipulated, for the holy and not want to rip it (John 19:24). Little did these soldiers righteous One to suffer a penalty. If the Trinity had not realize that they were fulfilling the prophecy given in Psalm planned otherwise, Jesus could have come down. But He 22:18, “They part my garments among them, and cast lots would not because He would not contradict the timeless upon my vesture.” mind and will of the Trinity. To do otherwise would be [36] “After the soldiers divided Jesus’ garments schizophrenia. God’s mind and will are one timeless entity: among themselves, sitting down (kathēmenoi, the present “He is of one mind; who can turn Him?” (Job 23:13; a.t.). middle of káthēmai [2521]), they were guarding (etēroun, [41-42] “The passersby were joined by the chief the imperfect tense of tēréō [5083], to keep, guard) Him priests, scribes, and elders, and they were saying there” (a.t.). These low-ranking bandits probably (élegon, the imperfect of légō [3004]), He saved others; He considered themselves quite the conquerors. But they did cannot (ou [3756], the absolute “not”) save Himself. If (ei not know with whom they were dealing. [1487], the subjective assumption) He be the King of Israel, Page 8 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version let Him now (nún [3568], at this present time) come down Specifically with respect to Christ, the writer of from the cross, and we will believe on Him” (a.t.). Amazing Hebrews says, “Who in the days of his flesh, when he had how often people not only think that God should do this or offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying that, but He should do it now! If you want peace in your and tears unto him that was able to save him from (ek) life, never forget this study on “His hour.” “Wait for the death, and was heard in that he feared” (Heb. 5:7). Here, LORD” (Ps. 130:5), and never ask, “Why should I wait for the preposition ek shows that Christ entered into the sphere the LORD any longer?” (2 Kings 6:33; a.t.). of death, and the Father saved Him out of—from within— [43] Continuing their criticism, growing out of the it. This occurred at the resurrection, when Christ was raised assumption that sons of God don’t die, they said, “He “out of (ek, from among) the dead ones” (Acts 4:10; a.t; see trusted (pépoithen, the perfect tense of peíthō [3982], to Rom. 7:4; 1 Thess. 1:10; 2 Tim. 2:8). Similarly, persuade, put one’s confidence in) upon God; let Him innumerable (Rev. 7:9) believers will be “coming (a present deliver (rhusásthō, the aorist middle deponent imperative of participle) out (ek) of the great tribulation” (Rev. 7:14; a.t.), rhúomai [4506], to deliver) Him now, if He he desires emerging victoriously over the beast (Rev. 15:2). (thélei [2309], to choose or select) Him: for He said, I am [44] Both robbers originally “reproached Him” the Son of God” (a.t.). (a.t.) as well. Luke 23:32 calls them “malefactors” It is interesting how they shifted the subject from (kakoúrgoi [2557], criminals). Kakoúrgoi not only openly Christ’s deity—“himself he cannot save” (v. 42), to His steal property, but they may kill to do so. In modern Greek, humanity—“Let him (God the Father) deliver him!” Their a kakoúrgēma is a felony—one of the worst crimes. connection between the Father’s deliverance and His The King James Version has the interesting phrase, selective will (thélei) was far removed from Isaiah’s “[They] cast the same in his teeth.” All of this translates a prophecy: “It pleased the LORD to bruise him” (Isa. 53:10). single Greek verb, ōneídizon, the imperfect tense of Jesus Christ would, of course, save Himself, and oneidízō (3679), to reproach, revile, assail with abusive the Father would deliver him as He willed, not now, but in words. The imperfect indicates that the thieves displayed the three days Christ prophesied on three occasions (Matt. this disdain much of the time they were alive on the cross. 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:19). Peter tried to persuade Jesus to They were abusing while “being crucified together” (a.t.; avoid the cross (Matt. 16:21–23), but Jesus knew He was sustaurōthéntes, the aorist passive participle of sustauróō going to rise from the dead. This would provide the greatest [4957] from sún, together [see v. 38]; and stauróō [4717], proof to believers that He was what He claimed to be. to crucify). Jesus had lived as the personification of virtue People are in no position to limit how and when and benevolence but died like a common criminal, God acts. To attempt to do so is blasphemy. If God took surrounded by enemies. orders from humans, He would cease to be God. One of the thieves ridiculed Jesus to the end of His The Lord delivers in many ways; and we attain the life; the other, perhaps on hearing Jesus pray to the Father meaning from the preposition associated with the verb to forgive His enemies, repented and was forgiven (Luke rhúomai. Sometimes He delivers positionally as, for 23:34–43). example, “from (apó [575], a position outside its object) evil” (Matt. 6:13); at other times, transitionally as, for Spiros Zodhiates (1922-2009) served as president of AMG example “out of (ek [1537], out of from within) them (i.e., International for over 40 years, was the founding editor of persecutions) all” (2 Tim. 3:11, cf. 2 Tim. 4:17). From Pulpit Helps Magazine (Disciple’s predecessor), and these examples, we gather that the Lord delivers either authored dozens of exegetical books. through physical repositioning (apó) or through victorious emergence (ek).
______Following God—by Wayne Barber
Odd Men Out?: Living in Surrendered Faith
One of the lessons that we learn in the Christian life peace” (Eph. 4:1-3). “If possible, so far as it depends on is how to dwell in peace with our brothers, as odd as some you, be at peace with all men” (Rom. 12:18). may seem. “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore Let me try to illustrate what I’m talking about by you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which using the term “odd” in reference to our brother in Christ. you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with Some of you will remember the old black-and-white patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being Twilight Zone programs. On one episode, it looks as though diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of you as the viewer are in an operating room and of course Page 9 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version the doctors and nurses assisting all had on masks so you barbed wire fence eating the dirty grass on the side of the couldn’t see their faces. They were operating on a woman road with 40 acres of lush green grass behind him. to try and make her face beautiful. The whole program was When Moses heard their request in Numbers 32, he about the operation and scenes depicted them working was outraged. First in Numbers 32:6 he tells them that for diligently over this lady. their fellow countrymen to go to war in Canaan while they Finally at the conclusion of the program, they sat idle in the Transjordan would be unfair. Then in verse 7, unveil their work. When they showed the picture of the he challenges them with the fact that remaining on the other woman, she was just gorgeous. But to the viewer’s surprise, side of the river Jordan then would be a discouragement they all in unison said “We’ve failed. Look she’s “ugly!” that would hinder the other tribes from crossing over to Then they took off their masks and all of them were “ugly possess what was theirs. as sin”. Then the epilogue came up on the screen; “beauty is Then in verses 8-10, he tells them that they are in the eye of the beholder.” doing what their fathers did when they would not listen to With that in mind, I want you to know that there are Joshua and Caleb years before and discouraged them from some odd brothers in the family of God! But just as you or I crossing over into what God had promised! He calls them a think that someone else is odd, they are looking at us the “brood of sinners” just like their fathers. He told them their same way. Normally, whether or not someone is odd is all wanting to live on the other side of the Jordan would cause in the eye of the beholder, but not in the Church. God to be angrier and finally, in verses 14-16, he told them Let me explain as I define what I’m talking about that they would be at fault if Israel refused to follow God when I say “odd”. Odd is not when a believer chooses to into Canaan, and, consequently, would meet with radically live surrendered to Christ. No, that should be destruction in the wilderness. Why don’t you tell us what normal for a believer! Sadly enough, this isn’t the case in you really think, Moses! many churches and they see fully surrendered believers as Well, they came back with a compromise that was the odd ones. No, the odd brother that I’m talking about in accepted. They promised to leave their wives and children this article is the one who is eager to serve but not willing back in fenced in areas on the Eastern side of the Jordan, to surrender fully to Christ. It is the one who lives right at but would send their men, over 40,000 of them, to battle edge of all that is his in Christ. alongside Israel. Once the land was conquered, they would Now, don’t point a finger, because we’ve all return to the other side of the Jordan. To be at peace with qualified at one time or another as being unwilling to yield them, Moses granted their request. all to Christ. What I’m driving at is discovering how we Isn’t it interesting how we, as New Covenant dwell in peace with those among us who choose to live this believers, are still so tempted to trust our own logic as to way. This is important, because the way we treat each other what is better for us rather than trust God to know what is frames the true test of whether or not we are experiencing best for us? We are so tempted to live right next to what we the life we have in Christ. People, in God’s economy, are have in Christ but not in it. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:12, our school of brokenness. “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are Let me take you to Scripture. There were 2½ tribes profitable.” out of the 12 tribes of Israel that I believe fit this description The odd brother will serve with the best but will not of being the “Odd Brothers”. These 2½ tribes made a walk with the surrendered. They will show up every time conscious decision to live on the opposite side of the land something is needed, but then go back to what they’ve God had given to Israel. The area that they chose to live in decided is the lifestyle that is better than to surrender to is known as the Transjordan. It is east of the Jordan River. Christ. But, we are going to have to learn that they are only Now, according to Numbers 34:1-12 and Ezekiel 47:13-20 hurting themselves not us. If they want to serve, thank the Jordan River IS the Eastern boundary of the land God them, as Joshua did in Joshua 22, but always remember we promised to Israel. The two and half tribes chose to live cannot make anyone walk in what is his in Christ. outside the boundary of the land of God’s blessing and We must learn to live in peace with those who, promise. Wow! frankly, just don’t get it or just won’t get it. Thank them for This decision divided the whole nation of Israel and their serving and always encourage them in their walk with separated these 2½ tribes from fully enjoying all that God Christ, but then pray for them and go on in your own walk, had promised. The 2½ tribes were the tribe of Reuben and enjoying through surrender to Christ and His Word what is the tribe of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh. In Numbers yours in Him. No one can take it from us, but as we’ve 32:1-5, the reason that they gave for choosing this land seen, we can choose not to walk in it. Learn to live in peace instead of the land of promise, was not a spiritual reason. It with the odd brother. was on the basis of material gain because they raised cattle. They looked at the land on the eastern side and made a Wayne Barber is senior pastor of Woodland Park Baptist decision on what seemed best for them. It looked better for Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. grazing! It was like the cow with its head stuck through the Page 10 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
______Words to Stand You on Your Feet—by Joe McKeever
The Last Thing You Want to Happen to Your Church
Recently, I worshiped with a church that is fighting the edge of its resources. Its bank account will be for survival. Well, whether they are fighting or not is practically bare toward the end of the month. Its members debatable, but they are definitely on life-support. will sometimes be called into emergency sessions to Then the worst thing imaginable happened to them determine whether to cut back on a planned venture or to —someone gave them a truckload of money. One of their rally the congregation to give more sacrificially. leaders told me, “We’re looking for a part-time staff The leaders of this kind of church—one which is member.” He described the function of the role, then added, always lifting up, reaching out, and gathering in—will “Money is no problem.” He was quiet a moment, then said, laughingly say they dream of the day when the bank “In fact, we have a lot of money.” account always carries a hefty balance, when some long- I knew the small, dwindling congregation had a lost friend’s estate blesses them with a few hundred number of elderly, wealthy, tithing members, and so it came thousand dollars. as no surprise that their bank account would be healthy. The But they are mistaken—that would be the worst leader said, “Last week, we received a check from the estate thing imaginable. Such a huge windfall of cash could stop of a friend.” Bingo—another $150,000 or more in the bank. that church’s outreach ministries dead in their tracks. Faced I groaned inwardly. This is the last thing any with decisions to be made on spending hundreds of church needs, particularly one that is in danger of dying. thousands of dollars, the membership’s focus turns Here are four temptations that can quickly beset the church inwardly while visions of fancy buildings and expensive suddenly blessed with wealth: buses and exotic mission trips dance in their minds. They 1) The tendency of a church with a lot of money is either divide over the money or spend it mostly on to throw cash at every problem. Instead of the members themselves. In either case, their evangelistic momentum witnessing and bringing their neighbors to church, such a grinds to a halt. congregation will want to hire someone on staff to do their So, if your church is living at the edge, but loving witnessing. They will assign him a task he cannot perform: God, enjoying each other, and reaching new people for the “Grow our church.” Lord, savor it. If you can look back to the last few years and 2) The church that refuses to get into its see wonderful accomplishments even though the money neighborhood with the gospel, but which hires staffers and was always tight, and that God always provided just enough pays them well, will begin to see its members as a board of but nothing extra, count your blessings. You have the best directors who meet regularly to assess how well their of it all, friend. employees are doing their job. Nothing about that is good. Now, if you could only convince your leadership 3) There is a considerable danger that the church team and finance committee of this. As I see it, there are will fall to bickering over how the money is to be spent. If three simple things you can do to make the case. the experience of other churches holds, some who do not 1) Remind them that money isn’t everything to a get their way will become angry and leave and drop out of church, but should simply be a tool for ministry. You might church altogether. share this article with them as a starting point. 4) The great temptation will be to spend the bulk of 2) Remind them from time to time that a surplus of the money on themselves, to build lavish facilities, under cash in the church bank account would ultimately solve the false impression that this is what it will take to attract none of the church’s problems, but present them with an additional members. It will not work. People are not entire new slate of problems. attracted to a church because it has lots of classroom space 3) From time to time, help the congregation to look or a gymnasium. This is a waste of a resource that could back over the past few years at major projects the church make a huge difference for the kingdom. undertook by faith and show them how the Lord provided One wonders what would happen if the church just enough but no extra. Teach them that this is the norm were to send all the money it received from the lady’s estate for a people commissioned to live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4 to its denomination’s missionaries, to a children’s home, or and Romans 1:17). to a homeless ministry in its town. No good comes from large, stagnant bank accounts Joe McKeever is a retired Southern Baptist pastor from held by God’s people. The opposite seems to be true. A New Orleans, Louisiana. He blogs regularly at growing, evangelistic church will almost always operate at www.joemckeever.com. Page 11 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version ______Jewels from Past Giants
How the Gospel Makes Men Holy—Part 1 By John A. Broadus
A sermon published as a chapter in Sermons and And so, as the experiences of life come and go, Addresses, Hodder & Stoughton, New York, 1886. men still hope to be good. Who is there here today that does not hope to be good? Who is there here today that at this “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me solemn moment, when we are thinking about the soul and out of the body of this death! I thank God through Jesus its immortality, does not feel that to be good is the loftiest Chris our Lord” (Rom. 7:24-25). human aspiration and the best earthly attainment? O, tell The language is intensely passionate—“O wretched me, do you not feel it? man that I am! Who shall deliver me out of the body of this Now I have something to say about this great death?” Then with the sudden transition of passion, “I question; not to cite my own experience or to give my own thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” ideas, but I want to get your attention fixed on the apostle “How shall I be good?” is a question that used Paul’s account of this matter, including, some details of his sometimes to rise in your mind when you were a child, own experience about it. Let us see how he treats the sometimes when nobody would imagine you were thinking question. Here, in the Epistle to the Romans, the early of such things as that. “How shall I get to be good?” And it chapters of the Epistle are occupied with what we call is a question which, amid all the commotion of this justification by faith, telling how, by believing in Jesus runaway life of ours, comes back to us very often, even to Christ, a man may be justified—that is, may be regarded people whom you would not suppose to be thinking of such and treated in the sight of God’s law as if he were a just things at all. man. The grossly wicked men, the men who are the And then the next question that will arise to any slaves of vice, many of them, perhaps all of them, have reflecting mind, and which the apostle at once thought of, their moments when there is a sort of longing that rises in is, “Ah! But how does this bear on the matter of making a their souls to be good, and when the hope returns, man good, in his real personal character? It looks at first indestructible, that somehow or other they will get to be like a sort of legal fiction, the idea of considering a man as good after all. It became a sort of jest a few years ago, I just in the sight of God’s law, though he is not just, because know, to speak of “the wickedest man in New York,” but I of Jesus Christ in whom he believes. And then remains the wonder sometimes if the wickedest man—whoever he question how a man is to be made righteous in his own might happen to be, considered as God considers—does not character, how he is to be made holy. sometimes want to be good. Many persons say that this is the weak point of the For many of us, it has been much more than a Gospel, that the Gospel tends to lessen the inducements to vague longing that comes back again and again. It has been seek personal holiness, by undertaking to make a man just an earnest effort, sometimes a fearful struggle, when we simply upon believing, by offering him amnesty. They talk have been trying to be good, and we have wondered as if the Gospel offer of free pardon for somebody else’s whether something would not come in the course of the sake, yea, and of title to everlasting life for somebody else’s varied experiences of life, that would render it easier for us sake, were an encouragement to do wrong. There are many to conquer in this struggle, easier to become good. men holding the subject at arm’s length who maintain that As a man lives on, he cannot help thinking—since the Gospel tends to prevent us from trying to do right by it is so hard now—that it will become easier to be good. thus offering salvation gratuitously. And when changes occur in his outward life, he hopes now Now the apostle Paul goes on to show in the first to find it easier. He sets up a new home, it may be, and has place the absurdity of such an idea; to show that when men a vague feeling that there he will be able to be good. He talk as if it were a small thing to believe in Jesus Christ the marries a pious woman, maybe, and although he may not Lord, they don’t understand what they are talking about. He say a word about it, he has a sort of notion that perhaps that shows by several different illustrative arguments that if a will be blessed to him, and he will become pious too. He man believes in Jesus Christ, that means something; that it loses a parent whom he leaned on, maybe he loses a little means a power in his life, that it involves a change in his child that lay in his bosom, and amid the strange feelings inner character. that rise up then, and which he would not tell anyone about, He says first that if we are believers, we are dead to he thinks, “Now surely I shall become good.” sin and have risen to a new life. He reminds his readers that this great thought was symbolized by that affecting Page 12 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version ceremony in which they entered upon the professed life of a hanging down his plummet to see if his wall was Christian. “Know ye not that so many of us as were perpendicular. “And judgment I have set to the line, and baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized unto his death?” righteousness to the plummet.” God’s word applied to a Our baptism referred to Jesus Christ, and don’t you know man’s life will help him to see whether he has been upright. that it referred especially to His death and resurrection? Or the law of God is like a carpenter’s straight edge, and, “That like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory laid on his character, will enable him to see where his of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of character deviates from rectitude. life.” Do you not know that your baptism, at the outset of Ah, me! Whosoever will honestly apply this test, your Christian life, meant that you had died to sin and risen the result will be a deep and painful consciousness that he up from a grave like the symbolic grave in the waters, and does not come up to it. But more than that happens. By the that you were henceforth to walk in newness of life? strange perversity of human nature, through the terrible Then he takes a second illustration. We were slaves sinfulness of sin, God’s law not only makes us see how bad to sin; but now, by believing in Jesus Christ, we have we are, but actually makes us worse. This is the thought changed masters; we have become, so to speak, the slaves that startles us here. God’s law makes us worse instead of of holiness, the slaves, as it were, of God. We have a new making us better. It stimulates sinfulness by restraint. Master, and we shall render service to him. If a man is a Have you not often observed how restraint believer, it means something. It means that he has changed stimulates men to act contrary to it? Not long ago a lad of masters. And yet again he says the case is like that of a my acquaintance was talked to by his father about smoking, woman whose husband died, and who is now married to a with an earnest request that he would not form the habit. new husband; the children she now bears are no longer the Afterwards he said to his mother, “I am so glad that papa children of the old husband, but of the new. If we are did not say I must not smoke, for if he had said I must not believers, we are indeed dead to the law; but we are married smoke, I could not have kept from it, but he simply said he to Christ, and the fruit of our life is to be borne to him. wished I would not; I am so glad.” There was a great deal So, then, if anybody ever tells you that this Gospel of human nature in that. of free grace is an encouragement to men to do wrong, tell There is a story of an old woman in one of the him it cannot be so for a man who believes this Gospel, for German towns who had lived to be seventy years old that means something. without going outside the ancient wall of the city. The fact But the apostle by no means stops at that. Not only was told to the Grand Duke, who sent the old lady word is it absurd to say that salvation by grace will encourage a that he wished the fact to go down to history and begged man to do wrong, but justification by faith, salvation by she would be sure and not go out during the rest of her life. grace, furnishes the only way in which a man can really You may know what would happen. She got to thinking become holy. The apostle shows this negatively and then about it, and in a short time she went out. But, alas! Not positively. In this remarkable passage in the seventh chapter merely in ludicrous ways does this propensity of ours show of Romans, over which so many religious controversies itself, but in terrible earnest. have been waged, and over which—what is ten thousand The more a man knows something is wrong, times better than religious controversies—have bent many sometimes the more it seems he cannot help doing it. If you troubled yet trusting hearts as they found themselves should go into a darkened room, that had long been shut up, exactly portrayed, the apostle first points out what is the and with a broom should begin to clean it out, there might best that the law can do to make a man holy. be a nest of vipers in one corner lying still in the darkness, What is the best that a man can do in the way of but when you disturbed them they would thrust out their becoming holy, by just trying to do right, simply trying, in forked tongues and hiss and threaten to destroy you. So his own strength, to do what he learns from God’s law to be when God’s law comes with its demand upon us to clean right? There are people who are trying to do that, some of out the sin from our souls, how our sinful propensities, that them honest in it, some of them very earnest. They have got were asleep maybe, will wake up and threaten us! their notion as to what is right, and are trying to do right. The apostle says, “I was alive without the law once Some of them look in the Word of God; they push aside (that is, he thought he was leading a true spiritual life and what they call its mysteries and all matters pertaining to that he was a good man) but when the commandment came doctrine, and take out of it only its rules of right, and they to me, sin revived, and I died” Paul saw that all his say: “Now I am trying to live according to these rules of spirituality was nothing; he was not a good man at all. Is right.” this the fault of the law of God? Paul says, No; the law of What is the best they can do? Here is the apostle’s God is all true; the commandment of God is holy and just answer. In the first place, he says God’s law, which is holy and good—the law is just as good as it can be, it is God’s and just and good, will make a man see how bad he is. The own law. It is not the fault of the law; it is the fault of sin. child yonder will perhaps know what is meant by a And this shows what a terrible thing sin is, that it takes the plummet, and may have seen a man building on a wall and very rule of God that is given to direct our life, and perverts Page 13 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version it into the occasion of doing worse—“that sin by the Henry Newman later said “perhaps the greatest man the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” Baptists have produced.” Born and raised in Virginia, he Ah, when God has reached down to this sin-ruined received his undergraduate degree at Brown University and world of ours and given his own rule of what is right, men studied for the ministry at the University of Virginia. take that and pervert it and become worse than they would Ordained in 1850, he began his ministry as pastor of a have been without it. Does not sin thus show itself to be Baptist church in Charlottesville. In 1859, he became one of exceeding sinful? So the result is that man finds in himself the first professors at the new Southern Baptist Theological a struggle which the apostle himself describes; there rise up Seminary, teaching New Testament interpretation and desires to do right, and then there arise sinful dispositions, homiletics. During the Civil War, when the seminary was contrary to God’s law; and these stimulate one another until forced to close its doors, he served for a time as a chaplain sometimes his whole heart is a battlefield. to Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. After the war, he returned to the seminary, assisting in the school’s John Albert Broadus (1827–1895) was a Baptist pastor move to Louisville and serving as its second president from and professor described as one of the most famous 1888 until his death. preachers of his day. Charles Spurgeon deemed Broadus the “greatest of living preachers.” Church historian Albert
______Marks of the Master—by The Old Scot
Flying Fury
Originally published in Pulpit Helps, December 2006. grasshoppers. They look much like ‘hoppers, too, in this stage, with about the same size and coloration. When they come in their millions, with the sound No one knows exactly what causes a new of a mighty waterfall, they flutter down out of the sky like a generation of locusts to change, though many scientists dark obliterating cloud. Before them the land stretches away think the transformation is triggered by a skimpy food like a soft green blanket; but behind them they leave a stark supply, because of drought conditions. Whatever is the dead landscape in which no shred of living green remains. cause, it triggers a “swarming phase,” and that starts with They are the dreaded locusts of the Mideast, which bigger-bodied, longer-winged locusts that are capable of can strip all green vegetation from huge swaths of land as traveling long distances. they migrate—sometimes for hundreds of miles. In that They are also brighter colored, exchanging their region they are one of the most feared of nature’s plagues, dull green for bright yellow and even hues of pink or red. and they have been around at least since that long-ago day And they do not reach sexual maturity for half a year—a that Moses commanded the king of Egypt to “Let my very long time in the life of an insect. Furthermore, they people go!” tend to cluster together instead of each going its own way— Let the Bible describe the worst—but far from the hence the “swarm,” which can number in the tens of only—such visitation: “And Moses stretched forth his rod millions. over the land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an east wind When the swarm begins to migrate, it may well upon the land all that day, and all that night; and when it travel throughout each day until it reaches an area where was morning, the east wind brought the locusts. And the there has been plenty of rain. But en route the locusts in the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested in all van drop down to feed, letting the main swarm fly over the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before them them, and then rejoining the tail of the “cloud.” Thus the there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall swarm resembles a great revolving cloud, with the leading be such. For they covered the face of the whole earth, so edge constantly falling to earth and the trailing edge that the land was darkened; and they did eat every herb of continually being reinforced by those who have finished the land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had feeding. left: and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or It takes a lot of energy to fly most of each day, and in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt” (Ex. that makes migrating locusts ravenous eaters. Each one will 10:13-15). consume its own weight in plant leaves, stems, buds, fruit, Locusts may exist for years without causing major or whatever, every day if it can. damage, in what is called a “solitary phase.” During this The migration finally ends when the swarm finds a phase, they behave very much like their cousins, the broad area where food is plentiful and the soil is moist enough for the locusts’ eggs to survive. Shortly after laying Page 14 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version their eggs, the locusts begin to die. Their mission in life has Just so were we also endowed with the qualities been fulfilled. Their children will revert to the solitary which make us unique. We, too, can adapt to life as we find phase for possibly many generations, until once again it, thanks to God who made us. Revelation 4:11 says in conditions are right to call forth the swarm—at least, that’s part: “…for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy the natural explanation. There is also undoubtedly also a pleasure they are and were created.” God made us because spiritual dimension, as with the swarm that became one of He wants to enjoy our company! How wonderful! the plagues of Egypt. As far as evolution is concerned, we note that the The Old Scot (Ted Kyle) lives in Newberg, Oregon, with choice of which type they will become is not up to the his wife, Marga. locusts—from the very first of their kind on down, for each time the switch was needed, it was needed immediately and Source: The Mystery of Migration, Robin Baker, chief in full. There were no millions of years to gradually build in contributing ed., Viking Press, NY, 1981, pp. 80-86. little change after little change. Locusts were given their qualities by the One who brought them into existence.
______Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel
Medical Ministry: A Healing Touch in the Name of Jesus By AMG International Staff
This column highlights the ministries of Disciple’s St. Luke’s Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece parent organization, Advancing the Ministries of the Since 1975, St. Luke’s Hospital has been providing Gospel (AMG) International, a non-denominational top-notch medical care and a compassionate Gospel witness missions agency in Greece and across Eastern Europe. Today, this 270-bed Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus healed facility that admits over 2,000 patients and performs 1,900 many people to show His power and love, foreshadowing outpatient procedures each month has earned the reputation the ultimate spiritual healing He brings to all who put their of being one of the best hospitals in the region. faith in His shed blood for forgiveness of sin. While it is rather unusual to see a missions Jesus made this connection when He healed a organization operating a hospital in a modern country like paralytic early in His ministry. When the Pharisees scoffed Greece, the opportunities to share the Gospel in this way at His forgiveness of the man’s sins, He rebuked them: are stunning. Through conversations with believing medical “Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins have been forgiven staff and daily devotions broadcast through the PA system, you,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk?’ But so that you may many who might not otherwise hear the Gospel come to St. know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive Luke’s Hospital and hear it for the first time in their lives. sins…I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher and More people hear the Gospel there in an average year than go home” (Luke 5:23-24 NASB). visit all evangelical churches in Greece combined. As AMG International strives to share the message A recent patient writes, “I feel the need and the joy of Christ around the world, we recognize the power of to express to you my congratulations and admiration for the medical ministry to open hearts and lives to the Gospel. select and outstanding staff you have, both the doctors and When people are sick or injured, skilled medical care from the nurses. The manner in which they treated me, their faithful believers can be the difference between life and eagerness to help and their general behavior eased my pain death—both physical and spiritual. and made my stay at the hospital pleasant. I am particularly AMG operates medical facilities in several grateful to the director of the hospital, whose morning and countries where we work, ranging in scope from urgent- evening devotionals gave me strength, courage, faith, love care clinics to full-service hospitals. In every facility we and patience in dealing with the pain I experienced” operate, the quality of medical care and Christ-like Because of the recent financial crisis in Greece, the compassion delivered by our national workers powerfully services of St. Luke’s are more in demand than ever as the impacts entire communities. public health service continues to decline. The hospital’s Two of AMG’s facilities in particular have reputation leads many who could not otherwise pay for the tremendous ministries in their respective countries as well care they need to come to St. Luke’s, knowing that no one significant, ongoing needs. will be turned away. These pressures, combined with long delays in reimbursement from the government-provided Page 15 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version health insurance (at present, more than €25 million owed to inspired you to begin this project. I thank you. I want to St. Luke’s is overdue), have strained the hospital’s finances, thank all the people who are cooperating with you.” making it difficult to operate without outside funding. Even with the dramatic improvement of healthcare in the community that the opening of Bethesda has brought, Bethesda Medical Center, Grand-Bassin, Haiti the most serious cases still require patients to travel to the Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western nearest full-service hospital, which charges for care and is Hemisphere, and even the most basic medical care there is a over an hour’s drive away. Often, patients have died, lost luxury. Just a few hundred miles off the U. S. coast, people limbs, or suffered through excruciating pain because they die each day from injuries and infections that would be could not afford the trip. To prevent this, AMG is currently treated and forgotten quickly here. constructing a laboratory to provide the necessary tests and In the midst of this desperate situation, AMG has equipment to diagnose and treat more difficult cases. worked through national workers and strategic church Each of these strategic ministries, as well as partnerships to build the Bethesda Medical Center to serve AMG’s other medical facilities around the world, depends several thousand residents of the town of Grand-Bassin and on generous gifts from our partners to continue serving the surrounding farming communities. Starting with visiting those in need with compassion and the hope of Christ. It is doctors and nurses from the U.S., and now with a full-time only through their faithful generosity that AMG is able to medical staff of its own, Bethesda shines the light of Christ be the healing hands of the Body of Christ to so many through loving treatment and daily Gospel presentations in around the world. the waiting room. A patient treated at Bethesda during the 2011 To learn more about AMG’s medical ministries around the cholera epidemic writes, “I was sick with cholera. I was globe and how you can support them, please visit about to die and everybody in my family started to cry. I www.amginternational.org or call 1-800-251-7206. could not talk. I could not move. I felt that death would be better for me because I did not hope to live again. The Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel (AMG) nurses, doctor, and other staff members at the clinic took International is a non-denominational, international care of me. Finally, I saw that I was living again. I praise missions agency based in Chattanooga, Tenn. AMG’s God for this miracle. I have to tell you, if this medical distinctive has always been its reliance on national workers center were not in the community, I think that more than to carry the Gospel in their own cultures. Today, they half the community would die. I understand that God operate ministries in over 40 countries around the world through partnership with national believers.
______Book Review—9/10/2012
Recent Releases carefully analyzes 6 key areas of dissent (the authority of Scripture, the nature of Justification, the role of the Church, Are We Together?: A Protestant Analyzes Roman the Sacraments, the Papacy, and the place of Mary) with Catholicism, R. C. Sproul, 2012, Reformation Trust, Lake thorough biblical exposition and makes a firm case that the Mary, Fla., ISBN 9781567692822, 129 pages, $17.00, Reformation is not over. hardcover. The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership R. C. Sproul has for decades been one of America’s that Matters, R. Albert Mohler, Jr., 2012, Bethany House, best-known theologians and one of the staunchest defenders Bloomington, Minn., ISBN 9780764210044, 224 pages, of the principles of the Reformation, so it seems natural for $22.99, hardcover. him to take up his pen to address the growing forgetfulness in the American Church of just why it is that Protestants Mohler, best known as the president of the and Catholics are separate. With the intense cooperation Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., between both groups on social values issues in recent years was a driving force behind that institution’s transformation (which Sproul lauds) and the growing number of from theological liberalism and fading relevance to a Protestants leaving evangelical denominations and joining hotbed of solid biblical scholarship and evangelical the Roman Catholic Church (which he strongly laments), a influence. Through the principles outlined in this book, book outlining the basic distinctions between Protestant and Mohler hopes to shift readers’ understanding of what it Catholic beliefs in simple language is much needed. Sproul Page 16 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version takes to courageously stand for truth and motivate people to governing the worship of the Most High are among the stand with you. more confusing and mystical sections of Scripture. Christians today often wonder about the significance of Everyday Church: Gospel Communities on Mission, these practices and the attention to detail that seems foreign Tim Chester and Steve Timmis, 2012, Crossway, Wheaton, to a New Testament believer. Through this short but Ill., ISBN 9781433532221, 192 pages, $14.99, softcover. scholarly work, Hyde shows readers that the Tabernacle narratives have much to teach us about God, sin, our Chester and Timmis, a pastor and a church planter ultimate redemption in Christ, and how we are to live in respectively, bring to bear their experience with the Church light of these truths. in the United Kingdom on the problems facing the Western Church everywhere about our ministry to an increasingly The Life of God in the Soul of the Church: The Root post-Christian culture. Through an exposition of 1 Peter (an and Fruit of Spiritual Fellowship, Thabiti Anyabwile, epistle written to encourage persecuted Christians living as 2012, Christian Focus Publications, Faern, Scotland, ISBN “aliens and strangers” in a hostile culture), the authors 9781845509231, 243 pages, $14.99, softcover. encourage churches to rely on simple faithfulness to the Gospel and the testimony of their members rather than on Anyabwile, a respected pastor, author, and dynamic leaders and entertaining programs in order to reach conference speaker, offers readers an opportunity to the lost in their communities. carefully consider the spiritual fellowship believers enjoy in the church. He contends that union with Christ is not simply God in Our Midst: The Tabernacle & Our individualistic, but is something that is discerned in the Relationship with God, Daniel R. Hyde, 2012, Gospel-focused fellowship of the local church. In Reformation Trust, Lake Mary, Fla., ISBN expositing the “one anothers” of Scripture, he shows that 9781567692815, 255 pages, $18.00, hardcover. the identity and responsibility of the church is not found in activities and programs but in our shared life in Christ and The lengthy Old Testament passages describing the the mission He has called us to. construction of the Lord’s Tabernacle and the rituals
______News Update—9/10/12
Muslim Attacks Reducing Iraq’s Christian confiscating church property and taking the organizer to a Population police station for questioning, China Aid reports. Christians in Iraq have not only been injured in Pastor Zhang Mingxuan, chairman of the 200- recent incidents between Muslim factions, but have been member house church that organized the camp, said police specifically victimized for their faith, forced their way into the meeting—where Christians were OneNewsNow.com reports. In Mosul, the country’s third tutoring more than 30 children and teenagers—and forcibly largest city, Christians have especially suffered in recent removed teaching supplies, such as computers and overhead months. projectors. Police also removed religious decorations from “There used to be a sizeable amount of Christians the home. [in Mosul]—in fact, almost 100,000—but during the last 10 According to a member of the church surnamed years or so, that has really gone down to about 25,000,” Chang, an official “said this was an illegal meeting, that said Jerry Dykstra of Open Doors USA. “So, they have proper procedures had not been completed. He said that been targeted, especially in Mosul. They have been house churches that have not gone through the proper threatened. They have been kidnapped.” procedures cannot meet again after today.” Many have fled to Lebanon, Syria, and other Religion Today Summaries neighboring countries, but even Christians in those locations have been leaving. There are about 345,000 Study Shows Little Risk to Unborn From Christians remaining in Iraq, compared to a million in 2003. Chemotherapy Religion Today Summaries A new study shows there is little evidence that chemotherapy treatments on a pregnant woman will China: Christian Summer Camp Shut Down negatively impact her unborn child’s health, Baptist In China’s Shaanxi province, police raided and Press reports. The research on more than 400 European broke up a summer camp organized by a house church, women with breast cancer showed their babies weighed less Page 17 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version but were not at a greater risk for birth defects, blood cemetery. The situation grew even more tense when the disorders or hair loss. Hindus staged a rally against the Christians in the area; no Premature birth, not chemotherapy, actually caused violence has been reported, but “the incident has left the the babies’ low birth weight in the study, according to the community shaken and the village polarized,” John said. German Breast Group, which led the research. However, Religion Today Summaries the group acknowledged more research was needed to determine if chemotherapy could cause physical or mental Refugee Surge in Jordan Overwhelms Christians problems for a child later in life. Jordanian native missionary leaders say they are In the past, physicians have told women with breast being overwhelmed by a new surge of terrified Syrian cancer that chemotherapy could harm their unborn children refugees, Christian Aid Mission reports. —and sometimes recommended abortion—but this study, “They are coming under the fences every night, among others, has shown such treatments after the first 2,500 to 3,000 at a time since the border with Turkey trimester can be safe for both the babies and their mothers. closed,” said an indigenous leader of one of the main Religion Today Summaries mission groups who has been working to help the refugees find food and shelter. “There are already 180,000 refugees India: Hindus Angry at Burial of Pastor Force here from Syria and they are growing every day—this is a Church Members to Exhume His Body very, very intense time for us.” Hindus angry at the burial of a former Christian Most of the refugees are women and children, who pastor in a new cemetery last week forced church leaders to fled Syria after family members were killed. “We lost it all exhume his body, Open Doors News reports. in Syria,” said one woman. “I worry for my family that The body of the Rev. Daniel Das, retired pastor of didn’t make it out.” Another woman said just crossing the the Church of North India in Pithora, was buried again border can be deadly: “We waited until nightfall, climbed Thursday in an older Christian cemetery that was already through a barbed-wire fence under heavy gunfire with our full and prone to flooding during India’s summer husbands and kids. Our husbands didn’t make it across.” monsoons, now in full swing. The new burial plot promptly Like all the other frontline states, Jordan has filled with water. officially closed its borders to Syrian refugees and is trying The church’s pastor, Rev. Rodrick John, said since to resist pressure by Sunni jihadists from nearby Saudi the cemetery was full and often inaccessible during the Arabia and Qatar. The Islamists want to divide up Syrian summer rains, the sub-divisional magistrate for the area set territory under various militias in order to help bring down aside new ground for a cemetery six years ago. However, the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, when church members buried the late Rev. Das in a plot in an Alawite Muslim who is accused of many atrocities but the new burial ground, about 600 members of a local Hindu who has protected the Christian minority. agricultural community stormed the site, shouting anti- Christian Aid, which has supported indigenous Christian slogans. missions in Syria and the Middle East for decades, has set The magistrate “left it to us Christians as to what up a special fund to aid Syrian Christians during this time we would do,” John said, so to avert violence, the of crisis; more information is available at ChristianAid.org. Christians exhumed the body and moved it to the older Religion Today Summaries
______Sermon Helps—From SermonHall.com
Sermon Outlines Intro: How do you know you are on the Lord’s side? Are Who Is on the Lord’s Side? you: Exodus 32:26 I. Following His words? A. Words of love (Matt. 22:37). B. Words of learning (2 Tim. 2:15). Page 18 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
C. Words of looking (Phil. 3:20). One Monday morning, a preacher passed by. He II. Following His Will? watched these busy men with interest for a long time. How A. This means separation (2 Cor. 5:17; 6:17). impressed he was that a workman could take a tool, strike a B. This means surrender (Luke 22:42). stone, and cut it as if it were warm butter. The man cutting C. This means service (Ps. 100:2). stones kept moving along on his knees cutting more stones III. Following His way? and putting them in place. A. The way to God (Isa. 55:8-9). Shortly the preacher interrupted: “Say, I wish I B. The way to godliness (Matt. 6:33). could cut the hearts of men with my sermons the way you C. The way to glory (John 3:1-8). are cutting those stones with that instrument.” Croft M. Pentz The man laying the sidewalk looked up and said, “Did you ever try it like I am doing it—on your knees?” Seven Impossible Ministries Anonymous
Intro.: No one can list all the powers and works of Jesus, Be Faithful Where Christ Puts You but here are seven impossible ministries that He offers to all mankind. A story is told that in the eleventh century, King I. Jesus Took a Human Mother So That Humans Could Henry III of Bavaria grew tired of court life and the Have a Divine Father pressures of being a monarch. He made application to Prior A. The mystery of the Virgin Birth (Luke 1:35). Richard at a local monastery, asking to be accepted as a B. Believers have a divine Father (John 1:12; Gal. contemplative—one devoted to prayer and penance—and 4:6). spend the rest of his life in the monastery. II. Jesus Took Our Poverty So That We Could Receive His “Your Majesty,” said Prior Richard, “do you Riches understand that the pledge here is one of obedience? That A. Jesus took our poverty (Phil. 2: 5-8). will be hard, because you have been a king.” B. We inherit His riches (2 Cor. 8:9; Rom. 8:16). “I understand,” said Henry. “The rest of my life I III. Jesus Endured Our Temptations So That We Could will be obedient to you, as Christ leads you.” Receive a Merciful High Priest “Then I will tell you what to do,” said the prior. A. He endured temptation (Heb. 4:14-16). “Go back to your throne and serve faithfully in the place B. We receive mercy (1 John 1:9; 2:2). where God has put you.” IV. Jesus Took Our Sins So That We Could Receive His When King Henry died, a statement was written: Righteousness “The king learned to rule by being obedient.” When we tire A. Jesus took our sins at Calvary (1 Pet. 2:24). of our roles and responsibilities, it helps to remember that B. We can receive His righteousness (Rom.10:3; 2 God has planted us in a certain place and told us to be a Cor. 5:21). good accountant or teacher or mother or father. Christ V. Jesus Died Our Death So That We Could Receive His expects us to be faithful where He puts us, and when He Life Without Fear. returns, we will rule together with Him. A. Jesus died our death (Heb.2:14). Leadership Ministries Worldwide B. We can receive His life (John 10:10; 1 Cor.15:45). Bulletin Inserts VI. Jesus Left Physically So That We Could Receive Him On Humility Spiritually. A. Jesus left physically (John 16: 7; Acts 1:9). Some people are humble—and proud of it! B. We can receive Jesus spiritually (John 14:16- 22). It is humbling to compare the way we are with the way we VII. Jesus Knocks at Our Heart’s Door So That We May ought to be. Receive His Fellowship (Rev. 3:20) These two anonymous Robert G. Witty Admit your failures quickly and humbly. The people Illustrations already know when you’ve erred, but they’ll appreciate Cutting Hearts your right spirit. The Glen Rock Light Years ago in Atlanta, some workmen were laying a sidewalk of stones. Knowing God makes us humble—knowing ourselves keeps us humble. Page 19 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
Croft M. Pentz It is hard for a “superior” person to be used of the Lord Richard C. Halverson When one seeks the honor that comes from God only, he will take the withholding of the honor that comes from men He that is humble ever shall have God to be his guide very quietly indeed. John Bunyan George MacDonald Humility is a lot like underwear—essential, but indecent if In the sight of God, no man can look at himself except it shows. when he is down on his knees. Old Union Reminder Francois Mauriac Be humble or you’ll stumble. D. L. Moody
______Puzzles and ‘Toons
Church ’Toons by Joe McKeever Page 20 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version
Answers to last issue’s puzzles:
Father Abraham and Hidden Wisdom By Mark Oshman
Originally published in Pulpit Helps, May 1996
Hidden Wisdom on next page Page 21 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 4, # 17, 9/10/2012—Printer-Friendly Version