Academic Advisement Council
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March 22, 2016 2:30 pm Culp Center, MR#6
PRESENT: Jillian Alexander, Tina Bishop, Corey Dean, Matt Desjardins, Tim Dills, Rachel Dinsmore, Tom Donohoe, Katie Duvall, Martha Edde, Lisa Elliott, Kathy Feagins, Adrianna Guram, Carshonda Harris, Johnny Hedgepath, Paula Hotz, Jessica Houston, Heather Levesque, Jessica Miller, Julie Mills, Ryan Oler, Stacy Onks, Susan Prohaska, Julina Pyanoe, Jennifer Rice, Evelyn Roach, Debbie Roach, Victoria Street, Shawn Stewart, NaKeisha Talley, Liz Thomas-Joseph, Carla Warner
COLLEGES/DEPARTMENTS REPRESENTED: Adult Commuter and Transfer Services, CASE, College of Business and Technology, College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences, College of Education, College of Nursing, Equity and Diversity, Housing, Kingsport Campus, Scholarship Office, Student Success Services, Student Affairs, University Advisement Center, Veteran’s Affairs
1. Welcome new advisors – Ryan Oler in the college of Business and Technology, Engineering and Amy Wilkes – in Athletics.
2. Transfer Students repeating courses – Tom Donohoe, Associate Registrar
Transfer grades will accumulate attempted hours, passed hours and earned hours. Transfer grades will not accumulate GPA hours, quality points, or GPA. Any transfer grades included due to the repeat process will not impact the GPA. Tom Donohoe’s presentation is attached. If you have any questions, please contact the Records office.
For information about gpa definitions visit:
1 Office of Undergraduate Student Advisement AAC Minutes – March 22, 2016 3. Student GoldMail email address change coming soon. For full information visit:
Student’s emails will not be an address. This change will take place on April 4th meaning that will no longer be given out. The official date is May 11 for this to be in effect.
Double emails may pop up but ITS is going to suppress the Goldmail emails until May 11. After May 11 should a Goldmail address pop do not use it.
ITS will update integrate listservs with the new addresses. Any system that references Banner is taken care of by ITS.
Since now all students will have access to 365 licenses they will have the ability to send calendar invites they can even share documents or attached documents using this system.
4. ETSU 1020 update – Heather Levesque
At this time, ETSU 1020 is not a required course. Advisors were asked to support this course by encouraging all new students to take the course. Thirty sections have been created for Fall 2016. Out of the 30 sections 23 will be on the main campus, 3 sections dedicated to Business and Technology, 3 sections for the Living and Learning communities, and one section in Kingsport. There is no permit required for the on campus courses.
At orientation this course will be mentioned several time. Students should be well aware of the course by the time they meet with their advisors. It is encouraged that advisors explain the success factor to the students and what an important course this is to take.
For pre-health students the equivalent is PREH 1350, for any questions on this course please contact Torey Street in the CASE office.
Note: students should not take PREH1350 and ETSU1020 in the same semester. Just one or the other.
Dr. Kirkwood will mention this at Academic Council on March 23 so that Deans are aware and can pass the word to their respective colleges. Martha Edde will send information on this to all Arts and Sciences faculty advisors.
This course can be a part of the lottery scholarship; however, there is a possibility of reaching maximum hours for eligibility before graduating.
Veterans can only take required courses but if advisors add this course to the veterans check off sheet it will be acceptable. 2 Office of Undergraduate Student Advisement AAC Minutes – March 22, 2016 5. Orientation dates for 2016 at the following link this link also includes dates for the Kingsport orientations.
By invitation only is scheduled for Saturday, April 23. Heather Levesque sent out invitations for the summer orientation this week.
Heather will be sending updated student lists weekly.
6. First Look – Adrianna Guram -
First Look is a program hosted by the ETSU Department of Housing and Residence Life which invites students to stay at a residence hall during orientation. This will be an opportunity for the student and their family to meet other new ETSU students/families and enjoy social and education activities as a pre-orientation activity.
Adrianna distributed information on First Look and on living-learning communities. Some new LLC have been added.
For more information please contact Adrianna at 439-4446.
7. Updates – Teresa Williams Refund Appeal Form Updated: ( Please destroy any old printed forms
Blue Weekend – STEM pilot program – April 8 & 9, 2016.
Bursar holds will go on April 1. Holds are – transcript hold if the student owes less than $200. More than $200 is a registration hold.
8. Announcements: Registration times have been posted for Fall 2016.
Schedule builder will by-pass any immunization hold – must go to GoldLink to answer the immunization question and then go to Schedule Builder.
A new pop-up for students in GoldLink regarding fee responsibility is coming soon. More details to follow soon.
3 Office of Undergraduate Student Advisement AAC Minutes – March 22, 2016