Overview of AP Statistics

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Overview of AP Statistics

® AP Statistics Syllabus ® Overview of AP Statistics

Course Description The purpose AP Statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: 1. Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns (20%-30% of AP exam) 2. Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study (10%-15% of AP exam) 3. Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation (20%-30% of AP exam) 4. Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses (30%-40% of AP exam)

Students will use graphical and numerical techniques to perform exploratory analysis of data. Students should be able to detect important characteristics, such as shape, location, variability, and unusual values. They will generate conjectures about patterns in data and relationships among variables, and they will use established techniques to explore how one variable may be associated with other variables. The difference between association and causation will permeate course.

Students will develop and execute data collection plans carefully in order to ensure the validity of information obtained. They will determine the appropriateness of the type of analysis and the nature of conclusions that can be drawn based on how data sets were collected.

The mathematical description of variation is central to statistics. The probability required for statistical inference is oriented toward using probability distributions to describe data. Students will use probability as a tool for anticipating what data should look like under a given model.

Students will estimate population parameters and test hypotheses using models and data. Statistical inference from data involves the process of selecting a reasonable model and a determination of how confident once can be about the selection. Course Design One of the greatest differences between teaching statistics and teaching most other mathematics courses is the ease with which a teacher may vary instruction and activities. In the AP Statistics classes, students sit at tables that are pushed together to form clusters containing four to six students. Fostering important classroom discussion pertaining to topics such as methodology and inferences is supported by students working together in small groups. [C4]

Teaching materials for the course come from textbooks, classroom lectures, new articles, journals, medical newsletters, videos, and the internet. At the start of the school year, students receive a list of formulas and tables from the course description book. These handouts are used throughout the year for homework and tests. Students also have access to a classroom set of TI-84 and TI-Nspire calculators. Students who do not own a calculator use the ones provided by the school for class work and use online graphing tools at home. Throughout the semester students will use the Math/Science Computer Lab and laptops to complete statistics computer assignments. Fathom software is used for demonstration, exploration, and analysis. [C5]

Projects are a major part of the course. Projects are in the form of extended formal writing assignments. Form and technical adequacy are enforced. Some of these projects are completed during class time, while others are completed outside of class. Students complete a final culminating project after the AP Examination. The purpose of this project is to give the students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of statistics by formulating a question, designing a study or experiment, collecting and analyzing data, and performing appropriate inferential procedures to answer the original question. Students must demonstrate proficiency in using the language of statistics to describe their statistical methods and results. Students begin drafting questions, designing the study, and collecting data as each concept is mastered throughout the semester.

Remarks Nothing is predictable in the statistics classroom. The instructor will network with other teachers and share ideas, materials, and activities. The instructor will continue to attend seminars and classes and bring ideas and activities to the classroom.

Primary Textbook References and Resource Materials (Noted with the following letters in the Course Outline)

T Moore, David S., Yates, Daniel S., and Starnes, Daren S. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics. 3rd ed. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2008.

V Annenberg/CPB. Against All Odds: Inside Statistics. 26 30-min. Washington, D.C.: The Annenberg/CPB Collection, 1989. Videocassettes. (800) LEARNER. www.learner.org .

rd E Erickson, T. The Fathom Guide for the Practice of Statistics. 3 ed. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2008.

POD Peck, Olsen, and Devore. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis. 3rd ed. Cengage Learning, 2010.

WK Rossman, Allan J., and Beth L. Chance. Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data and the Graphing Calculator. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008.

TI Texas Instrument TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire graphing calculator.

O Other resource materials used in the classroom come from articles in newspapers, journals, and the internet. Students will collect or download data from the Web.

W Worksheets for reinforcement, introduction of concepts, or review.

HW Homework problems assigned from the Yates, Moore, and Starnes textbook. Some of the problems listed are worked in class as discussion problems. Course Outline and Content [C2] Spring Semester Content Text and Resource Materials Week 1 Introduction to Statistics [C3] O Readings from the Harvard HW Students read about experimental design, ethics in medical testing and Women's Newsletter and the Chapter 1 experiments, and the role of statistics in medicine and society. Essay: ―The newspaper 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, Biggest Public Health Experiment Ever: The 1954 Field Trial of the Salk O PBS Video: Paralyzing 18, 21,24, 25, 27, 30, Poliomyelitis Vaccine.‖ Fear: The Story of Polio in 31, 41, 43, 44,58, 62, Quiz. Polio article and assigned readings. America 64 Exploring Data [C2a] [C5] Graphical displays of distributions of univariate data: boxplots, stemplots, T pages 1-111 dotplots, histograms, frequency charts, cumulative frequency charts, and bar WK Worksheet on Cumulative charts. Stress center, spread, and shape. Summarizing distributions of frequency charts and matching univariate data. Mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, quartiles, graphs to data: pages 27-32 standard deviation, percentiles, standardized scores (z-scores). W Practice AP problem; 1997 Comparing distributions of univariate data. Compare center, spread, clusters, test, Q 1 gaps, outliers and shapes within groups and between dotplots, stemplots and boxplots. Approximately one day is spent in instruction with the TI-84 calculator. Students use data generated in class for classroom exercises. Activity: Class data-collecting activity of student- made rockets and ―Tootsie Pops‖: How long to the center? Write-ups of the activities are due the end of week 1. Quiz.

Week 2 Standard deviation and variance [C2a] [C5] T pages 114-200 HW Properties of standard deviation and the effects of changing V 4, 5 Chapter 2 measurements and linear transformations on summary measures. The 1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 20, 24, Normal Distribution and Chebyshev’s Theorem. Measuring position, 26 quartiles, percentiles. Standardized scores (z scores). Using the normal Chapter 3 distribution as a model for measurement. Normal quartile plots. 1,3,5,10,15 Students spend time on computers standardizing data, graphing normal quartile plots, and interpreting information from the graphical and numerical displays of data. Video: Normal Distributions, and Normal Calculations. Test Scatter plots and Correlation [C2a] [C5] Explanatory and response variables, analyzing patterns in scatterplots, time series, correlation and linearity. Activity: Matching Descriptions to Scatter plots Use Java applets on LSRL, correlation, scatter plots

Week 3 Bivariate Data [C2a] [C5] T pages 201-291 HW Least squares regression line, residual plots, outliers, influential points, W Curve-fitting problems Chapter 3 and transformations to achieve linearity. V 7, 8, 9 35, 39, 41, 47, 9, 51, Approximately two days are spent in instruction with the TI-84 or TI- 55, 59, 63, 75, 77 Nspire calculator. Chapter 4 Two days are spent in the classroom for a data collection and curve-fitting 1, 4, 7, 9, 18 lab. Pairs of students work together to generate three sets of bivariate data. Students use calculators and computers to write equations of the curves that best model their data. Written assignment: Students write a report describing the results of the lab and their interpretation. Videos: Models for Growth, Describing Relationships, Correlation. Test. Weeks 4 Relations in Categorical Data [C2a] [C5] Analyzing two-way tables, Simpson's T pages 292-323 HW Paradox, conditional relative frequencies, and association. The concept of V 11 Chapter 4 cause and effect, anecdotal evidence, observational studies, and experiments. F pages 47-60 23, 25, 29, 30, 42, Video: The Question of Causation 44,57,58 Two-day Fathom lab on calculating the least squares regression line, dotplots, boxplots, and scatter plots. Students explore the effect of outliers and influential points. (Data from "Old Faithful" geyser in Yellowstone Park.) Lab due at the end of week 11. Students must write a report using statistical language to describe their analysis and conclusions. Test. Week 5 Experimental Design, Sampling, and Randomness [C2b] T pages 326-378 HW Different methods of data collection, simple random sampling, sampling V 12,13 Chapter 5 error, bias, stratifying, confounding, blocking, and replication. W Practice AP problems: 1-8, 9-14, 17, 18, 20, Activities in class to develop an understanding of randomness and 1999 Q3; 2000 Q5 27, 31, 33,34, 35, 39, sampling – Random Rectangles 44, 45, 52, 53 Videos: Experimental Design, Blocking, and Sampling Project – students will complete and write up the helicopter experiment. Students should be able to clearly describe their experimental design process from design to collection of data to descriptive reports of their results. [C3] [C4] The design, execution, and writing is a group project. Exemplary reports are discussed in class. Weeks 6-7 Probability [C2c] T pages 388–507 HW Basic Probability Rules. W Practice AP Chapter 6 Simulations as a means to answer probability questions. problems: 1999, Q5, work 1-5, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, Two days are spent on class activities to develop ideas of probabilities by simulation; 2001, Q3 21–25, 30, 36, 39, 40, and estimates of proportions. W practice probability 42, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, ―Spinning Pennies‖ and ―Estimating Proportions: How Accurate Are problems using tree 55, 56, 59, 61, 65, 69, the Polls?‖ Quiz. diagrams 75, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, Random variables and sampling distributions [C2c] [C5] V 15, 16 91, 92, 96 Simulation of probability distributions and sampling distributions. Chapter 7 Expected values and standard deviation of a random variable. Mean and 1–5, 7 , 9, 11–15, 17, standard deviation for sums and differences of independent random 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 29, variables. 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, One day is spent in class using the TI-84/ TI-Nspire to develop rules for 44, 51 the mean and variance of independent random variables and probability distributions. Video: Samples and Surveys. Activity: A lottery is run every day for one week. The Texas lottery model is used, and prizes are awarded. Test.

Weeks 8-9 Sampling Distributions [C2c] [C5] T pages 510– 612 HW Binomial probabilities, binomial distributions, normal approximation to POD pages 335-339 Chapter 8 the binomial distribution. Law of large numbers. W Geometric 1-5, 13, 14, 20, 22, 23, Students use the TI-84/TI-Nspires to apply PDF and CDF distributions 26, 28, 30, 32, 45, 47, functions and to develop the conditions for the normal approximation to V 17, 18 54 the binomial distribution. F pages 125-140 Chapter 9 Simulating Distributions [C2c] [C5] 1-3, 8, 10, 11-15, 19, Binomial probabilities, binomial distribution, normal approximation for 20, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38 counts and proportions, geometric distributions and probabilities associated with geometric distributions, sampling distribution of a sample mean, central limit theorem. Activity: ―Cents and the Central Limit Theorem‖. Two-day Fathom lab on sampling distributions, and the central limit theorem. Write-up due the end of week 9. Students will describe their sampling methodology, the results, and their interpretation. Video: Binomial Distribution, The Sample Mean and Control Charts. Test. Weeks 10 Confidence Intervals [C2d] T pages 613-739 HW Estimating population means, critical values, margin of error, and POD pages 482–84, Chapter 10 sample size. pages 516–526 1–3, 5–7, 11, 13, 15, 17, Hypothesis testing. W Type I and type II 22, 24, 26-28, 31, 33, 35, Null and alternative hypotheses, p values, statistical significance, z test errors, power 36, 38, 39, 40-45, 46, 49, for population mean, confidence intervals and two-sided tests. V 19, 20 53–59 Type I and Type II errors, power and power curves. Statistical Chapter 11 significance, practical significance, and data snooping. 1, 4, 10, 12, 16, 20-22, Two days are spent on class activities developing the idea of 29, 32, 39, 44, 45, 49, 56 confidence intervals. The candy Skittles is used for CI, "Introduction to Hypothesis Testing." Video: Confidence Intervals, Significance Tests. Test. Students are required to have the topic of their end of semester project selected by the end of week 10. Weeks 11 Inference for a Single Proportion [C2d] Large-sample inference for a T 740-777 HW population proportion, confidence interval for a population proportion, V 23 Chapter 12 sample size, and margin of error. 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 19, 23, Comparing two proportions. 25, 27-34, 35 Confidence intervals for the difference between two proportions, significance tests for comparing two proportions, pooled estimate of p. Video: Inference for Proportions. Test. Weeks The distribution, standard error, one-sample t procedures, T pages 778-831 12–13 matched pairs t procedures [C2b][C3] W Sign Test HW Comparison of two means, two-sample z statistic, two-sample V 21, 22 Chapter 13 independent t procedure. Activity: Data collected to practice experimental 1-4, 6-10, 13-15, 19, 25, design and run tests of significance using one-sample t procedures, 29, matched pairs t procedures and two independent t procedures for means. 35, 37, 38, 43-45, 49 Write-up due at the end of week 13. Video: Inference for One Mean, Comparing Two Means. Project: Analysis of a research article from a peer-reviewed research journal is due at the end of week 14. Students must describe the main idea, explain the statistical methods, and describe their interpretations of the findings. Exemplary reports will be presented in class. Test. Weeks 14 Contingency and two-way tables [C2d] T 624-658 HW Organizing relations in two-way tables, chi- square test for goodness of W Goodness of fit problems Chapter 14 fit, homogeneity of proportions, and independence (one-and two- way V 24 1, 2, 3, 14, 17, 19, 21 tables). Activity: M&Ms are used to test x2 goodness of fit. Video: Inference for Two-Way Tables Test. Weeks 15 Inference for regression [C2d] [C5] T 662–709 HW Simple linear regression model, estimating regression parameters, POD 637–649 1, 3, 4, 5, Chapter 15 confidence intervals and inference for the slope, prediction, point 6, 15, 18, 19, 20,21, 23, 25, 7, 8, 10, 13, 19 estimators, and confidence interval for a future observation. 29, 32, 33 Video: Inference for Relationships. V 25 One-day computer lab: Inference on slope and confidence and prediction intervals for the LSRL. Time is also spent reading computer and calculator output for the LSRL. Quiz.

Week 16 Review and Prepare for the AP Exam. Students must have their data W Review packet for the AP collected for their semester project by the end of week 16. Exam

Weeks 17-18 End-of-Semester Project [C3] [C4] Students spend time in class and in the computer lab working together on projects. Exemplary results presented and discussed. Final Exam Final Project Students may work alone or in pairs. The project includes a paper and a poster. The poster and the paper should impart all aspects of the project alone, without benefit of the other.

Project requirements: Each of the listed items must be included. Question of interest: Students will investigate some question or concern about a specific population to which the answer is unknown. The question must be focused, clearly stated and relevant. Students may do an observational study, a survey, or an experiment. Research design and data collection: The data, as collected and analyzed, must provide information relevant to the question of interest. It must be collected in an appropriate manner and collected directly by students. Analysis of data: Analysis must be appropriate for the design. Conclusions: Conclusions must be consistent with analysis and should answer the question of interest. Paper requirements: The paper should address each of the above criteria and the following: Reflection on the process: Students must discuss what they would do differently if repeating the study. Final presentation: The report must be well-organized, display creativity, have supporting graphs and charts that are accurate, informative and carefully prepared, and be free of grammatical and spelling errors. It should be completed using a computer and should be submitted electronically. Poster requirements: General: The poster should be a visual display of the project. It should tell a statistical story visually and illustrate conclusions that can be drawn from the data. Overall Impact: The display should be eye-catching with visual attractiveness. It should draw the viewer's attention so that the viewer wants to investigate the individual graphs. Please note that more than one graph is required. Clarity: The demonstration of the project's important relationships, patterns and obvious conclusions must be clear to the viewer without any other information. Summary paragraph: Students must attach a paragraph to the back of their poster summarizing the main points of the project. It must contain examples of the original data, brief descriptions of the method of collection and purpose of the experiment or study. Appropriate graphics: The graphs and other visual items on the poster must be appropriate for the data. Students should use computer graphics. Size: Posters must measure between 18 and 24 inches high and 24 and 30 inches wide.

C2a: The course provides instruction in each of the four broad conceptual themes outlined in the Course Description with appropriate emphasis on exploring data.

C2b: The course provides instruction in each of the four broad conceptual themes outlined in the Course Description with appropriate emphasis on sampling and experimentation.

C2c: The course provides instruction in each of the four broad conceptual themes outlined in the Course Description with appropriate emphasis on anticipating patterns, the use of computers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring and analyzing data, assessing models, and performing simulations.

C2d: The course provides instruction in each of the four broad conceptual themes outlined in the Course Description with appropriate emphasis on statistical inference.

C3---The course draws connections between all aspects of the statistical process, including design, analysis, and conclusions.

C4—The course teaches students how to communicate methods, results, and interpretations using the vocabulary of statistics. C5—The course teaches students how to use graphing calculators and demonstrates the use of computers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring and analyzing data, assessing models, and performing simulations.

AP COURSE SYLLABUS ADDENDUM Cedar Grove High School Course Name AP Statistics Course Code 27.0740000

School Name Cedar Grove High School Teacher Name Linda Jackson

School Phone (678) 874-4002 Teacher Email Linda_A_Jackson @ fc.dekalb.k12.ga.us Number Teacher Phone 678-874-4077 School http://www.cedargrovehs.dekalb.k12.ga.u Teacher [email protected] Website s Website

BOARD-APPROVED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Title The Practice of Statistics, 3rd ed Yates, Moore, Starnes ISBN Replacement Cost Online book and/or resources http://bcs.whfreeman.com/tps3e/ Online student access code (school specific) Students create their own accounts. See teacher for instructions.

GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important assessment of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate students in the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies, and resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA. GRADING CATEGORIES *GRADE PROTOCOL Pre-Assessment - 0% A 90 – 100 Assessment During Learning – 25% B 80 – 89 Guided, Group Practice – 45% C 71 – 79 Summative Assessment – 30% D 70 F Below 70

DISTRICT EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESS Semester progress reports shall be issued four and a half, nine and thirteen and a half weeks into each semester. The progress of students shall be evaluated frequently and plans shall STUDENT PROGRESS be generated to remediate deficiencies as they are discovered. Plans shall include appropriate interventions designed to meet the needs of the students. See Board Policy IH. Students will not engage in an act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, providing false information, falsifying school records, forging signatures, or using ACADEMIC INTEGRITY an unauthorized computer user ID or password. See the Code of Student Conduct - Student Rights and Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook. Homework assignments should be meaningful and should be an application or adaptation of a classroom experience. Homework is at all times an extension of the teaching/learning HOMEWORK experience. It should be considered the possession of the student and should be collected, evaluated and returned to the students. See Board Policy IHB. When a student is absent because of a legal reason as defined by Georgia law or when the MAKE-UP WORK absence is apparently beyond the control of the student, the student shall be given an DUE TO ABSENCES opportunity to earn grade(s) for those days absent. Make-up work must be completed within the designated time allotted. See Board Policy IHEA. SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESS This is an AP course, and the coursework is significantly more challenging than regular CLASSROOM coursework. Students are expected to read their textbooks, study class notes, and complete EXPECTATIONS homework each evening. Students are expected to attend tutorials regularly. It is strongly recommended that students form study groups.

The study of statistics requires contemplation and discussion. Students are expected to participate, to be open to the thoughts and ideas of others, and to express dissenting views respectfully.

At Cedar Grove High School, all students are expected to: • Follow all school and district rules, including the prohibition of electronics and food/drink in class. • Be seated before the tardy bell with all required materials. Begin bell ringer without prompting from teacher. • Treat others with respect at all times. • Actively participate in class lessons and activities. Portfolio: 3-ring binder with dividers for bell ringers and each unit. Students should MATERIALS AND  SUPPLIES maintain all work in this binder, with papers ordered by date within each section. Creating and maintaining this portfolio will be a project and will be graded throughout the semester.  #2 Pencils and erasers  Notebook paper (loose-leaf)  Graphing calculator (strongly recommended for use at home; free versions can be downloaded from TI’s website; TI-84 plus & TI-Nspire will be provided in class)  Box of tissues  Hand sanitizer Tutorial EXTRA HELP  Afternoons: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Room 320 3:20 – 5:00 p.m. Mornings: By appointment See calendar on teacher website for any changes  Online Resources o ASSISTments - https://www.assistments.org/ o Annenberg Learner - http://www.learner.org/resources/series65.html o Gizmos – www.explorelearning.com o Study Island – www.studyisland.com o Khan Academy – www.khanacademy.org o Edmodo – www.edmodo.com  See teacher website for additional resources and instructions Reach out to teacher via email or phone with any questions or concerns or to set up a PARENTS AS PARTNERS  conference  Review progress reports every 4.5 weeks with student  Check Parent Portal on a regular basis  Ensure students complete homework daily. Homework is posted on Ms Jackson’s website.  Leverage the online resources noted above PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND RETURN

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I have read the syllabus.

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