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Teacher: Date: Subject s6

Teacher: Hamilton Date: 4/29/16 Subject: World History Block: 5

ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: Objective(s): ALCOS 9. 9 : Describe the impact of technological inventions, conditions of labor and the economic theories of capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism during the Industrial Revolution on the economics, society, and politics of Europe Active Engagement: Encourage reading to establish prior knowledge and develop effective independent study habits

Word Anticipation Graphic KWL Splash Guide Lecture Organizer/VLT Poem, Rhymes, etc. ABC Possible Think- Guided Brainstorm Sentence Pair-Share Reading Pictograph Acronyms/Word

Concept Vocabulary DDI (define, describe, or First Word Map Overview Model Outline Sections identify) Daily Language Practice (DLP)_____ Quick ______Hands-on: Mind Map/Visual Jot Notes Write ____ Foldable Guide Other: ______

Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Writing to Learn - Literacy Groups RAFT JIGSAW Cubing 3-2-1 - Column Notes - Scaffolding Text -Classroom Participation Graphic Organizer T-Chart Venn Diagram JOT Charting - Photo Story - Content Presentation - Active Research Including Technology Other_

PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Essential Question: Why did the Why did the Industrial Why did the Industrial Revolutions Why did the Industrial Why did the Industrial Industrial Revolutions and three and three important ideologies Revolutions and three Revolutions and three Revolutions important ideologies conservationism, nationalism, and important ideologies important ideologies and three conservationism, nationalism, liberalism emerge to play an conservationism, conservationism, nationalism, important and liberalism emerge to play important role in world history even nationalism, and and liberalism emerge to play ideologies an important role in world until today? liberalism emerge to an important role in world conservationis history even until today? play an important role history even until today? m, nationalism, in world history even and liberalism until today? emerge to play an important role in world history even until today? Preview Bellringer DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR

(Before) Reading and Reading and vocabulary: Reading and vocabulary: Students Reading and Reading and vocabulary: vocabulary: Students will use their will use their textbook to define, vocabulary: Students Students will use their textbook Students will textbook to define, describe describe or identify this week’s key will use their textbook to define, describe or identify use their or identify this week’s key terms and key people to define, describe or this week’s key terms and key textbook to terms and key people identify this week’s people c12. define, key terms and key describe or Guided Reading: First Column Notes: Socialism people identify this Industrial Revolution Graphic Organizer: Socialism Complete Critical Thinking week’s key Column Notes: the Determine Historical Significance Skillbuilder 386 terms and key Philosophers of and Guided Reading Summarizing people Industrialization Information Graphic Before: Anticipation Guide: (During) Using Primary and Complete Foldable: Romanticism, Organizer 410 Economic Theories Writing to Secondary Sources Darwinism, or Realism Learn: Journal Industrialization Anticipation Guide: Column Notes: Political Entry: a world Document Based Questions Political Ideologies Ideologies without 307 Column Notes: Compare and Contrast technology Political Ideologies Graphic Organizer 376 Compare and Complete Anticipation Guide Contrast Graphic Vocabulary Organizer 376 Test Complete Anticipation Guide

Exit Slip: Two Exit Slip: Two things I Exit Slip: Two things I learned After: 3-2-1 After: 3-2-1 (After) things I learned learned today today today

Extension/ Refining Homework: Foldable: Homework: Foldable: Economic Homework: Homework: Homework: Homework Economic Theories Theories Homework: Foldable: Economic Foldable: Economic Theories) Theories) Prepare for DDI Test on Prepare for DDI Test Monday on Monday

Assessment (formal or informal): class work, notebook, homework, quizzes, tests, computer activities, collaborative work

Summarizing 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards Teacher Questions Other: Student summary

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