Canyon Del Oro High School

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Canyon Del Oro High School

Pima Community College Canyon del Oro High School

Syllabus for Semester: Fall 2013 Course name and number: Basic Safety BCT-111

Section code (CRN): 11908

Class Meeting Days/Times: M-F

Class Location: 25 W Calle Concordia

Instructor: Jim Luckow

Office hours/availability: By appointment.

Phone/voicemail: (520) 696-5675

Email address: [email protected]

First day of class: Aug. 8,2013

Add date: Aug. 28, 2013

Drop/Refund date: Sept. 4, 2013

Withdrawal deadline: Nov. 7, 2013

Final exam week: Dec. 10-16, 2013

Last day of class: Dec. 16, 2013

Course Description Overview of safety rules and procedures for working on construction sites. Includes general and company safety policies, construction site job hazards and procedures, and personal protective equipment needs and uses. Also includes lifting, ladder and scaffold procedures, hazards, communications requirements, and fire and electrical safety guidelines.

Performance Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe the employer’s responsibility/employee right to know safety policies. 2. Describe personal protective equipment needed for eye, hand, foot, head, skin, hearing, and fall protection. 3. Describe material handling and hazardous material procedures. 4. Describe safe and proper use of hand and power tools. 5. Describe electrical hazard procedures such as lock-out/tag-out. 6. Explain the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazards Communication Standard. 7. Describe fire prevention in dealing with various specific flammable materials and fire safety guidelines. 8. Describe the proper use of scaffolding. 9. Describe fall protection training requirements, systems, and equipment. 10. Describe operator hand signals, safety procedures and crane equipment failures. 11. Describe the training requirements, ANSI guidelines, and the safe and proper use of stairways and ladders. Outline: I. Employer Responsibility-Employee Right to Know A. Unsafe conditions B. Regulations C. Hazards D. Exposure E. Accident prevention II. Personal Protective Equipment A. Eye protection B. Hand protection C. Foot protection D. Head protection E. Clothing F. Skin protection G. Breathing-respiratory H. Fall protection I. Hearing protection III. Material Handling A. Signaling B. Barricades C. Storage D. Housekeeping E. Rigging F. Hazardous materials IV. Hand and Power Tools A. Hand tools 1. Wrenches 2. Saws 3. Pliers 4. Screw drivers 5. Hammers 6. Files 7. Knives B. Power tools 1. Electric power tools 2. Pneumatic power tools 3. Fuel powered tools 4. Hydraulic power tools 5. Powder-actuated tools 6. Abrasive tools 7. Woodworking tools V. Electrical Hazards A. Lock-out/tag-out B. Static and dynamic electricity C. Current and conducting D. Circuits E. Training F. Amperes G. Volts H. Resistance I. Electric shock VI. Hazards Communication Standards (HAZCOM) A. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) B. Worker responsibilities under HAZCOM VII. Fire Safety A. Fire prevention guidelines B. How fires start C. Fire prevention 1. Flammable and combustible liquids 2. Flammable gasses 3. Ordinary combustibles 4. Other D. Fire fighting 1. Classes of fires 2. Other VIII. Scaffolds A. Erectors and dismantlers B. Capacity C. Scaffold platform construction D. Criteria for supported scaffolds E. Suspension scaffolds F. Access G. Fall protection (belts, lanyards, guard rails, toe boards) H. Cross bracing I. Midrails IX. Fall Protection A. Training requirements B. Controlled access zones C. Safety monitoring systems D. Guidelines for fall arrest systems E. Guardrail/covers F. Connecting activity G. Positioning device systems H. Deceleration device I. Fall protection plan J. Protection from falling objects K. Safety net X. Cranes A. Operator error B. Site conditions C. Mechanical failure D. Structural failure E. Rigging failure F. Crane signal/radio communication failure G. Derricks H. Hand signals I. Wire rope J. Platform K. Transit L. Overhead hazards XI. Stairways and ladders A. Risers B. Platform/landing C. Stair rails and handrails D. Midrails E. Ladder loads F. Rungs G. Cleats H. Spreaders I. Cages for fixed ladder J. Training requirements K. Ansi guidelines

Required Text Book(s) Curriculum Manual, Carpentry, Modern Carpentry, Plumbing, House Wiring Simplified, House Wiring, National Electrical Code 2011, Conduit Bending Handbook.

ADA Compliance Statement Pima Community College in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act offers reasonable accommodations, including material in alternative formats, to qualified students with appropriate disability documentation. To obtain a reasonable accommodation, students must be registered with a campus Disabled Student Resource Office (DSR) who will verify, identify, and authorize implementation. Accommodations cannot be made without verification of the need. Students are responsible for making all accommodation requests in a timely manner. The Downtown Campus DSR office telephone number is 206-7286. Class Attendance Absences may be excused for the following reasons: Death of an immediate family member, unavoidable overtime work conflicts, and illness. Only (2) unavoidable overtime work conflicts are allowed per semester, and employer must provide written verification. Illness will be excused with a doctor’s note. Unverifiable absences will result in 5 points deducted for each unverifiable absence.

Assignments All work done for this class must be on your own. While you may discuss assignments with other class members, the final written project must clearly be on your own. You may use workbooks and other materials if they are properly cited. Copying from a book without proper reference, or from another person under any circumstances will result in an ‘F’ for the assignment; and at the discretion of the instructor, possibly an ‘F’ for the course. Complete all assignments on class schedule or as assigned by the instructor.

Grading Procedures and Policy Assessment Instruments: Daily Participation – 60% Quizzes – 10% Mid-Term Exam – 15% Final Exam – 15%

Grading: A=100-91% B=90-81% C=80-70% F=69% or Less

If you have any questions about this grading policy, please arrange an appointment so we can discuss it. I will be more than fair, as long as you demonstrate to me that you are sincere about completing the course. However, if you don’t talk to me and don’t attend class, you will either be dropped from the course or given an ‘F’ as a grade.

Student Withdrawal “W” Grades Students may withdraw from class without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty until November 7, 2013. This grade may be requested by the student only during the first two-thirds of any session and may be given by the instructor on or before the official census reporting date to students who have ceased attending class before that date. Students who stop attending class after this date may receive a grade of “F.”

Incomplete “I” Grades You may request a grade of "I" only if all of the following conditions are met: extenuating circumstances made it impossible for you to finish the course, you have earned at least 70% of the available points at the time of your request, your request is made in writing to the instructor and is received by the instructor prior to the end of the semester and the instructor' gives permission to do so.

Instructor Withdrawal after the College Withdrawal Deadline You may request a withdrawal after the college withdraw deadline if all of the following conditions are met: extenuating circumstances made it impossible for you to finish the course, your request is made in writing to the instructor and is received by the instructor prior to the end of the semester, and the instructor gives permission to do so.

Final Grades For privacy and security reasons, instructors will NOT to give grades over the telephone or via email. Grades will be given by appointment. Students who wish to check grades may call MAX 2000 at 206-4880 or may access grades online using Banner Online at

Additional Information: 1. Because of insurance limitations, non-registered visitors are not allowed at class sessions or field trips. 2. No children are allowed in class, or unattended outside the classroom. 3. No pets. 4. Possession of drugs, alcohol, or firearms on school property is illegal. 5. Eating, drinking, smoking, and soliciting are not allowed in the classrooms. 6. Telephones, pagers, and other electronic devices that distract students are not allowed in the classrooms. 7. Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class, or the learning of others, will be asked to leave. 8. IEC of Southern Az. will enforce a zero tolerance policy that could lead to the dismissal of any student who violates the rules of this facility.

Caveats The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus and will notify students of those changes in class and in writing.

PCC Student Code of Conduct & Scholastic Ethics

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: VIOLATIONS Students enrolled in the College assume the obligation of conducting By enrolling at Pima Community College, a student assumes the themselves in accordance with the highest scholarly ethics. Actions obligation to be a responsible member of the College community. constituting violations of academic integrity will be considered a All students are responsible to: violation of the Student Code of Conduct and include, but are not 1. Contribute to a climate of academic integrity; rational, critical, limited to the following: and creative inquiry; freedom of individual thought and expression consistent with the rights of others; and commitment to the well- 1. Cheating being of society as a whole. Intentional deceit during the pursuit of academic coursework, tests, 2. Adhere to course requirements as specified by instructor(s) in the class assignments, activities in any testing area, learning center, course syllabus, and follow all written and/or verbal instructions clinical setting, tutoring session, or in the gathering of research given by instructors or designated College representatives. materials is considered cheating. “Cheating” includes, but is not 3. Obey all duly established College, local, state, and federal limited to, the following: policies, regulations, and laws. a) Copying from another student’s test paper or knowingly 4. Refrain from actions that deny other members of the College allowing your test to be copied. community their rights as described herein. b) Using materials during a test that were not clearly 5. Refrain from acts of violence, intimidation, or degradation toward authorized by the person giving the test. any person. c) Collaborating with another student during a test without 6. Cooperate with College administrators, faculty, and staff in the permission. performance of their authorized duties. d) Knowingly using, buying, selling, offering, transporting, or 7. Give and maintain accurate and complete information for all soliciting any of the contents of a test. official records required by the College. e) Taking a test for another student or permitting another 8. Meet all financial obligations to the College. student to take a test for you. 9. Carry personal picture identification at all times while on College f) Bribing or attempting to bribe another person to obtain a property or at College functions. passing grade or a better grade on a test or for a course. 10. Attend all judicial proceedings when issued notice to do so. g) Intentional misconstruing of facts or incidents relating to an 11. Maintain the highest ethical standards in academic achievement. evaluated exercise or assignment that would change the Students admitted to both PCC and UA through the Program for grade given. Joint Admissions and Enrollment will be subject to codes of 2. Plagiarism academic integrity and codes of conduct at both institutions. The representing of the work of other persons as one’s own, including the use of term papers written by others and information SCHOLASTIC ETHICS CODE downloaded from the Internet, is plagiarism. The use of another The purpose of the Scholastics Ethics Code is to: person’s words, ideas, or information without proper  encourage and promote positive learning and ethical acknowledgement is also plagiarism. The student should seek scholarly behavior, guidance from the instructor about acceptable methods to be used to  define behavior violating scholastic ethics, acknowledge the work and ideas of others.  specify procedures for the determination of the facts of the alleged violations, and to define penalties. 3. Collusion Obtaining from or giving to another student unauthorized assistance Guidelines for Scholastic Ethics on material in any course work is collusion.

Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of 4. Compromising Instructional and Test the coursework they submit. The following is a guide to assist Materials students in observing positive behavior in scholastic ethics: Unauthorized acquisition of instructional and/or testing materials from desks, cabinets, work rooms, classrooms, laboratories, 1. Students must do their own work and submit only their own instructors’ offices, tutoring labs, testing areas, assessment areas, work on essays, examinations, reports, and projects, unless secretarial offices, college offices, and/or other areas is otherwise permitted by the instructor. compromising test materials. 5. Misrepresentation/Fraud 2. Students can benefit from working in groups. They may Using false records, false identification papers, unauthorized I.D. collaborate or cooperate with other students during take- cards, or computer access to official college documents or to services home examinations or projects only if specifically such as testing areas, placement assessments, tutoring services, authorized by the instructor in the class syllabus or at the and/or tests or test banks of any type constitutes time of the examination. misrepresentation/fraud.

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