On Saturday, May 8th, homeowners will have an opportunity to have their well water tested. The information provided below is a guide for determining the detail of water analysis desired. The Town of Carlisle has chosen Microbac, Inc. of Marlborough to provide this service. Microbac, Inc. has supplied the following information. To register for well testing, see the March 26th issue of the Mosquito or call the Carlisle Board of Health for assistance (978-369-0283).

Guidelines for the Analysis of Home Drinking Water Wells

Why Should You Test the Water Quality in Your Private Well?

A properly maintained and monitored well can provide years of safe, clean, refreshing drinking water for your family. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining and ensuring the water quality of their wells. Beyond the testing required by the Carlisle Board of Health when a new well is created or property transferred, no routine monitoring is mandated. This does not mean that these wells are any less susceptible to contamination by bacterial, industrial or agricultural pollution, however. Based on the location and depth of a private well, it could become contaminated by failed septic systems from nearby homes, pesticides, herbicides or agricultural chemicals. Many of these are undetectable when present at levels above those considered safe by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

What should I test the water in my well for?

 Basic Water Quality and Indicator Parameters – This group of parameters will give a general indication of the overall water quality of your well. It includes measures of aesthetic qualities such as odor, color, hardness, and turbidity as well as some parameters that will indicate either contamination or potential contamination of the well from failed septic systems or failed well casing (the pipe that lines the well). Elevated levels of Nitrite, Nitrate or any presence of Total Coliform will indicate that the well has been contaminated by septic materials and needs to be disinfected and retested. In addition, Lead is also included in this list of parameters due to the past use of lead- containing plumbing solders and the natural occurrence of lead in the environment. The Basic Water Quality Scan includes the following: pH, Color, Odor, Conductivity, Turbidity, Hardness, Chloride, Sodium, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium, Lead, Nitrite, Nitrate, and Total Coliform.

 Comprehensive Water Quality and Indicator Parameters – This group of parameters includes all of the Basic Water Quality and indicator Parameters as well as some additional Water Quality and Indicator Parameters. If your well is completed in the bedrock aquifer you will want to test for this group of analytes. Included in this comprehensive list are arsenic and sulfate that are known to occur locally in high concentrations in the bedrock aquifers of Massachusetts. The Comprehensive Water Quality Scan includes all of the Basic Water Quality Scan parameters as well as Arsenic, Sulfate, Chlorine, Potassium, Copper, Alkalinity, Ammonia, and Total Dissolved Solids. It is recommended that these be tested for initially and then every three years thereafter.

 Volatile Organic Contaminants – These contaminants are some of the most common and potentially most dangerous contaminants found in groundwater. Most of these chemicals are tasteless and odorless and have been found in many private wells in what most people would consider pristine settings in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection recommends testing for these contaminants in all new private wells and every three years thereafter.

 Radon – Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that forms from the decomposition of trace amounts of naturally occurring uranium in the underlying bedrock. It is more likely to be found in wells that draw from the bedrock aquifer. It can be released from drinking waters and into the household air where it is then inhaled from bathing, laundering and dishwashing. Elevated levels can pose a health risk. It is recommended that this be tested for once.

 Other Contaminants – In rural or agricultural areas pesticides and herbicides may be of concern. If your well is located in these areas or if you have specific concerns about the presence of other contaminants please contact the Carlisle Board of Health so that we can help guide you to the correct analysis for your situation.

Will this guarantee that my water is absolutely safe to drink and has no contaminants in it?

Unfortunately, no one can guarantee the safety of any water supply. These tests are low- cost alternatives that check for the most common contaminants found in drinking water and also are indicators of the presence of other contaminants. By routinely checking the quality of your water using these guidelines, you should be aware of any situation that requires more in-depth analysis.