Southwestern Michigan College s3

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Southwestern Michigan College s3


COURSE TITLE: Dance Ensemble COURSE NO.: DNC 121 SECTION NO.: 1073 CREDITS/CONTACTS: Credit Hours: 2 Lecture hours/weekly: 1 Laboratory hours /weekly: 3 Weekly Contact hours: 4


INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Beth LaBaren-Root Phone Number: 783-2112 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: by appointment

PREREQUISITE: Audition required for enrollment. Concurrent enrollment in a dance technique course is required, unless waived by the instructor.

COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a performance oriented course designed to introduce students to dance performance and production focusing on preparation of dance concert and touring material. In addition to performance, students will work with production elements of costuming, make-up and publicity.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course students will: 1. Memorize and execute choreographed dance works. 2. Improve individual showmanship skills and reflect them in dance performance. 3. Develop ensemble skills and unison movement. 4. Develop teamwork and collaboration skills. 5. Understand costuming needs for dance. 6. Understand the collaborative process of producing a dance production. TEXTBOOK REQUIRED: None

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Instruction will include lecture, video and practical activity.

EVALUATION METHOD: Participation, knowledge of material, performance, work ethic, including appearance and preparedness:100% Including but not limited to Dance Concert, Tour, and other on/off campus events as scheduled by the director. Advance notice will be given for additional events.

GRADING SCALE: 93.4-100% = A 93.3-90% = A- 86.8-89.9% = B+ 83.4-86.7% = B 80-83.3% = B- 76.8-79.9% = C+ 73.4-76.7% = C 70-73.3% = C- 66.8-69.9% = D+ 63.4-66.7% = D 60-63.3% = D- 0-59% = F MPORTANT: A no show/no call OR unexcused absence to any scheduled rehearsal or ensemble or performance will result in a failing course grade. Documentation may be required in questionable circumstances.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: You are expected to attend EVERY class. There are no excused absences for this course. Any absence will lower the final course grade. Be in the room, on the floor, focused and quiet, ready to begin at the designated start time. Begin a quiet warm up until the instructor addresses the class. Frequent tardiness and/or early departures may result in lowered course grade or drop form course.

TESTING POLICY Practical tests will take place throughout the semester during class and performances.

NOTICE: Representative student work will be used as a part of SMC’s on- going curriculum assessment program.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from time spent in class; students are prohibited from engaging in any form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result, minimally, in a request to leave class.

ACCEPTABLE USE OF PERSONAL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY All phones, iPods, Black Berries, palm pilots, pagers, laptops and other technological devices including devices capable of taking photographs must be turned off or placed on vibrate mode and may not be brought out during class. If you are expecting or receiving an urgent call, you are required to leave the classroom before answering. Violation of this policy will result in your removal from the classroom for the class period. Multiple violations of this policy will be referred to the appropriate dean for disciplinary action. Further details or ramifications of violations maybe found elsewhere in this syllabus. The instructor has the right to modify this policy to meet the needs of your course.

HONESTY POLICY Cheating or plagiarizing will absolutely not be tolerated at Southwestern Michigan College. Any student found cheating or plagiarizing material in any manner may be assigned a failing semester/session grade in this course. A second such incident while at SMC could result in suspension or expulsion from the institution. A student found in violation of this section of the syllabus will not be allowed to drop this course. For more detailed information consult the SMC Student Code of Conduct.

NOTICE: Information in this syllabus was, to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. The instructor, however, reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Southwestern Michigan College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques.

COURSE OUTLINE Check your course page on SMC Wired / MY COURSES tab for daily- weekly updates and information. ASSIGNMENTS: DANCE CAFÉ’: WED,NOVEMBER 29, 10-2PM FALL CONCERT OF DANCE– FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 AT 1PM, SATURDAY, DEC. 3 AT 7:30 TECH WEEK – MONDAY NOV, 28-THURSDAY DEC 1…3:00PM – FINISHED.

Other performances may take place on and off campus….advance notice will be given.

OTHER COURSE EXPECTATIONS:  Enrollment in this course is by audition only.  Expectations are very high for everyone enrolled in this course due to the interpersonal nature of the work involved.  It is expected that students in this course will have passion, dedication, respect, maturity, a willing spirit and open mind, integrity and honesty.  Due to the public performance nature of this course, it is expected that students will conduct themselves in a professional manner in and out of class. Leave negative baggage at the door and conduct yourself the way you wish to be treated. Petty behavior or gossip will not be tolerated.  Attend every class, any absence that is not approved by the Dean involving SMC course related activities will lower your course grade by .5 letter grade.  Required dancewear must be worn for class: black leo and tights and capris for women, black pants, black form fitting shirt for men. Soft-sole jazz shoes/dance paws.  MEN: Dance belts are required to be worn at every class for personal safety.  Take care of your personal hygiene, bring deodorant and a small hand towel as needed.  Casting assignments will be determined by the director based on in-class observation of skills and work ethic.  This is a multi-level course, material and course assignments will be given according to individual skill level and experience.  Course assignments/projects may include choreography, performance, production, costuming and publicity based on student level and experience.  You are expected to know the material from the previous class session, practice and memorize. Practice outside of class is expected.  Your body is your instrument, you are expected to take care of it.  You are responsible for warming up prior to class! Dancers who fail to warm up will be graded down.  The choreographic processes used in this course may require students to work collaboratively with each and director.  Partnering skills may be required for the choreography, same and opposite gender.  Provide own shoes/supplies as needed for class.  Attend all tech rehearsals and performances as scheduled.  Complete production tasks as assigned.  Participate in strike following performances.  Load-in /load out of Marley dance floor and stage duties as assigned.  Be in the room ready to begin class at the designated class time…NOT IN THE HALL.  Respectful and professional conduct is expected at ALL times.  Arrange to eat prior to class so that you are not consuming food upon entering the room or participating on a full stomach.  Listening skills and taking direction is expected, idle unrelated conversations during class are distracting to the learning process. Students that chatting, joking around, or acting disrespectfully will be asked to leave. This type of absence will count against the grade. Before returning to class they must meet with the Director and /or Dean of Students.  Never give corrections or instruction during class unless specifically instructed to work collaboratively, address all questions to the Director.  Do not practice own movement / other moves than material we are currently working on.  DO NOT voice corrections and choreographic suggestions (unless the process has been determined collaborative in nature by the Director).  You are expected to rehearse on your own and come to class prepared for new material. If class footage is uploaded to the course page you are expected to view and review prior to next class. Knowledge of the choreography is expected and participation grade will be lowered for dancers who don’t recall material learned from previous class.  No food or beverages other than water in Lyons 128.  Cover all open sores during class.  Never be late for call for performance. Be 10 minutes early. If you arrive at designated time you are already LATE. The time posted is when you need to be fully prepared and ready to start – not putting up hair, shoes etc….

REQUIRED supplies for the course: You can order everything you need through the SMC bookstore and use your financial aid to pay for it. Prices are the same if not less than Discount Dance Supply.

Women: Black leotard, black tights, black soft-soled jazz shoes, nude dance paws, black capri pants, black jazz pants, black booty shorts, nude body tight to wear under costumes, convertible dance bra/sport bra. Knee pads brought to every class.

Men: Black jazz pants, black capri pants, black form-fitting t-shirt, white form-fitting t-shirt, black soft soled jazz shoes, dance paws, black socks, dance belt (must be worn for all classes), Knee pads brought to every class.

Source for knee pads:

NOTE: Students must have required items no later than 2nd week of the semester.

NOTE: Other items may be added to this list as needed for costuming of the dance concert. At times students will be asked to provide personal clothing items.

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