FRIESS LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT Towns of Richfield and Erin


September 18, 2007 Annual District Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann M. Otto, President Tom Wolff, Vice-President Bob Bilda, Treasurer Mary Jo Humpal, Clerk Craig Baker, Member at Large

I. The annual meeting of the School District was called to order by Board President, Ann M. Otto, at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was posted at Friess Lake School, Richfield Town Hall, Erin Town Hall, Hartford Times Press, WTKM Radio Station, and Journal/Sentinel-Cedarburg Office. The quorum was verified. All Board members were present. John Engstrom, Denise Howe, and Mary Seymour were present among the staff. Also present, see attached.

II. Craig Baker nominated Ann Otto as chairperson, Tom Wolff 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

III. Tom Wolff nominated Denise Howe as secretary, Craig Baker 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

IV. Craig Baker made a motion to waive the reading of the September 20, 2006 Annual District Meeting minutes since all residents were mailed a copy of the minutes and those present had a copy, Bob Bilda 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

V. Ann Otto, School Board President, welcomed and thanked those in attendance for coming.

VI. Bob Bilda, School Board Treasurer, reported that the District’s auditors performed a “pre-audit” in June in addition to the regular Annual Financial Audit, which was performed on August 20th and 21st for the fiscal year end of June 30, 2007. He further reported that the audit report was not yet finalized but that report would be coming in the next couple of weeks.

VII. John Engstrom, District Administrator, reported on the school site plan, which included an introduction of school goals for 2007-2008.

VIII. Unfinished Business

A. John Engstrom reported that enrollment is currently at 321 students.

IX. Denise Howe, Financial Coordinator, gave a summary explanation of 2006-2007 Fiscal Highlights. (See attached)

X. Bob Bilda, School Board Treasurer, and Denise Howe presented and reviewed some key points that make up the 2007-2008 Budget. (See attached)

XI. A hearing of the 2007-2008 Budget was held.

H:Denise\091807 Annual Meeting Minutes 1 XII. Resolutions

A. Mary Jo Humpal made a motion to approve the tax levy of $2,377,217.50 for the 2007-2008 school year, Tom Wolff 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

B. Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the annual School Board member salary of $1,000 per year and $1200 for the School Board President for the 2007-2008 school year, plus mileage and expenses for meetings outside the School District, Craig Baker 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

C. Craig Baker made a motion to grant permission to obtain and pay for services of an attorney as needed during the 2007-2008 school year, Mary Jo Humpal 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

D. Craig Baker made a motion to authorize the sale or disposal of unused school property of a value of $300 or less and no longer needed by the School District, Tom Wolff 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

E. Mary Jo Humpal made a motion to grant permission to set the date of the next annual meeting at a date other than the fourth Monday in July, Craig Baker 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

F. Tom Wolff made a motion to grant permission to rent out School District property in accordance with School Board policy, Craig Baker 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

G. Craig Baker made a motion to direct the School Board to furnish school lunches to the pupils of the School District and to appropriate funds for that purpose, Mary Jo Humpal 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

XIII. At 6:17 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn, Craig Baker 2nd; 5 aye 0 nay and the motion carried.

H:Denise\091807 Annual Meeting Minutes 2