Mexican American Golf Association

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Mexican American Golf Association

MEXICAN AMERICAN GOLF ASSOCIATION State Board of Directors Meeting November 9, 2013, 9:00 AM Vejar’s Restaurant, 1293 S K St, Tulare, CA


I. Roll Call: A. Board of Directors:

President – Marc Longoria

Vice President – Mickie Hernandez AB

1. Northern Council – Ray Baca, Director 2. Alicia Meiners 3. Ben Fernandez 4. Central Council – Tony Morales, Director 5 Jim Ziebell 6. Al Murietta 7. Southern Council – ______, Director (AB) 8. 9.

B. Board Officers: 1. Financial Officer, Victoria Acosta 2. Secretary, Terry Longoria 3. Parliamentarian, Joe Calistro 4. Yearbook Editor, Mike Gonzalez 5. Webmaster, Reene Smith

II. Introduction of Guests: Julian Smith - Yuba Sutter Sammy Caldera - Fresno Sam Caldera - Fresno Gabe Rodriguez Sr. - Fresno Ray Garcia - Fresno Tom Avila- Fresno

III. Moment of Silence (Deceased Members):

IV. Approval of Agenda: With change to Minutes from May to September Ray/Tony - ALL V. Approval of May 18, 2013 Minutes:  Change to September 28, 2013 minutes  Change designation of chapter for Julian to Yuba Sutter not Stockton  VIII F - take out reference to Alicia (per her request) as she just handled trophies  Gb - Change reference to "son" to "grandson"  Motion to approve Alicia/Al Murrietta - ALL

VI. Financial Officer’s Report: Victoria Acosta –  Reports distributed and reviewed all income and expenses.  Copies to all Directors and Delegates. Budget projection reviewed. Also membership roster reviewed.  Motion to accept report Alicia/Tony - ALL

VII. Correspondence: None

VIII. Reports:

A. Chairman and Vice Chairman; Marc & Mickie . Mickie told Marc that she would no longer be involved in the State Board because she has a greater role in her chapter.

B. Southern Council Director – John Salazar  No one attended from the south, no report

C. Central Council Director – Tony Morales  Tony reelected as Central Council Director. Issue with one of the Clubs and they want to give some information to give their point of view.  Tournaments are coming up. They are not getting posted on the internet - Renee will explain issue  Concern about obtaining IRS number - whether we really needed  Most Clubs doing OK. Will see how membership goes.

D. Northern Council Director – Ray Baca  Last Northern Council didn't have a quorum. Ray stays as Interim Director till next meeting.  Yuba Sutter has been combining with Sacramento on tournaments and that is helpful.  Overall doing really well.  Napa is up about 8 members from last year to 38.  Stockton is growing too.  San Benito and Santa Clara have been combining tournaments too. They alternate back and forth in terms of hosting. Works out well as you add more people.

E. 2012 State Tournament – Southern Council – Ed Garcia/John Salazar . Still awaiting final report. Will carry to next agenda. Note: State treasurer will contact John or Pepe and will bring to next meeting

F. 2013 State Tournament – Northern Council – Reene Smith  State will cover losses because it had to be cancelled due to health hazard.  Could not close report because the person who was treasurer has been ill.  Losses are for Mariachi, prize money, misc. expenses Total $941 (not including shirts) $2000 loss potential.  Tournament committee owes State back $500.  Suggestion to get the shirts out to all the chapters to sell. Also suggestion to put it on the website.  Ray Baca said he will take over the shirts since Manuel cannot be contacted.  Will send invoice to Victoria and she will cut a check for $441 and then we will keep try selling the shirts.

G. 2014 State Tournament – Central Council – Porterville – Mike Gonzalez  Mike handed out flyer for tournament. It will be August 30-31, 2014 at River Island Country Club  Best Western - $75  Holiday Express - $109  Also handed flyer, house across the street that sleeps 15, $575 per night  Ladies' event will again be at the Mendozas.  Same band as last time.  Terry and Victoria will help with ladies event. Band available.  Working on Sunday morning Menudo.  Two day shotgun.

H. 2014 Western Regional/ La Playa – Leo Martinez  Leo is helping with San Jose State game. Progress reported was distributed. Presidents messages were included.  Title of event Western Regional/La Playa or La Playa/Western Regional. Consensus: La Playa Western Regional.  Point of Order - the decisions are that of the Chapter Tournament Director.

I. El Libro Del Ano Yearbook Editor – Mike Gonzalez/Joe Calistro  Printer Don Ramirez came to lead discussion of whether we would want to go to a digital yearbook rather than printed.  It could be done easier with using links to website or to email links. Colors would be prettier. Distribution would be easier and there would be less costs and waste. Links to advertisers etc.  Printable as you download it or can be printed and mailed from printer. Right now $3500 cost. To prep for digital it would be about $600.  If you wanted to have them print it, it would cost about the same ($5) per book. But you could just print it at home. Have to work out thoughts about security/passwords.  Motion by Al to go with electronic copy of yearbook. Tony seconds Discussion followed about maybe going with some printed.. 6-0 motion passes.  Suggestion: take this back to the chapters and see how many copies of the yearbook. (Alicia) Council meetings are in January, so if info is gathered by chapters - Council Directors can email Mike and cc Marc and Joe. Then we can get books needed for February meeting.  Deadline of January 27 to Mike for printed numbers. Mike will send it to Marc and then it will be sent out. We will not add emails until security issues worked out and people are notified.

J. Bylaws & Guidelines – Mickie Hernandez No report

K. Webmaster – Reene Smith  We have a new website go into There is not a lot of info on their right now.  Please send info to Renee. There is a whole new language for this website and there is no manual, so it is not going to be given to be modified. You can add an event. [email protected]  She will be working on digital yearbook for us as well. Password will go to Council Directors and Board for now so that it can be controlled.  Note: Fresno Chapter needs to be added  Please send pictures as well. Renee will send out message to chapter presidents to ask them to add tournament info.

L. Hall of Fame – 2013 Inductions  Marc and Tony presented Jim Ziebell with his award. They gave a very nice speech about him. Jim thanked the group and expressed his appreciation for MAGA.

IX. Old Business:

A. Non-Profit status – Joe Calistro / Arnold Salazar –  Attachments were sent out in email  Victoria confirmed that we have filed Form 2010 every year.  Note that if chapters file separate numbers, they will have to file their own  If State MAGA wanted to go for a nonprofit it would have to change our purpose. Whoever files nonprofit will have to file and be susceptible to audit. Every chapter is supposed to send in profit and loss unless they get their own number. Marc explained issue of why were discussing this.  Arnold sent out information as to how it was done. Info went out to all chapters and directors. Arnold sent copies of forms that they have done. They submitted their forms at the end of last year and are still in the Que. At this point - no action by the board.  Consensus that State MAGA does not need to become 501c.3. If individual chapters want to do this, they will have to have their own number, their own Board. Their nonprofit Board would have fiduciary responsibility. It seems to be a lot just to get some more sponsors. Audit and bookkeeping costs could offset any benefits. X. New Business:

A. MAGA State dues –  Fresno wanted this on the agenda. Concern expressed (as previously discussed by Marc) that we have a healthy building fund and dues could potentially be reduced.  Data: If we reduced State dues to $10/5 - we would receive $3,210 less in income based on current income.  Motion: Membership dues be reduced to $5 for all members for next year. No second.  Motion: Membership dues be reduced $5 for all members for the coming year. Tony/Alicia Discussion followed. Passes 5/0/1

B. MAGA State officer elections – Tony Morales  Marc Longoria and Joe Calistro as Vice President  Manuel Medinez and Ben Fernandez as Vice President  After vote Marc and Joe were elected as a slate

XI General Announcements for the Good of the Order:

Mike and Al - Motion to adjourn 1:35PM / ALL

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