A Dark Devotion – Vocabulary

Extract 1: A missing person. Pages 70- 71 Line Meaning Word 2 anger / irritation 13 place next to the sea where boats can stop 16 field for grass 20 big steps 31 scientific methods to solve crimes 50 murder (phrasal verb) 56 force someone to learn something by repeating it many times 56 have a tendency to do something 57 look at one aspect of something only

Extract 2: Grace's mother talks to Alex. Page 144 Line Meaning Word 9 unfair or unreasonable opinion, especially dislike for someone or something 11 feeling that someone deserves no respect 11 feeling that you are morally right 13 strong feeling of dislike for someone 17 replied 17 trickery 22-3 rich person who owned a lot of land in a place and traditionally had a lot of power 23 great pleasure and satisfaction 24 very self-confident; thinking you are very important 35 crime for which the death penalty is used

Extract 3: Will's mother talks to Alex. Page 150 Line Meaning Word 1 very unkind; describes someone who enjoys making people upset 4 copy the way someone speaks 4 expressing severe criticism Paragraph 2 8 make someone lose all their money

Extract 4: Edward talks to Alex. Page 150 Line Meaning Word 5 put someone in a position where they have little choice 8 express 15 make a facial expression that shows pain Paragraph 2 5 planned in advance 8 lazy person 9 large English cooked breakfast with bacon and sausages 9 cigarettes 10 expensive; luxurious A Dark Devotion – Vocabulary - Answers

Extract 1: A missing person. Pages 70- 71 Line Meaning Word 2 anger / irritation agitation 13 place next to the sea where boats can stop quay 16 field for grass meadow 20 big steps strides 31 scientific methods to solve crimes forensic 50 murder (phrasal verb) do away with someone 56 force someone to learn something by repeating it many times drum something into someone 56 have a tendency to do something apt to 57 look at one aspect of something only tunnel vision

Extract 2: Grace's mother talks to Alex. Page 144 Line Meaning Word 9 unfair or unreasonable opinion, especially dislike for someone or prejudice something 11 feeling that someone deserves no respect contempt 11 feeling that you are morally right righteousness 13 strong feeling of dislike for someone animosity 17 replied retorted 17 trickery deceit 22-3 rich person who owned a lot of land in a place and traditionally lord of the manor had a lot of power 23 great pleasure and satisfaction relish 24 very self-confident; thinking you are very important full of [him]self 35 crime for which the death penalty is used hanging offence

Extract 3: Will's mother talks to Alex. Page 150 Line Meaning Word 1 very unkind; describes someone who enjoys making people upset cruel 4 copy the way someone speaks mimic 4 expressing severe criticism caustic Paragraph 2 8 make someone lose all their money ruin

Extract 4: Edward talks to Alex. Page 154 Line Meaning Word 5 put someone in a position where they have little choice box someone into a corner 8 express articulate 15 make a facial expression that shows pain wince Paragraph 2 5 planned in advance work out 8 lazy person slob 9 large English cooked breakfast with bacon and sausages fry-up 9 cigarettes fags 10 expensive; luxurious fancy