Bike the Barn Quilts Minutes

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Bike the Barn Quilts Minutes


PRESENT: Jordan Opperman, Greg Sturm, Becky Betzner, Cindy Brokiewicz, (welcome!!!) Dave Koeller, Mike Kroenke, Dave Schmidt, Art Krause, Tom Thomas, Lenore Behnke, Brian Krause, Brad Holz, Matty (Jordan introduced Dr. Tom as GARBAGE!!) CENTERFOLD – what an eyeful!!!

REVIEW MIINUTES TREASURER’S REPORT-Thanks Brian!! Matty – turn in receipt for stamps for postcards** CARD FOR BARB MADER PROMO EVENTS – reviewed through April and first week of May Greg reported on the success of Pathways participating in the St. Patty’s Day parade THANKS! Peg Gallagher, Dave Koeller, Greg Sturm, Mike Kroenke, & Matty

NEXT MEETING IS TUESDAY, MAY 3 6pm basement of courthouse

POSTCARDS & CHAMBER MAILINGS – everyone received 2 postcards. PLEASE ask 2 of the businesses you support to support us. Discussion followed on what we want to put into Chamber mailing, sent to bike club/shops, and posted in local businesses. MATTY will continue to work on this with Lenore and the walk-run committee. Gail Swanke & Stephanie are ready to send out our mailings when we complete flyers

REPORT FROM WALK/RUN COMMITTEE-MATTY DOWNTOWN BRACKETS displayed and discussed, including the lettering. UPDATE – took your suggestions to Bob Echtner today; he will increase the holes by 1/16”, use a 1x6” for the top board so we can use our present decals, eliminate the spacers and use 2 eye screws & zip ties on each bracket. Vetoed cutting the 3-4” off outside ends of boards—will not look good and the dowels will be exposed. Once the silent auction website is determined, we will order 60 stick-on decals and numbers 1-60 from B&J Graphics. THESE brackets will need to be painted, and Bob does not want to do that. Will need to paint volunteers once the brackets are completed. MINI-QUILTS – delivered to Olga Brener, SCMS, Literacy Council, 4-H, SAM25 and Big Brothers, Big Sisters The committee is working on pledge sheets and the silent auction website—will be finalized in MAY DEARCO- donated +$350 worth of painting materials, charging Pathways approximately $100 MATTY & JEN will both write Thrivent action grants for 2 different mini-quilt projects. TOM THOMAS will work on a mini-quiilt holder for the walk/run event REMINDER for walk/run committee-be sure to have people sign the mini-quilts that they create!!! MIKE KROENKE will pay BIG BUCKS for a mini-quilt showcasing a BUCK with a ROOSTER riding it!! (he has lots of ‘doe’)

REPORT ON ROAD CROSSINGS FOR ALL EVENTS - DAVE KOELLER Discussion followed regarding the hospital demolition—might that interfere with the orange route? Dave will continue to access progress and determine if we need to re-do our route We should be able to cover the 5km walk with 3 people & the 10k with 6 He will create a schedule for people to supervise multiple crossings.

REPORT ON MEETING WITH GRANT, COMMUNICATION WITH TOWN CHAIRS – MIKE KROENKE Mike and Matty met with Grant Bystol –GOOD NEWS!! No need for any detours. Mike will double-check with Eddie regarding any road repairs in the city limits All town chairs were sent a hard copy of the route that goes through their township. They were also invited to join us-or contribute—or volunteer. MATTY & JORDAN will set up a meeting with MARK KOHL re: security plan, maps, schedule, etc. MATTY will deliver maps, etc to Ambulance and sheriff departments REPORT ON CAMPAIGN SIGNS-DAVE KOELLER DAVE will be gone the week before the ride, so will set up a schedule for placements of campaign signs. He may need some help in putting out or picking up.

REPORT ON TRAC PHONE – DAVE SCHMIDT For the event, Dave will transfer the BTBQ number to the Tracphone and Dave Koeller will take charge of it. (which he’s really looking forward to doing!!)

REPORT ON QUILT RAFFLE – LENORE BEHNKE Lenore passed around picture of quilt. She will meet with Nancy Smith, asking where they can display the quilt & when. She is waiting on license number so the tickets can be printed. BRIAN OR NANCY?? Can you help here? Shawano Printing will print 500 tickets and put them in packs of 5 $5/ticket, $20/5 tickets The great majority of us agreed to take tickets to sell. LENORE will create a ‘cheat sheet’ for us that will have talking point, size of quilt,, and picture of quilt, etc. LENORE will arrange an interview of Sue Kirar with Carol Wegner She will continue to work with Matty to create a flyer for the Chamber. probably back-to-back color with info on bike ride, quilt raffle, mini-quilt & walk/run Patti will help us with that. We’ll need 650 for Chamber, but would like 1000 (bike letters, postings, etc) LENORE will ask Chamber if they can do that at .10/copy. July 20 deadline for August mailing (but we should do them earlier for bike shop mailings)

REPORT ON PUBLIC RELATIONS – UPDATE – NANCY ordered another2 boxes of business cards today – will use almost one for Bonduel parade Discussion on another BTBQ banner for highway 22 and B on south end of town or by BARN QUILT sign? Dave’s campaign signs at Becky Beckners – W5708 County E 117? (disappeared last year) Maybe rticles in Appleton/Green Bay papers (our greatest number of bikers from these 2 areas) Signs will need to be re-vamped to include wallk/run & new date/year Any new sign should just identify the last Saturday in September rather than specific date

REPORT ON POUNDING POSTS – MATTY $2.50 for posts that would probably work in town or Harlan can weld 2 r-bars together & make a point on end. More research to follow. TOM THOMAS will test out the garden posts.

VOTE ON HOO-RAG- MATTY After a beautiful modeling of the variety of ways to wear a hoo-rag by Greg Sturm, we voted. Options were passed around and vote taken. FINALLY was 9 for YELLOW/GREEN , 5 for ORANGE UPDATE – people at wallk/run committee all voted for Yellow as well. It was agreed we would order 400 rather than the original 300—sell extras at $10-$12?

NOTES FROM LAST YEAR -MATTY Divided into pairs and looked over last year’s notes. Please keep in mind for this year’s planning.

BECKY BETZNER requested that the Pulaski police to be notified: number of riders, time they come through Pulaski, etc. She will take business cards areas in Bonduel, Pulaski, contacting Chambers, etc.

JORDAN gave a report on RELAY FOR LIFE (Chuck Gueths, Greg, Matty & Willcomes were there) as well as an invite to Anello’s on Thrivent Action Team plan writing. See her for more details please.


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