Altar Server Guide

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Altar Server Guide

Altar Server Guide

Preparing for Mass

 If you are scheduled to serve for a Mass, please wear nice shoes. BUT if you are not scheduled and we need a substitute, it is perfectly ok to serve with any shoes.  Please be in the Sacristy 10-15 Minutes before the beginning of Mass.  Check off your name on the sheet located in the sacristy.  Put on the right-sized alb (white robe), and tie the right-colored cincture (rope).  Discuss the responsibilities of each server: o Who will be the “cross/book server” (who will take the cross and be in charge of the missal (book))? o Who will be the “candle servers” (who will carry the candles and be in charge of washing the hands)? o If there are only 1 or 2 servers, please divide up the responsibilities the best you can.  Be helpful if an adult asks that any additional items need to be placed on the credence table, like the rest of the wine chalices (cups) on the chalice tray.  Bring the processional cross from the front to the Church to the back.  Bring the 2 altar candles and the cross back to the sacristy and light them a couple minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.

1 Part 1 – Liturgy of the Word

Procession (all three servers):

 When Mass is about to begin, take your spot in the processional line. The order you will walk in: cross/book server, 2 candle servers, then the book bearer (a deacon or lector), and the priest.  Start the procession when we begin to sing (not when the music starts).  When you get to the altar steps, one candle server should step to the left, the other candle server to the right, and the cross/book server to the far right, to allow the priest [and deacon] to stand in between you.  Wait for the priest to bow, then when he begins to go to the altar, place the cross and the candles in their proper place and stand at your seats.  The cross/book server will be sitting closest to the Missal (book).  Stand up straight, fold hands (tips up), and participate in the mass!

Opening Prayer (cross/book server)

 Near the end of the “Glory to God in the Highest” song, the cross server should get ready to bring the Missal (book) to the priest.  When he says “Let us pray,” go to hold the book in front of the Priest.  After the priest is finished with the prayer and everyone says “Amen,” the cross/book server will place it back on the credence table.  Sit down together when everyone else does and listen to the 2 Readings.

The Gospel (candle servers) (See the diagram on page 6)

 When the priest stands for the gospel after the second reading, the 2 candle servers should go and get the candles from the altar.  The 2 servers with the candles stand together to the left of the altar.  When the priest or deacon takes the Gospel book and begins moving, slowly lead him around the front of the altar to the pulpit (ambo). The 2 servers will stand on either side of the ambo, facing toward each other.  After the Gospel is finished and everyone says “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ,” please return the candles to their place at the altar.  During the Homily (and the readings), it is important to sit still and not play with the cincture (rope) or look too bored, even if you are. If you look bored, the rest of the congregation will see it and begin to be bored too! It’s your job to set a good example.

2 Part 2 – Setting the Altar

Setting the Altar (See the diagram on page 7)

 After the prayer of the faithful and the people sit down, remain standing and take from the credence table: o Communion cups: arrange them on the left side of the altar o Purificators: place them near the communion cups o Main chalice: place just right of the center of the altar o Missal (book): place just left of the center of the altar o Water cruet: place on the right corner of the altar

Getting the Gifts (See the diagram on page 8)

 As soon as these items are in place, the 2 candle servers (without candles though) go down the ramp and out in front of the altar, bow together, and go to the back of the church to lead the gift bearers down the aisle.  When the priest is ready he will come to the front of the aisle, with the deacon and the cross/book server.  The 2 candle servers then proceed down the aisle when he nods at you. When you reach the priest, stand off to either side of him and wait to help take the gifts to the altar.  The priest hands the deacon or servers the bread patens and wine cruet. o Place the bread patens on the right side of the altar, and come back to the priest if there is more that need to be on the altar. o The main bread paten goes in the middle of the altar. o The wine cruet should be placed next to the water cruet, near the right corner of the altar.

Washing the Hands

 After everything is placed on the altar, the 2 candle servers should get ready: one server holds the bowl, and puts the towel over their arm and the other server waits for the cross server to get the water off the altar.  After the priest has poured wine and water into the chalice, he will place them on the side of the altar (you know he is done when he raises up the chalice). The cross server should remove both the water and the wine cruets. The cross server hands the water cruet to the candle server who does not have the towel and bowl, and places the wine cruet back on the credence table.

3  Both candle servers should approach the priest. When the priest extends his hands over the water bowl, pour water over his finger tips.  The priest will then reach for the towel and dry his hands with it, place it back on the servers arm. Both servers should bow together, return to the credence table and place items back.

Part 3 – Liturgy of the Eucharist

Before Communion

 When the congregation starts singing “holy, holy, holy Lord,” go grab the kneeling pads and stand at your designated spot at the side of the altar.  When all stand for the Our Father, place your kneeling pads back where they came from.  After the sign of peace, the priest will then leave the altar and walk to the tabernacle. o Stand off to the side a little bit so he can get past, and (staying in place) turn and face the Eucharist as he brings it to the altar. o BUT check to see if there are any empty bread patens on the credence table. If so, when the priest walks past, go and place those on the altar, then wait for the Eucharist to pass by you. o Servers do not need to use hand sanitizer.  Remain standing with the adult Ministers when everyone else kneels.  After the priest receives communion, join the Eucharistic Ministers as they enter the sanctuary to receive communion. Stand in the middle, between the Ministers.

During Communion

 After the Eucharistic ministers leave the sanctuary to distribute communion: o One candle server should put the water cruet on the altar o The other candle servers should place the chalice tray on the left side of the altar, AND see if there is a “ciborium” (a gold cup with a lid on it that holds the Eucharist) on the credence table, and place that on the altar as well. o The cross/book server and should take the book (and stand) off the altar.  The servers then sit in their seats. Please pray for those you love and the rest of the Church! 4 After Communion

 After communion, the priest and deacon will return to purify (clean) the patens and chalices. Be ready: he may turn around looking for something: o He may need another purificator (white cloth) o He may need the water (if you forgot to put it on the altar) o He may need the gold ciborium (to put the extra Eucharist in)  Usually one of the Eucharistic ministers will take the Eucharist and leave the altar and walk to the tabernacle. When that happens, stand, and turn and watch the Eucharist as He is placed back in the tabernacle. When the tabernacle is closed, genuflect together, then sit down again.  The priest will place any items to be removed from the altar on the corner (usually the main chalice and the water cruet, and sometimes an empty ciborium). Once he sits down, the candle servers remove those items and place them on the credence table.  When the priest stands and says ‘Let us pray,’ the cross/book server brings the missal (book) over to him for the final prayer. Return it to the credence table after everyone responds “Amen.” o Sometimes the priest will say “stay here” when you bring the book for the final prayer. That is because there is a special blessing at the end of Mass and he needs the book for it.  When the priest says “Go forth the Mass is ended,” the cross/book server returns the missal (book) to it’s place.  The closing song will begin. When the priest and deacon go to kiss the altar: o the candle servers should grab the candles o the cross/book server gets the cross.  All three servers line up in the main aisle, turn and face the altar and wait for the priest.  When the priest bows and turns around, the servers turn around and follow the cross bearer to the back of the church.

After Mass

 After the final song is finished, snuff out the candles and place them back at the altar, along with the crucifix.  Hang up your alb neatly and place it back in order.


2 Things you wear:

Alb - the white tunic worn by priests, deacons, and servers. Cincture - the rope or cord tied around the waist.

3 Books we might use during Mass:

Missal - This is the large red book containing the prayers we use during the Mass. The cross/book server will bring it to the priest during Mass. Book of the Gospels - This is the book with the Gospel readings in it, that we process in with and place on the altar. Lectionary - The large book which contains the first and second readings used in the Mass. It is always on the ambo (pulpit).

5 Parts of the Church:

Sacristy - The room where the servers, priests, and deacons get ready. Everything needed for Mass is found here as well. Sanctuary - the raised area at the front of the church. It is where the holiest parts of the Mass take place. Tabernacle - the golden box where the Body of Christ (the Blessed Sacrament) is held so that it might be taken to the sick and so that people can pray to Jesus there. Ambo - also called the “pulpit”, it is where we hear the Scriptures read from. Credence Table - This is longer table in the sanctuary that holds most of the things used in the Mass that is next to the altar servers.

4 Things that go on the Credence Table:

Chalice - A cup used to hold the wine (and later, the Blood of Christ). It is usually made of gold or silver. The main chalice is the one used by the priest. Paten - A small plate or dish used to hold the large and small hosts that are used in the Mass (and later, the Body of Christ). Ciborium - it looks like a big chalice, but it has a top and is used to hold the Body of Christ. Cruets - small pitchers that hold the water and wine to be used at Mass.

3 Cloth Things you see on the Credence Table:

Purificator - a small, folded rectangular cloth used by the Eucharistic Ministers and also to purify or clean the chalice and communion cups. This helps to make sure that none of the Precious Blood is lost. Hand towel - a small towel the priest uses to dry his hands after washing them. Corporal - the large, square cloth that is placed on top of the chalice when it is not on the altar. When it is on the altar, it is unfolded carefully so that any fragments of the Eucharist are not lost. When is folded again, it is folded inwards towards the center (again so that any fragments of the Eucharist are not lost).


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