Notes This m a pping d ispla ys the d ispla ys the se ttle m e nts which ha ve historic flood re cord s, re pre se nte d a s a point on a m a p, a longsid e the Environm e nt Age ncy's Historic Flood Ma p. ¯ Normanton The size of this point re fle cts the fre que ncy of flood ing re cord e d a t tha t se ttle m e nt. The historic flood re cord s ha ve be e n inform e d by Bottesford pre vious SFRAs pre pa re d for the com m issioning a uthoritie s, 2011 Le ice ste r City P FRA, 2011 Le ice ste rshire County Council P FRA, Se ction 19 re ports a nd a d d itiona l historic flood inform a tion provid e d by the com m issioning a uthoritie s a nd the Fire a nd Re scue Se rvice .

Anglia n Wa te r’s DG5 re giste r a nd Se ve rn Tre nt Wa te r’s Historic Flood Risk Re giste r (HFRR) d a ta ha ve not be e n use d to inform the m a pping in Appe nd ix B d ue to the se nsitivity a nd the lice ncing te rm s of the d a ta se ts. The risk re giste rs ha ve be e n re fe rre d to in Se ction 6.7.1 of the m a in re port. Key Plan

Hemington Village Long Clawson

Diseworth Zouch Belton Thorpe Arnold Osgathorpe Shepshed Melton Mowbray

Ashby de la Zouch Moria Mountsorrel Legend Swithland SFRA stud y a re a bound a ry Syston Authority bound a ry Somerby Environm e nt Age ncy Historic Flood Anstey

Keyham Historic Flood Records Total number of flood events Leicester Thurnby Launde recorded at settlement Billesdon Sheepy Magna 1 Sibson Oadby Tugby Shenton 1 - 2 Great Glen 2 - 4 Witherley Narborough Barwell Littlethorpe Burton Overy Countesthorpe Wistow Glooston 4 - 9 North of Kilby Fleckney 9 - 15 Smeeton Medbourne Drayton Sharnford 15 - 29 Shearsby Frolesworth Foxton Great Bowden 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 km Lubenham Market Harborough STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK Lutterworth ASSESSMENT LEVEL 1 North Kilworth AP P ENDIX B FLOOD HISTORY Shawell

Re prod uce d from Ord na nce Surve y m a pping with the pe rm ission of Ord na nce Surve y on be ha lf of the Controlle r of He r Ma je sty's Sta tiona ry Office . © Crown copyright a nd d a ta ba se right 2017 © Ord na nce Surve y 100019271. Use of this d a ta is subje ct to te rm s a nd cond itions.

This d ocum e nt is the prope rty of Je re m y Be nn Associa te s Ltd . It sha ll not be re prod uce d in whole or in pa rt, nor d isclose d to a third pa rty, without the pe rm ission of Je re m y Be nn Associa te s Ltd .