The Worshipful Master Welcomed 23 Members of the Lodge of Candour, Together with 7

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The Worshipful Master Welcomed 23 Members of the Lodge of Candour, Together with 7

14 th September 2017 Meeting minutes

A regular meeting of the Lodge of Candour No. 337 was held at the Freemasons Hall, 138 High Street Uppermill on Thursday14th September AD 2017 AL 6017

The Worshipful Master welcomed 23 members of the Lodge of Candour, together with 7 Visiting Brethren, whose names, ranks and Lodges are recorded on the attached list

The Lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer at 6.30 pm, with the following Brethren in office:

Master W.Bro WBR Taylor PPAGDC As SW W Bro JE Barton PPJGW JW Bro CD Kendall Chaplain W Bro JA Duxbury Treasurer W Bro MF Wilson PPSGW Secretary W. Bro. N Pemberton D.C. W. Bro. M.S. Greenwood PP Grd Reg Charity Steward W. Bro. B.J. Heywood PPJGW SD W Bro W Lee PPJGD JD Bro A Isaacs Almoner Not Present Lodge Mentor W Bro B Quarmby PPGSD Ast Secretary W Bro JE Barton PPJGW Organist (Guest) W Bro A Collett PPJGW Inner Guard Bro P Burke Tyler . W Bro N K Marner IPM W Bro S Spooner

The following Past Masters were also present W Br MB Cuttle PJGD: W Bro W Greenwood PPJGW: W Bro JB Wilson PPJGW: W Bro E Clayton PPG Spt Wks: W Bro F Andrew PPSGD: W Bro A Knott PPDGDC: W Bro S Lord:

The Minutes of the meeting held on 10th August as circulated were proposed by the Senior Warden seconded by the Junior Warden and passed by the Brethren.

The minutes of the Lodge meeting held 200 years ago September 1817 were read by the treasurer

The next item was to Ballot For Mr Paul Hilton dob 21st March 1953 of 44 Bakestone Avenue Delph Oldham a Diamond Drilling and Demolition Specialist at Coremasters Boarshurst Business Park Boarshurst Lane Greenfield Oldham OL3 7BR proposed in open Lodge on 13th July by W Bro WBR Taylor PPAGDC Worshipful Master, and seconded by W Bro Bryan Smith PPSGD, the ballot proved in favour of Mr Hilton and W Bro Taylor thanked the Brethren for the confidence shown in his candidate.

Item 5 was an illustrated talk on the “Other Degrees in Freemasonry” given with great authority by W Bro MF Wilson this was very well received by the Brethren present and W Bro Wilson was thanked warmly by the Worshipful Master for his endeavour. There was no Almoners report available as he was unwell, but he had reported to the Secretary that he had managed to see Bro DA Cooke.

On The First Rising the Secretary reported no communications from United Grand Lodge Greetings on behalf of United Grand Lodge were given by W Bro MB Cuttle

On the Second Rising

The Secretary reported receipt of a letter from the RW Provincial Grand Master regarding the Appointment of a new Provincial Grand Secretary this was read out to the Lodge

A Letter regarding the Provincial Quiz also read out in the Lodge.

He reported on a note from Harry Priestley House which is funded by RMBI of vacancies should anyone have need of a place. Receipt of a letter and flyer regarding the Northern Variety Show on 14th April 2018 at Bradford Grammar School. Reminder of the Tercentenary Certificates for New Members initiated this year.

W Bro MF Wilson PPSGD Tendered Greetings on behalf of all members of Provincial Grand

On The Third Rising The secretary reported receipt of a letter from Mr Lee Donnelly requesting Initiation to and membership of the Lodge Letter from W Bro MP Roche PSGD, PA, Prov, GM, Provincial Grand Secretary for the Province of East Lancashire, in support of Mr Donnelly’s application.

Rule 158 enquiry from Unity Lodge 3930 in respect of Mr Allesandro Vergine of Holmfirth a Baker and Mr Sean Ilson of Mirfield, a Coded Welder Rule 158 Enquiry for Concord Lodge 4126 in respect of Mr A Batley of Linthwaite a Textile manufacturer. The Worshipful Master proposed that Mr David C Thornton be placed on good report for one month

Apologies were received from W Bro G Kenworthy, W Bro HG Matthews, W Bro T Knebel W Bro M Gannon, W Bro M Warburton, Bro DM Kean, Bro R Bentley,

Greetings on behalf of all Visiting Brethren were given by W Bro Martin Latham of Peace Lodge 149

The Brethren of the Lodge of Candour tendered their greetings to the W.M. and the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at7:45 pm

Signed Master

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